Comparison of Different Melting Temperature Calculation
Comparison of Different Melting Temperature Calculation
Comparison of Different Melting Temperature Calculation
Structural bioinformatics
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A.Panjkovich and F.Melo
parameters as an input. Till date, several tables with DNA/DNA ther- none of these web servers limits the input to be entered by the user.
modynamic parameters have been published (Gotoh and Tagashira, Thus, we believe that it is important to be aware of the current limit-
1981; Vologodskii et al., 1984; Breslauer et al., 1986; Delcourt and ations that these methods have and also to be aware of the magnitude
Blake, 1991; Doktycz et al., 1992; SantaLucia et al., 1996; Sugimoto of errors that could arise when using them for practical applications.
et al., 1996; Allawi and SantaLucia, 1997). Although a detailed Unfortunately, most people use these softwares with no apparent
comparison among these tables is difficult because several inde- conscience about the possible costs and risks, given the magnitude
pendent variables are involved in their derivation, attempts to clarify of errors that could arise from these calculations. It must be advised
the similarities and differences among the various NN parameters that depending on the method that is used, for a given specific oli-
have been carried out (Doktycz et al., 1992; SantaLucia, 1998). One gonucleotide sequence, the absolute differences in the calculated Tm
major conclusion of the SantaLucia’s (1998) work has been that a values could be large. Then, in practical terms, the question of which
remarkable consensus exists among most of the different thermo- Tm value should be considered arises. The major aim of this work
dynamic parameters, leading to the proposition and derivation of a is to compare the Tm values calculated by the different methods in
Comparison of melting temperature calculation methods
compared in a pairwise fashion, exhibit some differences and share buffered solution of 50 mM Na+ and 50 nM of oligonucleotide concentration,
a similar behavior at different regions of the oligonucleotide fea- with a pH close to 7.0, but the Tm of DNA is unaffected within a significant
ture space (represented by length and CG-content). In the second range of pH around 7.0 due to the lack of titratable groups close to this pH
section of this study, the third and last objective of this work is in the Watson–Crick paired DNA. The salt adjusted Tm calculations were
addressed, which consists of the accuracy assessment of these meth- performed using the following equation (Howley et al., 1979):
ods in predicting the experimental Tm of several DNA sequences. yG + zC − 16.4
Tm = 100.5 + 41.0 ×
This accuracy benchmark set contained all DNA sequences in the wA + xT + yG + zC
length range between 16mer and 30mer for which the experimental
Tm , salt concentration and oligonucleotide concentration values were − + 16.6 log([Na+ ])
wA + xT + yG + zC
available. Also, a consensus Tm value proposed in this study was also
where x, y, w and z are the number of the bases of T, G, A and C, respectively.
assessed, thereby giving the lowest average error. The consensus Tm
In the above equation, the second term adjusts for the GC-content and the
value calculation is based on the consensus Tm map among different
third term adjusts for the length of the sequence. The equation also assumes
A.Panjkovich and F.Melo
Table 1. Thermodynamic parameters for DNA helix initiation and propagation in 1 M NaCl
Author Breslauer et al. (1986) SantaLucia et al. (1996) Sugimoto et al. (1996)
Abbreviation TH1 TH2 TH3
Propagation sequence H S G H S G H S G
(kcal/mol) (cal/◦ K mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (cal/◦ K mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (cal/◦ K mol) (kcal/mol)
AA/TT −9.1 −24.0 −1.9 −8.4 −23.6 −1.02 −8.0 −21.9 −1.2
AT/TA −8.6 −23.9 −1.5 −6.5 −18.8 −0.73 −5.6 −15.2 −0.9
TA/AT −6.0 −16.9 −0.9 −6.3 −18.5 −0.60 −6.6 −18.4 −0.9
CA/GT −5.8 −12.9 −1.9 −7.4 −19.3 −1.38 −8.2 −21.0 −1.7
GT/CA −6.5 −17.3 −1.3 −8.6 −23.0 −1.43 −9.4 −25.5 −1.5
or correlations among Tm s calculated by any two methods are not sensitive concentrations, accounting for a total of 348 data points. All these sequences
to this factor, as it is a constant value on both sides of the equation that is have a length ranging between 16mer and 30mer. A total of 37 unique
subtracted and therefore eliminated. sequences were extracted from Owczarzy et al. (1998); a total of 11 unique
In the case of accuracy benchmark reported at the end of this work, the sequences were extracted from the NTDB database (Chiu et al., 2003); and
salt correction factor of course becomes relevant, because the calculated Tm finally, a total of 60 unique sequences were extracted from Owczarzy et al.
