1st Grade Worksheet

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1st Grade

Agnes Scott Observatory Tour: Follow-Up Worksheet!

1. What part of the plaza represents
the sun and what parts are
planets? Which is bigger, planets or
the sun?

2. If the speed of sound is 340 meters per second and the

speed of light is 290,000,000 meters per second, which
travels faster?
a. Sound
b. Light
c. They have the same speed.

3. How much faster does one travel than the other?

(Hint: Subtract)

This work was supported by a grant from the Georgia Space Grant Consortium.
1st Grade

4. What is the reason for Earth’s seasons?

a. The Earth is closer to the Sun in summer and further
in winter.
b. The tilt of the Earth towards or away from the sun.
c. Once a year the trees get tired and can’t hold up
their leaves anymore.

5. How long does it take the Earth to go around the sun?

a. 6 months
b. 1 day
c. 1 month
d. 1 year

6. The Earth rotates once every…

a. 1 hour
b. 12 hours
c. 24 hours
d. 1 year

7. Shadowless Sammy was born without a shadow. Using the

position of the Sun, draw one for him with your pen or pencil.

This work was supported by a grant from the Georgia Space Grant Consortium.
1st Grade

Source: treasures.macmillanmh.com

1. The large outer circle is the sun. The smaller filled in circles around the edge are the
planets. The planets are all smaller than the sun.
This question aligns with standard(s) S1CS4ac, S1CS5a

2. b: light
This question aligns with standard(s) S1CS2c

3. 289,999,660 meters/second
This question aligns with standard(s) S1CS2

4. b: the tilt
This question aligns with standard(s) S1CS4b

5. d: 1 year
This question aligns with standard(s) SKE1a

6. c: 24 hours
This question aligns with standard(s) SKE1a


This question aligns with standard(s) S1CS5b, S1P1b

This work was supported by a grant from the Georgia Space Grant Consortium.
1st Grade

During the tour, your guide might have also covered standard(s) S1CS6d, S1CS7 and S1P1a as
well as the ones above.

This work was supported by a grant from the Georgia Space Grant Consortium.

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