Clinical Pharmacology of Dobutamine and Dopamine in Preterm Neonates

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Clinical pharmacology of dobutamine and

dopamine in preterm neonates
Gian Maria Pacifici
University of Pisa, Medical School, Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery,
Section of Pharmacology, Pisa, Italy

Dobutamine is a b1 selective stimulant. b Receptor agonists are used to stimulate the rate and the force of cardiac
contraction. The chronotropic effect is useful for the treatment of arrhythmias whereas the inotropic effect is
useful to augment the myocardial contractility. Dobutamine is about four times as potent as dopamine in
stimulating myocardial contractility in low concentrations and increases left ventricular output in the
hypotensive preterm infants. Dobutamine possesses a center of asymmetry. The (2 )-isomer of dobutamine is a
potent agonist of a1 receptors and is capable of causing marked pressor responses. In contrast, (þ)-dobutamine is
a potent a1 receptor antagonist which can block the effects of (2)-dobutamine. Dobutamine is relatively
cardioselective at dosages used in clinical practice with its main action being on b1-adrenergic receptors.
Dobutamine and dopamine undergo intense metabolism in neonates where they are conjugated with sulphate
and O-methylated. The clearance and the half-life of dobutamine and dopamine range over one order of
magnitude in neonates. Dopamine is widely used to increase blood pressure, cardiac output, urine output and
peripheral perfusion in neonates with shock and cardiac failure. Dopamine is more effective than dobutamine in
the short-term treatment of systemic hypotension in preterm infants. High doses of dopamine cause
vasoconstriction, increase systemic vascular resistance, and, eventually, decrease renal blood flow. Treatment
with dobutamine is associated with a significantly greater increase in left ventricular output in the single study
reporting that outcome. Dobutamine is indicated for the short-term treatment of cardiac decompensation.

KEYWORDS: dobutamine; dopamine; hypotension; metabolism; neonate; pharmacokinetics.

Pacifici GM. Clinical pharmacology of dobutamine and dopamine in preterm neonates. MEDICALEXPRESS. 2014;1(5):275-283.
Received for publication on July 10 2014; First review completed on August 1 2014; Accepted for publication on August 18 2014

B INTRODUCTION dopamine on blood pressure because it has little effect on

systematic vascular resistance.3 Tachycardia may occur, and
b Receptor agonists may be used to stimulate the rate and increased pulmonary blood pressure leading to pulmonary
the force of cardiac contraction. The chronotropic effect is edema has been observed when the dose exceeds 15 mg/kg
useful in the emergency treatment of arrhythmias such as
per min.3
torsades de pointes, bradycardia, or heart block. The
This drug onset of action is 1 to 2 min after intravenous
inotropic effect is useful when it is desirable to augment
administration, with peak effect in 10 min. Dobutamine must
myocardial contractility.1 Dobutamine is a b1 selective
be administered by continuous intravenous infusion because
stimulant2 which resembles dopamine structurally, but
of its rapid metabolism.4
possesses a bulky aromatic substituent on the amino
Dobutamine possesses a center of asymmetry, and both
group.1 The pharmacological effects of dobutamine are due
to direct interaction with b receptors. Its actions do not enantiomeric forms are present in the mixture used clinically.
appear to result from release of norepinephrine from The (2 )-isomer of dobutamine is a potent agonist at a1
sympathetic nerve endings, nor are they exerted by receptors, and is capable of causing marked pressor
dopamine receptors.2 Dobutamine is a b1 agonist like responses. In contrast, (þ)-dobutamine is a potent a1
dopamine, but in high doses its b2 effects can decrease rather receptor antagonist, which can block the effects of (2 )-
than increase peripheral resistance.3 dobutamine. The effects of these two isomers are mediated
Dobutamine is about four times as potent as dopamine in by b receptors.
stimulating myocardial contractility in low concentration, Dobutamine is indicated for the short-term treatment of
and of proven value in increasing left ventricular output in cardiac decompensation that may occur after cardiac surgery
the hypotensive preterm infants. It has less effect than or in patients with congestive heart failure or acute
myocardial infarction. Dobutamine increases cardiac output
and stroke volume in such patients, usually without a
DOI: 10.5935/MedicalExpress.2014.05.12 marked increase in heart rate.2

Copyright q 2014 MEDICALEXPRESS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution 275
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Dobutamine and dopamine in neonates MEDICALEXPRESS 2014;1(5):275-283

