Production Logging and Its Implementation: A Technical Review
Production Logging and Its Implementation: A Technical Review
Production Logging and Its Implementation: A Technical Review
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3 authors:
Sigma Akter
Universiti Teknologi MARA
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Abstract: Traditional well log determines the geological and geophysical data of the wellbore and
formation fluids properties like porosity, permeability, saturation, resistivity and shale volume. All these are
measured during exploration and development stages of a drilling hole. During production or injection of a
well, several problems like lost circulation, production tubing integrity and such others need to be known
which are very important. Production logging determines wellbore fluid flowing data during production of
oil, gas or water. Production problems determination and the remedy of the problems are designed based on
production logging. Several production logging tools are used to determine the flow behavior of the
formation fluids as well as identification of the top of cement. For multi-layers reservoir, perforation is
essential for producing oil or gas from several layers. Production log determines the location of perforation.
Spinner flow meter is used to determine the formation fluids velocity whereas Gradiomanometer is for fluids
density. Besides, individual sensors are used in production logging for appraisement of various properties.
This paper provides a technical review on production logging and its tools along with the modification for
horizontal well. The result of this study will help to understand the importance and technique of production
log very effectively.
Keywords: Production log, Production logging tools, Sensors, Spinners, Probe hold-up
Well log is a popular term to the geologists, geophysicist and to the petroleum engineers. It is a
measurement technique of some wellbore data. It can be defined as the continuous recording of
geophysical and petro physical parameter along a borehole by specified procedure. It is called
wellbore logging or geophysical logging. The measurement parameters are always plotted against
depth so that it can be interpreted by geologist or geophysicist to obtain wellbore and formation
parameters [1]. Logging plays an important role in oil and gas industry. The wellbore parameters as
well as formation rock and fluid parameters are determined by logging procedures. All data are
recorded either at surface which is real time mode or recorded in the memory at the hole which is
memory mode to an electronic data format. Porosity, permeability, saturation, radioactivity, shale
volume, wellbore diameter and some other rock and fluid properties can be determined by
geophysical logging.
Logging is the cheapest method of collecting data related to geophysical properties of a well. Rather
than drilling wells with related coring tools, it is much more cost-effective to obtain wire line logs
using high-tech logging equipment. In the process of coring, the core needs to bring at the surface for
their complete analysis. This can be problematic because the pressure in the well can damage softer
sediments in this core. In this regard, logging data offers better insights about the natural
characteristics of sediments or rocks without causing any damage to them [2]. On the other hand,
coring procedure is both time consuming and cost effective. Coring has risk of sample damages.
Considering all the factors, wellbore logging is most effective for getting geological and petro
physical data from the formation.
1.1. Types of Geophysical Logging
There are several logs that measure specific parameters. According to Rider (2002), geophysical logs
are classified as ten classes which are used for individual parameters measurement. Logs types and
measurement parameters are shown in the table 1.1.
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Production Logging and its Implementation: A Technical Review
Table1.1. Common wire line log and geophysical well measurements [1]
Log Type Formation parameter measured
Caliper Hole diameter
Temperature Borehole temperature
SP (Self-Potential) Spontaneous electrical current
Gamma ray Natural radioactivity
Resistivity Resistance to electrical current
Induction Conductivity of electrical current
Sonic Velocity of sound propagation
Density Reaction to gamma ray bombardment
Photoelectric Reaction to gamma ray bombardment
Neutron Reaction to neutron bombardment
A logging unit consists of a winch unit, wire line cable and logging tools. Winch unit is a mechanical
set up which is used for pull up and pull down of wire line cable. It is in truck on the land and on the
ship in the offshore. A set up for logging operation is shown in fig-1.1.
Figure1.1. Basic set up for wire line logging, modified after [3]
1.2. Production Logging
Production log is dissimilar to other logs. Several geophysical logs are run in the well to measure
some properties before production started and during exploration and development stages. Production
logging is a cased hole logging technique. This is the logging procedure to gather wellbore fluids data
during production or injection. When wellbore is completed, production logging tools are run.