is then compared to the experimentally observed temperature. Thus, for the (2004). The experimental Tm for each one of these unique 60 sequences
accuracy benchmark we have used not only the correction factor described was measured at five different salt concentrations, thus constituting a total
above, but also the new and improved correction factor recently published of 300 different experimental points (Owczarzy et al., 2004). Therefore,
by Owczarzy et al. (2004). In addition, we also used the correction factor a total of 348 data points were used in the accuracy benchmark reported
published by SantaLucia et al. (1996), which is slightly smaller than the one at the end of this work. The detailed dataset information is available as
described above. The best-performing salt corrections were used to assess Supplementary material at our website
each method. temperatures.html.
Comparison of melting temperature calculation methods
The length of the DNA sequences was limited between 16 and based on the observed differences of Tm predictions offered by these
30 nt, which is the most commonly used length range for PCR primer two methods, where Breslauer Tm values were consistently higher
design and in situ synthesized oligonucleotide microarrays. For each than SantaLucia estimations, in the whole range of sequence length
length, 10 different CG-content classes ranging between 0 and 100 and CG-content (data not shown). The comparison of Breslauer
were defined, thus covering the complete CG-content range. Finally, (Breslauer et al., 1986) or Th1 and Sugimoto (Sugimoto et al., 1996)
a total of 2000 DNA sequences were randomly generated for each or Th3 calculations exhibit high similarity in the CG-content range
particular combination of length and CG-content class. For each of 10–40%, irrespective of the sequence length (Fig. 2C). These two
sequence, the Tm s were calculated using the methods described above approaches presented a good correlation (Fig. 2D), but it is puzz-
and several comparisons were carried out (see Methods section). ling that the highest correlation values are not expressed at the same
The first comparison involved the maximal observed absolute points where the highest similarities are observed (Fig. 2C and D).
difference of Tm s among all the methods at each combination of Finally, the comparison of SantaLucia (SantaLucia et al., 1996) or
sequence length and percentage of CG-content. The results are shown Th2 and Sugimoto (Sugimoto et al., 1996) or Th3 showed simil-
A.Panjkovich and F.Melo
Fig. 1. Simultaneous comparison of Tm s calculated using all the methods. For each class of oligonucleotide length and percentage of CG-content, 2000
DNA sequences were randomly generated in a computer. The Tm of each sequence was calculated using different methods: basic, salt adjusted and the NN
thermodynamic method based on three published tables (Table 1). Subsequently, the similarities and differences of the calculated values were evaluated. (A, C
and E) The simultaneous comparison of all the methods is shown. (B, D and F) The simultaneous comparison of the three thermodynamic methods is shown.
The maximum observed absolute differences are shown in A and B; the average absolute differences in C and D; and finally, the percentage of cases where the
absolute difference is ≤10 or 5◦ C is shown in E and F. In the case of the simultaneous comparison of all the thermodynamic methods, a threshold of 5◦ C was
used to define similarity, because in our judgement this figure represents a reasonable error estimation of Tm values, as it has been suggested previously. In the
case of the simultaneous comparison of all methods, a threshold value of 10◦ C was used because no similarity was observed below that value (i.e. a flat graph
in the XY plane was generated).
Comparison of melting temperature calculation methods
Fig. 2. Correlation and percentage of similarities among thermodynamic parameter sets. The pairwise similarities and correlation of the Tm values calculated
by the thermodynamic sets using the parameters described in Table 1 were assessed. The procedure adopted was the same as described in the legend of Figure 1.
(A, C and E) The percentage of oligonucleotide sequences where the absolute Tm difference is ≤5◦ C is shown as a function of sequence length and CG-content.
(B, D and F) The correlation coefficient of the calculated Tm s is shown as a function of sequence length and percentage of CG-content. The corresponding
pairwise comparisons are as follows: (A and B) Th1 versus Th2; (C and D) Th1 versus Th3 and (E and F) Th2 versus Th3. Th1 stands for Breslauer et al.
(1986), Th2 for SantaLucia et al. (1996) and Th3 for Sugimoto et al. (1996).