This drug seems to be better than dopamine at improving response when using a dose of more than 10 mg/kg per min.
systemic blood flow. There is a growing consensus that Urine output and peripheral perfusion must be frequently
cardiac output and systematic tissue perfusion usually assessed.
matter more than blood pressure.3 Blood pressure rises The heart rate and arterial blood pressure must be
significantly during the first week of life and then more continuously monitored. The intravenous site must be
slowly after that. The most likely value for a 6-day-old infant checked for signs of extravasation.4 Dobutamine may cause
of 25 weeks’ gestation is 50 mm Hg, and most will have a hypotension if the patient is hypovolemic. Tachycardia
systolic pressure between 33 and 67 mm Hg.3 occurs at high dosage. Arrhythmias, hypertension, and
High doses of dopamine cause vasoconstriction, increase cutaneous vasodilation increase myocardial oxygen con-
systemic vascular resistance, and, eventually, decrease renal sumption. Tissue ischemia occurs with infiltration.4
blood flow. While a moderate dose increases myocardial
contractility and cardiac output in adult and older children, a Sulphation and methylation of dobutamine and
dose of more than 10 mg/kg per min can cause an increase in dopamine in neonates and adult subjects
systemic resistance, a fall in gut blood flow, and a reduction Berg and Padbury5 measured the simultaneous plasma
in cardiac output in the neonate, especially in the first days free and sulfoconjugated dobutamine and dopamine in urine
of life.3 and plasma of 47 stable critically ill neonates and children,
Dobutamine and dopamine are off-patent drugs prior- aged between 1 day to 17 years (mean ^ SD ¼ 37 ^ 7
itized by the National Institute of Child Health and Human months). Nine infants received dopamine only, 27 infants
Development of USA Food and Drug Administration for received dobutamine only, and 11 infants received both
further study under the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children simultaneously. The fractions of plasma dobutamine and
Act.6 Both agents are used to manage cardiac insufficiency in dopamine sulfoconjugated were 0.73 ^ 0.05 and 0.76 ^ 0.05,
preterm neonates, and are subject to controversy among respectively.5 Free dobutamine plasma clearance was not
neonatologists.6 For the very-low-birthweight neonates, the different among patients receiving dobutamine and dopa-
probability of treatment with dopamine or dobutamine mine versus patients receiving dobutamine only (83 ^ 13
varied almost 10-fold from 4.4% to 38.4% at 11 hospitals.
versus 114 ^ 13 ml/kg per min.6).
Treatment with dopamine alone was more common than Very little is known about the metabolism of dopamine in
treatment with dobutamine alone. There was no difference in
neonates. In adults, dopamine is metabolized rapidly by
mortality between neonates treated with dopamine com-
both monoamine oxidase and catechol-O-methyl transferase
pared to those treated with dobutamine, but access to charts
present in circulating blood to 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl acetic
and clinical details are required to conduct a comparative
acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), and 3-methoxytyr-
effectiveness study.
amine (for review see7). The few data published on the
metabolism of dopamine in neonates deal with the sulfation
B BIBLIOGRAPHIC SEARCH of this drug. Hepatic SULT1A3, the enzyme that sulphates
The bibliographic search was performed using PubMed dopamine, is expressed at high levels early in development,
and EMBASE databases as search engines. The cutoff point but decreases in late fetal/early neonatal life, and is
was January 2014. The following key words were used: essentially absent from the adult liver.8 In the lung,
“dobutamine neonate”, “dobutamine metabolism neonate”, significant SULT1A3 activity is observed in the fetus, but
“dobutamine pharmacokinetics neonate”, “dobutamine neonatal levels are considerably lower. In the brain, the
therapy neonate”, “dopamine neonate”, “dopamine metab- highest activity is observed in the choroid plexus for
olism neonate”, “dopamine pharmacokinetics neonate” and SULT1A1, with low and widespread activity for both
“dobutamine dopamine neonate”. The bibliography of each SULT1A1 and SUT1A3 in other brain regions.7
article was read carefully, and the selected articles were Plasma free and sulfoconjugated dopamine concentrations
examined. In addition, the books “Neofax: a Manual of were not different in neonates and healthy adult volunteers.
Drugs Used in the Neonatal Care” by Young and Mangum4, The percentage free to total dopamine recovered in urine
and the “Neonatal Formulary”3, were consulted. The was 1.5 ^ 1.1%. These data suggest that the majority of
findings of the bibliographic search gave rise to 40 original plasma dopamine is sulphated.9
articles, 8 review articles and 4 book chapters. The Dobutamine is methylated by catechol-O-methyltransfer-
publication years of this matter ranged from 1982 to 2012. ase. Raxworthy et al.6 investigated dobutamine and
isoprenaline as substrates for purified pig-liver catechol-O-
methyltransferase. The apparent first-order rate constant
B RESULTS (Vmax/Km) was derived. Dobutamine was a 5-fold better
Dose and monitoring of dobutamine in infants substrate for catechol-O-methyltransferase than
Young and Mangum4 suggest starting with an intravenous isoprenaline.
continuous infusion of 2 mg/kg per min of dobutamine, Yan et al.10 stated that the main catabolic fate of
increasing to 25 mg/kg while titrating the response. The dobutamine in humans is the formation of 3-O-methyldo-
Neonatal Formulary3 states that the right dose of dobuta- butamine. They described the isolation and identification of
mine needs to be individually assessed because the clearance 3-O-methyldobutamine in the urine of children receiving
of dobutamine is very variable in children. The Neonatal infusion of racemic dobutamine. Forty-seven percent of
Formulary3 suggests starting with a continuous intravenous infused dobutamine was identified as 3-O-methyldobuta-
infusion of dobutamine 10 mg/kg per min. This dose is mine and its acid-hydrolyzed derivatives, the latter mostly
adjusted as necessary after 20 min because of the drug’s conjugated with sulphate (33%). Thus the formation of
variable half-life. A few infants may need twice as much 3-O-methyldobutamine constitutes a major pathway of
drug. Ultrasound must be used to check the hemodynamic dobutamine in neonates.

