Chapter 2 Review of Literature: 2.1 Overview

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Review of Literature


2.1 Overview

In this chapter the review of distributed system architecture model presented

with their major advantages and disadvantages. In the next section, the
literature review of distributed database implementation categories, DSM is
implementing parameters for distributed shared memory configuration
presented and then conventional DSM architecture strategies for distributed
shared have been described.

2.2 Literature Review on Distributed Architecture

In a distributed computing system, the data are stored on numerous

computers. The computers in a distributed computing system communicate
with each other through different communication media such as the internet or
high speed private networks. It can share disks, memory, or process contents.
The site of such shared memory system may differ in size and task, extending
from single computer to workstations. Each single machine can be identified
by a number of different names, such as hosts, sites, nodes depend on which
context they are projected. Here, the mainly term site is used to specify
physical distribution of these computers. The common view of a distributed
shared memory architecture depicted in Fig. 2.1. The highest variance
amongst distributed data items and shared nothing parallel systems are that
distributed data are typically geologically separated, are distinctly controlled
and have a slower interconnection between sites (3). Anther major difference
is that in distributed system differentiation between global and local memory
operation. A local memory operation is that in which process access and
update shared data contents located at private memory of requesting site.
While in global operation in that in which the requesting site will access and
update data located at local memory on remote site (4). both kinds of
execution require to be considered while programming the distributed shared
memory mechanism, but after fetching specific data content process will
perform operation similar way.

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Figure 2.1 Generic Distributed Architecture (3)

There are numerous explanations for implementing distributed shared

memory (DSM) architecture comprising sharing of data items, availability and
autonomy (3).

Sharing of data: The main benefit for the construction a distributed shared
memory system is the facility of a background where users at one site may be
able to access the data located on other sites. For example, in a distributed
university system where each campus stores data related to own campus, it is
possible for a user in one campus to access data in other campus. Without
this ability, the transfer of student records from one campus to another
campus would have to possibility to some external mechanism that would
couple present systems.

Autonomy: The main benefit of sharing data by means of data distribution is

that each site is able to retain a level of control over which data are stored in
local memory. In centralized architecture, the overall database administrator
will control shared data of the whole system from one site. In a distributed
system, the overall shared data are controlled by the system database
administrator. To, divide tasks there can be local administrator who is
responsible for local transaction which works in cooperation with overall
database administer while transaction is global. According to different

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database structure every database administrator having different degree of

autonomy. Sometimes local autonomy may have major benefits over system
design while shared data contents are geographically more separated.

Availability: It is properties of distributed architecture to deal against failure in

that if a specific site fails during transaction, then remaining sites of the
system will continue operating. In contrast, if the shared data contents will be
replicated to more than one site then, requesting site may fetch data form
another site and continue to remain functional. So, failure of one site does not
affect the functionality of the overall system or stop execution. A failure of a
specific site is identified by system and appropriate recovering methodology is

The facilities on failed site not utilized by the system until the recovery action
completed. After repair or recovery mechanism is completed, then failed come
back into the system and participate in efficient executions. In centralized
system recovery mechanism simple to implement, but, in case of distributed
computing systems it is very complicated, the capability of most of the system
to remain operational excluding the failure of one site results in increased
availability. It is very critical for shared data systems used for real time
submissions. For example, an airline system may have loss of ticket buyers
again its competitors because of data access loss of system.

2.3 Distributed Architectural Models

The model defines that how the different components are configured in
distributed architectures, according this property there are several models
available. Amongst the most prominent ones are described below. In
subsequent Fig. 2.2 to 2.4, P denotes processor, M denotes memory and disk
are depicted by using cylinders. Memory, disk and topology can be configured
according to system application requirement (3,5).

2.3.1 Single Shared Memory Model

In this shared memory model different processors will access shared memory
region by bus or high speed network. The main benefit of shared memory
model is that in this kind of architecture processors can access shared

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content without transfer to that requesting site and inter process

communication will remain very efficient with software as shown Fig. 2.2. A
process can send messages to other process much faster by using memory
writes against direct a message by a communication method. It cannot be
scalable beyond few numbers of processors because of bottleneck of
common bus or interconnection network that is the main drawback of this
architecture. (6). This kind of architecture does not accumulate more
processes because if more number of processes means it is required to wait
for turn to access memory. So, in this case process require to wait most of the
time to get access to the memory region.