A.Panjkovich and F.Melo
In summary, four different regions or zones in oligonucleotide giving a total of 348 experimental data points to support the accur-
feature space were obtained: (1) Zone 3, where Th1, Th2 and Th3 acy benchmark. The frequency of occurrence for all these sequences
exhibit similar Tm values (Fig. 4A, white color); (2) Zone 1, where mapped onto oligonucleotide feature space is shown in Figure 4C.
Th1 and Th3 exhibit similar Tm values (Fig. 4A, light gray color); The accuracy benchmark set was performed by using the salt cor-
(3) Zone 2, where Th2 and Th3 exhibit similar Tm values (Fig. 4A, rection factor that yielded the best results for each method, except
dark gray color); and (4) Zone 0, where none of the NN parameter for the consensus method, which used the Tm from each method
sets share similar Tm values (Fig. 4A, black color). Based on these calculated with the salt correction factor reported in the Methods
comparative results, a consensus Tm is then defined as the average section. Although this is unfair for the consensus method, the reason
of the Tm values calculated using those NN sets that exhibited a for doing so was to obtain values consequent with the comparat-
similar behavior at a given length and percentage of CG-content. ive benchmark that generated the consensus map, which used this
Thus, depending on the grid point where a given oligonucleotide unique and fixed salt correction factor for all the methods (salt adjus-
maps, the Tm values that are considered and averaged. Hence, the ted, Th1, Th2 and Th3). Three different salt correction factors were
consensus Tm value of oligonucleotides mapping in Zone 3 would be calculated and applied to the Tm predictions of each individual Tm
the average of the Tm values calculated by the Th1, Th2 and Th3 sets. calculation method. First, the salt correction described in the Meth-
In the case of a DNA sequence falling in Zone 1, the consensus Tm ods section (Schildkraut and Lifson, 1965), where the salt adjusted
value would be the average of the Tm values obtained by Th1 and Th3 method and the NN model with the Th1 and Th3 parameter sets
sets. Finally, the consensus Tm value of a sequence falling in Zone 2 showed the best performance. Second, the salt correction factor sug-
would be the average of the Tm values obtained by Th2 and Th3 sets. gested by SantaLucia et al. (1996), where the NN model with the
When a sequence maps into Zone 0 (black regions of Fig. 4A), it is Th2 parameter set showed the best performance. None of the meth-
not clear which parameter sets should be used. Although an average ods performed well when the new salt correction factor recently
of all Tm values could be used for these regions where no similarities suggested by Owczarzy et al. (2004) was used. In fact, when this cor-
are observed, we suggest that oligonucleotides falling in the black rection factor was considered, the accuracy of different predictions
regions should be avoided, because it is not clear which NN set could was significantly reduced in all the cases.
be considered. The results of the benchmark are summarized in Table 2. The
A final objective of this work was to assess the accuracy of dif- best-performing method in terms of giving the closest value to the
ferent methods at predicting the experimental Tm values for DNA experimental Tm most of the times is Th2 (SantaLucia et al., 1996).
sequences with a length between 16mer and 30mer. For that pur- In 40% of the cases, this method gives the most accurate experimental
pose, we recollected all the unique DNA sequences in that size range Tm prediction. However, when a more useful accuracy measure for
for which the experimental Tm s were available. A total of 108 unique the experimental biologist is used to assess the performance of these
oligonucleotide sequences that fulfill these requirements have been methods, the overall picture changes. When the percentage of cases
considered, for which frequencies of occurrence were mapped on oli- where the predictions containing a maximal error of 3 or 5◦ C is
gonucleotide feature space and are displayed in Figure 4B. It must be used, the best performance is achieved by the consensus method
mentioned that 60 of these 108 sequences had a total of five exper- proposed in this study, closely followed by the NN model using the
imental Tm values determined at different salt concentrations, thus thermodynamic parameters of Th3 (Sugimoto et al., 1996) and Th2
Comparison of melting temperature calculation methods
(SantaLucia et al., 1996). The same trend is observed when the aver-
age error is used as the accuracy measure. It must be noted that when
the benchmark is carried out considering only those sequences that
map into a consensus area of the oligonucleotide feature space (i.e.
excluding those sequences that fall into a black region of Fig. 4A),
the observed trend is not only confirmed, but also reinforced (Table 2,
bottom values within each cell).
