The Iceman Cometh: Commentary Open Access

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Jobling Investigative Genetics 2012, 3:8


The iceman cometh

Mark A Jobling*

Invited to give a seminar in Lausanne, I did some research These arresting images bring to mind a more recent
about the place. According to Wikipedia (so it must be find, a few hundred kilometres to the east. If Ötzi the
true), it is the smallest city in the world to possess a metro Iceman had been discovered in the mid-nineteenth cen-
system. And very useful this proved to be, the day after tury, he too might well have ended up decaying in a little
my talk, carrying me with driverless Swiss efficiency from outhouse. The two German tourists who encountered him
the edge of Lake Geneva up the steep hill to the Saturday melting out of the ice in the Ötztal Alps on the Austrian-
market, where I bought excellent bread and a saucisse de Italian border in September 1991 [2] assumed his was a
cerf (salami made from deer meat) to take home. recent death. When they reached their alpine lodge at the
Lausanne is a fine city, and seems like a good place to end of the day, they asked if any local people were miss-
live (“like France - only cleaner,” said my host). It perches ing. But it turned out that although the corpse was indeed
above the beautiful water opposite Evian-les-Bains, specta- local, it was certainly not recent: carbon dating of grass
tor to a dramatic Alpine panorama, and with the wonder- samples gave a late Neolithic age of 5300 years. Data from
ful Jura mountains on its western shoulder. Its charm has sequence analysis of the Iceman’s genome have now
attracted a romantic collection of celebrities – recent revealed new information about his ancestry [3].
denizens include Coco Chanel, Georges Simenon and Ötzi rapidly became a celebrity, attracting an appropri-
Charlie Chaplin. Voltaire gave his name to a street, Lord ate amount of scandal and bizarre headlines – one
Byron stayed at the Hôtel d’ Angleterre (almost drowning woman insisted that the body was that of her long-lost
in the Lake), and Charles Dickens wrote Dombey and Son father, another claimed that she was his reincarnation,
while living at the Villa Rosemont. while a third wrote to request that she be impregnated
We know a lot about Dickens’ stay from his frequent with the Iceman’s sperm. A report that Ötzi’s genitalia
letters, recorded in his friend John Forster’s biography were apparently missing fuelled the idea that he was in
[1]. September 1846 found him on an outing to the Alps, fact an Egyptian mummy (often castrated); this formed
ascending via the nineteenth century equivalent of the part of the evidence in a book claiming that the discov-
metro (carriages and mules) to the Great St Bernard ery was an elaborate and lucrative archaeological fake.
pass. They stayed at the hospice, “supping, thirty strong, The existence of the understandably shrivelled organs
in a rambling room with a great wood-fire. . . and a grim was confirmed in a subsequent physical examination.
monk, in a high black sugar-loaf hat with a great knob Informal and unjustified use of the species name Homo
at the top of it, carving the dishes”. tirolensis provoked strong academic criticism [4], and the
However, Dickens’ letter reminds us that life in the project director Konrad Spindler’s embroidered account
Alps is not all ease and elegance, as he makes a grim dis- of how Ötzi met his death led Spindler to be branded a
covery: “Beside the convent, in a little outhouse with a ‘frustrated novelist’.
grated iron door which you may unbolt for yourself, are The first genetic analyses were challenging, because
the bodies of people found in the snow who have never despite the remarkable degree of preservation of the body,
been claimed and are withering away – not laid down, its DNA was severely degraded. PCR-based analysis of
or stretched out, but standing up, in corners and against hypervariable segment I of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
walls; some erect and horribly human, with distinct [5] yielded a convincing result after much trouble: two
expressions on the faces . . . holding ghastly possession nucleotide transitions were observed with respect to the
of the mountain where they died”. Cambridge reference sequence, indicating that the
mtDNA belonged to haplogroup K, present in Europe at a
frequency of a few percent. One of the study’s authors,
Bryan Sykes, unveiled a living person sharing the same se-
Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, quence, a Marie Moseley of Bournemouth, originally from

