CHAPTER-1 Introduction: 1.1 Overview 1.2 Meaning of Capital Budgeting
CHAPTER-1 Introduction: 1.1 Overview 1.2 Meaning of Capital Budgeting
CHAPTER-1 Introduction: 1.1 Overview 1.2 Meaning of Capital Budgeting
1.1 Overview
Capital budgeting decision involves the exchange of current funds for the benefits to be achieved
in future
The futures benefits are expected and are to be realized over a series of years.
They have a long term and significant effect on the profitability of the concern.
To determine the product scope, capital budgeting lets project planners define the financial scope
of a project.
To determine funding sources and how much money will be needed form each source and the
costs associated with using that funding method.
To control project costs, capital budgets act as control document throughout the life of the
To determine payback time, an important element of capital budgeting is determining the project
To find out the extent to which capital evaluation techniques are used by the Nigeria breweries
management in evaluating their projects.
To find out whether evaluated projects will yield adequate return for the investors.
To find out if appropriate selection of human factory, is the fidelity of the capital budgeting.
Finally it will equally be important to other researchers and scholars who may wish to carry out
further research on the subject matter or on the related topic.
Large investment of funds. But the funds available with the firm are scarce and the demand for
funds exceeds resources. Hence, it is very important for a firm to plan and control its capital
Long-term commitment of Funds: Capital expenditure involves not only large amount of funds
but also funds for long-term or permanent basis. The long-term commitment of funds increases
the financial risk involved in the investment decision.
Irreversible nature: The capital expenditure decisions are irreversible in nature. Once, the
decision for acquiring a permanent asset is taken, it becomes very difficult to dispose off the
assets without incurring heavy losses.
Long-term effect on profitability: Capital budgeting decision has a long-term and significant
effect on the profitability of a company. Not only the present earning of the firm are affected but
also the future growth and profitability of the firm upon the investment decision taken today.
Capital budgeting has utmost importance to avoid over poor under investment in fixed assets.
HO: Nigerian breweries managements does not use capital evaluation techniques in evaluating
their project.
HA: Nigerian breweries management use capital evaluation techniques in evaluating their
Ho: There are no other factors which influence the selecting of project to be invested in
HA: Ho: There are other factors which influence the selecting of project to be invested in
Ho: Appropriate selection of human factory is not the fidelity of the capital budgeting
HA: Appropriate selection of human factory is the fidelity of the capital budgeting
Replacement: Decision necessary to replace worn-out or damage equipment fall in the group.
The purpose of such investment decision is to lower maintenance cost, minimize the decision to
lower the maintained cost, minimize the marketing cost and labor cost and other variable cost
item like the electricity bill.
Expansion of the existing product or market: Included in those categories is the expenditure to
increase the output of the existing products or to expand outlet of the existing products or to
expand outlet or the distribution facility in marketing new product being selected.
Environmental Safety Regulation: This involves expenditure necessary for the compliance with
the government regulation, labour union requirements and the condition of the insurance policy.
This are usually referred to as mandatory investment and non-revenue yielding project.
Miscellaneous expenditure: These include expenditure on office building, packing lost and
similar cash outlays based on the interrelationship among proposed project.
Independent projects: This exists when acceptance or the rejects of the project does not affect the
cash flow of another project. In other words, proposed budget save different purpose and do not
compete with each other.
Dependent Projects: This is the reverse of the independent projects, it occur whenever the cash
flow of a project affects or is influenced by the cash flow of another project and may appear in
the following situation.
i) Mutually exclusive project: If the acceptances of one project include the acceptance of another
project. The two projects are mutually exclusive project.
ii) Complementary projects: If the acceptance of one project enhances the cash flow of another
project. The two projects are complementary.
iii) Prerequisite of contingent project: If the acceptance of one project depends upon the prior
acceptance of another project, the acceptance of the former is the prerequisite to the acceptance
of the latter.
iv) Mandatory project: This is the project that must be accepted if the firm must remain in the
business. The telephone manufactured the receiver, cable and other component parts.
v) Discretionary Project: These are project that are acceptable only if they are financially
The researcher decided to write using the above heading in addition to other. The first to be
treated is the demand for capital or financial capital as J.F Weston and E.F. Brigton (2006) has it
The demand for capital (financial forecasting): Him Levy and Marshall Sarnat (2003) stated that
at the end of every year, every company would like to know what their next year income
statement and balance sheet would look like, with regard to this reach department of the
company will like to estimate its total requirement for the next year operation, they stated also
that they will need to know how many additional machine will be required J.F Weston and E.F.