MEDICALEXPRESS 2014;1(5):275-283 Dobutamine and dopamine in neonates

In another investigation, Yan et al.11 studied the in-vitro inotropic effects and increased blood pressure as well as b-
kinetics of dobutamine and dopamine as substrates and receptor mediated chronotropic effects and decreased
inhibitors of each other, i.e., the apparent Vmax and Km, and peripheral vascular resistance.23 This is in contrast to
Ki, in crude preparation of human adult blood mononuclear dopamine, which is believed to act through an indirect
cell catechol-O-methyltransferase. The Vmax for dopamine action with increased norepinephrine release from cardiac
and dobutamine as substrates for catechol-O-methyltrans- sympathetic nerves, as well as a direct action on b-adrenergic
ferase were 0.45 and 0.59 nmol of catechol-O-methyltrans- and dopamine receptors of the renal and splanchnic
ferase product formed per mg of protein per min, whereas vasculature.24 – 26
the values for Km were 0.44 and 0.05 mM, respectively. During dobutamine infusion, there were significant
Dopamine and dobutamine were competitive inhibitors of increases in cardiac output measurements above infusion
each other in this reaction. The Ki for dopamine as an values. There was no statistically significant change in
inhibitor of dobutamine methylation was 1.5 mM, whereas systolic or diastolic blood pressure, or of heart rate during
that for dobutamine as an inhibitor of dopamine methylation infusion. The minimum plasma concentration necessary for
was 0.015 mM. The Ki for dopamine as an inhibitor of a change in cardiac output was 39 ^ 7 ng/ml. The plasma
dobutamine is thus 100-fold lower than the Ki of dobutamine clearance rate was 90 ^ 38 ml/kg per min. Plasma catechol-
as an inhibitor of dopamine methylation. amines levels were unchanged during dobutamine infusion.
The data by Martinez et al.19 suggest that dobutamine is an
Pharmacokinetics of dobutamine and dopamine in effective but limited inotropic agent in neonates. Dobuta-
neonates mine may be most beneficial when cardiogenic failure is
Free plasma dobutamine and dopamine clearances are presented.
102 ^ 15 and 250 ^ 38 ml/kg/min, respectively (p , 0.01).5 Banner et al.27 evaluated a linear kinetic model for
Linear regression analyses demonstrated relationships of the dobutamine clearance in 12 patients aged between 2 days to
fraction of plasma dobutamine and dopamine sulfoconju- 9 years. The infusion rates for dobutamine ranged from 2 to
gated to the respective free plasma clearances (r2 ¼ 0.30; 15 mg/kg per min. The serum concentrations of dobutamine
p , 0.001, and r2 ¼ 0.29, p , 0.05, respectively).5 varied from 6.4 to 347 ng/ml. A trend of increasing
Infants with serum creatinine concentrations . 2 mg/dl concentration with dose was observed (p , 0.001). Contrary
had lower free plasma dobutamine and dopamine clearance to the behaviour of a first-order model, the slope of this
rates than those infants with serum creatinine levels ,2 mg/ relationship is significantly negative (p , 0.001). The
dl (6 ^ 1 versus 107 ^ 15, p , 0.05 ml/kg/min for dobuta- concentration of dobutamine increased with the dose of
mine and 40 ^ 38 versus 270 ^ 39 ml/kg/min for dopa- this drug. The values for clearance varied from 32 to 625 ml/
mine, respectively, p , 0.05). Renal excretion is an important kg per min. However, the relationship of clearance to steady-
determinant of the wide interindividual variability in state concentration had a negative slope. Multiple analyses
plasma free dobutamine and dopamine clearance rates.7 of variance on age, weight, and co-infused dopamine
There is significant inter- and intra-individual variability showed that these factors did not influence the relationship
in the dose of dopamine required to elicit cardiovascular of clearance to steady-state. Analysis to show an underlying
responses of similar magnitude in preterm infants. Possible model failed to differentiate Michaelis-Menten from non-
explanations for this phenomenon include the differences in linear binding or mixed models on the basis of these data.
the metabolism of dopamine,11 – 13 the production of local These findings show that the pharmacokinetics of dobuta-
vaso-regulatory hormones, the state of expression14 and mine do not appear to follow a simple linear model. Based on
down-regulation15 of cardiovascular adrenergic receptors, these data, neither age nor the added infusion of dopamine
and the differences in adrenal function.16,17 affects the clearance of dobutamine. Banner et al.27 state that
In adults, Leier et al.18 found a linear relationship between an appropriate model describing drug pharmacokinetics of
dobutamine dose and the resulting plasma concentration, dobutamine must be validated.
and between the plasma concentration and the resulting Schranz et al.28 studied the pharmacokinetics of dobuta-
hemodynamic response. The mean calculated threshold mine in 27 children and infants aged between 0.13 and 16.6
values (the minimum concentration necessary for a change years. Seventeen patients received dobutamine for treatment
in cardiac output) were 39 ng/ml19 and 33 ng/ml.20 A higher of shock secondary to sepsis, while 10 patients received
threshold value of 50 ng/ml was found for heart rate in dobutamine for treatment of post-cardiac surgery. The
normal children and adolescents.20 duration of dobutamine infusion before sampling was
Martinez et al.19 studied the pharmacokinetics and 1.87 ^ 0.29 days (range: 0.2 to 5.5; median: 1 day). There
pharmacodynamics of dobutamine in 13 critically ill was considerable variation in the concentration-time profile
neonates requiring inotropic support. Dobutamine was among patients. The kinetic parameters are summarised in
administered as a constant intravenous infusion in increas- Tables 1 and 2.
ing doses of 2.5, 5, and 7.5 mg/kg per min. The plasma Table 1 summarizes the pharmacokinetic parameters of
dobutamine levels showed a progressive stepwise increase, dobutamine in 27 patients. Some patients demonstrated a
with mean levels of 21 ^ 3 ng/ml at the 2.5 mg/kg per min remarkably high clearance rate while others cleared
dose, 49 ^ 4 ng/ml at the 5 mg/kg per min dose, and dobutamine relatively slowly. A complete time-concen-
68 ^ 4 ng/ml at the 7.5 mg/kg per min dose. Of interest, the tration profile was obtained in 10 patients. Of these 10
actual infusion rate represented 74 ^ 3% (range: 39% to patients, 5 appeared to exhibit a simple (monoexponential)
108%) of the desired infusion rate when dobutamine log-linear decline in plasma concentrations, while the other
concentration was measured in the infusate. five patients exhibited a biphasic decline suggestive of a two-
Dobutamine is a racemic mixture of enantiomers with a compartment model. Neither age, weight, sex, disease state,
complex mechanism of action.21,22 The racemic mixture used duration of infusion, nor blood measures of renal or hepatic
in clinical practice leads to myocardial a1-receptor-mediated dysfunction were found to be covariates of the above

