BD Ga Intro
BD Ga Intro
BD Ga Intro
information technology in the recent years. It is very secure and the quality of data it has is
considered very high.
It can be considered as open book with all the details to those who have access to it.
The above statement is the definition of block chain when google. It means that the data of all
the transactions would be stored across a lot of computers that are connected to each other.
Now when a data needs to be accessed as it is stored in multiple places it is validated and the
right data is shown. The idea is even if one data is corrupted there is a backup of it elsewhere
and the majority opinion of the network of the connected systems is right. It is highly
unlikely that the whole network gets corrupted or hacked or modified by someone. This
results in the security and safety feature that block chain technology offers.
It can also be defined as a distributed ledger for maintaining a permanent and tamperproof
record of transactional data. It acts like a decentralised database that is managed by
computers belonging the network (called as a peer to peer network).
Considering different types of network as shown above, it clearly shows how the systems
would be connected. In case of bock chain it would be a decentralized network with multiple
distributed dataset systems. This means that block chain is immutable which results in the
information being till the time the network exists and the link to each point isn’t disturbed.
Consider the individual systems as blocks of data they are all chained together with the way
they are connected.
Block chain would add another layer to big data as the data through block chain has two main
features desired by big data and they are Security and data is valuable (complete data).
Instead of trying to access things post happening in terms of fraud detection the patterns can
be analysed and can find issues in real time. In cases it could complete before the transaction
is complete with past data and may prevent it from happening. It is stated that the data would
be very valuable and as quoted in the article in
“by 2030 the data contained in the block chain ledger might be worth up to 20% of the
global Big Data market and generate up to $100 billion in annual income”
This clearly shows that it is something with a lot of potential and soon it would be a reality
where most systems would use block chain based technology along with big data, the only
hindrance is a good AI/ML model operating on top of the distributed transparent and
immutable data layers.
The main way in which block chain can help big data is through
Data retention –it is ensure safety and quality of the data stored on the cloud in block chain
Data loss – in case of a data breach there is always a back of data on one of the blocks on the
network so data is not lost even when some of the servers get hacked.
Data clog – there is a limitation in terms of capacity of centralized and decentralised data
systems and as block chain is very fast and credible ( it is used for money transactions –
bitcoin) the scope of block chain is huge with this reason.
It won’t be surprise when they come together and it is going to be very beneficial to the field
of big data.
Introduction to Blockchains & What It Means to Big Data (
Blockchain and Big Data: the match made in heavens | by Vladimir Fedak | Towards Data Science
How Can Blockchain Transform the Big Data Industry? - DZone Big Data