Method Statement of Pressure Test For Piping System

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ASheeo ent QR soon ENI-IRAQ ZUBAIR OIL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT METHOD STATEMENT OF PRESSURE TEST FOR PIPING SYSTEM HAMMAR MISHRIF DGS Sat le | om | onorun a | ose | con [sear [ sez a a Tatars eae ‘usa ou re.o| 09251210CJPCOAOSS enix iraq bs. PROLEeT san rc AT TS Canc EAT o02st210cJPcoA03s DP HET enomurane conta 227204 10K720 oe FeZUaun Nori wew ocaasswne stanon | “vonstore na, [torte Ta mangoes | Company Oaren | COnTRAGTOR [Asan [Saat 3 SBesineComme” | Mebane" | pseu snfon yogne Po) me i corserocurconss|ozstzrocurconos | Se | | aise efi eiiag bx REWSION HSTOR? fx] baw | neato Ey econ | wonvaois | 15 | adr comracon coor | ascezois | 18 | ned Conmacton Bxcouz | aroneis | 18 | ned Conmucton 5008 | rarizots_| 18 | mat or astuson Gnas reaped Sxcoor | moiz0%6 | 1a | ntedtorConmecton Besos | oreseeis | 18 | eso Commacton ‘fBacment Company am “COMPANY Document Teenteaton ‘CONTRACTOR — ‘Document dentfeaton ooasi2tacyPcoRtas | onzst210c1PCOKO3S ‘vy Sons Nii ei iraq_bw. 1) GENERAL, i Pu 12 _ Batt and Aen @ eenoe soo 2 Laws and Rulon. 22 Code and Standars 23 Project Specteaton ORGANIZATION ANO RESPONSIBILITIES. WORK PROCEDURE... 42 Genera Regursrai 5 BEFORE PRESSURE TEST. “Tost Med Tost Press Preparsion Pressure Tet Preparation Flow Ghat ‘Work Fw of Presere Tost. atogorzina of Pure tems 6 DURING PRESSURE TEST. 84 Step fo Pressurang 82 Fortyerostatie tet £3 ForPneumatic Test. fa Fung 5 Test ndinapedion fr Brosaze eat RSE ae ‘ago ard tunes nave | COMPANY Document | CONTRACTOR | Redwoninaox | Shot of Secoattsman™ | “MG | pene atone a * czaseccuconts | cssewcinconns | Sas || ase 1 GENERAL 14 Purpose ‘Ths documents itanded to ently the scthites to be perloed for he AG and UG bag pressure test oft project and specications wil e sty flowed any part of the actives deseroed thi document. COMPANY Polis for Envronnert, Heath and Safety, Project HSE Pan and the requirements spected in the Sdaty Hoath end Envrormersal Requtements fr CONTRACTOR wil tic be flowed nal phases of tho test actos. Rafer othe risk assessment (002512"0DFPALAGOS) document forthe acy spect rok assessment 412_Dainon and Acronyms ‘COMPANY En ag BY, PLANT LOCATION. | IRAQ - 2UBARR PROJECTNAME | ZUBAIR OIL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NEW HAMMAR MISHRIF DGS FAGILITYNAME | (ZUBAIR NORTH NEW DEGASSING STATICN) CONTRACTOR | Samsung Engwnesng ODL “Thi pry supper of ence er he plac ne by Sd SUBCONTRACTOR | ewig under the management cf te CONTRACTOR HSE Heath, Selly and Environment 2. REFERENCES 2a ‘Laws and Regulations Comeiying wt al egal requrement is ecremaly ester vol ny cmplexty onthe execution of th proj pln. In comptance wih the eal nd nematendleiitions and regulations, babw ate the laws and regulations Relevant to Enwonmanal Aspects of (0225121 00FPALADG? Envtcnment Management Pen + RAG Mistry of Oi Booklet (Ho0) of Environmental Standards, 198, + Inomtional Petoeum Insusty Practices for Heath, Safety & Envrrment + IF Civ Bank Group, Apr 2, 2007Gener!Enironmert. Heath and Safty ‘Goines Corstrton & Decommissioning & Contarsinate Land ‘+ Envenmentl Potion Agony (EPA). 198, Guidelines fr Ecoogcal Risk ‘age wa basmees rae | COMPANY Document | CONTRACTOR Bet of FBocine Govan Iderticaton” | Document Wenesten Sheets om, Ni eniirag_bs: eczsr21ocsPconoas | o0251210cseCOANIS + Prjet Envtonmenta Soci & Heath pact Assessment (ESHA) ‘Tho CONTRACTOR wil be reaponsble fr applying 10 and chiang fom sry such author or body any approvals oF permissions that may be required pie constuction oF fon compton of the won, The CONTRACTOR wil sipply copies ct any drawing, pectcaons, schedise or calelatons that make up. such applcatons. The [CONTRACTORS pert o work syst is deal in he 0025121ODFPALAOOT Permit to ‘Werk Procedure 22° Code and Standard ASMERS1a Process Ping, 2014 ASTM E1003 ‘Standard Prac or Hyrostate Leak Testing 2018 COMPANY specication and Atachments MOD.MEG-TUB.00$ TOS Inspection and Tes of Piping a Sto MODMEC PUL129 _Inepeton Data Shoe (D5) ~ Presentation ant Aasembing of Ppeires MODMEC.FTC.033_Pre-conmisioning Line Croc, Igpecton ani Restoration Recor 25884.PIPMEC-SDS Piping an Piping Component of Line or Pits, Assembling ‘2nd Inspection of Png 23 Project Specieation ‘oo251210CNPEOAGG —Secuty Pin (02512100FPALAGO! HSE Pan (02512100FFALAGO2 —_Enveenment Management Pan (002512100FPALAGO3 Subcontractor Management (Pre-Qualiizaon) O02512100FFALAGDS HSE Tring (02512100FPALAODS _RiskArsocsmen (02512100FPALAGOT —Permttn Work Procesre ‘gp we buaneas name | COMPANY Document | CONTRACTOR | Ravtirinoe [Staal of ecient Coneany™ | “"entaeien | Document ertesten |e a ry cnastarocupconoss| oczsr2racunconass | Se | = ar 16 ni evi iraq_b.v. (002512 100FPALAGDS (02512 100FPALAOIO (002512100 FPALAGRS (02512100 FDALA2S ‘ooas12100 80400 07251210080R:n008 on2s1210080R.A08 on2st210csPcoA0OT onasta1ocassxc00s onastatocupconcee conasta1ocupconera onast210cyPcon0a7 onast2r00TE.02001 on2s2r00Tsro1002 onasosooswscaszs: PE Procedure Color Ceding Procure tng and Raging Neies Contr Wiate Management ian Peet Quality Pan Ftd Quay Cont Pin Product entfeaton and Teoeaby Consruton Execiton Pian IP for Ping Works eau Rigging tan ‘Ste Fabiaton Plan oak Tet Line List Pring Matera! Specieton ‘Spectiction for Fates Pre-commisioning, Semeisonng, ‘Star up and Handover 3. ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES ‘The Organization chat and Roles and Responsibites for his Method Staomentexecuion team ars indete in 012512100JPCOAQO2 Construction Execution Plan Lage a bares sare | COMPANY Document | CONTRACTOR | Reviorinsex | 28cm army | “"omteton”™ | onsanet eteston = 3 o225t210csPCORORS | 00251210CHPCOAIIS a ei eviiraa_bx: | 4 WORK PROCEDURE 44 Genera Requirement + Ator fabio, postin NOE & PWHT & instaltion of plone, but pir to Instalaton of insulin Intl operaton pressure test required sal be peromed specfedin hs procedure ng thal be conducted by he CONTRACTOR and shal be winessed by the (2 ping Inspect andor the COMPANY ape the approved ITP + rior to he schetuled pressure tos, he CONTRACTOR ping supervisor shall prepare the pressure test package ining Hyerstabc or Prevnaic et report format ne and ISO DING Et and PD DW's mates up to show the Bounsaies of the et an fling, One copy ofthe pressure est packages shal be submited to COMPANY for Aperva +The folowing tame shale town nthe Pressure Tee Package? 1) Marked up P 0 imitation of system be toed on P10). 1) somatic Drawings (nicting weld ont ros, 6) Woking Joint inspection Satu (Uns history shoot). 8) Hye / Pneumatic test pets, 9) Punch 1) Caltation Ceieat or Pressure causes 4) Caltation Cenat or Pressure ret vane, (requires), 1) Inapecton cack St for Support requ, 1) Visual check fc Nang 1) Deviation Conasson / NCR soproval (equa). ¥) Test ful ants (requres) 1) Dosing seats (¢requred, i) Fiala inspaction repo - fal check is 1) Posts reinstatement check + Akstonst supports shal be tempor istaled the ayton has not Been ‘esignod to suppor te ced weight ofthe test media ‘+ Any expansion joints / bellows inthe system sha be restraned or they shal be slate rom he esta dug the test + Drain stale provided atthe west point in loop ofa syston & vents at the ghost point in lop of aston, + Thetestpretute sl not exceed maxi est pressure for any component inthe stem. Lego ard bases rare | COMPANY Gosument | CONTRACTOR | Revaorinaox | Shet of ‘Bocirant Conary lector" Dimon |e Tg, | Gone I ELooR | Eos) bw. iraq ‘Allcompoteis inthe sya that ehuld nt be subjected fo presse tot. such as unps ans, hes eichanges, gauges a ineruments, shal be soa om the testy blanks and shal be provides wih one ed cored hub, Pressure gauges sal be insaed as fellows. Asa minimum, ene localized gauge shal be isa net othe pump orate lowest pont of he test boundary, and one atthe highest lation. Adora gauges shall bo insted cn the system as required. COMPANY reserves the ght © request that tho prossue gauge i the lowest point should be replaced by continvous recoer oF pressure and tamperatue ony in ese of pater stuton suchas proimae pressure tost sing big amount of ar and 24 now's todng Let ee Yo bute pipe under the ‘rund before test. Alar coration af hs test, CONTRACTOR shal atach the record char tothe ta cei “The fu sale values of the gauge shal not exced 2 es the est ress, ‘Aseces of oss stat group of ts, using he same presure gauge, wich are conducted wena prod nt exceeding wo wosks. Gauges in use shat be instaled in 8 manner visual scosesbo to personnel pasting the test. During pneumatic pressure ts, 2 pressure rele va shalbe efor 110% ofthe tos pressure ofthe testing sytem, ‘A welding laspacton records for welds, mosfeaton, and prsesre boundary ‘tachment sal be veiled ante competed by CONTRACTOR Ftd NGC. ‘The primary wak down, before the pressure test shal be cared out by ‘CONTRACTOR piping supervisor in connection wit OC Inspector and COMPANY ‘Supenisor [A joins shall be exposed and card of insulted and wipping for easy Piping components or systom tat cant be tested onspeted afar completion or ection shal be tsi proto the erection, ‘Mnemum wo irdieating pressure gouges shal be used asp ipirg route contion [A welds ors that hav not been shop tested shall be expose (ee ofp ope, and wrap) uni pei esting hasbeen comeod Leaks found al he flange ints wil beauty instigated & resohe ‘ates shall navar be used for oan of fank, equipment ee, binds shall be provided.

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