Dobutamine and dopamine in neonates MEDICALEXPRESS 2014;1(5):275-283

Table 1 - Pharmacokinetic parameters for infused as 4-5 min in preterm infants.7 Due to immaturity of the
dobutamine in a heterogeneous population of critically ill autonomic nervous system, the drug may produce some
children. Data are the mean ^ SEM. adverse respiratory responses at high doses in neonates, the
most common being tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmias.
Number of patients ¼ 27
Dobutamine is relatively cardioselective at dosages used
Duration (days) ¼ 1.87 ^ 0.29 days (range 0.20 to 5.50 days)
Dose (mg/kg per min) ¼ 7.47 ^ 1.23 (range: 1.0 to 25.0 mg/kg per min)
in clinical practice, with its main action being on b1-
Distribution phase a (min21) ¼ 0.49 ^ 0.07 (range: 0.20 to 1.09 min21) adrenergic receptors. Unlike dopamine, it does not have any
Elimination phase b (min21) ¼ 0.060 ^ 0.025 (range 0.010 to effect on specific dopaminergic receptors. Dobutamine is
0.152 min21) used to increase cardiac output in infants with circulatory
t1/2 a (min) ¼ 1.65 ^ 0.20 (range: 0.64 to 3.01 min) failure. Its elimination half-life is about 2 min in adults and
t1/2 b (min) ¼ 25.8 ^ 11.5 (range: 4.6 to 68.6)
older infants. In neonates, the half-life of dobutamine is
Cpo (ng/ml) ¼ 165 ^ 42.1 (range: 3.79 to 696 min)
Cl (ml/kg per min) ¼ 151.1 ^ 47.5 (range: 12.5 to 1319 ml/kg per min) 5.8 ^ 1.3 min (see Table 3).
Vd (l/kg) ¼ 1.3 ^ 0.70 (0.09 to 5.64 l/kg) Plasma dopamine clearance was determined in 27 acutely
AUC (ng.min/ml) ¼ 386 ^ 125 (46.8 to 1277 ng.min/ml) ill infants and children who were receiving a continuous
intravenous infusion of dopamine.30 Dopamine clearance
was 60.7 ^ 28.1 ml/kg per min. There was a negative
correlation between the patient age and dopamine clearance
Table 2 - Pharmacokinetic parameters for patients from
(r ¼ -0.63; p , 0.05), and dopamine clearance was nearly
which a full concentration-time profile (post-infusion)
was obtained. Figures are the mean ^ SEM. twice as rapid in children younger than 2 years than it was in
older children (87.3 ^ 27.7 ml/kg per min versus
Number of patients ¼ 10 45.9 ^ 17.0 mg/kg per min; p , 0.05). Conjugated bilirubin
Dose (mg/kg per min) ¼ 4.1 ^ 0.57 (range: 1.0 to 5.0 mg/kg per min) exerted an age-independent effect on clearance of dopamine:
Cpo ¼ 77.12 ^ 20.00 (range: 27.9 to 245 ng/ml) clearance was 44.8 ^ 28.6 ml/kg per min in children with
Cl (ml/kg per min) ¼ 65.66 ^ 14.08 (range: 20.4 to 180 ml/kg per min)
abnormal conjugated bilirubin (greater than or equal to
t1/2 a (min) ¼ 1.69 ^ 0.21 (range: 0.64 to 3.00 min)
t1/2 b (min) ¼ 25.83 ^ 11.5 (range: 9.18 68.6 min)*
0.9 mg/dl) and 70 ^ 2.56 ml/kg/min in children with
Vd (l/kg) ¼ 0.96 ^ 0.54 (0.09 to 5.64 l/kg) normal conjugated bilirubin (less than 0.9 mg/dl). Clearance
Duration of the infusion (days) ¼ 2.20 ^ 0.47 (range 1.0 to 5.0 days) was lowest (29.8 ^ 5.7 ml/kg per min) in the four children
who had both hepatic and renal dysfunction. Age is an
*Data for only 5 patients were available. important determinant of dopamine clearance, explaining,
Cpo ¼ Concentration at steady state. in part, the clinical observation that infants and young
children require higher infusion rate.
In adults, dopamine follows a biphasic pattern, with an
parameters. It was found, however, that the concomitant initial distribution phase (a-phase) of 1 min and a terminal
administration of dopamine altered dobutamine pharmaco- elimination phase (b-phase) of approximately 9 min. The
kinetics, indicating the possible presence of a competitive total body clearance is about 70 ml/kg per min when
component in dobutamine’s disposition. The kinetic par- administered at a rate of 2 mg/kg/min, 75 ml/kg per min
ameters of these 10 patients are summarized in Table 2. when administered at a rate of 8 mg/kg per min.37
There was no correlation between clearance and dose of In neonates, a log-linear relationship was shown to exist
dobutamine. The steady-state levels are a linear function of between plasma dopamine concentration and response. The
infusion rate for a given patient. Schranz et al.28 normalized thresholds of the concentrations were 14 ^ 3.5 ng/ml for
the steady-state plasma concentrations to a 5 mg/kg per min increase in mean blood pressure, 18 ^ 4.5 ng/ml for increase
dose to see whether there was a decrease in variability. in systolic blood pressure, and 35.0 ^ 5.0 ng/ml for increase
Despite this, there was still a considerable variation of in heart rate. The baseline dopamine plasma concentration
steady-state concentrations among patients (3.8 to 400 ng/ was 32.0 ^ 16.0 ng/ml, and rose to 70.0 ng/ml with rates of 4
ml). Thus, the clearance rates for the patients ranged over and 8 mg/kg per min.
more than on order of magnitude (Table 1).28 The volume of Dopamine is frequently used in critically ill newborn
distribution (Vd) showed a similarly large variability, as did infants for treatment of shock and cardiac failure.29 Steady-
the AUC (Table 1). AUC, normalized to a dose of 5 mg/kg per state arterial plasma concentrations of dopamine were
min, also showed a large variability. Additionally, clearance
was not correlated with blood urea nitrogen levels or plasma Table 3 - Pharmacokinetic parameters for patients on
creatinine. dobutamine alone versus patients receiving concomitant
Dopamine pharmacokinetics were investigated in 14 dopamine. Figures are the mean ^ SEM.
critical newborn infants ranging from 27 to 43 weeks of
gestational age.38 Dopamine was infused at the rate of 8 mg/ Parameters Dobutamine alone Dobutamine þ Dopamine
kg per min. Steady-state plasma dopamine concentrations Age (years) 5.8 ^ 1.3 4.9 ^ 1.2
and plasma clearance rates were observed 20 min after Weight (kg) 17.7 ^ 3.7 19.1 ^ 3.8
infusion. Plasma dopamine concentration ranged from Dose (mg/kg/min) 5.0 ^ 0.7 8.5 ^ 1.8
0.5 ng/ml before infusion to almost 70 ng/ml at an infusion Duration (days) 1.8 ^ 0.4 1.9 ^ 0.4
rate of 4 to 8 mg/kg per min. There was a linear correlation Cpo ng/ml 94 ^ 28 199 ^ 60*
Clearance (ml/kg per 135 ^ 41 160 ^ 71
between infusion rate and plasma dopamine concentration
(r ¼ 0.68; p , 0.001). t1/2a (min) 1.78 ^ 0.26 1.31 ^ 0.11*
The clearance of dopamine varies widely in the pediatric t1/2b (min) 30.0 ^ 19.6 19.5 ^ 10.3*
population, depending on age. Its elimination half-life is
approximately 2 min in fullterm infants, and may be as long *p , 0.05