Brighton agree with the view made by Haim Levy and Marshall Sarnat but add this to often
necessitate by increase in the sale forecast.
The supply of capital: There are many source of capital to meet the financing of capital asset
needed for the increasing, such sources of fund include the bank, financial and insurance
companies to mention but few. Fund can be raised from the sourcing of common stock, preferred
stocks, bonds, convertible bonds and so on. The firm can also make use of the retain earning
where it is much to finance its capital project.
The timing of investment: Don T. Decoster et al (2008) said that after the funds has be expanded
the project is put in services as well as the rounded capital expenditure programmed will focus
on a positive audit of the investment Charles T. Horngren and George Foster (2007) with the
above statement. Both set of auditing is guided by the following reasons (integrated) for post
auditing investment in capital project.
ii. To see that spending and specific conform to the plan as approved.
iii. To increase the likelihood that capital spending request are sharply conceived and honestly
iv. To direct the management intention to the unsuccessful project so that additional action may
be taking to attain the placed performance.
vi. To gain experience in evaluating, selecting and approving future capital expenditure proposal.
The problem of tariff and import restriction on the importation of fixed asset and the spare parts
It has made the firm like the Nigeria brewery limited look of alternative way of obtaining fixed
asset necessary for its production and operation. It often increased the price for them as a result
of the import tariff restriction. The uncertain surrounding this has made capital budget a problem.
The problem of appropriate selection of human factory which is the fidelity of the capital
The problem encountered in the external source of financing in its capital project.
The external source of financing included the commercial banks, trade creditors and some
financial institution. Banks and other financial institutions charges interest on the money that
they lend out, interest charges fluctuated with the changes in economic setting. Due to the
dynamic nature of the economic with consequent effect on the interest rate, it is problem making
cost benefit analysis, necessary in the capital budgeting. The rate is never stable. The uncertainty
include in this makes a problem for capital budgeting.
There are many techniques or methods used in investigating the use of capital in capital project.
These methods include pay back period, net present value, internal rate of return, accounting rate
or simple rate of return and profitability index.
Payback period method: These refer to the period of time required for the return on investment to
repay the sum of the original investment for example, a N1000 investment which returned N500
per year would have a two year pay back period. The time value of money is not taken into
account. Payback period intuitively measures how long something takes to pay for itself.
Payback period as a tool of analysis is often used because it is easy to apply and easy to
understand for most individuals regardless of academic training or field of endeavor.
Net Present Value Method: This is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and
the present value of cash outflows. NPV is used in capital budgeting to analyze the profitability
of an investment or project. NPV analysis is sensitive to the reliability of future cash inflows that
an investment or project will yield. Douglas Garbult (2002) said that the present value of a
project is found by discounting all future cash flow at a stipulated discount rate.
Internal rate of return: This is the discount rate often used in capital budgeting that makes the net
present value of all cash flows of a particular project equal to zero. Generally speaking, the
higher a project’s internal rate of return, the more desirable it is to undertake the project. as such
internal rate of return (IRR) can be use to rank several prospective projects a firm is considering.
Assuming all other factors are equal among the various projects, the projects with the higher IRR
would probably be considered the best and undertaken first.
Accounting rate or simple rate of return: This is another method in capital budgeting technique
that does not involve discounted cash flow. Unlike the other capital budgeting method, the
accounting rate of return method does not focus on cash flows rather it focuses on accounting net
operating income. The approach is to estimate the revenue that will be generated by a proposed
investment and then to deduct from these revenues of all the projected expenses associated with
the project.
Profitability Index (P.I.): This is also known as profit investment ratio (P.I.R) and value
investment of a proposed project. It is a useful tool for making projects because it allows you to
qualify the amount of value created per unit of investment. Charles T. Horngren and George
Foster (2007). Pointed out that some author use the profitability index in ranking project in the
ascending order of profitability. The profitability index is the total value for the future; stated that
if the capital rationing does not exist and if there are mutually exclusive or indivisible project,
the ranking by index and net present value will produce the same answer.
