Exciting New Farming Season: November 2020 Issue 2

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Issue 2 NOVEMBER 2020

Exciting New
Farming Season
CONTENTS Zimbabwe Farming Today
is published by

Issue two

4. Rabbit Breeders Body Formed 11-12 GT Bain Centre

King George Road, Avondale, Harare
6. Horticulture Sector Formalises Lobby Body Editor: Julie Havercroft
8. Hope For Farming At Blackfordby editor@mediaserv.co.zw
Designer: Daniel Simumba
9. Pig Farming
11. Annual Tuli Sale
12. Tobacco Plantings Figures Advertising:
Chris Kaitano: 0772 295 191
14. Broiler Management Finess Mutoti: 0772 623 780
15. Solar Energy Focus marketing@mediaserv.co.zw
Mediaserv Advertising and Marketing
18. Blueberries Irrigation Information @mediaservad
21. Bacterial Tobacco Disease Control Advice Website: www.mediaserv.co.zw

To our valued farmers

Zimbabwe, at this time of year, is poised at the season. This time of year is a time when
start of a new rainy season. It is no over- commitment is made to another season and
exaggeration to say that these coming rains another year.
carry with them the hopes and dreams of a
nation. Two successive droughts have seen a Irrigated tobacco crops are well established
precious and valuable farming resource - and dry land tobacco planting has begun. The
water - stretched to its limit. This curtailed sense of purpose is evident in both primary
winter wheat cropping hectarage. Neverthe- producers and those within the entire
less combining was recently completed and agricultural industry. Farmec reports indicate
the parastatal GMB anticipates a national higher sales of farming implements for the
total of 250,000 tonnes (just above half of our third quarter of 2020 and they expect this
domestic requirements). Summer crop year’s total sales to top those of 2019.
planting sizes will also depend very much, on
the accessibility and availability of water. Yet, The resilience of our farmers is always to be
the promise of La Niña and an above average admired and the economy of Zimbabwe is
rainy season is a tantalising prospect and we built on the strength of this sector. United we
to continue to invest in another agricultural stand and together we farm.
develop quality products, create markets and
Rabbit Breeders distribution channels. It ultimately seeks to
put Zimbabwean rabbit breeders on the global
Form map and position rabbit meat as the preferred
addition to people’s menus the world over.
Representative The Association has embarked on a number of
studies on rabbit production and marketing in
Body the value chain to come up with
evidence-based interventions that will
scale-up the contribution from the sector to
the gross domestic product.

Dr Annamore Jamu is the Interim President

of the Association while Mr Regis
Nyamakanga is the interim Secretary General.
A purely voluntary body, ZiCORBA is aimed
at unifying rabbit breeders, to work and
cooperate with all bodies that have an interest
in rabbit breeding, processing and marketing.
“Through rabbit breeding, we are keen to

T he Zimbabwe Commercial Rabbit improve livelihoods, create wealth and

Breeders Association (ZiCORBA) generate employment for our farmers,” Dr
has been recently constituted and the Jamu said.
Association was launched in July. Interim
National President Dr Annamore Jamu said Interim Regional Chapters have been
that the representative body came about when established in each of the country’s provinces
people who shared a common activity of and ten representatives cover a national base
breeding rabbits for various reasons chose to (Harare, Manicaland, Mashonaland East,
come together to speak with one voice. “With Mashonaland Central, Masvingo,
such teamwork, I see rabbit farming being Matabeleland North, Matabeleland South,
taken to new heights.” Mashonaland West, Midlands and Bulawayo).
Recommendations have also been made for The Association holds its inaugural AGM in
inclusion of rabbit breeding as smallstock December, whereby a substantive national
in the Livestock Growth Plan that is being executive will be elected.
worked on by the Ministry of Lands, For more information, find the Association’s
Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement. website www.zicorba.com, its Facebook page
The Association has identified areas of growth (Zimbabwe Commercial Rabbit
within a fairly scattered industry and aims to Breeders Association) or its Twitter handle
bring together like minded people to (RabbitZimbabwe).
Beloukha is a contact Bio-suckercide recommended by TRB to be used in combination with a
systemic suckercide for control of sucker growth in Flue-cured and Burley Tobacco.
Treated suckers die within 2-3 hours after application due to dehydration.
Beloukha does not pose any residue issues as it is rapidly absorbed by the crop and quickly
broken down on contact with soil.

