Function Block Description FB283 SINAMICS S120 - S7-CPUs
Function Block Description FB283 SINAMICS S120 - S7-CPUs
Function Block Description FB283 SINAMICS S120 - S7-CPUs
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Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
General Information 1
Error handling 7
Valid for
Function Block FB283, >= Version 1.3
Test Aids 8
Edition: 07/2008 General Information
List of contents
1. General Information ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. User Interface Structure.................................................................................................................. 3
3. Calling the Function Block .............................................................................................................. 5
3.1. General information................................................................................................................... 5
3.2. Configuration instructions ......................................................................................................... 8
4. User Interface Assignment ........................................................................................................... 11
4.1. List (axis DB)........................................................................................................................... 11
4.2. Description .............................................................................................................................. 13
5. Traversing Task Processing ......................................................................................................... 14
6. Configuring.................................................................................................................................... 17
6.1. Standard telegram 1 ............................................................................................................... 17
6.2. Siemens telegram 110 – block positioning and MDI............................................................... 19
7. Error Handling............................................................................................................................... 21
8. Test Aids ....................................................................................................................................... 22
1. General Information
This block supports data transfer between a SINAMICS S120 and an S7-CPU via PROFIBUS and
PROFINET. This block can be used in each S7-CPU 300/400 that is it least DP-V1-capable. The data
interface is individually defined in a data block for each drive by structuring with pre-configured UDTs.
The principle communication of the SINAMICS S120 and a PROFIBUS master is shown in Fig. 1. The
process data (PZD) is consistently transferred over the complete length of the PZD area. The control
and feedback signals are precisely defined in the User Interface Assignment. The request data
(parameters, indices and values) are transferred using non-cyclic (acyclical) services, e.g. PROFIBUS
The techniques applies in the same way for data exchange with a PROFINET IO controller.
The language settings for this block can be changed to the listet languages within the SIMATIC
German (Germany)
Spanish (International Sort)
Italian (Italy)
French (France)
English (United States)
The communication sequence of the acyclical parameter interface (also refer to PROFIdrive Profile
Drive Technology Æ Profibus User Organization, Order No. 3.172) is shown in Fig. 2. The requests
are transferred in FB283 using the system function blocks SFB52 and 53.
Parameter Write.req DB47 Parameter
Request with data (parameter request) Request
without data
Read.req DB47
without data Parameter
SFB52 Processing
without data
Read.req DB47
without data
Parameter Read.res(+) Parameter
Response with data (parameter request) Response
In the first S7-CPU cycle or after setting the input "RESTART" FB283 checks which data areas the
user defined in the axis DB (Fig. 4). This information is stored in the internal data of the FB283
(Æinstance DB). If the structure of an axis DB is modified, then the S7-CPU must be restarted (new
start or cold start) or the input "RESTART" must be set.
Block FB283 must be called during the first PLC cycle. Otherwise, the FB283 will not be initialized
after a PLC restart and the structure of the axis DBs will not be recognized and saved in the instance
DB. SFC6 is used to implement the UDTs Autoscan.
For operation with n axes, only n+1 DBs are required if the internal data is saved in a multi-instance
DB, refer to Fig. 6.
FB283 DB Axis 1
Traversing Block
process data
= signals S7-CPU ⇔
In order to transfer process data two “any” pointers must be transferred for each axis. The process
data should preferably be located in one DB (any pointer, for example: p#db71.dbx 166.0 byte 20).
This is recommended as the individual bits of the process data are symbolized in the UDT.
This block can be used in any S7-CPU 300/400 capable of DP-V1 or PROFINET IO.
The data consistency over the complete length is defined in parameter CONSIST.
For an inconsistent data transfer via the word, the parameter must be set to false. If consistent data
transfer over the complete length exists, then the parameter should be set to true. The setting must
match the data in the hardware configuration.
The PZD area is consistent over the unit.
Process data is transferred using
load/transfer commands.
