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Spesifikasi Bolt, Nut & Washer

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1058.01 -- Description

1. All high strength bolts shall meet the requirements in ASTM A 325/A 325M and
the modification in this Section.

2. All high strength nuts shall meet the requirements in ASTM A 563/A 563M, or
ASTM A 194 and the modifications in this Section.

3. Hardened steel washers shall meet the requirements in ASTM F 436/F 436M
and the modifications in this Section.

4. All bolts, nuts, and washers shall be plain (uncoated) unless otherwise

5. Alternate design fasteners or bolting systems not referenced in this specification

must be tested and approved by the Department before use.

1058.02 -- Material Characteristics

1. Bolts:

a. The maximum tensile strength for bolts with a diameter that is equal to or
less than 1 inch shall be 150,000 psi. Bolts with diameters that are larger than 1 inch shall
have a maximum tensile strength equal to 120,000 psi.

b. Type 3 bolts, nuts, and washers must be used to assemble "weathering"

steel structures. When structures are painted, then the bolts and the compatible nuts and
washers may be Type 1 or Type 3.

2. Nuts:

a. If nuts are to be galvanized (hot dip or mechanically galvanized), they

shall be heat treated grade 10S or 10S3 (2H, DH, or DH3).

b. Plain (uncoated) nuts shall be grades 8S or 8S3 (2, C, D, or C3) with a

minimum Rockwell hardness of B89 (Brinell hardness of 180), or heat treated grades 10S or
10S3 (2H, DH, or DH3).

c. If nuts are to be galvanized, they shall be tapped oversize the minimum

amount required for proper assembly. The amount of overtap in the nut shall be so the nut
assembles freely on the bolt in the coated condition and shall meet the mechanical
requirements of ASTM Specifications as indicated for nuts in Subsection 1058.01 above.

d. Galvanized nuts shall be lubricated with a lubricant containing a dye of

any color that contrasts with the color of the galvanizing.

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3. Marking:

All bolts, nuts, and washers shall be marked according to the appropriate ASTM

1058.03 -- Acceptance Requirements

1. Bolts:

a. Proof load tests (ASTM F 606/F 606M, Method 1) are required. The
minimum frequency of tests shall be as specified in ASTM A 325/A 325M.

b. Wedge tests on full size bolts (ASTM F 606/F 606M) are required. If
bolts are to be galvanized, tests shall be performed after galvanizing. The minimum frequency
of testing shall be as specified in ASTM A 325/A 325M.

c. If galvanized bolts are specified, the thickness of the zinc coating shall
be checked by taking measurements on the wrench flats or on top of the bolt head.

d. The Contractor may use either English or metric bolts in accordance with
Table 1058.01.

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Table 1058.01

Metric/English Bolt Substitution Table

Equivalent *
Bolt Sizes
Metric English Hole Diam.
(millimeters) (inches) (millimeters)
M6 1/4 7
M8 5/16 9
M10 7/16 12
M12 1/2 14
M14 9/16 16
M16 5/18 18
M20 3/4 22
M22 7/8 24
M24 1 27
M27 1 1/8 30
M30 1 1/4 34
M36 1 1/2 40
M42 1 3/4 46
M48 2 53
M56 2 1/4 62
M64 2 1/2 70
M72 2 3/4 76
M80 3 1/4 86
M90 3 1/2 95
M100 4 107
* All bolts on any structure must be all English or all metric. Mixing is not allowed.

2. Nuts:

a. Proof load tests (ASTM F 606/F 606M) are required. The minimum
frequency of tests shall be as specified in ASTM A 563/A 563M, or ASTM A 194/A 194M. If
nuts are to be galvanized, tests shall be performed after galvanizing, overtapping, and

b. If galvanized nuts are specified, the thickness of the zinc coating shall be
checked by taking measurements on the wrench flats.

3. Washers:

Hardened steel washers shall be tested in accordance with ASTM F 436/F 436M. If
galvanized washers are specified, hardness testing shall be performed after galvanizing. (The
coating shall be removed before taking hardness measurements.)

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4. Assemblies:

a. Rotational capacity tests are required and shall be performed on all plain
or galvanized (after galvanizing) bolt, nut, and washer assemblies by the manufacturer or
distributor before shipping.

b. (1) Except as modified herein, the rotational capacity test shall be

performed according to ASTM A 325/A 325M.

(2) Each combination of bolt production lots, nut lots, and washer
lots shall be tested as an assembly.

(3) A rotational capacity lot number shall be assigned to each

combination of lots tested.

(4) The minimum frequency of testing shall be 2 assemblies per

rotational capacity lot.

(5) The bolt, nut, and washer assembly shall be assembled in a

Skidmore-Wilhelm calibrator or an acceptable equivalent device for bolts that are too short to
be assembled in the calibrator. See Subsection 1058.03, Paragraph 4.b.(9).

(6) (i) The minimum nut rotation, from a snug-tight condition

equal to 10 percent of the minimum bolt tension (minimum bolt tension is equal to 70 percent
of the minimum tensile load), shall be:

(a) 240 degrees (2/3 turn) for bolt lengths less than or
equal to 4 diameters.

(b) 360 degrees (1 turn) for bolt lengths greater than

4 diameters and less than or equal to 8 diameters.

(c) 480 degrees (1 1/3 turn) for bolt lengths greater

than 8 diameters.