Beloukha + At topping
Flumetralin 150 EC 1:133 + 1:66 & 14 days later 8 cup 900ml/ha
Contact: Robert Mazuru / Craig Chittenden / Dzingo Mafuvadze
Tel: 0712 204 946-7 / 0773 212 051 / (242) 309800/25
Email: mazuru@pivotalagro.com / craig@pivotalagro.com / dzingo@pivotalagro.com
“Growth and
Transformation –
Shaping the Future of
Zimbabwe’s Horticulture”
The Horticultural Development Council of Zimbabwe was formed in January 2020 as a
corporate body, with the intention of becoming the Apex organisation to represent and
promote export horticultural producers in Zimbabwe.
-Citrus Growers Association
-Export Flower Growers Association
-Zimbabwe Export Produce Growers
-Avocado Growers Association
-Individual Export Trade Companies
-Berry Growers Association
-Zimbabwe Farmers Union
-Commercial Farmers Union

We will continue to assist in the formation

Who we are: and growth of Specialist Producer
We are growers and exporters of horticulture Associations which will form the base of our
coming together to organise, revitalise, grow representation. These Specialist Associations
and transform this industry to deliver will ensure we maintain our target of
economic, social and business dividends. representing the majority of horticultural
Creating a future that is bigger and better than producers in Zimbabwe. The Union
yesteryear’s glory years. At its peak in 2000 representation will also help reach those who
the sector used to contribute over US$125 desire to export in the not too distant future.
million in export earnings (without tea, coffee
and nuts) each year. Currently the industry Our mandate:
contributes US$77 million (including tea, The HDC mandate is derived from;
coffee and nuts) to export revenue, employs 1. The collective interests of our members
approx. 18,700 and has the potential to who are growers and exporters of horticulture
double this in the next three years. produce to deliver growth and transforma-
tion through the sector’s aspirations in:
Our members: • Development of small holder and
Zimbabwe Tea Growers Association out-grower schemes
• Strengthening the horticulture produce base • Provide sector and market information
• Develop infrastructure and logistics • Coordination, collaboration and coalition
• Improved export access building to deliver sector targets
• Improved financing and investment • Representation
• Sustainability • Provide online/virtual farm tours and other
producer promotional services
2. The National Agriculture Policy Frame- • Policy advocacy on behalf of members
work (NAPF) • Commissioned research activities in the
3. The National Horticulture Development sector
If you would like to find out more about
Our services: us and our journey towards growth and
HDC will strive to develop the following transformation, please contact Linda Nielsen,
services to its membership over the next five Chief Executive Officer, Linda.nielsenzw@
years: gmail.com
• Provide sector knowledge leadership

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Celebrating Hope
In Agriculture At
Blackfordby College of Agriculture recently
held its 22nd diploma day at its Klein
Kopjes Farm in Mazowe. Themed Hope In
Agriculture, it was also the inaugural Principal Moses Suluma
diploma day for its part-time programme.
region. Three Mozambicans and one

