Bibliographie Sur Les Relations Entre Le Qualitatif Et Le Quantitatif
Bibliographie Sur Les Relations Entre Le Qualitatif Et Le Quantitatif
Bibliographie Sur Les Relations Entre Le Qualitatif Et Le Quantitatif
Pires, A. P. (1987). Deux thèses erronées sur les lettres et les chiffres. Cahiers
de recherche sociologique, 5(2), 85-105.
Pole, K. (2007). Mixed method designs : A review of strategies for blending
quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Mid-Western Educational
Researcher, 20(4), 35-38.
Punch, K. F. (1998). Introduction to social research : Quantitative and
qualitative approaches. London : Sage.
Ragin, C. C. (1987). The comparative method : Moving beyond qualitative and
quantitative strategies. Berkeley : University of California Press.
Ratnesar, N., & Mackenzie, J. (2006). The quantitative-qualitative distinction
and the null hypothesis significance testing procedure. Journal of
Philosophy of Education, 40(4), 501-509.
Reichardt, C. S., & Cook, T. D. (1979). Beyond qualitative versus quantitative
methods. Dans T. D. Cook & C. S. Reichardt (Eds.), Quantitative methods
in evaluation research (p. 7-32). Beverly Hills, CA : Sage.
Reichardt, C. S., & Rallis, S. F. (1994). Qualitative and quantitative inquiries
are not incompatible : A call for a new partnership. Dans C. S. Reichardt &
S. F. Rallis (Eds.), The qualitative-quantitative debate : New perspectives
(p. 85-91). San Francisco : Jossey-Bass .
Reichardt, C. S., & Rallis, S. F. (Eds.). (1994). The qualitative-quantitative
debate : New perspectives. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass .
Reichardt, C. S., & Rallis, S. F. (1994). The relationship between the
qualitative and quantitative research traditions. Dans C. S. Reichardt & S.
F. Rallis (Eds.), The qualitative-quantitative debate : New perspectives (p.
5-11). San Francisco : Jossey-Bass .
Rinaldo, V. (2005). Today's practitioner is both qualitative and quantitative
researcher. The High School Journal, 89(1), 72-77.
Ritchie, J. (2003). The applications of qualitative methods to social research.
Dans J. Ritchie & J. Lewis (Eds.), Qualitative research practice. A guide
for social science students and researchers (p. 24-46). London : Sage.
Rossi, P. H. (1994). The war between the quals and the quants : Is a lasting
peace possible? Dans C. S. Reichardt & S. F. Rallis (Eds.), The qualitative-
quantitative debate : New perspectives (p. 23-36). San Francisco : Jossey-
Bass .
Salomon, G. (1991). Transcending the qualitative-quantitative debate : The
analytic and systemic approaches to educational research. Educational
Researcher, 20(6), 10-18.
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