Production logging tools are used for the measurement which involves wide range of sensors and
measurements tools. This technique has also interpretation tools which evaluate the formation
properties, analyze the formation fluid movements inside and outside of the wellbore and estimate the
production flow rate for each layer of the formation [4].
Most of the logs like sonic log, resistivity log, density log, neutron log and rest of the logs are used to
determine the wellbore parameter as well as formation fluid characteristics up to the wellbore
completion. This is the basic difference than production logs. Production logs are run only when the
completion is done and production is started. During enhance recovery, production log is run to
observe the fluids movement near and in the wellbore. The production logging tools are small in
diameter and are run through tubing for evaluation of the well as it is producing.
2.1. Logging and Production Logging
Production logs were first used in 1930's for measuring the temperature of wells but over the decades
other measurements such as pressure, fluid density and hold up were developed consequently [5].
Wellbore parameters like wellbore diameter, hole integrity, caving, formation porosity, permeability,
resistivity and some others characteristics are measured by traditional wire line logging. This
measurement also may be gained by logging while drilling tool. Production logging is applicable
when the production is started. The general purpose of production logging is to evaluate the behavior
and type of fluids within the wellbore during either production or injection operations. Although there
are a number of logging services available to the industry which provide this type of information. A
standard group of production logging tools like spinner flow meter device, fluid identification tools,
borehole pressure and temperature measurements along with natural gamma ray and casing collar
locators are used for the operation. Production logs are simply combination of a wide range of
sensors, measurement tools which are used with proper methods of analyzing and help the reservoir
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Production Logging and its Implementation: A Technical Review
management team such as drilling engineers, production engineers and reservoir engineers to obtain
their required data of measurement [6]. Production logging measurements usually consist of several
types of logs. They are temperature, fluid density, fluid capacitance, pressure, and spinner-flow meter,
along with standard casing collar locators and gamma ray logs. These measurements are usually made
in a single logging run for reducing rig time, and make all measurements under the same wellbore
2.2. Production Log Application
There are many applications of production logging in both open hole and cased hole environments.
Lost circulation zones and underground blowouts are identified in open hole condition.
Cased hole flow performance are also measured by production log.
Locates top of cement
Evaluates gravel pack quality, location of perforations
Determine permeability comparisons, locations of leaks
Hold-up behaviors like water/oil/gas hold up for several depths are determined by production
logs data.
Besides leakage identification between production tube and production casing is also determined
by production logs.
Production casing integrity is checked by production logs.
The effect of enhanced recovery is also observed by production logging procedure.
2.3. Production Log Running Situations
Production logging depends on some criteria. Production log can be run in some special scenario and
several condition of the reservoir which are mentioned below [7, 8].
New well: Production logging can be applied in new wells in order to evaluate the initial
production of the well
Unstable well: Production log is used in the well which production is suddenly decreased or
suddenly increased.
Problem determination: Production log should be run periodically in the production well to make
sure that any problems such as gas or water coning or fingering remain or not before serious
reduction in production occurs.
Injection wells: Production log is run in the injection well to determine the injecting fluid entry
point to the formation.
Beside production log can be applied in the multi-layers producing wells, before and after the
acidizing procedures of a well and unreasonable water and gas production wells [9].
2.4. Production Logging Tools
Various types of production logging tools are used in production and injection wells. These tools are
used in vertical, deviated, and horizontal wells. Flow velocity, gas hold up, fluid velocity and other
auxiliary parameters are measured by Production Logging tools. The production logging tools are
shown in fig. 2.1 [10]. Production log run depends on some several charges. This cost is kept as
minimum as possible for the logging operation cost. These are equipment set up charge, surface
pressure charge, cable run charge for maximum depth and logging charge per foot [11].