total of 80 two-year full-time and 17 Zambian graduated yet were unable to attend
part-time students graduated. diploma day due to border closure. A
A trimmed-down guest list due to Blackfordby diploma is a respected
COVID-19 restrictions did not in any way qualification because it has proved its worth,
lessen the celebrations and given the disrupted and all those graduating today need to carry
year that has been 2020, the day was an that reputation with pride and responsibility,”
opportunity to commemorate the Blackfordby board chairman, Dr Andrew
culmination of training, work and effort of Matibiri said in his speech.
these men and women. Later, guest speaker, Agriseeds Sales and
The weekend course is aimed at people Marketing director, Ivan Craig, touched on
already working in the agricultural an issue of current focus by the Ministry of
industry but who want formal training and it Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural
is structured around a weekend-based Resettlement when he urged relevant
schedule. Seedco employees Ephraim authorities in Government to prioritise
Mafaune and Stewart Zura were two of the graduates from Blackfordby and other
General Diploma graduates and the agricultural colleges when it comes to
company’s chief agronomist Wendy Madzura allocation of land during the farm
was there to applaud them.The Blackford downsizing exercise. “It is disheartening to
by course, now inclusive of cropping, note that this deserving group of people
animal husbandry and horticulture, continues to pay lease rentals to holders of
continues to fly the Zimbabwean flag high Government offer letter who are themselves
and is recognised as a standard of not farmers at heart, but are holding onto
excellence within the Central African land for prestige or mere speculation.”
Happy Pigs,

hrowing open your
doors to strangers
for inspection can
be a nervewracking
Happy Farmer

undertaking but in
this case, the field day
hosted by Mark and
Esther Salle on
Ivordale Farm,
Enterprise, went
smoothly. The
presentation given
prior to inspection of
the piggery was done
by Esther and it demonstrated that, as to work on and improve a given responsibili-
assistant livestock manager, she knows as ty, which the Zimbabwean farming communi-
much about the pig production unit as her ty can learn from.
husband Mark, who at the age of 27, is the At the start of 2014, mortality across the
farm’s livestock manager and is also board in the livestock section was a very high
responsible for overseeing the dairy and beef 40%, for a number of reasons and the
units. Mark started work at Ivordale in 2013 livestock output and production was, in a
and Esther joined him in 2016, when they word, low. Steps taken to improve the piggery
married. Mark and Esther took over a rather in particular included hiring Josiah Kaponda
rundown, sadly neglected livestock section. as manager of the unit in 2016. Josiah came
Their diligence and hard work have turned this to Ivordale on attachment as an animal health
around and today, the piggery in particular, is student. Mark and Esther were so impressed
a model of production. Working to maximise by his work ethic and empathy with the
potential with the resources to hand, the Salles animals, that they took him on full-time and
have shown a willingness and commitment he remains an integral part of the team today.
In 2017, vet Doug Bruce became the animal the installation of double feeders in the
health expert and veterinary advisor and Doug weaner houses and wet/dry feeders in the
continues to oversee the technicalities of the finisher houses.
pigs’ health.
Another drastic but necessary step taken was The new farrowing housing is nearly complete
an overhaul of the genetics. Improved genetics and floor space and crate spaces have been
have been key to improve production increased in them. Sties are kept clean and
efficiency. Gilts and boars came from ART sows are washed when they enter the piggery.
Farm in 2018 and they have increased the
growth rate of the pigs. Culling for After gilts and sows have been serviced by the
production is now a necessary part of the boar, the boar is then removed and housed
management. Salle is adamant: “Have the separately. The gilts and sows are moved into
right genetics for your farming environment.” individual farrowing pens a week before they
are due to farrow. Each unit has a dedicated
Mark and Esther have worked on midwife on standby. After farrowing,
improving and rebuilding the grower and round-the-clock mother-care by dedicated
finishing housing, using farm bricks. staff watch mother and babies ensure each
Improvements include a raised roof to correct piglet receives adequate nutrition and is not
airflow, increasing floor space. Installing lain on by the mother.
wet-dry feeders, modifying units to include
middle walk ways and building a loading For a farmer, having happy and healthy pigs
ramp. The feed storage room was also ‘tidied from birth to finish, means a reduced
up”.Advice for fellow pig farmers on this is to mortality and increased production. The sows
invest in good facilities and equipment to now have higher fertility and farrowing rates
assist with management. and a plentiful milk supply. Stillborn rates
have dropped and overall live weight at birth
Attention to basics such as water availability has increased. Average cold dressed masses at
and quality were addressed. Separate tanks for the finisher stage have increased and as pork is
cleaning and drinking were installed and sold by the kg, an increase in weight means an
storage capacity was tripled. increase in turnover. All of this has come from
care, attention to detail and tweaking the
The issue of feed quality came under scrutiny. system to produce the best possible results.
Feed is a pillar to success and a base feed is The bottom line is the increased output all
bought and mixed on-farm with other inputs round.
such as bran and soya, on-farm. The mix is
now tested regularly. Feed is the single largest Salle is a methodical record taker and uses
input and accounts for a whopping 86.7% of records to measure every little detail. His
the total input bill. As it is such a high input, mantra is “if you measure nothing then you
feed waste was looked at and addressed, with achieve nothing”. He emphasises the need
to choose key indicators of success and to competitive level and continues to raise the
measure them consistently. Records indicated standard of sustainable commercial pig
how factors such as feedmix components and production in Zimbabwe. And although
power cuts can affect production rates. For prices and the volatility of the market can affect
example, when there were numerous cuts in “smaller” players such as Ivordale, steps on-farm
2019, there was a spike in mortality at the can be taken to reduce the impact and minimise
pre-wean stage as there was a lack of warmth losses and allow this size of player to weather
in the farrowing units (heating lamps couldn’t rough waters.
be used). When Salle had to use sorghum as
a feed input as there was a lack of maize, this Aims and goals include general improvement in
affected growth rate results. All the records all areas, improved biosecurity, making of dry
are there to measure and show how factors sow pens, improving gilt selection and growth,
like this can affect overall production. While AI on gilts and sows, to complete another
Ivordale’s piggery unit may be small (currently finisher block and to use slurry on the pastures
150 sows, 10 boars and +/- 1,100 young stock) to reduce fertiliser input costs. As Salle says,
compared to the giant Colcom (more than the learning never ends and Esther and himself
4,000 sows spread out over four farms), this are constantly looking for ways to improve the
production unit is, itself, functioning at a piggery.