MEDICALEXPRESS 2014;1(5):275-283 Dobutamine and dopamine in neonates

measured in 11 seriously ill infants receiving dopamine followed by incremental increase in dose, may be associated
infusion at the rate of 5 to 20 mg/kg per min, for presumed or with improved left ventricular performance with avoidance
proven sepsis and hypotensive shock. Steady-state concen- of undesirable tachycardia and arrhythmias.
trations of dopamine ranged from 0.013 to 0.3 mg/ml. Total
body clearance averaged 115 ml/kg/min. The apparent Effects of dobutamine and dopamine in the
volume of distribution and the elimination half-life averaged hypotension of neonates
1.8 l/kg and 6.9 min, respectively.30 No relationship was Shock develops when oxygen delivery becomes
observed between dopamine pharmacokinetic parameters inadequate to satisfy tissue oxygen demand. Rozé et al.29
and gestational and postnatal ages or birthweight. Sub- performed a randomized double blind study in 20
stantial interindividual variation was seen in dopamine hypotensive preterm infants to evaluate the hemodynamic
pharmacokinetics. Plasma concentrations could not be response to dobutamine and dopamine. Initially, both drugs
predicted accurately from its infusion rate. Marked variation were administered at 5 mg/kg per min, and their dose was
in clearance explains, in part, the wide dose requirements of increased up to 20 mg/kg per min if mean arterial pressure
dopamine needed to elicit clinically response in critically ill
remained blow 31 mm Hg. The pharmacological and
newborn infants.
therapeutic profile of dobutamine and dopamine in neonates
Padbury et al.12 compared the clinical responses with
are summarised in Table 4.
plasma dopamine concentration and compared dopamine
Dobutamine does not stimulate the cardiovascular
pharmacokinetics in 14 infants of different gestational ages
dopaminergic receptors (Table 5). In the most effective
(range: 27 to 42 weeks) or different clinical conditions.
dose range of 2 to 15 mg/kg per min, dobutamine increases
Dopamine infusion was increased stepwise from 1 to 2, or 2
to 4, or 4 to 8 mg/kg per min. Plasma dopamine cardiac output, mainly through the augmentation of stroke
concentration was compared with blood pressure, heart volume.7,23 In children with septic and cardiogenic shock, at
rate, and Doppler cardiac output. Plasma clearance rate was doses between 0.5 and 20 mg/kg per min, dobutamine
calculated from steady-state plasma concentrations and was caused increases in cardiac index and left ventricular strike
60 ^ 12 ml/kg per min at two lower dosages, and decreased work index.21,30
to 48 ^ 6 ml/kg per min at the highest dosage. The average The normal physiologic range for blood pressure is best
threshold for increases in mean arterial pressure was 50% defined by the presence of intact organ blood flow
below that for increases in cardiac heart rate. Improvements autoregulation. However, the lower and upper limits of
in arterial pressure were noted before, and at lower this developmentally regulated physiological blood pressure
thresholds, than increases in heart rate. Serial echography range have not been determined in the preterm or term
data showed dose-dependent increases in cardiac output infant.32,33,34 Instead, the “normal” blood pressure limits
and stroke volume without significant changes in heart rate have been defined as the gestational- and postnatal-age-
or systemic vascular resistance. Thresholds and plasma dependent blood pressure values between the 10th and 90th
clearance values were similar in infants of 27 to 42 weeks, percentiles. Thus, the decision to treat hypotensive non-
and birth weights 900 to 4300 g. Administration of dopamine acidosic preterm infants is based on arbitrary blood pressure
at initial dosages lower than commonly recommended, limits without proven physiologic relevance.

Table 4 - Pharmacologic and therapeutic profile of dobutamine and dopamine in neonates.

Drug Main effect Therapeutic use Drawbacks, Risks Future

Dobutamine b1-receptors: increased Neonatal circulatory failure Tachycardia with increased Evaluation of effects on systemic
myocardial contractibility. with significant cardiac myocardial oxygen demand and and local circulation with focus on
b2-receptors: peripheral dysfunction decreased stroke volume cerebral flow.
Dopamine 2-5 mg/kg/min – D1 receptors, First line vasopressor agent Pharmacokinetics: high Evaluation of clinical outcome.
mesenteric vasodilation, renal in neonatal hypotension interindividual variability
5-10 mg/kg/min, a1 receptors. Questionable use for Suppression of prolactin, growth Catecholamines stay the
Vasoconstriction promotion of renal hormone and thyroid secretion. mainstream of therapy.
10-20 mg/kg/min, b2 receptors, perfusion and filtration
positive inotropic effect

Table 5 - Adrenergic and dopaminergic receptor-dependent cardiovascular actions of dobutamine and dopamine.

Cardiac receptors Peripheral vascular receptors

Agent a 1* b1 and b2* Dopamine a1/a2 b2 Dopamine
Dobutamine Increase Increase rate, conduction, No effect Modest peripheral Peripheral Vasodilation in renal,
contractility contractility vaso-constriction vasodilation mesenteric, and coronary
Dopamine** Increase Increase rate, conduction, Increase Peripheral vaso- Modest peripheral No effect
contractility contractility contractility constriction vasodilation

*The relative contribution of the a1 and b1 adrenergic receptors and the myocardial dopamine receptors to the increase in myocardial contractility in the
neonate is unknown.
**Dopamine stimulates the a- and b-adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors in a dose-dependent manner.