Figure 2.2 Single Shared Memory Model (3)

This shared memory structural design usually has bigger memory stores on
each processor, so that addressing of the shared memory is escaped
whenever possible. Always, some of the shared data are not cached and
access will go to the shared memory region. The cached data also required to
manage coherence view. If the shared data are updated or accessed in local
memory by any processor than a cache by other processors will be updated
or removed (3). While an increasing number of processor cache coherency
will become overhead. Also shared memory computer are not scalable
beyond some limit and cannot accommodate than a fewer number of

2.3.2 Shared Disk Model

In the shared disk model each processor has its own local memories and all
the processors can access each disk via bus of interconnection network as

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shown in Fig. 2.3. There are two advantages of shared disk architecture over
shared memory system. First, is it is a less expensive architecture which
provide a good level of fault tolerance. Second is each process having its
local memory due to that memory bus will not become bottlenecks. If an
individual processor or process fail or local memories fails than other
processors will take over the task because shared data are located on shared
disks. It is also possible to create structure fault tolerance with RAID
architecture and it is found suitable in many applications (3).

Figure 2.3 Shared Disk Model (3)

Again, scalability is main difficulty is shared disk architectures. Since disk

access now become a bottleneck against the memory bus bottleneck which is
expensive in comparison of memory access. So, when there is the frequent
number of access to disk while interconnection network to disk become
bottlenecks (7). Compared to shared memory systems, shared disk models
can scale to a somewhat greater number of processors, but communication
across processors is slower, since it has to go through a communication

2.3.3 Shared Nothing Model

In a shared nothing model each node of the machine consists of a processor,

memory and one or more disks. The processors on one node may
communicate with another processor at another node with a high speed
interconnection network shown in Fig. 2.4. A specific site facility as a server
for data on disk that every site or node can retain. Since local request goes
through the local disk of each processor. This architecture overcomes the

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shortcomings of all requested I/O. Only process or processors can access

remote data contents and results communication through the interconnected
network (3,8). Moreover, a network of shared nothing architecture is designed
for extension. So, network’s transmission capacity increased against more a
number of nodes are added to the system. Therefore, this model is more
scalable as a large number of processors are easily added (9).

Figure 2.4 Shared Nothing Model (3)

The main disadvantage of this model is communication overheads and

remote disk access, which are greater than in a shared memory or shared
disk model. In shared memory or shared disk architecture read/write to shared
data involves software interaction at both ends.

2.3.4 Hierarchical Memory Model

The memory model combines the features of shared disk, shared memory,
and shared nothing models. At the upper level, it contains high speed
interconnection network which does not share memory or disk with each
other. (3,10). Thus, the top layer is a shared nothing architecture. Every site of
system will be the single shared memory network as depicted in Fig. 2.5.

On the other hand, each node could be a shared disk structure, and each of
the systems sharing a set of disks could be a shared memory structure. Thus,
a system could be constructed as a hierarchy, with a shared memory
archetypal with a few processors at the base, and a shared nothing archetypal
at the top, with possibly a shared disk construction in the middle (11). Fig. 2.5

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illustrates a hierarchical model with shared memory nodes interconnected

together in a shared nothing architecture. Commercial parallel systems today
run on several of these architectures.

Figure 2.5 Hierarchical Memory Model (3)

An effort to decrease the complexity of programming such systems has

yielded distributed virtual memory architectures, where logically there is a
single shared memory, but physically there are multiple disjoint memory
systems; the virtual memory mapping hardware, coupled with system
software, allows each processor to view the disjoint memories as a single
virtual memory (12). Since access speeds differ, depending on whether the
data is available locally or not, such an architecture is also referred to as a
non uniform memory architecture (NUMA).