Statistical significance tests for different methods’ average
accuracies were performed (Table 3). No significant average accur-
acy differences were observed among Th2, Th3 and consensus
methods when all the sequences from the benchmark set are used.
These three methods are however more accurate than the basic, salt-
In this study, we have compared the similarities and correlations of
the Tm values calculated using different methods. For this purpose,
we have used a large and representative benchmark set of short oli-
gonucleotide sequences. We did not address completely the problem
of judging which method gives the closest value to the experimental
Tm . We have only performed an accuracy benchmark using all the
relevant sequences for which experimental Tm data are available to
support the idea of using a consensus Tm with a minimal error prob-
ability. But we still believe that a benchmark based on the currently
available sequences is not sufficient to validate or discard the per-
formance of any existing method for Tm estimation. Although this last
issue has been addressed by other authors previously and an effort to
reconcile the existing differences has been made (SantaLucia, 1998;
Rouzina and Bloomfield, 1999; Owczarzy et al., 1998), we believe
that this kind of assessment is biased because most of the experi-
mental data available correspond to very short DNA sequences and
A.Panjkovich and F.Melo
Table 2. Accuracy benchmark of methods of the experimental Tm s (5◦ C) for several oligonucleotides that were
not following a two-state transition. Although it is still not clear if
the NN model could be a valid approximation for larger sequences,
Accuracy measure BAS SAL BRE SAN SUG CON
where long range interactions and salt dependence could have a com-
plex effect, most of the computational implementations currently
BEST (%) 0.6 5.2 3.5 40.8 26.2 23.9 available on the Internet or standalone software use this method for
(0.0) (6.4) (2.1) (38.1) (27.1) (26.3)
sequences that fall in the length range covered in this study. Thus, we
ERROR WITHIN 5◦ C (%) 11.2 31.0 26.2 83.3 83.6 83.9
(9.6) (35.2) (24.6) (84.0) (84.3) (86.1)
believe that it is important to be aware of the potential errors and/or
ERROR WITHIN 3◦ C (%) 3.7 14.9 14.4 60.9 60.1 61.5 existing variations in the Tm predictions that will be generated by
(2.9) (17.4) (12.5) (57.3) (62.6) (64.1) using those softwares without care.
AVERAGE ERROR (◦ C) 12.3 7.1 8.5 2.9 2.9 2.8 Our results showed that complex relationships exist among meth-
(12.6) (6.7) (8.6) (3.0) (2.7) (2.6) ods. For instance, as it was shown in Figure 2, the similarity
Comparison of melting temperature calculation methods
Table 3. Statistical significance of differences in average Tm prediction errors among the methods
Paired one-tail distribution Student’s t-tests were carried out to assess the statistical significance of average error or accuracy differences between any two methods, as described by
does not take into account these parameters can give results similar two methods are highly similar, as shown by the comparative bench-
to the more complex methods that indeed considered these variables. mark results. Out of the 348 experimental data points used in this
However, under varying conditions of salt and oligonucleotide con- benchmark, a total of 282 sequences fall in Zone 1 (dark gray region,
centration, the NN model with proper thermodynamic parameters Fig. 4C). On the other hand, it was also shown that the poor per-
clearly outperforms the simple methods. The NN model using the formance in this benchmark by the Th1 set (Breslauer et al., 1986)
Th1 thermodynamic parameters (Breslauer et al., 1986) showed a did not degrade the overall performance of the consensus method in
very low performance in our accuracy benchmark, when compared Zone 2, although the Tm value obtained with the Th1 set is averaged
to the other parameter sets. This was in agreement with what was in this zone with values obtained from the Th3 set. This demon-
observed in previous works for shorter oligonucleotide sequences strates that the consensus Tm is a robust measure and validates the
(SantaLucia, 1998; Owczarzy et al., 1998). The accuracy of the NN usefulness of this comparative study. Although the accuracy differ-
model using the Th1 set was too low, that even the salt adjusted ences of Tm predictions obtained in this benchmark for Th3 and
method had a better performance, although highly unsatisfactory. consensus method were not statistically significant, we suggest that
The NN model using the Th2 (SantaLucia et al., 1996) and Th3 in a large-scale application, the consensus Tm will turn out to be
(Sugimoto et al., 1996) thermodynamic sets exhibited a good per- significantly more accurate than the Tm estimated by the Th3 NN
formance in this accuracy benchmark. This result suggests that both set alone. Unfortunately, not enough experimental data are available
sets could be successfully used to predict the experimental Tm of yet to perform such a large-scale accuracy benchmark. Thus, we
oligonucleotide sequences in the range of 16–30mers. However, the finally suggest that additional experimental data, covering a larger
best result was achieved by the consensus method described in this fraction of the oligonucleotide sequence space, are required to derive
study, which is based on the three thermodynamic sets and in the con- more accurate and robust thermodynamic parameters. Also, a large,
sensus map generated in the comparative assessment carried out in heterogeneous, representative and unbiased set of sequences should
this study. The consensus Tm value is a more robust measure, which be used to carry out a complete assessment of accuracy for the exist-
is less sensitive to large errors that could arise while using a single ing methods. The consensus method proposed in this study does not
parameter table. Irrespective of the method that is used, oligonuc- guarantee the best accuracy for any possible sequence. However, it
leotide sequences falling in regions where no consensus was observed minimizes the chances of error when using the existing methods for
are more prone to large errors in the experimental Tm estimation, as a diverse and large number of sequences, which is the case in the
it was demonstrated in our accuracy benchmark. Thus, we recom- currently used practical molecular biology applications.