(ii) During the tightening process, the Contractor should

continuously monitor the fastener tension on the calibration device, the bolt torque indicated on
the torque wrench dial, as well as the relative rotation of the nut with respect to the snug-tight
position. After snug-tightening the nut to the appropriate tension (shown in the tables below),
the nut shall be rotated until the minimum bolt tension (as shown in the appropriate table) has
been reached. The bolt torque reading should be recorded as close as possible to the
minimum bolt tension. This torque must be less than or equal to the calculated torque
obtained from the following formula:

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Torque Formula
Tm < Tc = 0.25 PD

Where: Tc = calculated torque in ft. lbs.

Tm = measured torque in ft. lbs.
P = measured bolt tension in pounds
D = bolt diameter in feet (values shown in tables below)

(7) If the above torque-tension relationship has been satisfied,

rotation of the nut should continue (past the rotation point where the minimum bolt tension-
torque was taken) in the tightening direction to complete the minimum nut rotation shown in
Paragraph 4.b.(6) of this Subsection. The tension reached at this rotation shall be equal to or
greater than the turn test tension (equal to 1.15 times the minimum bolt tension). The snug
tension, minimum bolt tension, and the turn test tension are shown in Table 1058.02.

Table 1058.02

Bolt Tension Requirements

SI Standard
Diameter (millimeters) 16 20 22 24 27 30 36
Diameter (meters) 0.016 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.027 0.030 0.036
10% Snug Tension
(kilonewtons) 9 14 18 21 27 33 48
Minimum Bolt Tension
(kilonewtons) 91 142 176 205 267 326 475
Turn Test Tension
(kilonewtons) 105 163 202 236 307 375 546
US Standard
Bolt Diameter (in) 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2
Diameter (ft) 0.042 0.052 0.063 0.073 0.083 0.094 0.104 0.115 0.125
10% Snug Tension
(kips) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10
Minimum Bolt
Tension (kips) 12 19 28 39 51 56 71 85 103
Turn Test Tension
(kips) 12 22 32 45 59 64 82 98 118

(8) If the torque-tension relationship or the rotation-tension

relationship as determined in Paragraphs 4.b.(6) and 4.b.(7) of this Subsection does not meet
requirements, the fastener assembly lot represented by these test samples shall not be used.
However, if allowed by the Engineer, the complete fastener assembly lot represented by these
failed test samples may be cleaned, relubricated, and then resubmitted for evaluation.

(9) Bolts that are too short to test in a Skidmore-Whilhelm calibrator

may be tested in a steel joint using steel shims with proper hole size and thickness so as to
place 3 to 5 exposed threads within the joint. The minimum turn-test tension requirement of
Paragraph 4.b.(7) of this Subsection need not apply since there is no way of measuring
tension. However, the torque value at proper installation rotation shall be determined as
follows: The nut must be snug tightened using the same effort (or torque) required to reach

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the 10 percent snug tension as shown in the appropriate unit section of Table 1058.02. This
"snug-torque" value may be determined by using longer bolts from the same lot that will fit in
the calibrator. After match-marking the nut after snug-tightening, the nut shall be rotated to the
minimum rotation required for turn-of-nut installation (equal to 1/2 of the rotation values shown
in Paragraph 4.b.(6) of this Subsection). The torque value obtained at this installation rotation
must not exceed the torque as computed by the formula in Paragraph 4.b.(6) of this
Subsection using a value of P equal to the turn test tension shown in the appropriate unit
section of Table 1058.02.

5. Reporting:

a. The results of all tests (including zinc coating thickness) required herein
and in the appropriate AASHTO or ASTM Specifications shall be recorded on the appropriate

b. The location where tests are performed and the date of tests shall be
reported on the appropriate document.

6. Witnessing:

The tests need not be witnessed by an inspection agency. However, the manufacturer
or distributor that performs the tests shall certify that the results recorded are accurate. Recent
calibration documentation (calibrations performed at least on a yearly basis) for testing
machines, as well as torque and tension measuring equipment used for performing said tests,
shall be provided upon request by the Engineer.

1058.04 -- Documentation

1. Mill Test Report(s) (MTR):

a. MTR shall be furnished for all mill steel used in the manufacture of bolts,
nuts, or washers.

b. MTR shall indicate the place where the material was melted and

2. Manufacturer Certified Test Report(s) (MCTR):

a. The manufacturer of the bolts, nuts, and washers shall furnish test
reports (MCTR) for the item furnished.

b. Each MCTR shall show the relevant information required according to

Subsection 1058.03.

c. The manufacturer performing the rotational capacity test shall include on

the MCTR:

(1) The lot number of each of the items tested.

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(2) The rotational capacity lot number as required in
Subsection 1058.03, Paragraph 4.b.(3).

(3) The results of the tests required in Subsection 1058.03,

Paragraph 4.b.

(4) The pertinent information required in Subsection 1058.03,

Paragraph 5.b.

(5) A statement that the MCTR for the items meets this Specification
and the appropriate ASTM Specification.

(6) The location where the bolt assembly components were


3. Distributor Certified Test Report(s) DCTR:

a. The DCTR shall include MCTR for the various bolt assembly

b. The rotational capacity test may be performed by a distributor (in lieu of

a manufacturer) and reported on the DCTR.

c. The DCTR shall show the results of the tests required in

Subsection 1058.03, Paragraph 4.b.

1058.05 -- Shipping

1. Bolts, nuts, and washers from each rotational capacity lot shall be shipped in
the same container. If there is only one production lot number for each size of nut and washer,
the nuts and washers may be shipped in separate containers. The container shall be
permanently marked with the rotational capacity lot number such that identification will be
possible at any stage before installation.

2. The appropriate MTR, MCTR, or DCTR shall be supplied to the Engineer for
acceptance before installation.

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