2.3.5 Distributed Interconnection Networks

The distributed systems involve various components like memory, processors

and disks which can interact with one another each other via a high speed
communication network. Interconnection networks also called multistage
interconnection networks or MINs, are high speed computer networks (3,13).
They are connections between sites where each node can be a single
processor or a group of processors or memory modules. Fig. 2.6 shows
commonly used types of distributed interconnection networks.

These connections, transport or carry data from one processor to another or

from the processor to the memory so that the task is broken down and
computed in parallel. So, for example, you can have one network that is
connected to a group of processors or sites at one end and a memory pool at
the other end. The design in which the nodes are connected to each other is

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known as topology (14). The two main types of topology are static and
dynamic. Still sites are connected with different fashion through the network,
according to that various topologies are defined as shown in Fig. 2.6.

Figure 2.6 Distributed Interconnection Networks (1)

2.4 Issues of Implementing DSM

A distributed shared memory structure consuming number of schemes and

also having sub classes that is required to be considered. The scheme to
which the DSM based system is programmed is most significant decision to
build shared address space because its affect expense, software
development and performance. To gain effective expense, programming and
scalability are major points for each scheme. (15). An index mechanism
required to execute on each access to find requested shared data is in local
memory or not. If shared data is not local then the controller will retrieve
shared data from the local memory of another site. The structure is also
required to execute an action to maintain a coherence view of the system.
Both index and action can be executed in both hardware, software and the
combination of both (16). By this property system fall into three different
categories. The selection of the specific category depends upon project goals
and price, performance tradeoffs. Several aspect needs to be considered

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while projecting shared memory mechanism as depicted in Table 2.1.

Anyway, each of the categories can use the hardware as a part of system

Table 2.1 Memory Design Parameters

Migration based Replication based

Algorithms Client Read
Migration Replicati
Server Replication
Protocol Write Invalidate Write Update
Software Hardware Hybrid
Access by
Consistency Weak or
Strict Casual Processor
Model other
Naming Scheme
Semantics of Concurrent Access
Object Page
Granularity Shared variable based
based based
Homogeneous Heterogeneous
Hardware Software Hybrid
Scaling Requirement
Imp Language Object oriented Procedure oriented
Design Criteria
System Upgradation
Semantics of Concurrent Access

In every well-known architecture of shared memory based system all

constraints to be considered. Here, several things require to remember. The
first is in comparison of message passing technique shared memory
programming is easy to understand and very smaller. Different message
accessing methods are very popular amongst the designer. Second is shared
memory programming will provide a transparent process to process
communication in which actually application users are not aware of underlying
communication between processes (17-20). Through shared memory
programming developer easy grasp the problem and its solution. Last is
distributed shared memory programming well describes the locality of
reference because shared variable based entire shared data contents or
segment is being transferred to requesting site inside system (20). Several

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distributed shared memory studied and developed in past decades in various

research projects explained in chapter 4 which fulfill their necessity and
understanding. In their project district categories and memory, designing
constraints to be considered to focus on specific goals.

2.4.1 DSM Algorithms

Conceptually, shared memory algorithms incorporate the local memory of

computer within several distributed sites to provide the illusion to global
address space and enable transparent virtual memory mechanism for its
users. Based on data replication and migration basically four shared memory
algorithms are studied in the literature and many variations are also available
to form shared memory based on these algorithms (21-24).An implementation
of this shared memory algorithm actually suffers with two complexities. One is
static and dynamic distribution of each data amongst all sites that make
shared memory possible. Second is to maintain a coherence view of shared
data in the system.

Figure 2.7 Shared Data Distributing Strategies

As illustrated in Fig. 2.7, migration and replication are two frequent strategies
to design shared memory (24). In replication multiple copies of the same data
are stored in local memories of each node or copy of the requested data are
replicated to requesting node. In migration scheme only a single copy of
shared data available inside the system which are shipped to the requesting
site. Based on these data, distributing strategies, DSM algorithms are
classified into four types as shown in Fig. 2.8 (24-25). So, to minimize
coherence overhead developer require to select specific data handling
scheme and pattern of shared data management.