The example already contains the data block for the modes generated using UDTs
• Speed-controlled operation DB70 (with the associated call via FC70)
• Positioning operation, block + MDI (TLG110) DB71 (with the associated call via FC71)
• Positioning operation (reserved) DB72 (with the associated call via FC72)
• Positioning operation, block + MDI (APC) DB73 (with the associated call via FC73)
APC example: "SINAMICS S120 EPOS" (Appl. No.: A4027118-N00142-A0434 V2.0
Open the block container and process data blocks 70 to 73. Remove any UDTs that are not required.
If several drive objects are required then additional axis data blocks can be inserted by copying.
1. Insert the FB283 and the required UDTs into the existing S7 project.
UDT30000 = basis UDT
UDT30001 = processing 64 traversing blocks
UDT30002 = read-out faults
UDT30007 = positioning operation with traversing blocks and MDI acc. to the APC example
„SINAMICS S120 EPOS (Appl. No.: A4027118-N00142-A0434) V2.0“
UDT30008 = positioning operation (reserved)
UDT30009 = speed-controlled operation
UDT30010 = positioning operation with traversing blocks and MDI acc. to telegram 110
2. For each axis, create a data block that contains the required UDTs.
UDT 30000 must always be contained in the axis data block and must be called at the first
position. Refer to examples for positioning and speed controlled operation.
Speed-controlled operation
• The interface FBs (FB283) are called in this function block or in the call block (FB100).
• Set-up error OBs if required (OB 81, 82, 86, 87, 121, 122).
If changes are made to the data blocks regarding the UDT arrangement, then a new start must be
carried-out. Otherwise, Autoscan will not register the changes.
The headers of the UDTs and the UDTs themselves may, under no circumstances be changed. If
UDTs are changed then errors can occur regarding the write and read length.
DBW 12 ErrorNumberDrive
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBW 54 chain_PNU_1
DBW 56 chain_IND_1
DBD 58 chain_Data_1
DBW 62 chain_PNU_2
DBW 64 chain_IND_2
DBD 66 chain_Data_2
DBW 70 chain_PNU_3
DBW 72 chain_IND_3
DBD 74 chain_Data_3
DBW 78 chain_PNU_4
DBW 80 chain_IND_4
DBD 82 chain_Data_4
DBW 86 chain_PNU_5
DBW 88 chain_IND_5
DBD 90 chain_Data_5
DBW 94 chain_PNU_6
DBW 96 chain_IND_6
DBD 98 chain_Data_6
DBW 102 chain_PNU_7
DBW 104 chain_IND_7
DBD 106 chain_Data_7
DBW 110 chain_PNU_8
DBW 112 chain_IND_8
DBD 114 chain_Data_8
DBW 118 chain_PNU_9
DBW 120 chain_IND_9
DBD 122 chain_Data_9
DBW 126 chain_PNU_10
DBW 128 chain_IND_10
DBD 130 chain_Data_10
4.2. Description
Address Symbol. name Description
DBW 0 UDT Nummer Number of the UDTs following from here. Starting
value: 30000
DBW 2 UDT Länge Length of the UDTs in bytes following from here.
Starting value: 162
DBW 4 Kontrollnummer Starting value: 30000
DBW 12 ErrorNumbrSINAMICS Error number of the SINAMICS S120 is saved
DBX 14.0 RD Reads the data
DBX 14.1 WR Writes the data
DBX 14.2 Done Feedback signal, request completed
DBX14.3 Busy Request is being processed.
DBX 14.7 Error Request interrupted by an error.
DBW 16 tasksi Request number. Can be a parameter number or
special request number.
DBW 18 ind Sub-parameter number. Refer to the Function
Description SINAMICS S120, Chapter Parameter
DBD 20 Data Value that is to be written or after a read request,
value that has been read out.
