Name: Julius T. Barnoza Score: - Course: BTLED Date: - Corrected By
Name: Julius T. Barnoza Score: - Course: BTLED Date: - Corrected By
Name: Julius T. Barnoza Score: - Course: BTLED Date: - Corrected By
1 point each
Scenario Positive Negative Defend
1. My friend will She can support She will miss her I agree to the positive
study in Taiwan. herself & her family family. She will build side, which is she will
While she is financially. other nation than her be working while
studying, she will be She will be able to gain own. studying because, she
having a part time new knowledge and can support not just
job. wisdom about the herself but also her
culture of Taiwan. family.
2. We love watching We will gain more Filipino series will be I agree on the negative
Netflix specially knowledge about the neglected and side which is we need
Riverdale. culture of the discarded. to support local films
Americans. and series.
3. My Aunt is selling The buyers will taste The price is The negative side is
imported luncheon different flavor and expensive for its much reliable. We have
meat. texture of luncheon product. It’s just like local luncheon meats
meat. the taste of our and the only difference
luncheon meat here is the product name.
in the Philippines.
4. My brother loves He is always updated OPM songs and We must support local
to listen in Western to the trend and will be artists are not so that others will also
Music. able to memorize them familiar to him even patronize it. The start
quickly. though he is from should be in us not in
It will help him to learn the same country. others.
English quickly.
5.My relatives love They will be able to The imported For me I will just
to eat imported taste different variety & chocolates are much choose to eat the local
chocolates than the flavor of chocolates. expensive than the chocolates for it is
local made. local ones. much cheaper than the
6. Philippines will It will build good There are Yes, it is good to export
export rice to relationship between possibilities that the rice IF we have enough
Myanmar. the two countries. supply of rice in the supply.
Philippines will have
7. COVID19 It will help many people Other country The government
vaccine donations especially Filipinos to especially those who allocated fund for the
are arriving in the get vaccinated for free. donated vaccines vaccines. They must
Philippines from It will also help our will use this as their buy it and yes accept
different countries country to fight the advantage and hold the donations if it is
and manufacturers battle against the to our country. from the heart.
in the world. pandemic.
8.My sister’s It will make my family Other products are If she will send
Balikbayan box will happy because it already expired due Balikbayan box again, I
arrive on Tuesday. contains many to slow progress of will encourage her to
products from different delivery. send stuffs than foods.