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Figure 2.8 Classification of DSM Algorithms (24)

2.4.2 Consistency Model

The consistency model of shared memory multicomputer specify conditions

that how memory system available to the programmer or user and condition of
memory access. It removes the confusion of characteristic expected by the
programmer and actual condition is supported in system structure (26). It can
be seen as an agreement between software and memory. This model
describes the direction in which memory operations executed by different
processors. It is significant to develop of parallel programs and formulate an
integral part of the entire system design, including the architecture, the
compiler, and the programming language (27). This condition required to be
defined at each level where there an interface between user and system. At
an architecture level, it touches the both hardware design expert and
programmer who develop the software (28-29).

Strict Consistency: The most difficult consistency mechanism called strict

consistency which is specified by condition: “Any read to a memory location x
returns the value stored by the most recent write operation to x.” To explore
this consistency mechanism more consider an example of Fig. 2.9 where two
different processes P1 and P2. The execution done by each process
described against time horizontally.

Figure 2.9 Strict Consistency Memory

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The horizontal line divides execution of each process. The notation W(X) 1
and R(X) 1 describes that a write to X with the value 1 and 1 read from X
have been done, independently. Process P1 write the value 1 to location X
which is read by process P2 subsequently. This characteristic best situation
for strict consistency model.

Sequential Consistency: It is the most natural model greatly restricts the use
of many performance optimizations commonly used by uniprocessor
hardware and compiler designers, thereby reducing the benefit of using a
multiprocessor (30). A multiprocessor system is sequentially consistent if the
result of any execution is the same as if the operations of all the processors
were executed in some sequential order and the operations of each individual
processor appear in this sequence in the order specified by its program as
described in Fig. 2.10. One of two aspect of this consistency model is to
protect execution order amongst individual process execution. And the
second is to maintain single execution direction amongst operation by all
processors. The former concept is to make each operation executes
atomically with respect to other memory operations.

Initially FlagX = FlagY = 0

FlagX = 1 FlagY = 1

if (FlagY == 0) if (FlagX == 0)

critical section critical section

Figure 2.10 Sequential Consistency Memory

Causal Consistency: The causal consistency model maintains the weakness

of sequential consistency. It creates a partition between actions which are
significantly casually related and those which are not. The shared memory to
be appear as casually consistent. It is necessary that the memory, observe
the following conditions: “Writes that are potentially causally related must be
seen by all processes in the same order”. Parallel writes to memory may be
considered in a different order on different processes (31). Consider ordering

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of Fig. 2.11 which permitted in the casual consistency model, but which are
not allowed in a sequentially consistent memory or a strictly consistent
memory. Here, memory writes W(X)2 and W(X)3 are concurrent, so it is not
required that all processes see them in the same order. If an application
failure occurs when district processes view simultaneous events in different
sequence, the system will violate the agreement done by casual consistent

Figure 2.11 Sequence of Events for Causal Consistent Memory

PRAM Consistency and Processor Consistency: It is defined by the

condition: “Writes done by a single process are received by all other
processes in the order in which they were issued, but writes from different
processes may be seen in a different order by different processes”. The
PRAM consistency model is easy to develop. It specifies that that there are no
guarantees about the order in which district processes see write execution,
except two or more writes from a single process must attain in order as
though they were in a pipeline (32).

Figure 2.12 Sequence of Events for PRAM Consistency

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In this consistency mechanism all writes executed by different processes are

concurrent. Above Fig. 2.12 showing sequences of events for PRAM
consistency. Processor consistency is near enough to PRAM consistency
(28). It is also well known as Goodman’s consistency model.

Weak Consistency: This consistency model is defined by stating the

subsequent behavior that accesses to synchronization variables are
sequentially consistent, no access to a synchronization variable is allowed to
be executed until all preceding writes have completed everywhere and no
data access is allowed to be executed until all preceding accesses to
synchronization variables have been executed. Fig. 2.13 describes the
sequence of events for weak consistent memory mechanism.

