Final EIMCourse Outline MBA Core 2020-2021
Final EIMCourse Outline MBA Core 2020-2021
Final EIMCourse Outline MBA Core 2020-2021
CLO 1) Ability to analyze and understand ethical dilemmas and make decisions appropriate to the
business situation (PLO 5a).
Learning CLO 2) Develop understanding of ethical concerns across business functional areas consistent
Objectives with stated business values of the corporation (PLO 5b).
CLO 3) Apply ethical decision-making theories/frameworks to reflect critically on specific
business problems and challenges (PLO 5c).
CLO 4) To appreciate approaches to moral reasoning and its relevance to managing business.
After completion of the course, students will have the ability to
Learning 1) Identify the ethical aspect(s) in a business situation and make an appropriate business
Outcomes decision.
(Must be 2) Apply the ethical understanding across business domains.
connected to 3) Apply frameworks of ethical decision making to managerial contexts
Learning 4) Build a perspective for present day challenges for conducting businesses ethically.
Ethical decision making in business is not at all limited to the type of major corporate decisions
with dramatic social consequences. The direct costs of unethical business practices are more
visible today than anytime before. At some point, every worker, and everyone in the managerial
role, will be faced with issues requiring ethical decision making. More often that not, responsible
decision making must rely on personal values and principles of the individuals involved.
A company‟s ethics and responsibility towards various stakeholder groups matter more today than
they did a few decades ago. Workers place a higher emphasis on the values of their employers, and
have access to more information than ever before. The questions today are not about should ethics
Course be a part of be a part of business, but the questions are about which values and principles should
Description guide business decisions.
This course covers components of ethics related a corporation‟s behaviour in various functional
areas and the ethical issues that corporate decision makers face across different domains. The
purpose of the course is to facilitate the student to take decisions keeping in mind the ethical
guidelines and differentiate between ethical and unethical behaviour.
Specific 3 1.5 AOL CLO CLO CLO CLO
assessment Credit Credit Instruments 1 2 3 4
methods (*)
Class 12
Participation and
Discussion on
Group 18 Rubric √(9) √(9)
Assignment –
Evaluation Written
Pattern Individual 20 Rubric √ √
Assignment (10) (10)
Total 50 10 10 9 9
The Changing Business John R. Boatright, Jeffery D. Class Activity: Break out room
Environment: Making Smith and Batra, BP. (2018). discussions to capture the learning
the Case for Business Ethics and the Conduct of by application of the framework for
Ethics Business, Chapter 2; pp. 52- 57, resolving issues in which managers'
Pearson Publication. responsibilities--to shareholders,
Ethical reasoning and employees, other stakeholder
Framework for decision Case Lets: Looking at groups, and to their own values and
making Business issues ethically when commitments in life--conflict
Case 1: Who owns technology? with each other.
Case 2: Private Lives in Public
LO: Understand ethical Case 3: Is surveillance always
reasoning process and legitimate
4 the principles that (Scanned copies to be given)
constitute the framework
for decision making Asynchronous Learning
Industry Note (1993).
Conflicting Responsibilities, pp.
1-5, HBS Product No. 9392002
Asynchronous Learning
Bounded ethicality
Virtue ethics
Asynchronous Learning
Component: What really
motivates people to be honest
Personal Values and Badaracco, Jr. Joseph L. (2005). Class Activity: Discussion on the
Professional Personal Values and situation discussed in the video in
Responsibilities Professional Responsibilities, small groups and then sharing with
pp. 1-5, HBS Product No. – large groups to understand the
Conflicts faced by 304070 conflicts managers face in trying to
managers live and work by their personal
7 Asynchronous Learning values and uses Hirschman's "exit,
LO: Understand the Component: loyalty, and voice" framework to
meaning of conflict of When Personal and Professional suggest ways for resolving these
interest and ways in Values conflict conflicts.
which a manager can
manage these situations ?v=qmILxMtpgcs
International Business John R. Boatright, Jeffery D. Class Activity: Case discussion in
Ethics Smith and Batra, BP. (2018). small groups and then sharing with
Bribery and Ethics and the Conduct of large groups to understand the
Corruption Business, Chapter 14; pp. 490- various forms of bribery, the ethical
493 Pearson Publication. problems with bribery and how
LO: Understand the multinational companies deal with
ethical challenges faced Case: Google in China challenges with repressive
by multinational John R. Boatright, Jeffery D. governments.
companies Smith and Batra, BP. (2018).
Ethics and the Conduct of
Business, Chapter 11; pp. 504-
Asynchronous Learning
Healy, P.M and Ramanna, K.
(2013). When the Crowd Fights
Corruption. Harvard Business
Review, pp. 2-8
The relevance of ethics Case : Becton Dickinson: Ethics Class Activity: Case discussion in
in doing business and Business Practices (A)
small groups and then sharing with
large groups to understand how a
Bribery, business company decides on the company's
etiquette, conflict of global policy on gifts, gratuities,
interests, international and business entertainment and
10 business whether the policy should be
established centrally and made
LO: Understand the uniform worldwide or whether it
ethical, legal, should be decided locally,
organizational, and depending on local circumstances
strategic issues involved and practices.
in doing business
Faculty Chair AOL Approved by Dean SBM
Assignment Content
The assignment should contain the following parts/headings as absolute requirements. Work that does
not conform to this format will NOT be considered for marking.