Dobutamine and dopamine in neonates MEDICALEXPRESS 2014;1(5):275-283

3-O-methyldopamine, the major dobutamine metabolite, as an ischemic factor in the pathogenesis of necrotizing
is a relatively potent and highly selective a1-adrenoreceptor enterocolitis.34 For dobutamine, a marked b1-adrenergic
antagonist.23 effect on the heart with inotropic effect is documented even
Dopamine exerts direct beneficial renal30,31 and endo- in moderate doses.37 In contrast to dopamine, only a minor
crine28 actions in preterm infants. Via its epithelial effects in a1-receptor stimulation leading to peripheral vasoconstric-
the renal tubules, dopamine increases sodium, phosphorus, tion is observed.
and free water excretion.28,31 The effect of dopamine is strongly dose dependent.
The beneficial and complex mechanisms of actions of Moderate doses lead to b1-adrenergic effects, but in higher
dopamine and the pathophysiology of neonatal hypotension doses, a2-adrenergic effects lead to increased systemic
explain why dopamine has become the drug of choice in the vascular resistance and cardiac output decreases in preterm
treatment of hypotensive preterm infants.28 Dopamine infants.37 In addition to adrenergic receptors, a specific
should be started early at low to medium doses, and the dopaminergic receptor exists on splanchnic and renal
dose escalated in a step-wise manner to achieve sustained vessels, which leads to vasodilation.
normalization of the blood pressure.28,31 The hemodynamic effects of dobutamine or dopamine
Dobutamine is a frequently used positive inotropic in (10 mg/kg per min) in 20 preterm infants with median
children. Isoproterenol increases heart and cardiac output gestational and postnatal ages of 28 weeks (range: 26 to 32
but has no independent effect on renal blood flow. weeks) and 1 day (range: 2 hours to 17 days), respectively,
Dobutamine increases cardiac output with less chronotropic who had protracted arterial hypotension refractory to
effect than isoproterenol but, unlike dopamine, does not volume therapy were studied. Hypotension was defined as
have an independent effect on renal and mesenteric mean arterial pressure #10th percentile of normal values.
profusion.7 Mean arterial pressure increased during dobutamine and
It is possible to detect and treat low systemic and organ dopamine therapy (p , 0.05). Blood flow velocity increased.
blood flow in preterm infants in the first day after birth.37 None of the 20 infants studied developed necrotizing
Preterm infants are at risk of low systemic blood flow in the enterocolitis. Both dobutamine and dopamine increased
first day of life. Risk factors for low systemic blood flow mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate.43
include low gestational age, ventilation with higher mean
airway pressure, large diameter ductus arteriosus, higher Trials comparing dobutamine and dopamine in
calculated systemic vascular response, and poor myocardial preterm infants
contractility. Blood pressure and clinical signs such as Subhedar and Shaw40 compared the effectiveness and
capillary refill times do not accurately detect infants with safety of dopamine and dobutamine in the treatment of
low systemic blood flow, and result in delayed treatment systemic hypotension in preterm infants. They conclude that
when treatment is targeted at hypotension. Although dopamine is more effective than dobutamine in the short
dobutamine is better at increasing systemic blood flow and term treatment of systemic hypotension in preterm infants.
dopamine is better at increasing blood pressure, neither has However, in the absence of data confirming the long term
been shown to improve mortality or long-term outcomes. benefit and safety of dopamine compared to dobutamine, no
The function of the newborn heart is characterized by a firm recommendations can be made regarding the choice of
relatively high resting cardiac output with little contractile drug to treat hypotension.
reserve, due to the presence of more non-contractile fibrous There was no evidence of a significant difference between
tissue, which results in high sensitivity to any increase in dopamine and dobutamine in terms of mortality, incidence
afterload. Newborn infants can increase their cardiac output of periventricular leukomalacia, or severe periventricular
by tachycardia, but severe tachycardia may result in hemorrhage.50 No adverse long-term neurodevelopment
decreased stroke volume. Inotropic drugs, such as dopamine outcome was observed. Subhedar and Shaw40 conclude that
or epinephrine increase afterload in the newborn, counter- dopamine is more effective than dobutamine in the short-
acting the beneficial cardiac effect by a secondary fall in term treatment of systemic hypotension in preterm infants.
cardiac output.33 There was no evidence of an effect on the incidence of
Dobutamine is widely used for the treatment of acute adverse neuroradiological sequelae, or on the incidence of
cardiac failure and hypotension in adults and children.34,35 tachycardia. However, in the absence of data confirming
As a sign of the efficacy of dobutamine on the left ventricular long-term benefit and safety of dopamine compared to
function, a significant decrease of left ventricular post- dobutamine, no firm recommendation can be made
ejection pressure was measured within the first 20 min of regarding the choice of drug to treat hypotension.
dobutamine infusion. The reduction of post-ejection press- Osborn et al.44 performed a randomized and double-blind
ure may reflect an increased preload, decreased after load, or study in 42 very preterm infants during the first 24 hours of
increased contractility, due to a b1-adrenergic effect on the life to determine if dobutamine or dopamine result in greater
heart.36 An increased heart rate can be a compensatory improvements in systemic blood flow. The infants were
mechanism to improve cardiac output in cases with treated with 10 mg/kg per min of dobutamine or dopamine.
myocardial dysfunction.37 Robel-Tilling et al.38 conclude Dobutamine resulted in a significantly greater increase in the
that dobutamine has an influence on the left ventricular blood flow in the superior vena cava than did dopamine
function in sick preterm neonates with typical signs of (mean, þ 9.9 versus 2 3.2 ml/kg per min; p ¼ 0.02).
myocardial dysfunction. Within 20 min after the start of a Dopamine resulted in a significantly greater increase in
dobutamine infusion, a significant improvement in the blood pressure. Infants receiving dobutamine only at
hemodynamic situation was observed with progressively 24 hours had a greater right ventricular output than infants
increased cardiac output. receiving dopamine (mean: 295 versus 167 ml/kg per min;
In hypotensive states, oxygen supply to the gut is critical.39 p , 0.001). Forty percent failed to increase or maintain
Among high-risk patients, this is thought to play a major role superior vena cava flow in response to either inotrope.