mend the use of the consensus Tm value for sequences in the range
of 16–30mers, avoiding those sequences that fall in those regions
where no consensus was observed (black regions of Fig. 4A). CONCLUSIONS
The consensus Tm suggested in this work will minimize the error in Significant differences are observed for the Tm values of short
the long run. Owing to the Lack of enough experimental data covering DNA oligonucleotides calculated by different Tm prediction meth-
the complete oligonucleotide feature space under varying conditions ods. Additional experimental data covering a larger fraction of the
of salt and oligonucleotide concentration, this is the safest way to oligonucleotide feature space are required in order to evaluate the
proceed. The consensus Tm measure does not certainly guarantee accuracy of the current methods or to obtain a more precise estima-
the minimal error in all individual cases, but none of the methods tion of the experimental Tm for any short oligonucleotide sequence.
can do that either. It must be mentioned that the accuracy bench- Meanwhile, the use of a consensus Tm calculation with a minimal
mark proposed here favors those Tm values obtained with the Th2 error probability is suggested, which should be derived from the com-
(SantaLucia et al., 1996) and Th3 (Sugimoto et al., 1996) parameter parison of existing methods in a large benchmark set of sequences,
sets, because most of the sequences fall in the regions where these as it was the case in this study. The guidelines to follow in order
A.Panjkovich and F.Melo
to increase the success for practical molecular biology applications, Doktycz,M.J., Goldstein,R.F., Paner,T.M., Gallo,F.J. and Benight,A.S. (1992) Studies
from top to bottom priority, are as follows: (1) apply safely the cur- of DNA dumbbells. I. Melting curves of 17 DNA dumbbells with different duplex
stem sequences linked by T4 endloops: evaluation of the nearest-neighbor stacking
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interactions in DNA. Biopolymers, 32, 849–864.
have (i.e. avoid sequences that form stable alternative secondary Gotoh,O. and Tagashira,Y. (1981) Stabilities of nearest-neighbor doublets in double-
structures, because such sequences do not follow a two-state trans- helical DNA determined by fitting calculated melting profiles to observed profiles.
ition); (2) if possible, use oligonucleotide sequences that fall in the Biopolymers, 20, 1033–1042.
middle range of CG-content and are shorter than 20–22mers (i.e. Howley,P.M., Israel,M.F., Law,M.-F. and Martin,M.A. (1979) A rapid method for detect-
ing and mapping homology between heterologous DNAs. Evaluation of polyomavirus
where most of the current Tm prediction methods agree); (3) avoid genomes. J. Biol. Chem., 254, 4876–4883.
the use of sequences that fall in those regions of oligonucleotide fea- Marmur,J. and Doty,P. (1962) Determination of the base composition of deoxyribo-
ture space where none of the current methods agrees (black regions nucleic acid from its thermal denaturation temperature. J. Mol. Biol., 5,
of Fig. 4A); (4) for large-scale applications with sequences where 109–118.
Owczarzy,R., Vallone,P.M., Gallo,F.J., Paner,T.M., Lane,M.J. and Benight,A.S. (1998)
a two-state transition is not known to occur, use a consensus Tm