Tuli Breeders
Annual Sale Held

T he Tuli Cattle Society of Zimbabwe towards the end of September, shortly after
held its annual production sale the National Breed Sale.

With Governmental Covid-19 restrictions 5 bulls sold at an average of $228000;
still limiting the number of people allowed 5 bulling heifers sold at an average of
to gather in one place, the society opted for $112000;
an online, livestream sale. “The sale had to be 8 cow & calf lots sold at an average of
conducted in this manner in response to the $104000;
many and various regulations around 6 pregnant cows sold at $105000 each.
Covid-19 which makes the gathering of many
people in one place for any purpose, so
complicated and difficult,” a society bulletin had 10 pregnant cows not sold. Zimbo Tuli
read. “Despite these rather unusual and Stud attained the highest bull price and Jambo
challenging circumstances, the sale did go Tulis attained the highest heifer prices.
reasonably well and showed how technology Petrus Erasmus is the current Chairman and
can be utilised to make such a sale happen Anne Cooke the vice-chair. The Tuli Cattle
regardless of the hurdles and difficulties Society of Zimbabwe is the first breed in
currently experienced here in Zimbabwe, and Zimbabwe to record performance
indeed globally,” the bulletin continued. Two information using Breedplan to enable genetic
breeders participated in the sale, namely evaluations. This is a modern genetic
Jambo Tulis and Zimbo Tulis. evaluation system for beef cattle which allows
One bull was from Zimbo Tuli Stud, and the breeders to improve the accuracy of the
rest were from Jambo Tulis. Zimbo Tuli Stud selection of breeding animals.