CHAPTER-3 Review of Literature
capital budgeting originated from the united state of America. It was applied by all firms before
the second world war. After the second world war, many firm saw the need to plan for capital
expenditure, hence it is prevalence today. The Nigeria brewery Limited and other beverage are
not left out in the train of firm that prepare budget for its capital expenditure.
Capital expenditure is any significant expenditure incurred to acquire or improve land, building,
engineering structures, machinery and equipment. It normally confers a benefit lasting beyond
one year and results or the acquisition of extension of the life of a fixed asset. Capital budgeting
Making decisions have significant future benefits or cost or various entities and their
Capital budgeting is a multi-year financial plan, usually five or ten years for the constructions or
acquisition of capital work. The plan, once complete, should provide for the planning of future
financial resources required to finance the project, identify the future financial resources to
allocate from the operating (revenue fund) budget to operate and maintain the capital asset once
it is acquired and integrated with Nigeria breweries on going management control system.
Capital budget is distinguished from an operating budget. An operating budget normally provides
for the day to day expenditures of Nigeria breweries, for items such as salaries, wages, benefits
maintenance of building and infrastructure etc. while capital budget plans for the acquisition or
rehabilitation of capital assets.
According to Douglas Garbult (2002). The payback period is the length of time required for cash
return form the project to equal the total initial cash outlay. Charles T. Horngren and George
Foster (2007) defines the net present value (NPV) as the present value of all future return
discounted at an appropriate cost of capital minus the cost for the investment
Halm Levy and Sarnat Marshall (2003). Defines internal rate of return as the rate of discount,
which equate the present value of the expected cash flow with the initial investment outlay.
Longman dictionary defines budget as the plan that is qualified in a monetary term, while capital
budgeting is a long-term plan made for expenditure necessary to buy fixed asset for the
production of the goods and services.
Business dictionary: Defines capital budgeting as a plan for raising large and long-term sums
greater than the period considered under an operating budget.
According to Duncan Williamson (2012) capital budgeting relates to the investment in assets or
an organization that is relatively large. This is, a new asset or project will amount in value to a
significant proportion of the total assets of the organization.
According to Dr. P. Shanmukha Rao (2010). The term capital budgeting refers to long-germ
planning for proposed capital outlay and their financing. It includes raising long-term funds and
their utilization.
It is the firm’s formal process of acquisition and investment of capital. it may also be defined as
the decision making process by which a from evaluate the purchase of major fixed assets”.
In summary, this research work has been able to show the origin of capital budgeting its
theoretical framework and current literature based on the variables which shoes the impact of
capital budgeting in a private sector to achieve what is called capital rationing. Capital rationing
has to do with acquisition of new investment. More to the point capital rationing is all about the
acquisition of new investment based on such factors as the rent performance of other capital
investments, the amount of the asset. Capital rationing is strategy employed by companies to
make investment based on the current relevant circumstances of the company. Generally; capital
rationing is utilized as a means of putting a limited or cap on the portion of the existing budget
that may be used in acquiring a new asset. As part of this process, the investor will also want to
consider the use of a high cost of capital when thinking in terms of the outcome of the act of
acquiring a particular asset. Obviously, any responsible company will choose to employ
strategies that support the productive use of disposable funds build within a capital budget.
Sometimes, it is important to understand what benefits can reasonably be expected from owning
the asset in question.
Finance: This is the term used to donate acquisition and spending of fund to met an economic
unit objective
Cash flow: This is the asset of long-term nature used in the production of goods.
Capital rationing: This is the allocation of scarce capital resources among competing
economically desirable projects, which cannot be carried out to capital or other constraint.
Ranking: This is the arranging of project in other of their viability with reference to the
evaluation result.
Capital expenditure: This is the investment to acquire fixed or long-lived assets from which a
stream of benefits is expected
Private sector: This is the part of the economy sometimes referred to as the citizen sector which
is run by private individuals or groups.
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
The following questions have been formulated as a guide for this research.
Do Nigeria breweries management use capital evaluation techniques in evaluating their project?
To what extent does evaluated project yield adequate return for investors?
What are the factors that influenced the selection of project to be invested in?
Is the appropriate selection of human factory the fidelity of the capital budgeting?