Title Page
This should contain the title of the assignment, the module name, the course facilitator‟s name, the
date for submission and the student‟s name, roll number and SAP ID. No pictures.
Case Facts
The assignment should present the case facts backed by source citations. The students may use
footnotes to insert references including weblinks used (if any). The case facts should not be more than
2 pages. In case you use graphics to present certain facts you may limit it to one more additional page.
Critical perspective
In this section students are required to first identify the core issue/s in the case. There after critically
analyse the issue/s. Last but not the least students are supposed to identify and describe how would
they handle the situation if they were one of the major protagonists in the case. Students may take the
support of any ethical theories/ perspectives to justify their responses. This may not be more than 3
pages. In case you use graphics to present certain facts/analyses you may limit it to one more
additional page.
Report format
Please use Times New Roman 14 pt font for the main headings, Times New Roman 14 pt font for the
text body, Times New Roman, 10 pt font for the foot notes. It should be single spaced and typed
neatly. All Caps is strictly discouraged. Kindly number the pages.
If you include other people's ideas in your work, without acknowledging the source, then you are
plagiarising. Plagiarism is the intentional presentation of someone else's work - published or
unpublished, either written or in some other form - as if it were your own. Copying from an
unacknowledged source, even if the original wording has been changed, constitutes plagiarism. Where
a verbatim quotation or paraphrase is included, it is not sufficient to include at the end of your
assignment a general list of works consulted. In accordance with good academic practice, the source
of each quotation or paraphrase must be used.
Each assignment shall be accompanied with a plagiarism report.
Evaluation Parameter
Students would be evaluated basis the rubric attached for Individual Assignment.
Group Assignment Guidelines
Weightage: 18 Marks
1. Group project is aimed towards synthesizing the learnings of the course and applying it in the
practical realm of given cases. It is in the partial fulfilment of the course. Students shall work in pre-
assigned groups for the assignment
2. Students are expected to apply the ethical concepts and theories discussed in class during the
course and identify and suggest resolution of ethical dilemmas faced by businesses in various
functional areas.
3. Students are required to refer to Chapters 4-11 and Chapter 14 from the textbook to understand
the topics and analyse two (2) cases provided at the end of the chapter as per the Case Analysis
Sheet provided at the end of this document.
4. Each group will be assigned two cases in following order and the teams shall present their case
analysis in written form.
Team=>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12+
Case 1 14A 11E 10C 11D 11F 11G 6B 9D 5D 9A 11C 10B 4E
Case 2 7A 8A 4F 8C 4D 6C 9C 5A 14B 6A 14C 5C 11B
5. Plagiarism is an act of fraud and we have zero tolerance policy. Essentially plagiarism is claiming
other‟s work as one‟s own, intentionally or unintentionally. Plagiarism is the appropriation of
another‟s work and includes both stealing someone else‟s work and expressing in non-truth about
it. It includes the following:
Turning anyone else‟s work (including other students‟) as your own
Copying without giving credit (including copying from the Internet)
Not putting quotations in case quoted material
Incorrectly identifying the source of quotation
a. Plagiarism also includes copying the structure of the sentence of a source. Even if you
have changed the words, it may be a major part of your paragraph/paper which you
have used from the source without giving credit is also plagiarism.
b. All your assignments will be subjected to the plagiarism software and where verified,
there will be penalization which can be severe. Possible punishments for academic
dishonesty can be a grade „zero‟ or „failure‟ for the assignment. If you are unsure as
to what action constitutes plagiarism, please get in touch with your course instructor.
c. Each group shall submit plagiarism report with their assignment.
d. It shall also be certified by the team members that analysis is the original work of this
team and all members of the group shall express consent for the undertaking to this
extent on the first page of the case analysis sheet. It is the team submission lead‟s
responsibility to obtain the individual consent of all team members for the quality of the
6. Faculty need to receive all the reports (Word soft copy with plagiarism report) by 8 am on the day
of ninth (9th) lecture. Late submissions by one (1) day shall carry lowering of the score by 5 marks,
and late submissions by two (2) days shall carry a lower weight of 10 marks, late submissions by
three (3) days shall carry a lowering of the score by 15 marks. The lowest score shall be zero, and no
negative score shall be given even in late submissions cases.
7. Submission status shall be announced in the 9th class and non-submitting teams shall be sensitized to
utilize the late submission opportunity, with applicable 5/10/15 marks of penalty.
“We, the members of the Group Project, certify that the submitted written report is the original work
of our team and all the analysis and reporting text is entirely our own. Facts, figures and other
relevant information drawn from sources, where required, is duly acknowledged”.
Chapter & Case Name (Each team shall have two cases)
Identification of the core business issue in the case and the issues which have ethical
dimension (3 marks)
Critically discuss the process that you would adopt to deal with the ethical dilemma(s)
identified in the case (4 marks)
How does this case advance your understanding of ethical issues faced by business? (3