2020/21 Tobacco Season Planting Down

A drop of 15% in tobacco planting for the 2020/21 season has been recorded by tobacco
regulatory body, Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board, TIMB.
According to the latest TIMB report, the area
planted out to tobacco currently stands at
22,990ha, with the bulk of this in the
Mashonaland West province. 14,362ha are
planted out under irrigation and 8,628ha to
dryland. Although dryland planting continues,
this figure is unlikely to significantly increase.
Some farmers spoken to blame this partly on a
low exchange rate at the beginning of this year’s
marketing season and also to difficulties
associated with the COVID-19 lockdown which
made selling conditions difficult for many to
T he festive season is drawing closer
and a lot of farmers are working hard
to make their animals meet up with the
body size or weight together, and keep them
in the same growing pen. This will eliminate
the factor of inequality. In addition, they will
festive market. Remember, the higher the be able to feed well without being intimidated
weight, the higher the market price your or cheated by the bigger or weightier broilers.
animal will command. People want to buy You can increase the quantity of grower and
broiler chickens with high weights and some finisher feeds given to the group with lower
are ready to go with the price you are willing weights. When you do this, you will surely see
to sell them. a difference.
As a poultry farmer, you are having a
number of broiler chickens you are raising to 2. Broiler growth promoter or
sell during Christmas period. However, you enhancer
are worried about something. Most or all your Usually farmers are not encouraged to use
broilers are not growing as expected and they growth enhancers for their animals. They
are not attaining the expected market weight could be harmful to your animals in one way
If your broilers do not grow bigger or have or the other. However, if you must use it, try
good body weights, then don’t expect much and research on them and consult your veter-
profit or have it at the back of your mind that inarian and livestock specialists. If you must
you run at a loss. Nevertheless, you can still do use any broiler growth enhancer, try as much
something to make your broiler chicken grow as possible to use plant-based broiler growth
bigger. This article can brief you on how to promoter or enhancer.
make broilers add more weight without
incurring additional cost. 3. Avoid starving of your chickens
Most farmers starve their chickens in the
1. Sort broilers according to their sizes and name of no money to raise them again. In the
weights first place, why should you commit yourself
The first thing you need to do is that, you into what you won’t finish? So don’t expect
should sort your broilers that have similar any miracle if you are not giving your

broilers the required quantity of feed they purchase a good broiler breed from a
need to feed on. If you feed your chickens reputable farm or hatchery if you want to raise
well, they will grow bigger and attract more broilers for commercial purpose.
market prices. Though, there are cases where
broilers don’t grow well, irrespective of the By General Beven Mundida (Livestock
quality and quantity of feed given to them. consultant) Contact call/ WhatsApp
The major reason for this is related to the +263 776 420 161
broilers’ genetic foundation. So ensure you Email: gbmundida@gmail.com

