Catablan Integrated School: Monitoring and Assessment Report New Normal Monitoring and Assessment Blended Modality

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
City Schools Division of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Monitoring and Assessment Report

New Normal Monitoring and

Blended Modality

Modular Modality Online Modality

Monitor the Monitor the availability of

availability and easy strong WIFI/ Internet
access of printed connectivity, Gadgets and
Activity Sheets and equipment of students

Monitoring of Students Monitoring of Students

Progress in accomplishing attendance, participation and
Activity Sheets. performance in different
 Call Online Classes.
 Text  Virtual Classes
 Thinking Log (Zoom, Google Classroom,
 Feed backing form Google Sheets, Facebook
 Weekly Home Chat room and others
Learning Report platforms.)
 Weekly Teachers’

Assessment of Students’
Performance in accomplishing
and submission of Activity
Assessment of Students’
Sheets and Modules.
Performance in accomplishing
 Retrieval of Activity and submission of online
Sheets. Activity Sheets and Modules.
 Checking of Activity
 Checking of online
Activity Sheets.
 Recording of Scores
 Recording of Scores
 Feed backing
 Feed backing
 Weekly Online
Republic of the Philippines Outputs Report
Region I
City Schools Division of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Junior High School

S.Y. 2020-2021

Monitoring and Assessment

Monitoring is a “continuing function that uses systematic collection of data to provide
indications of the extend of progress and achievement of objectives, and competencies from
the MELC aligned with the new normal teaching and learning process”.

Modular Modality

Prepared, printed, sorted and delivered learning activity sheets and printed
modules were tested during the dry run. As the teachers of Catablan IS delivered the AS,
parents signed as proof of receipt. Extra copies of the AS were also placed at the
designated cabinets per grade level , properly labelled for easy access in case of loss .

Meanwhile, teachers waited for student responses regarding the accomplishment of

the Activity sheets through text, call, filling up the thinking log and feedbacking forms.

Assessment of Students’ Performance in accomplishing and submission of Activity

Sheets and Modules started with the retrieval of activity sheets and after that these activity
sheets were checked by the different subject teachers and proper recorded it. Feed backs
from students and parents should be monitored and address immediately.

Online Modality

Data gathering utilizing the Learner Enrolment Monitoring Form (LESF) was used to
check the availability of strong WIFI/ Internet connectivity, gadgets and equipment of
students to be used in the online classes.

Students attendance, participation and performance in different Online Classes were

monitored using the different free virtual platforms like Zoom Application, Google Classroom,
Google Sheets, Facebook Chat room and others.
An online teacher initiated “Quarantuhan” an online kwentuhan with organized
online students to monitor their feed back regarding their virtual classes, online Activity
sheets and modules they received.

Likewise, the assessment of Students’ Performance in accomplishing and submission

of online Activity Sheets and Modules started with the retrieval/ downloading of answered
online activity sheets and after that answered activity sheets were checked by the different
subject teachers and properly recorded the results. Feed backs from students and parents
were monitored and addressed immediately like the unstable wifi connectivity.

This monitoring process that was used during the dry run was revised and improved
based on the feed backs given by the students, parents, and guardians. In the modular
modality, the Activity sheets should be simplified. In the online modality, the students were
prepared to undergo virtual classes if not with the poor internet connectivity.

Prepared by:

Principal lll

Recommending Approval:


Chief, Education Supervisor, SGOD



Schools Division Superintendent

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