3.1. Production Logging Tools Components
The first administration of production logging tools such as temperature, flow meters, and density
logging tools applied in the petroleum industries since the 1950s [4]. Today, modern production
logging tools become available. So, interpretation becomes easier. Some of the main applications of
production logging tools are well mechanical problems identification, completion processes efficiency
analysis, production and injection scenarios observation and monitoring, reservoir characteristics and
detection of cemented channels [12, 13]. Production logging tools are also used to analyze and
investigate the borehole performances. Beside this tool monitors the borehole inefficiencies by
interpreting production logs [14, 15]. Fig. 3.1 shows a production logging tools and fig. 3.2 shows the
production logging tools components.
Mini spinner is used in horizontal well. This spinner is used so that the velocity of the fluid on vertical
axis of pipe can be determined.
3.3. Fluid Density Measurement
Density is defined as the mass per unit volume. Production logging tools consist density measurement
tool which is called Gradiomanometer. This tool is a non-radioactive which uses high resolution
differential transducer. It is used for formation fluid density measurement. It has the sensor which
reacts with the density differences. Generally gas is low denser than oil and water. This tool currently
is used by Schlumberger Company.
3.4. Probe Hold-Up Measurement
Two common types of probe are used for hold up measurement. They are
1. GHOST probe
2. Water hold up probe
1. GHOST Probe:
It measures the hold -up by sensing the difference in optical reflectance and the reflected light from
fluid. This tool can be used to determine the water hold up when gas is not present. The light created
by LED passes through Y Coupler and reaches the optical probe. With total interior reflection, light
beam is focused on the tip of the probe. If the reflective index of well fluid is high enough, light
escapes from the probe. The light trapped is returned to photodiode by Y coupler and is converted to
Voltage [5].
b. When production tube is 2 inch, a tractor well is needed to deploy logging tool, fig. 3.10.
c. 2 inches coiled tubing can be used to insert the tool if production is up the casing.
Figure3.9. Production logging tool run with 1¼ inch coiled tubing through 2 ⅜ inch production tubing [19]
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Production Logging and its Implementation: A Technical Review
Figure3.10. Production logging tool being deployed with a down-hole Well Tractor Tool modified after [19]
In horizontal wells, segregation may occur. So, production logging tool has to be set in the center of
the hole to measure properly segregation fluid. When there is stratified flow in horizontal well, special
sensors are required to measure fluid flow and distribution across the wellbore properly.
Figure3.11. logging tool position in segregated horizontal well, modified after [19]
3.8. Production Logging Sensors for Horizontal Well
A production logging tool for horizontal well has some difference than vertical well logging tool. A
logging tool consisting sensors for horizontal well are shown in table 3.1 and fig.3.12 [19].
Table3.1. Production logging tool sensors for horizontal well
Sensor type Uses for
Gamma ray It is for depth correlation
Collar Correlation Log It is also for depth correlation
Pressure It measures the bottom hole flowing pressure
Temperature Measure fluid or gas inflow or channeling behind pipe
Flow meter Calculate the rate of flow from each interval of depth
Fluid identification sensors This sensor identifies fluid type in two or three phase
flow region
Fluid capacitance Difference between water and hydrocarbons are
Fluid density Difference between water, oil and gas is measured
problems. A production log is usually run by the operator in a flowing wellbore. It helps to measure
the zonal contribution of water or hydrocarbons to evaluate the flow performance model and
stimulation effectiveness. Running production logs in horizontal wellbores presents unique challenges
requiring modification not only to the tools but also in the delivery techniques. Unlike flow in a
vertical well, in a horizontal well, wellbore production is different. Therefore, special sensors are
required to properly measure the holdup across the lateral section.
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Citation: Mohammad Sumon Chowdhury,, (2019). “Production Logging and its Implementation: A
Technical Review”, International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering (IJPPE), 5(2), pp.42-51,
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