Shining a Light on Zimbabwe’s

Solar Energy Options

nvestment into solar energy, be it for diesel powered generators which use non-
industrial, agricultural or domestic renewable fuels and and such, incur running
application, is a commitment to capital costs. The sustainability, inconvenience and
expenditure, and factors such as expense of buying fuel to run our generators on
consumption, use and needs, budget, and long- a daily basis for hours at a time meant a gradual
term use all need to be taken into consideration shift away from generators, over to solar power.
before spending your money. Consider whether This is when solar power providers started to
your initial intended solar use can be upgraded make their presence felt on our power supply
or expanded should the need arise. The more market.
information you have, the more empowered
you are when it comes to making decisions ‘Downtime’ became a catchphrase in domestic
about going solar. industry with factories not being able to run
machinery during operating hours of business.
Battery backup inverter systems that are In agricuture, winter wheat production hit a
powered by solar energy are the best solution low in 2018 as frequent to run machinery
available to Zimbabwe, especially as we have during operating
become more and more subject to frequent hours of business.
power cuts from our archaic public power In agriculture,
supply system. Backup systems are ideal for winter wheat
powering either a home or a workspace and also production hit a
help reduce electricity costs. However, low in 2018 as
Zimbabwe has been slow to adopt this form frequent power
ofenergy supply. When power cuts first became cuts meant farmers
an unwelcome feature of day to day living here, were unable to
the trend was to buy conventional petrol- and irrigate their crops.
Since then, more than one farmer in the from 50 to 200 litre tank capacity so your daily
wheat-producing belt of use and requirements have to be considered.
Chinhoyi has converted to fitting and using
solar power water pump systems as a reliable In this case, solar energy is being used in a
energy source for irrigation. specific capacity and not as a complete, off the
grid solution. Home battery backup systems are
The demand for solar systems for a variety of a separate system. There may be a catch if you
applications in agriculture, industry and make the assumption that you can be
housing here has recently grown year on year completely off the grid with a battery backup
and solar energy solution providers Frecon system. Whole-house battery systems can work
Solar, said this year they were among many who for off the grid applications but quite often,
were unable to meet demand this year when these houses are built and designed with this in
Government Covid-19 regulations locked mind. Most houses that are converting to solar
down domestic and international travel. When backup systems were built anything up to more
borders closed, this impacted the export and than 60 years ago and can be energy inefficient,
import of solar inputs. As lockdown presenting a challenge to solar energy providers.
regulations ease and cross-border traffic
resumes, its back to business for the providers Understanding Your Needs
and the challenge is to now meet the demand What do you want to run on solar energy?
backlog and have enough qualified personnel How much energy will your chosen equipment
to install the backup housing and pump and appliances need and how many hours a day
systems being bought. do they need to run for? All day, at a certain
time of day or for a certain amount of time per
Domestic Use day? A clear understanding of these factors is
It is now law in Zimbabwe that all new homes the first step in understanding what capacity of
constructed include solar geysers. These are solar energy you will need to convert through
sold and installed as stand-alone units and the solar panels and photovoltaic cells and
nearly every single home - old and new - in also how much inverter battery power you will
an urban setting here now has a solar geyser need. Experts from Frecon Solar can assist you
perched on its roof. Apart from the initial in- in making this kind of decision and they can
vestment, solar energy is clean, sustainable and help you choose the appropriate technology
free. With an average of around 300 sunny days based on your needs.
a year, there is an abundance of solar energythat Making the most of your potential to “harvest”
be harnessed. No more high electricity bills and energy from the sun must be planned
no cold water when there are power cuts: carefully to offer the optimal solution. Frecon
Heating water in geysers is one of the highest Solar are there to help you make informed
consumption uses of electricity and return on decisions on your investment and offer a wide
your investment takes shape in the monthly array of sustainable clean energy solutions for
savings on your electricity bill. Geyser sizes vary you to choose from.
Blueberries: Specialised Irrigation
for a Specialised Crop
B lueberries
are a very
special crop. In
Africa, they
are successfully
outside their
growing area, in
areas that they
may not be
fully adapted to.
Almost all
blueberries are produced in controlled produce blueberries profitably. A
environments, such as greenhouses. If they are complicating factor in blueberry production is