DBW 24 ErrorNumbr Error number that has occurred when executing
the request. Refer to Chapter 8 - error code table
DBW 26 SFB_ERR Fault state of SFB52/53; see Online-Help fort his
DBW 54, 62 ..., 126 chain_PNU_1-10 Parameter number to read-out up to 10
parameters of any type
DBW 56, 64 ..., 128 chain_IND_1-10 Sub-parameter number associated with the
particular parameter number.
DBD 58, 66, ..., 130 chain_Data_1-10 Parameter value transferred from the S120
DBX 134.0 Satznum Pre-selection which parameters should be
transferred (134.1 to 134.7)
DBX 134.1 pos Pre-selection, position
DBX 134.2 gesch Pre-selection, velocity
DBX 134.3 beschover Pre-selection, acceleration
DBX 134.4 verzover Pre-selection, deceleration
DBX 134.5 bef Pre-selection, command
DBX 134.6 befpara Pre-selection, command parameter
DBX 134.7 mod Pre-selection, mode
DBW 136 Satznummer Value, block number
DBD 138 Position Value, position
DBD 142 Geschw Value, velocity
DBD 146 Beschl_over Value, acceleration override
DBD 150 Verzoeg_over Value, deceleration override
DBW 154 Befehl Value, command
DBD 156 Befehlsparameter Value, command parameter
DBW 160 Modus Value, mode
The request may only be initiated if all request data are available.
Using the request interface single, requests can be initiated that are only executed once. The status
bit Busy is set while the request is running. If the request has been completed Busy is reset and the
Done bit is set.
The error bit is set if one or several pieces of data are incorrectly entered:
• Parameter number (tasksi) is incorrect
• Sub-parameter number (IND) is incorrect
• Date ((data)) is incorrect
An error number is specified in the error compartment. Refer to the Function Description of
SINAMICS S120, Chapters 5, 7 and 8 for a description of the error code.
1 2 1 3 1 1 2
4 5
Request administration
Using the S120 request interface single two types of requests can be started:
• Reading/writing all parameters from SINAMICS S120
(refer to the SINAMICS S120 parameter list)
• Special requests (e.g. Reading or writing traversing block)
All data is only saved in SINAMICS S120 in the working memory.
This is the reason that data must be backed-up in the EEPROM using parameter P971. Otherwise,
data will be deleted when powering-up again.
Carry-out data back-up: Set parameter P971 to 1
6. Configuring
6.1. Standard telegram 1
After configuring the S7 (for example, a 319-3DP/PN) the following screen is displayed in the
hardware configuration:
When selecting a single-axis module with standard telegram 1 your hardware configuration looks like
It is not permissible to separate the starting address areas for inputs and outputs.
The PZD of the drives must always be consecutively assigned (i.e. one after the other without any
After configuring the S7 (for example, a 319-3DP/PN) the following screen is displayed in the
hardware configuration:
When selecting a single-axis module with Siemens telegram 110 your hardware configuration looks
like this.
I/O addresses 256 to 269 and 256 to 279 are assigned to drive 1.
FB283 can only function when the starting addresses for the I/O areas are identical.
When selecting multi-axis configurations, it is possible that different starting addresses are assigned
automatically for the I/O areas for the second and following axes. This is because of Siemens
telegram 110 the I/O areas have different lengths.
This is the reason that starting addresses must be manually corrected to ensure that the same I/O
starting addresses are used (identical starting addresses).
7. Error Handling
If an error is indicated (single.Error = true) when executing a request, then the error can be evaluated
using parameter single.ErrorNumbr.
ErrorNumber Significance
10XY Network 2: SFC6 RET_VAL <> 0
11XY Network 2: Obligatory Udt30000 not present in the axis DB
or is not at the start of the axis DB
1.) Restart the CPU
2.) Establish the axis DP corresponding to the documentation,
e.g. UDT30000, UDT30001, ..., and at the end own variables.