Figure 2.13 Order of Events for Weak Consistency

Release Consistency: This model offers access to memory system that’s

about to enter in a critical region. Release consistency explained that critical
region in just reached. These kind of accesses can be developed either as
distinct executions or as ordinary execution on special variables. In another
way the developer is responsible to program such way that specifies when to
trigger them (7,33). For example, by execution library processes such as
obtain, release or procedures such as enter critical region and leave critical
region. A release consistency model having two characteristic that is different
based on the execution orders they maintain among special operations. One
is to preserve release consistency among special operation while the second
is to preserve processor consistency among such operations.

2.4.3 Environment Support

An operating environment can be architected using different operating

systems and topologies. It may be homogeneous or heterogeneous

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depending upon its configuration. A network that uses a single network

architecture and operating system is homogeneous. Homogeneous
networks are the simplest networks to administer, but most corporate
networks are heterogeneous networks (29,34). A heterogeneous network
is a network connecting computers and other devices with different operating
systems and/or protocols. For example, local area networks (LANs)
that connects Microsoft windows and Linux based personal computers with
apple Macintosh computers are heterogeneous. A heterogeneous network is
the network of computer and other devices connected with each other across
different operating systems and protocols.

2.4.4 Global Data Naming

When the system process wants to access the remote data than it has to
identify the name and location of shared data and retrieve from there.
Therefore, at least all shared data should be visible to all the sites. It is
requires, some naming scheme to uniquely identify data contents of the
shared region to avoid conflicts (15,28). One possible solution is the unique
global name of each shared data contents in the virtual memory region. So,
process wishing to access data will use a unique name to identify data and
same way corporation process will use a unique name to globally identify
data. The virtual memory manager at specific node will perform address
translation of data contents (29). It is not useful if the granularity of data unit is
less than specific unit. In this case requesting process have knowledge about
the remote location of shared data.

2.3.5 Implementation Levels

The selection of implementation level depend a number of goals projected by

the developer. It is also depends upon price performance tradeoffs.
Sometimes hardware based implementation, high performance, adds more
complexity in design Although usually higher in performance, hardware
implementations to add more complex which is afforded by large scale
machines (29). So, hardware based implementation is selected when
performance is more important than budget. While for small scale systems
can be implemented with software based methods like networks of personal

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computers, built on commodity microprocessors. For, the mid-scale structure,

selection of hybrid is good like a cluster of computers. Low cost additional
hardware, used with hybrid solutions.

2.4.6 Implementation Language

The program design languages include two categories of languages system

programming and application programming language. In a homogeneous
scheme, it is very easy to care one specific system language. However, the
system program design languages used on the heterogeneous sites may be
exact different (17). This indicates that multiple equal implementations of a
heterogeneous single address space may have to be done in the different
languages. However, application program design languages should not be
affected by the system program design languages as long as a functionally
equal application program design interface is supported on all the sites. If a
common application program design language is available on all the sites,
then the same program would be usable on the sites. Otherwise, equal
implementations of an application would have to be written, which growing the
burden of using a heterogeneous system (35). Up to now, many of software
DSM systems are built on Unix portability platforms, such as Digital Unix, AIX,
Solaris etc., which is restricted to scientific applications that inhabit smaller
market. As the popularity of Windows NT, specifically, as the presence of
windows 2000 which incorporates windows NT and windows 9x together, it is
important to support single address space on windows 9x/NT created
platforms and support equal program design languages on windows platforms

2.4.7 Memory Access Semantics

In a distributed computing system effectively sharing of memory possible to

improve performance and reduce cost while executing more memory
concentrated task. At this point hardware support is essential for good
memory sharing mechanism (24). It is required to decide by programmer that
which components of the system perform a memory access from hardware,
operating system and memory management unit etc,. All above components

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having its limitation and good functionality. Choice of specific semantic

depends upon project goal and its environment. The performance calculated
based on two models, the software only method that support from the
operating system to access remote memory and the hardware intensive
method that uses a specific network interface to spread the memory system.