produced outside, the irrigation and fertilizer that blueberries have a very limited root
application must be controlled precisely. This system. In greenhouses they are usually grown
is made necessary by the physical and in 20 to 30 litre containers in growing
physiological characteristics of the plant. media with limited water holding capacity.
This means that water will have to be applied
Quality Control often and in small quantities. The growing
The berries produced in Africa are mainly media also has a very low buffering capacity.
exported to international markets, where they This means that it will make a very small or
will it will compete with berries from other negligible contribution to plant nutrition.
production areas all over the world. Quality Nutrients will have to be applied to the plant
is therefore of utmost importance. Quality very accurately in terms of nutrient mix, Ec
is mainly determined by fruit size, firmness, (electronic conductivity of the nutrient
taste, and colour. These qualities are solution) and at the right pH. This must be
controlled by the precise management of applied during the correct growth stage of the
production inputs. The most important plant to be able to fulfil the needs of the plant.
production inputs are water and nutrients. If it is done correctly, it will enable the plant
Exact control over these two critical inputs to produce high quality fruit in abundance.
are of cardinal importance to achieve a crop of Even when blueberries are produced in soil,
good quality and yield size, to be able to the plants have a very shallow and small
irrigation throughout the
day. The pulse lengths and
frequencies must also be
adjusted throughout the
day. This becomes necessary
as the water demand of the
plant varies as
temperature, humidity and
sunshine and
other climatic conditions
change. This means that
we have to open and close
valves for a specific block
frequently in order to sup-
ply in the water and nutri-
ent demands of the specific
block of plants.
root system. The above scenario will prevail,
and the same demands will have to be met
The frequency and short duration of the
with regards to the supply of water and
irrigation pulses also puts massive
hydraulic demands on the delivery system.
The fill up time of the system must to be very
Precise Management
short to accommodate the short pulse lengths.
The complexities discussed here demands a
If the systems fail to cope with this, some
lot of attention to detail and strategic actions
plants will get more water and nutrients
from the producer. The producer has a
than others and uniformity of water and
massive responsibility to carefully mix the
nutrient distribution will be compromised.
nutrient solution and monitor the application
This will impact the yield uniformity and fruit
of these nutrients continuously to obtain
aconstant supply of nutrients, at the right
As is clear, the burden on the producer and
ratio’s, Ec and pH, as well as a very precise
his employees is massive. Mistakes can be very
supply of water to the plants. This must be
costly and even fatal to the project or farming
done day and night, day after day for the
entire growing season.
Supportive Solutions
The limited water reservoir, created by the
Netafim, the global leader in smart irrigation
limited root zone, demands that the water and
solutions, has invested a lot of time and effort,
nutrient delivery system must be able to
over several decades, to develop and perfect
cope with very short and frequent pulses of
solutions to all the challenges producers face
in the production of specialised crops, such as The products are installed as part of the
blueberries. Especially in demanding irrigation system and were developed to cope
production areas. with the specific hydraulic demands of such a
precision production system. These products
By harnessing Netafim’s automation solutions work together to keep the water in the system
in the production system, a producer can under pressure. This will ensure that all plants
largely automate the actions that answer in will get water once the new irrigation pulse
the water, nutrient and climatic (in controlled starts and the emitters will close when the
greenhouse systems) demands of the crop valve to that specific block closes at the end of
during all the production phases. Nutrients the irrigation pulse. This will keep the system
can be mixed into the irrigation water at the full of water and will prevent a
correct ratios, Ec and pH and will be situation where plants lower down the slope
monitored and adjusted to pre-set programs, receive more water due to the laterals draining
setup by the producer. Irrigation pulses can be out at the bottom end. Using Netafim
controlled by the CMT (Crop Management products, designed for these high-technology
Technology) computer and valves can be production systems, will ensure that you can
opened and closed as determined by the deliver water and nutrients accurately and
producer. This will leave the producer’s hands evenly to each individual plant in the
free to attend to other problems and planning production system to ensure a blueberry crop
in the production system. The system can also of exceptional quality and volume.This will
be set up to send warnings to relevant people allow you to grow more with less.
if problems arise or if the system operates
outside of predetermined parameters.