MEDICALEXPRESS 2014;1(5):275-283 Dobutamine and dopamine in neonates

No significant differences in mortality or morbidity were had a systolic arterial blood pressure . 40 mm Hg (p , 0.05).
found. Osborn et al.50 conclude that dobutamine produced a Greenough and Emery.46 conclude that dopamine rather
greater increase in blood flow than dopamine. than dobutamine infusion is more efficient in improving the
Klarr et al.45 compared the efficacy of dopamine and arterial blood pressure of preterm neonates.
dobutamine for the treatment of hypotension (mean arterial Rozé et al.29 performed a randomized double blind study
blood pressure # 30 mm Hg) in 63 hypotensive preterm to evaluate hemodynamic response to dobutamine and
infants with a gestational age #34 weeks. All hypotensive dopamine in 20 hypotensive preterm infants of less than 32
infants first received intravascular volume expansion. weeks of gestation. Neonates initially received dopamine or
Intravenous study drug infusions were initiated at 5 mg/kg dobutamine 5 mg/kg per min. They found that dopamine is
per min and then increased in increments of 5 mg/kg per min more effective than dobutamine in raising and maintaining
at 20 min intervals until a mean arterial blood pressure arterial blood pressure above 30 mm Hg; however, dopamine
. 30 mm Hg was attained and sustained for $ 30 min did not increase left ventricular output.
(success) or a maximum rate of 20 mg/kg per min was Filippi et al.42 compared the endocrine effects of dopamine
reached without resolution of hypotension (failure). The and dobutamine in 35 hypotensive, very low birthweight
study drug was administered by umbilical or peripheral infants who received dopamine or dobutamine. Hemody-
vein. The treatment failure was 0 following dopamine and 5 namic variables and serum levels of thyroid stimulating
(16%) following dobutamine (p ¼ 0.028). Success was 30 hormone (TSH), total thyroxine (T4), prolactine and growth
(97%) following dopamine and 22 following dobutamine hormone were assessed during the first 72 hours of treatment
(69%; p ¼ 0.008). Heart rate . 180 beats/min was 16% and the first 72 hours after stopping treatment. Necessary
(dopamine) and 22% (dobutamine, NS). These results show cumulative and mean drug doses and maximum infusion
that dopamine was more successful than dobutamine, at required to normalise blood pressure were significantly
commonly used infusion rates, in acutely increasing mean higher in the dobutamine than in the dopamine group
blood pressure to .30 mm Hg in infants at # 34 weeks of (p , 0.01). Suppression of TSH, T4 and prolactine was
gestation with respiratory distress syndrome. The apparent observed in dopamine-treated newborns from 12 h of
enhanced efficacy of dopamine in comparison with treatment onwards, whereas levels of growth hormone
dobutamine may reflect underlying differences in mechan-
reduced significantly only at 12 hours and 36 hours of
isms of action, pharmacodynamics, other pharmacological
treatment (p , 0.01). TSH, T4 and prolactine rebound was
properties, or undetected disparities between the two
observed from the first day onwards after stopping
dopamine. Dobutamine administration did not alter the
Miall-Allen et al.36 measured the mean arterial blood
profile of any of the hormones, and no rebound was
pressure and heart rate in 12 hypotensive preterm infants
observed after stopping treatment. Filippi et al.42 conclude
given dopamine. A significant, although temporary,
that dopamine and dobutamine both increase the systemic
elevation in mean blood arterial pressure occurred in five
blood pressure, though dopamine is more effective.
neonates in response to 5 mg/kg per min, but an increase in
mean arterial blood pressure was found in all infants Dopamine reduces serum levels of TSH, T4 and prolactin
(11 ^ 6 mm Hg; p , 0.01) when the infusion rate was in very low birthweight infants, but such suppression is
doubled. Heart rate was unaffected except for an increase quickly reversed after treatment is stopped.
of 22 ^ 12 beats/min (p , 0.01) in the five showing
sustained mean blood arterial pressure elevation with B DISCUSSION
10 mg/kg per min. Dobutamine failed to raise mean blood
arterial pressure in the 7 who relapsed, and refractory shock The adrenergic and dopaminergic receptor-dependent
resulted. They conclude that time should not be wasted in cardiovascular actions of dobutamine and dopamine are
starting dopamine at less than 10 mg/kg per min in summarised in Table 6. Catecholamine agents are the most
hypotensive preterm infants, as lower rates are unlikely to widely used drugs for the treatment of circulatory failure in
produce a response and delay may cause further newborn infants. Indeed, catecholamines were introduced to
compromise. the care of critically ill neonates based on adult experience,
Greenough and Emery46 compared the efficacy of two using adult doses, without any clear evidence for their
inotropic infusions in treating low arterial blood pressure in usefulness as regards clinical outcome. Blood pressure has
preterm infants. Forty infants with median gestational age of long been used as a measure of therapeutic effectiveness,
27 weeks (range: 23 to 33 weeks) were studied. At trial entry, with no clear ranges established for critical organs. Today,
the infants, who all had a systolic arterial blood pressure systemic and local blood flow parameters should also be
, 40 mm Hg receiving a colloid infusion, were randomized evaluated in order to establish goal-directed therapeutic
to receive either a dopamine or dobutamine infusion. The guidelines for catecholamine therapy.
infusions were commenced at a rate of 5 mg/kg per min and, Dobutamine is a relatively cardioselective sympathomi-
if necessary, this was increased over the 3 hour study period metic amine with significant a and b-adrenoceptor-mediated
to 15 mg/kg per min. There was no significant difference in direct inotropic effects and limited chronotropic actions.25,33
the gestational or postnatal age or baseline arterial blood Dobutamine administration is usually also associated with a
pressure of the infants who received dopamine or variable decrease in the total peripheral resistance.7,25,40
dobutamine. Three hours after commencing the infusion, Dobutamine increases myocardial contractility exclusively
the infants who received dopamine had a significantly through the direct stimulation of the myocardial adrenergic
higher systolic arterial blood pressure, a median of receptors.45 Since myocardial norepinephrine stores are
39 mm Hg compared to a median of 34 mm Hg in the immature and rapidly depleted in the neonate;33 and
dobutamine group (p , 0.05). In addition, 10 infants who dobutamine may decrease afterload, 17,25,46 preterm
received dopamine, but only 3 who received dobutamine, infants with primary myocardial dysfunction and elevated

Dobutamine and dopamine in neonates MEDICALEXPRESS 2014;1(5):275-283

Table 6 - Cardiovascular actions of dopamine in preterm infants.