2.4.8 The Coherence Protocols

The DSM protocol uses two methodologies. One is a directory based where a
single directory retains track of the sharing status of memory contents. And
second uses snooping where every cache block is supplemented by the
sharing status of that block. All cache controllers monitor the shared bus so
they can update the sharing status of the block of data, if necessary ¾ write
invalidate, a processor gain exclusive access of a block before writing by
invalidating all other copies ¾ write-update, when a processor writes, it
updates other shared copies of that block of data (25).

2.4.9 Semantics of Concurrent Access

It is described by capability of shared data access by more than one site in

the distributed atmosphere (distributed lock management) or by two different
paths towards memory simultaneously (for load balance). It is very difficult to
take decisions when two different sited try to update the shared data at the
same time (19). So, concurrent access policy is requires to define while
programing virtual shared memory. This is where a lock, semaphore or barrier
is required to allow collaboration between the sites for data access. Therefore,
concurrent access require a suitable mechanism to deal with shared memory.

2.4.10 Future Scaling and Up gradation

As the requisite of today’s era scheme should be scalable and upgrade

according to developmental change. The system must the capability of a
database, network, or process to handle an increasing amount of work or its
possible to be distended to accommodate that growth. For example, a system
is considered scalable if it is capable of increasing its total output under an
increased load when resources are added. By time changes it’s also required
to upgrade or add new features to system software. The complexity, cost,

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time, and resources required to upgrade software will depend on a variety of

factors, including whether your site has been customized either via with
changes to the core system, plugins, or by an incorporation with another

2.4.11 Comparative Study of DSM Constraints

From the usual methods of architecting DSM system like hardware as cache
coherence configuration and network interfaces and based on application,
software based distributed shared memory systems can be implemented in
programming library, at the operating system level or at underlying memory
architect can be used to achieve the goal with different software parameters.
But advantage is that these kind of systems are more portable and easy
updatable software approach to DSM system design. The DSM systems
implementation of virtual shared memory model of independent physically
distributed memory system. It also involves various other implementation
choices depend upon its design requirements includes distributed shared
memory algorithms, level of implementation like in hardware, software or

Consistency Model
Environment Support
Implementation Level
Memory Access by
Naming Scheme
Design Criteria
Scalling Requirment
Semantics of Concurrent Access
System Upgradation

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 2.14 Comparative Study of DSM Constraints

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hybrid, critical region semantics, semantics of replication level, naming,

structure specification has to be used to access remotely located in shared
data, system consistency model, replication location for optimization, the
granularity of shared data, remote access and caching/replication control of
hardware or software, distributed shared memory controlled by virtual memory
management software, OS or language run time system etc. (19-21). If we
consider these design parameters, then by using many ways it is possible to
design a distributed shared memory use the system’s virtual address space.
Fig. 2.14 showing comparison of different constraints and its weightage from a
scale of 10 which provides different ways in DSM architecture (8). According
to design selections and issues shared memory can be implemented.
However the design choice may vary according to system design requirement
and performance, cost and scaling parameters.

2.5 Convention DSM Architecture

Two kinds of fundamental interprocess communication model message

passing and shared memory paradigm used in distributed systems. With
developers point of view shared memory application is quite easy to program,
but challenging to extend beyond limited sites. It is required for shared data to
run in parallel system which require distributed shared memory mechanism to
share to make data available to all sites.

Figure 2.15 Single Shared Memory Configuration

In single shared memory simultaneously accessed by multiple programs with

an intent to provide communication among them or avoid redundant copies.

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Shared memory is an efficient means of passing data between programs.

Depending on context, programs may run on a single processor or on multiple
separate processors. Above Fig. 2.15 show the single shared memory
configuration. The Shared memory systems use uniform memory
access (UMA), non-uniform memory access (NUMA) and cache only memory
architecture (COMA) (28-29). While designing single shared memory
architectures it provides advantages and disadvantages as listed below.


 The global address space provides a user friendly programming

perspective to memory.

 The communication between processors through shared memory.

 It is easy of programming and lower latency.

 It is a model for uniprocessors, the small scale of MPs.


