This document provides a summary of Vivaldi's opera "L'Olimpiade" in 3 acts. It outlines the key, instrumentation, scenery, and arias for each scene. The first act takes place in a wooded valley and mountain landscape, and contains 10 scenes. The second act contains 15 scenes in varied outdoor settings. The third act has 10 scenes and is set in the ruins of an hippodrome and the Temple of Zeus. The document lists the distribution of arias across the main characters and acts.
This document provides a summary of Vivaldi's opera "L'Olimpiade" in 3 acts. It outlines the key, instrumentation, scenery, and arias for each scene. The first act takes place in a wooded valley and mountain landscape, and contains 10 scenes. The second act contains 15 scenes in varied outdoor settings. The third act has 10 scenes and is set in the ruins of an hippodrome and the Temple of Zeus. The document lists the distribution of arias across the main characters and acts.
This document provides a summary of Vivaldi's opera "L'Olimpiade" in 3 acts. It outlines the key, instrumentation, scenery, and arias for each scene. The first act takes place in a wooded valley and mountain landscape, and contains 10 scenes. The second act contains 15 scenes in varied outdoor settings. The third act has 10 scenes and is set in the ruins of an hippodrome and the Temple of Zeus. The document lists the distribution of arias across the main characters and acts.
This document provides a summary of Vivaldi's opera "L'Olimpiade" in 3 acts. It outlines the key, instrumentation, scenery, and arias for each scene. The first act takes place in a wooded valley and mountain landscape, and contains 10 scenes. The second act contains 15 scenes in varied outdoor settings. The third act has 10 scenes and is set in the ruins of an hippodrome and the Temple of Zeus. The document lists the distribution of arias across the main characters and acts.
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Opera in 3 acts
Vivaldi, 1734, Venice
Libretto by Metastasio
Act 1
Act / Character Form Key Orch. Scenography (Mutazioni) Comments
Scene I/1 Licida, Aminta Recit E minor BC Narrow and somber wooded valley, shaded to A from the heights by massive trees, whose minor branches stretch out to meet one another between the two hills that enclose the vale. I/2 Megacle, L, A Recit, Aria To F BC, Licida asks Megacle to DC (M) major; strings enter Olympics under his “superbo di Aria in name me stesso” C/a I/3 Licida, Aminta Recit, Aria To C; DC (L), Aria in recit, Aria G/e; DC (A) recit to B; Aria in A/f sharp I/4 Coro, Argene, Coro Chorus Vast landscape on the slopes of a Very long scene, with Aristea refrain, with in A; mountain, dotted with shepherds’ huts. Argene’s narrative strophic recit to Rustic bridge on the River Alpheus, made solos (Arg); A of tree trunks roughly put together. View Recit of the city of Olympia in the distance, interrupted by a few trees that adorn the plain without encumbering it. I/5 Clistene, Recit, Aria Recit to Clistene told Aristea attendants; Arg. DC (Cl) B-flat; Licida is here and Ari., Coro Aria in E-flat/g I/6 Aristea, Argene Recit, Aria Recit to DC (Ari) D; Aria in F/d I/7 Argene alone Recit; Aria Recit to Lamenting reflection and DC (Arg) B; Aria aria in E minor/G I/8 Licida, Recit; Aria Recit to Aria: Very long scene, with Megacle DC (L) C; Aria “Un Licida’s narrative (Licida in F/d solo tells Megacle how much corno he wants Aristea, and want da Megacle to win Aristea for caccia” him) I/9 Megacle Recit Acc To B- Lamenting reflection (how flat painful it is that Licida asked him to win Aritea for him) I/10 Megacle, Recit; Duet Recit to Love duet closes act. Aristea, DC (M/Ari) C; Duet Alcandro in g/D Act 2
Scene Character Form Key Orchestration Scenography Comments
1 Argene, Recit Grottesco con fontane, Aristea contiguo al bosco 2 Alcandro, Alcandro, aria, Aristea, “Se tu Argene sprezzar pretendi” 3 Argene, Aristea, aria, Aristea “Sta piangendo la tortorella” 4 Argene, Argene, aria, Aminta “Per que’tanti suoi sospiri” 5 Aminta sola Aminta, aria, “Siam navi all’onde algenti” 6 Clistene, Luogo magnifico Licida, Alcandro, Megacle coronato d’ulivo, Guardie e Popolo
7 All above Clistene, aria,
plus Aristea “Qual serpe tortuosa” 8 Aristea, Megacle, Licida 9 Aristea, Megacle, Megacle recitativo accompagnato, “Misero me!” 10 Aristea, Megacle, aria, Megacle, “Se cerca, se Licida dice” 11 Licida and Aristea, aria, Aristea “Tu da me dividi” 12 Licida, recitativo Argene 13 Licida, recitativo Aminta 14 Licida, recitativo Alcandro 15 Licida solo Licida, aria, “Gemo in un punto e fremo Act 3
Scene Character Form Key Orchestration Scenography Comments
1 Megacle, recitativo Bipartita, che forma dalle ruine Aminta; di un antico ippodromo già Aristea, ricoperte in gran parte d’edera, Argene di spini e d’altre piante selvagge.
The two groups of characters
cannot see each other.
2 All above, Alcandro,
plus aria, Alcandro “Sciagurato, in braccio a morte”; recitativo, then Aristea, aria, “Caro, son tua così” 3 Megacle, Megacle, Argene aria, “Lo seguitai felice” 4 Argene, Argene, Aminta aria, “Per salvar quell’anima ingrata” 5 Aminta solo Aminta, aria, “Son qual per mare ignoto” 6 Clistene, Clistene, Aspetto esteriore del gran Licida, aria, “Non tempio di Giove olimpico, dal Alcandro, so donde quale si scende per lunga e Coro di viene” magnifica scala divisa in sacerdoti diversi piani. Piazza innanzi al medesimo con ara ardente nel mezzo. Bosco d’intorno de’ sacri ulivi silvestri, dondo formavansi le corone per gli atleti vincitori. Clistene, che scende dal tempio, preceduto da un numeroso popolo, da’ suoi custodi, da Licida in bianca veste coronato di fiori, da Alcandro e dal Coro de sacerdoti, de’ quali alcuni portano sopra i bacili d’oro gli stromenti del sacrificio 7 All above, Coro, “I tuoi plus strali terror Megacle, de’ guards mortali”; then Clistene, prayer, “O degli uomini padre, e degli dei” 8 All above, Recitativo plus Argene 9 All above, Recitativo plus Aristea 10 All above, Final Coro, plus Aristea “Viva il figlio delinquente”
TOTAL 9+1xAcc. Recit. 8+1 Acc. Recit. 8+1 Prayer 21+2xAcc. Rec.+1 Pr.
Arias for each character
Character Act/scene/Incipit Act/scene/Incipit Act/Incipit Act/Incipit
Aristea I/6—È troppo spietato II/3—Sta piangendo II/11—Tu da me dividi III/2—Caro son tua Megacle I/2—Superbo di me II/10—Se cerca se dice III/3—Lo seguitai felice stesso Argene I/7—Più non si trovano II/4—Per que’ tanti suoi III/4—Per salvar Licida I/3—Quel destrier I/8—Mentre dormi II/15—Gemo in un punto Clistene I/5—Del destin non II/7—Qual serpe III/6—Non so donde tortuosa viene Aminta I/3—Il fidars della II/5—Siam navi all’onde III/5—Son qual per speme mare Alcandro II/2—Se tu sprezzar III/2—Sciagurato in braccio