Document Checklist: Permanent Residence - Federal Skilled Worker Class
Document Checklist: Permanent Residence - Federal Skilled Worker Class
Document Checklist: Permanent Residence - Federal Skilled Worker Class
This document is available in PDF format only. You need to mail this form and other documents with your application. Please
make sure you print this document, complete it and include it in your application as the cover page.
The checklist of required documents is subject to change. Applicants are advised to refer to the application kit on the
CIC website periodically while preparing their application to ensure that they have included all forms and documents
listed on the most up-to-date checklist.
Gather your documents in the order of the checklist and check R each item. Attach small items such as photos and certified
cheques with a paper clip, otherwise leave documents unbound. Place all documents in a sealed envelope. If your documents
are not in English or French, send a notarized (certified) translation with a copy of the original version. Do not send any additional
documents when submitting your application to the CIO.
Note: If you are unable to provide any of the requested documentation, include with your application, a written
explanation with full details as to why that documentation is unavailable and any documentation that would support
your claim. If your application lacks any of the documents without a reasonable justification, it will be returned to
you or in certain circumstances could result in the refusal of your application.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Answer all questions and sign all forms where applicable. Please note that by signing these documents,
you are certifying that all information provided therein, whether prepared by you or not, is complete and true in all respects.
If you or someone acting on your behalf directly or indirectly submits false documents or misrepresents facts relating to your
application for a permanent resident visa:
The officer will base his/her decision on the documents on file at the time of the assessment. In the following circumstances, it is
your responsibility to notify the visa office processing your case and provide the relevant supporting documentation if there are
changes in the following:
• family status (e.g. marriage or common-law union, divorce, annulment, legal separation, birth, adoption, death of the
principal applicant or any accompanying family member, including grandchildren born to dependent children);
• education (e.g. completion of another degree): or
• mailing address/e-mail address/contact information.
Any changes which we have not been informed of will delay processing or may result in the refusal of the application or the
exclusion of a family member.
This form is made available by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and is not to be sold to applicants.
Forms and supporting documents (to be completed and submitted by all applicants)
See the "Complete the application" of the Instruction Guide for specific instructions on how to complete the questions on each of the following forms.
Do not submit originals unless otherwise stated as documents submitted will not be returned.
Note that original or certified copies of documents or more information may be requested by an officer at
a later date. Format
You must keep a copy of the completed forms and all documents before sending them to the CIO.
Passports or travel documents for you, your spouse or common-law partner and your dependent children. Include
only copies of pages showing:
• the passport number,
8 • date of issue and expiry, Copies
• the photo, name, date and place of birth,
• pages showing any amendments in name, date of birth, expiration, etc.
You must hold a valid regular passport. Diplomatic, official, service or public affairs passports are not valid for
immigration to Canada.
If the visa office you have specified for processing your application is not the visa office responsible for your
country of nationality, provide proof that you have been lawfully admitted for a period of at least one year to a
country for which the specified visa office is responsible.
Proof of lawful admission is in the form of a stamp in the passport or a status document issued at the Port of Entry or
other place of admission. If an extension of the original status has been obtained, the evidence required would be a Copies
document or stamp issued by the ministry responsible for immigration matters, providing an extension up to one year
or beyond.
Submit photocopies of:
• current or expired entry/exit stamps in your national passport, and
• current or expired status documents indicating the date you were admitted and the validity.
If claiming points for both official languages, submit test results for both English and French.
Original, unless
If claiming points for your spouse or common law partner's official language proficiency, submit their English or French otherwise stated
test results.
Applicants are permitted to submit a copy of their language test results with a new application only if the original test
results were submitted with a previous Federal Skilled Worker application on or after June 26, 2010 and were not
returned to the applicant. All copies of language test results must be accompanied by the photocopy of the refusal
letter from CIC and an explanation that CIC retained and currently holds the original.
Note: Language test results must not be older than two years upon date of receipt at the CIO.
Letter of Attestation OR Official Transcripts (only for applicants applying under the PhD stream)
If you completed the PhD program: you must submit official transcripts from your recognized Canadian educational Copies
institution indicating that you were awarded a PhD within the past 12 months.
If your PhD studies are in progress: you must submit a letter of attestation from your recognized educational Original
institution (See Appendix B – Letter of Attestation for the PhD stream).
The letter must be on university letterhead and must be completed using the template included in the application kit,
and signed by the Dean of Graduate Studies (or their delegate).