© 2012 Jobling; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Jobling Investigative Genetics 2012, 3:8 Page 2 of 2

Ireland, who claimed Ötzi as a travelling Irishman who 7. Muller W, Fricke H, Halliday AN, McCulloch MT, Wartho JA: Origin and
had gone astray on his European travels. migration of the Alpine Iceman. Science 2003, 302:862–866.
8. Rollo F, Ubaldi M, Ermini L, Marota I: Otzi's last meals: DNA analysis of the
It was the advent of next-generation sequencing that intestinal content of the Neolithic glacier mummy from the Alps. Proc
led to higher-resolution and more interesting results, Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002, 99:12594–12599.
because these methods are well suited to analysing very
short DNA fragments. We now have a complete mtDNA Cite this article as: Jobling: The iceman cometh. Investigative Genetics
sequence [6], which belongs to a previously unknown 2012 3:8.
branch of haplogroup K1, respectfully dubbed K1ö. Most
recently, nuclear DNA sequences covering 96% of the
reference genome have been described [3]. Phenotypic
predictions for Ötzi include blood group O (perhaps it
should be Ö), brown eye colour and lactose intolerance.
Identification of the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi from
the metagenome indicates that the Iceman probably suf-
fered from the tick-borne disease Lyme borreliosis. His
Y chromosome haplogroup, G2a4, has its highest fre-
quencies in Corsica and Sardinia, and principal compo-
nents analysis of his autosomal genome together with
SNP data from modern populations also indicates affin-
ity to modern Sardinians. This might suggest that Ötzi
was a Sardinian immigrant to the Alps, but alternatively
might reflect deep shared ancestry between past Sardinian
and Alpine populations – additional ancient sequences
from the regions would help to throw light on this. Stable
isotope compositions of teeth and bones can indicate
where a person grew up and lived, and in Ötzi’s case these
show that he was local to the valleys above which his body
was found [7].
DNA methods were also successfully applied to the
contents of Ötzi’s intestinal tract [8], revealing that his
last meals included bread and dried deer-meat – as I dis-
covered, items that are still available from an alpine
market today.

Thanks to Stewart Cole for inviting me to EPFL in Lausanne.

Received: 2 April 2012 Accepted: 13 April 2012

Published: 16 April 2012

1. Forster J: The Life of Charles Dickens (originally published 1872–4):
Uitgeverij Diderot; 2005.
2. BFowler2000Iceman: Uncovering the Life and Times of a Prehistoric Man
found in an Alpine GlacierMacmillanLondonFowler B: Iceman: Uncovering Submit your next manuscript to BioMed Central
the Life and Times of a Prehistoric Man found in an Alpine Glacier. London:
Macmillan; 2000.
and take full advantage of:
3. Keller A, Graefen A, Ball M, Matzas M, Boisguerin V, Maixner F, Leidinger P,
Backes C, Khairat R, Forster M, et al: New insights into the Tyrolean • Convenient online submission
Iceman's origin and phenotype as inferred by whole-genome • Thorough peer review
sequencing. Nat Commun 2012, 3:698.
4. Editorial: Naming people lightly. Nature 1995, 373:176. • No space constraints or color figure charges
5. Handt O, Richards M, Trommsdorf M, Kilger C, Simanainen J, Georgiev O, • Immediate publication on acceptance
Bauer K, Stone A, Hedges R, Schaffner W, et al: Molecular genetic analyses
• Inclusion in PubMed, CAS, Scopus and Google Scholar
of the Tyrolean Ice Man. Science 1994, 264:1775–1778.
6. Ermini L, Olivieri C, Rizzi E, Corti G, Bonnal R, Soares P, Luciani S, Marota I, • Research which is freely available for redistribution
De Bellis G, Richards MB, et al: Complete mitochondrial genome sequence
of the Tyrolean Iceman. Curr Biol 2008, 18:1687–1693. Submit your manuscript at

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