 There is access time degradation due to a single bus inside the

 There may be bottleneck of shared region.
 It faces the lack of scalability between memory and CPUs.
 Here, failure of specific node may huge impact on the system.
 The programmer responsible for synchronization of constructs that
ensure correct access of global memory.

Figure 2.16 Distributed Shared Address Space

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A shared memory system is relatively easy to program since all processors

share a single view of data and the communication between processors can
be as fast as memory accesses to a same location. Each system has a
number of advantages and drawbacks. It may be tightly coupled system or
loosely coupled system.

In a distributed computing system individual processors perform

independently same in virtual address space at program layer. This means
that processor A can directly write into local memory which process B own as
a part of the shared memory by simply using construct at the program level.
The dispute with shared memory computers is that many processes need fast
access to memory and will likely cache memory which has many difficulties
(24). This architecture of shared memory is incorporated in to a basic DSM
system such as SMP systems, PVP systems. The conventional distributed
shared memory system is described in Fig. 2.16. In this kind of environment
wrapper to shared data utilized to create shared memory illusion and usually
use simple read and write statements to access directly application data
structures when communicating between processes. In this type of a system
where assignments statements do mapping directly to transport data between
the processes and memory segments, this can be a very effective mechanism
for communication depicted in Fig. 2.17 (21,28).

Figure 2.17 Memory Mapping to Local Memories (1)

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In this case, after following basic rules two process A and B can communicate
simply by reading and writing to a permitted location. The latency of
communication is less than the hardware latency of memory access on the
system. The available bandwidth between process communications is
programmed to be close to main memory of the system (19). This can
program communication technique more efficient. Here, some advantages
and disadvantages listed for such a kind of distributed architecture.


 It Shields programmer from Send/Receive primitives.

 It exploit locality of reference when a block is moved.
 Single address space, simplifies passing-by-reference and passing
complex data structures.
 It is providing large virtual memory space.
 This DSM method uses simpler software interfaces and cheaper off the
shelf hardware. Hence, cheaper than dedicated multiprocessor
 There is no memory access bottleneck as no single bus.
 This memory programs portable as they use common DSM
programming interface.


 It requires programmers need to understand consistency models to

write correct programs.
 This DSM implementations use asynchronous message passing and
hence cannot be more efficient than message passing
 By yielding control to DSM manager software, programmers cannot
use their own message passing solutions.

With the use of different constraints and methods number of distributed

techniques has been studied in the literature which retain different project
goals. Some frequent used DSM strategies for distributed architecture are
mentioned as below.

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Review of Literature

1. Single Bus Multiprocessors

2. Switch Multiprocessors

3. Non uniform multiple access

4. Page centered memory

5. Shared variable centered memory

6. Object centered memory

This dispersed shared memory structure design contains of several aspects

like memory actions, remote memory access, transmission medium,
encapsulation and methods, transfer contents, linear and virtual address
space, data migration and possible remote access need to be considered.

Table 2.2 Conventional DSM Implementations (19)

Shared Variable

based System

Object based
Page based
Single Bus





Memory actions? R-W R-W R-W R-W R-W General

Remote memory
MMU MMU MMU OS System System

Transmission through? Bus Bus Bus Network Network Network

No No No No No Yes

Transfer content? Block Block Page Page Variables Object

Unattached memory? Yes Yes Yes No No No

Linear/virtual space? Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Data migration done by H/W H/W S/W S/W S/W S/W

Access using
Yes Yes Yes No No No

Hemant D. Vasava 30
Review of Literature

Table 2.2 depicts the comparison of various different factors in different

architectures. Each architecture describes consuming its own advantages and
disadvantages, so it is required to select the appropriate technique as per
requirement of the recent trends and environment. Here, for data sharing, cost
effectiveness, reliability and commercial acceptance distributed shared
memory is a very important approach to design, distribute system due these
benefits this technique is selected as a research topic. The implementation
choice usually depends on requirements and price performance balances and
its applications are portable because of common shared memory interface,
but shortcomings such as consistency model, algorithm and protocol require
to be understood before starting development (24,32). In chapter 3 of this
thesis, we have presented different methods for software based shared
memory implementation.

Hemant D. Vasava 31

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