Arranged Employment (only for applicants with an offer of permanent full-time employment from a Canadian
You must submit an original letter from your employer indicating that you will be employed on a permanent full-time
(non-seasonal) basis upon receiving permanent resident status, and at least one of the documents listed in the table
are currently working in Canada under a work permit a copy of the work permit or visitor record.
or other authorization Copies
have a permanent full-time job offer and a positive LMO a copy of the Employment and Social Development
issued by Employment and Social Development Canada Canada (ESDC) confirmation letter (Labour Market
(ESDC) in relation to this job offer Opinion) which was sent to your employer.
Work Experience
If you and/or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner have engaged in full-time work in Canada,
with appropriate authorization, for a period of at least one year in the past 10 years, provide:
• letter(s) of reference (as per requirements stated above) from your past Canadian employer(s),
• a copy of any T4s if available,
• a copy of the employment authorization.
Important: when submitting your tax information, be sure to black out your Social Insurance Number (SIN) to protect
this personal information.
Note: Self-employed individuals must provide documentation from 3rd party individual(s) indicating the service
provided along with payment details. Self-declared main duties or affidavits are not acceptable evidence of
work experience.
Note: Your ECA report must have been issued on or after the date on which the organization was designated by CIC
Copies, unless
and must meet CIC format and content requirements. In addition, your ECA report must not be more than five
13 years old at the time you apply.
Proof of Education
To receive points for your education, you must provide proof that you have completed a Canadian secondary or
post-secondary educational program OR submit an original ECA report along with proof of the foreign educational
credential(s) for which you are claiming points.
Proof of your completed Canadian or foreign educational credential(s) can include copies of your:
• secondary or post-secondary education documents (certificates, diplomas or degrees), and
• transcripts for successfully completed secondary or post-secondary studies, if available.
Proof of status:
If your close relative is a... Then submit a copy of his or her...
Proof of relationship:
Submit proof of relationship to your close relative in Canada, such as birth, marriage or adoption certificates. For Copies
example, to prove that your relative in Canada is your paternal aunt, it would be necessary to submit copies of birth
certificates for her and for your father showing they have at least one common parent.
Proof of residency:
Provide evidence your listed relative physically resides in Canada. This may include copies of:
• lease agreements,
• the most recent Notice of Assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency,
• an employer's letter confirming employment, Copies
• monthly bills, etc., (one page of each bill is sufficient),
• credit card invoices and bank statements.
Note: The evidence should show the relative's name and full address in Canada and must be less than six (6)
months old from the date of your application submission.
• Birth certificates;
• Legal documents showing name or date of birth changes (if applicable);
• Marriage certificate(s), final divorce or annulment certificate(s). If married more than once, include certificates from
each marriage and divorce or annulment you, your spouse or common-law partner have had;
Copies, unless
16 • Death certificate for former spouse(s) or common-law partner(s) (if applicable); otherwise stated
• National IDs, family/household registry/book (if applicable);
• If you have a common-law partner, complete and include the Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union
(IMM 5409 – original) and provide evidence that you have cohabitated with your partner for a period of at least 12
continuous months. Provide the following documents listing both your names, for example:
• copies of joint bank account statements,
• copies of leases,
• utility bills etc.
Please consult our website police-cert/index.asp for specific and up-to-
date information on how to obtain police certificates from any country.
Photo Requirements
Supply six (6) photos for each member of your family, whether accompanying or not, and yourself. Follow the
instructions provided in the section How to Complete the Forms of the application guide and in Appendix A: Photo
19 Specifications. Photos must have been taken within six (6) months before application submission. Originals
On the back of five (5) of the photographs, write the name and date of birth of the person who appears in the photo
as well as the date the photo was taken. Leave the sixth photograph blank.
Fee Payment
You must submit:
The Fee Payment Form - Application for Permanent Residence (IMM 5620).
*If there is no expiry date on your certified cheque, money order or bank draft and it is drawn on a foreign bank, it
can only be cashed for 6 months from the date of issue. To ensure it can still be cashed when the fee payment is
processed at the CIO, it must be issued no more than 30 days before you send the application to the CIO.
If we are unable to process your payment, your application will be returned to you.
If you are a resident of a country served by one of the visa offices listed on our website
are unable to pay in Canadian funds, visit the responsible Visa Office website for fee payment instructions and to
obtain the fee payment form.
Include with your application to the CIO a copy of your receipt from the mission as proof of payment. Copy
Consult "Step 3, Pay the Fee" section of the instruction guide for more information about the fee payment.
Please consult "Step 4, Mail the application" section of the instruction guide for specific instructions on mailing your