Visit your nearest DripTech Irrigation Branch

for more information.
Coventry / Glenara / Harare Drive / 2nd
Street / Mutare
Article kindly provided by Pieter Burger /
SADC Agronomist / Netafim

Protect Your Tobacco Crop
Against Bacterial Diseases This

by Tawanda Nixon Mangisi

he country and the region is 50WG alone in the lands. BION 50WG
forecasted to experience a normal to should be applied preventatively before dis-
above normal rainy season that could ease is observed. Bion® 50 WG gives the plant
be induced by La Nina. A wet season is every the “activation and boost” to defend itself
farmer’s desire, however this brings with it against diseases by stimulating the plant’s own
challenges of its own for the tobacco farmers. natural defence mechanisms.
A profitable price can be obtained at the floors Bacteria are very, very small. They require
by offering high quality clean leaf. The biggest powerful light microscopes to be seen. Bacte-
challenge to tobacco leaf quality is the ria depend on outside agents to spread – but
control of leaf diseases caused by FUNGI not the wind as many fungi do.
(easy to control) BACTERIA (generally more - Splashing water is the number one means
difficult to control) and by VIRUSES by which bacteria are spread – during rain or
(managed by controlling the aphids that irrigation.
transmit the viruses). Common diseases - Some are spread by contaminated equip-
include anthracnose; alternaria, frog eye ment or workers’ hands.
(fungal) and angular leaf spot and wildfire Bacteria enter the plant through a wound/
(both caused by the same bacterium but two cut or natural openings in the leaves. Because
different strains), bacterial diseases are generally more difficult
For the first three diseases BRAVO®, ORTI- to control, prevention is key to managing
VA®, AMISTAR TOP® used alternately will them by:
give excellent protection. For the latter two
which are bacterial, Syngenta recommends • Breeding toleant varieties
the use of Copper Oxychloride in alternation • Spraying BION 50WG andcoper-based
with BION 50WG in the seedbed and BION chemicals.
Bacteria only become active and cause The preventative application of Bion® 50WG
problems when factors are conducive for them prepares the plant to fight disease early in
to infect and multiply. Some factors infection giving good prevention against the
conducive to infection include: pathogens.
- high humidity; crowding of plants; poor air Bion 50WG has excellent safety to most crops
circulation; and is compatible with most fungicides and
- plant stress caused by over-watering, insecticides. It also has good UV stability and
under-watering, or irregular watering; is a green triangle product.
- poor soil health; and deficient or excess Bion 50WG is a plant activator with
nutrients. systemic properties for prevention of both
bacterial and fungal diseases such as:
Bacteria are known to multiply quickly and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (wildfire and
their disease symptoms include: angular leaf spot), Thanatephorus cucumeris
- specks, spots, blights, wilts, galls, cankers,- (Rhizoctonia leaf spot) and Cercospora
can cause plant-cell death in the roots, leaves, nicotiane (frog eye) in tobacco.
flowers, fruits, stems and tubers

Below are some of the BION 50WG use recommendations:

Crops Target Diseases Use rate

Tobacco Seedbeds Pseudomonas syringae pv. 125 g / 100 litres
tabaci (wildfire and angular 40 ml / m2 first spray
& Tobacco Field leaf spot), Thanatephorus 60 ml / m2 second spray &
cucumeris (Rhizoctonia 60g/ha, 125g/100L
leaf spot) and Cercospora
nicotiane (frog eye)
Timing / Crop Stage Seedbeds: First spray 7 weeks after sowing, second spray
9 weeks after sowing.
Field: First spray, 5-6 weeks after transplanting, second
spray 8-9 weeks.
A third spray may be necessary

Below is an integrated seedbed management calendar for you to


Stage Transplant Topdress Topping De-sucker Reaping Reaping Reaping Reaping Reaping Reaping
Problem Importance 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Nematodes xxx SOLVIGO
Weeds grass pre- DUAL
Weeds grass &
broadleaf pre- xx
Weeds grass FUSILADE
post-em FORTE
Soil pests,
Aphids, Termites

Cutworm xx
Cercospora TOP TOP TOP
Angular LS,
Rhizoctonia Leaf

Tawanda Nixon Mangisi is an Agricultural Expert with Syngenta Agro Ag, Direct Business Countries
(Zimbabwe , Mozambique , Malawi & Angola) | tawanda_nixon.mangisi@syngenta.com


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