Dose Receptors Vascular effects Cardiac effects

Low dose (0.5 to 2 mg/kg/min) Dopamine Increase renal blood flow Increase myocardial contractility
a (Serotonin) Increase total peripheral vascular resistance
Medium dose (2 to 10 mg/kg/min) Dopamine Increase renal blood flow
b-Receptors Increase peripheral vasodilation
a (Serotonin) Increase total peripheral vascular resistance Increase myocardial contractility
Net effect on blood pressor Increase venous return
High dose (.10 mg/kg/min) Dopamine Increase renal blood flow Increase myocardial contractility
b-Receptors Increase peripheral vasodilation Increase heart rate
a (Serotonin) Increase total peripheral vascular resistance Increase conduction velocity
Increase myocardial contractility
Increase venous return

peripheral vascular resistance should be treated with dopamine show higher inter-individual variability, leading
dopamine alone. to highly variable clinical effectiveness in newborns.
In the majority of preterm infants, hypotension results If dopamine is administered for several days, endocrine
from a decrease in the afterload with or without myocardial effects could be present, such as suppression of prolactin,
dysfunction. Dopamine is the initial drug of choice in the growth hormone, and thyroxin secretion, which may
treatment of hypotensive preterm infants. Several random- negatively influence early neurodevelopment.41,42
ized, blinded, controlled clinical trials have documented the Dobutamine has the clear advantage over dopamine in
superiority of dopamine over dobutamine in this patient enhancing myocardial contractility by stimulating b1
population.40 However, if signs of myocardial dysfunction receptors, albeit it clinically cannot always be translated
persist or develop during dopamine treatment, the addition into increased blood pressure. Dobutamine has also a
of dobutamine is recommended. Dobutamine is the drug of vasodilator effect mediated by b2 receptors. Moreover, it
choice in asphyxiated hypotensive preterm infants with could cause significant tachycardia with increased myocar-
myocardial dysfunction who present with elevated periph- dial oxygen demand and decreased stroke volume. The
eral resistance.38 expected net effect of dobutamine is an increased systemic
Dopamine is the sympathomimetic amine most frequently and local blood flow, and not a significantly changing blood
used in the treatment of hypotension in preterm infants.44 It pressure.
exerts its cardiovascular actions via the dose-dependent Myocardial dysfunction is one of the most frequently
stimulation of the cardiovascular dopaminergic, a and b- encountered pathophysiologic backgrounds of hypotension
adrenoceptors (see Tables 5 and 644). Dopamine affects all in severely asphyxiated premature infants. However, in
three major determinants of cardiovascular function (pre- preterm neonates without postnatal asphyxia, myocardial
load, myocardial contractility and afterload). By decreasing dysfunction can be observed without hypotension.44
venous capacitance, dopamine augments preload.44 How-
ever, the majority of its actions on raising blood pressure are B ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
due to the drug-induced increases in both myocardial
contractility13,40,44 and peripheral vascular resistance (after- This work has been supported by the Ministry of the University and Scientific
load). 13,40,44 with some of the a- and b-adrenergic and Technologic Research (Rome, Italy). The author thanks Dr. Rosa Baviello
and Dr. Ida Bertolini, of the Medical Library of the University of Pisa, for the
cardiovascular effects resulting from its partial conversion prompt retrieving of the literature. A particular thanks to Dr. Vanna Pistotti, of
to norepinephrine.13,40,44 Through its selective renal vascular the Library of the Institute for Pharmacological Research Mario Negri (Milan,
effects, dopamine increases total blood flow33 and glomer- Italy), who performed the bibliographic search with EMBASE.
ular filtration rate.44,46 In preterm patients, the effect on
filtration rate occurs as early as 23 weeks of gestation.
Dopamine does not appear to selectively increase the B RESUMO
mesenteric blood flow in the immature infant,33 suggesting
the absence of a functional mature mesenteric dopaminergic A dobutamina é um estimulante seletivo b1. Agonistas de
vasodilator response in this patient population. receptores b são usados para estimular a taxa e a forc a de
Dopamine is the most widely used catecholamine in contrac ão cardı́aca. O efeito cronotrópico é útil para o
hypotensive newborns when they fail to normalize blood tratamento de arritmias e o efeito inotrópico é útil para
pressure after fluid boluses. The so-called renal dose of aumentar a contratilidade do miocárdio. A dobutamina é
dopamine is theoretically not expected to exert its cerca de quatro vezes mais potente que a dopamina para
dopaminergic renal vasodilator effect because of the estimular a contratilidade miocárdica em baixas concen-
aforementioned resistance to receptor stimulation. However, trac ões e o volume de ejec ão ventricular nos prematuros
many neonatologists still use low dose dopamine therapy for hipotensos. A dobutamina possui um núcleo de assimetria.
infants with decreased urine flow rate in the belief that it O (2 ) – isómero da dobutamina é um agonista potente dos
improves renal perfusion. Dopamine is, however, able to receptores a1 e é capaz de provocar respostas pressoras
stimulate, in higher doses, vascular a1 receptors causing marcados. Em contraste, o isômero (þ ) – A dobutamina é
vasoconstriction, and to a lesser extent myocardial b- um potente antagonista de dobutamina que pode bloquear
receptors. Thus, higher doses of dopamine increase vascular os efeitos de (2)-dobutamina. A dobutamina é relativamente
resistance and blood pressure, with an accompanying cardiosseletiva em dosagens utilizadas na prática clı́nica; sua
decrease in cardiac output. The pharmacokinetics of ac ão principal incide sobre os receptores b1-adrenérgicos.

MEDICALEXPRESS 2014;1(5):275-283 Dobutamine and dopamine in neonates

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