20XY Network 3: SFC15 RET_VAL <> 0, error when writing to process data
21XY Network 3: SFC21 RET_VAL <> 0, error when deleting status words
22XY Network 3: SFC20 RET_VAL <> 0, error when copying from #rdz to #hilf_zsw
30XY Network 4: #AuftrArt has an invalid value
40XY Network 5: single.taski = 0
41XY Network 5: single.taski has an invalid value
Network 5: The request 30011 "Pre-assign traversing blocks 0..63"
cannot be started with a pos. edge from bit single.RD
Network 5: The request 30002 "Read-out fault memory" cannot be started
with a pos. edge of bit single.WR
50XY Network 6: #AuftrSchritt has an invalid value
Network 6: Incorrect return value (ParameterValues.Format) from
60XY Network 7: #AuftrSchritt has an invalid value
61XY Network 7: Internal program error
70XY Network 8: #AuftrSchritt has an invalid value
71XY Network 8: singl.Ind < 0 (permitted values: 0...63)
72XY Network 8: singl.Ind >63 (permitted values: 0...63)
80XY Network 9: #AuftrSchritt has an invalid value
81XY Network 9: Optional UDT30001 not present in the axis DB,
i.e. the request "Read / write traversing block" cannot be executed.
1.) Restart the CPU
2.) Structure the axis DB corresponding to the documentation,
e.g. UDT30000, UDT30001, ..., and at the end own variables
82XY Network 9: single.Ind > 63 (permitted values: 0...63)
83XY Network 9: single.Ind < 0 (permitted values: 0...63)
84XY Network 9: single.Data > 63 (permitted values: 0...63)
85XY Network 9: single.Data < single.Ind (Note: single.Ind must be <= single.Data)
86XY Network 17: single.Ind > 10 (permitted values: 1...10)
87XY Network 17: single.Ind < 1 (permitted values: 1...10)
88XY Network 17: single.Data > 10 (permitted values: 1...10)
89XY Network 17: single.Data < 1 (permitted values: 1...10)
Network 17: single.Ind =< single.Data
(Note: single.Ind must be >= single.Data)
90XY Network 10: #AuftrSchritt has an invalid value
© Siemens AG 2001-2008 All Rights Reserved
Function Block FB283 >= Version 1.3, Description 21 / 22
Edition: 07/2008 Test Aids
91XY Network 10: Optional UDT30002 not present in the axis DB,
i.e. the request "Read-out error memory" cannot be executed.
1.) Restart the CPU
2.) Structure the axis DB corresponding to the documentation,
e.g.UDT30000, UDT30001, ..., and at the end own variables
92XY Network 10: Internal program error when generating a request - jump bar
93XY Network 10: Internal program error when evaluating a request - jump bar
94XY Network 10: Internal program error when evaluating a request - error code
95XY Network 10: Internal program error when evaluating a request - error number
96XY Network 10: Internal program error when evaluating a request - error value
A0XY Network 10: #AuftrSchritt has an invalid value
B0XY Network 12: #AuftrSchritt has an invalid value
B1XY Network 12: A value was not able to be read
B2XY Network 12: Internal program error when evaluating a request.
C0XY Network 13: #AuftrSchritt has an invalid value
C1XY Network 13: A value was not able to be written
D0XY Network 14: Error for acyclic write access using SFB53
(SFB errors, refer below)
D1XY Network 14: Error for acyclic read access using SFB52
D2XY Network 14: Internal program error
E0XY Network 15: Error when acyclically accessing using SFB
Network 14/15: Request error Response contains error identifier, further requests
E1XY canceled
The detailed error indication is given in the Instance-DB, DBW322 (Response, Error-No.)
F0XY Network 17/18: #AuftrSchritt has an invalid value
Network 17: Incorrect return value (ParameterValues.Format) from
8. Test Aids
Variable tables can be used to control / demonstrate the MDI function using a SIMATIC-CPU:
The traversing data blocks can be changed / demonstrated using the following variable tables:
VAT71_TVB / VAT71_TVBblock
The correlating FC71 or FC73 in OB1 must always be called for this purpose.
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