Case 2 Logit Binomial Multilevel Antibiotics

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J Antimicrob Chemother


Long-term effect of a practice-based intervention (HAPPY AUDIT)

aimed at reducing antibiotic prescribing in patients with respiratory
tract infections
Carl Llor1*, Lars Bjerrum2, José M. Molero3, Ana Moragas4, Beatriz González López-Valcárcel5, M. José Monedero6,
Manuel Gómez7, Marina Cid8, Juan de Dios Alcántara9, Josep M. Cots10, Joana M. Ribas11, Guillermo Garcı́a12,
Jesús Ortega13, Vicenta Pineda14, Gloria Guerra15 and Susana Munuera16 on behalf of the HAPPY AUDIT 3
Study Team†

Via Roma Health Centre, Barcelona, Spain; 2Section of General Practice and Research Unit for General Practice, Department of Public
Health, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; 3San Andrés Health Centre, Madrid, Spain; 4University Rovira i Virgili, Jaume
I Health Centre, Tarragona, Spain; 5Department of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Management, University of Las Palmas,
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; 6Rafalalena Health Centre, Castellón, Spain; 7Mirasierra Health Centre, Madrid, Spain; 8Teis Health
Centre, Vigo, Spain; 9Bollulos Par del Condado Health Centre, Huelva, Spain; 10University of Barcelona, La Marina Health Centre,
Barcelona, Spain; 11Hospital Sant Llàtzer, Palma, Spain; 12La Calzada II Health Centre, Gijón, Spain; 13Rincón de Soto Health Centre, La
Rioja, Spain; 14Serrerı́a I Health Centre, Valencia, Spain; 15Escaleritas Health Centre, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; 16Son Pisà
Health Centre, Palma, Spain

*Corresponding author. Tel: !34-935542878; Fax: !34-935542881; E-mail:

†Other members are listed in the Acknowledgements section.

Received 8 November 2017; returned 8 January 2018; revised 19 March 2018; accepted 20 March 2018

Objectives: Few studies have evaluated the long-term effects of educational interventions on antibiotic pre-
scription and the results are controversial. This study was aimed at assessing the effect of a multifaceted
practice-based intervention carried out 6 years earlier on current antibiotic prescription for respiratory tract infec-
tions (RTIs).
Methods: The 210 general practitioners (GPs) who completed the first two registrations in 2008 and 2009 were
invited to participate in a third registration. The intervention held before the second registration consisted of dis-
cussion about the first registration of results, appropriate use of antibiotics for RTIs, patient brochures, a work-
shop and the provision of rapid tests. As in the previous registrations, GPs were instructed to complete a template
for all the patients with RTIs during 15 working days in 2015. A new group of GPs from the same areas was also
invited to participate and acted as controls. A multilevel logistic regression analysis was performed considering
the prescription of antibiotics as the dependent variable.
Results: A total of 121 GPs included in the 2009 intervention (57.6%) and 117 control GPs registered 22247 RTIs.
On adjustment for covariables, compared with the antibiotic prescription observed just after the intervention,
GPs assigned to intervention prescribed slightly more antibiotics 6 years later albeit without statistically signifi-
cant differences (OR 1.08, 95% CI 0.89–1.31, P " 0.46), while GPs in the control group prescribed significantly
more antibiotics (OR 2.74, 95% CI 2.09–3.59, P , 0.001).
Conclusions: This study shows that a single multifaceted intervention continues to reduce antibiotic prescribing
6 years later.

Introduction countries with the highest rates of antibiotic prescribing, with a

Overuse of antibiotics has contributed to the development of anti- slight increase having been observed over recent years.5,6
microbial resistance.1 As most antibiotics are prescribed in primary According to the Agencia Espan ~ ola del Medicamento y Productos
care and many of these prescriptions for mainly respiratory tract Sanitarios, the overall antibiotic consumption in 2016 was slightly
infections (RTIs) are of questionable value, reducing inappropriate over 33 defined daily doses per 1000 inhabitants per day, of which
prescribing in this setting is paramount.2–4 Spain is one of the EU one-third corresponded to non-reimbursed sales.6 This finding is

C The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
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also supported by the results of the latest Eurobarometer on anti- instructed to withhold antibiotic therapy for CRP values ,20 mg/L and to
biotic use carried out in 2016, in which 47% of the Spanish prescribe an antibiotic for values .100 mg/L.
respondents admitted having taken an antibiotic in the previous As the availability of rapid tests is scarce in Spain, we again provided
year.7 these POCTs to the consultation offices of the GPs allocated to the interven-
tion group in 2015. The tests provided were the Clearview Strep A Exact II
Several strategies have been developed to reduce unnecessary
Dipstick, which takes !5 min to obtain a result, and the Alere Afinion CRP,
antibiotic prescribing in RTIs in the community with little success.8,9 for which a result is available in ,4 min. The co-ordinators in each area
A systematic Cochrane review, which included 39 studies of out- explained how to perform the procedures with these devices, but they did
patient antibiotic prescriptions for several infectious conditions, not give any further explanation on when to perform and how to interpret
found that printed educational materials for general practitioners the results of these rapid tests in the third registration. Neither did they give
(GPs), audits and feedback alone resulted in little or no change in any other information about guidelines and appropriate utilization of antibi-
prescription practices.8 A more recent review, including 58 studies, otics to avoid any further intervention. A new group of GPs from the same
found similar results, but in general, interventions based on mul- regions who had never participated in courses on the rational use of antibi-
otics with comparable age, gender, type of job and number of years work-
tiple initiatives have been found to be more effective than those
ing to the GPs assigned to intervention were also invited to participate by
focused on only one initiative.9 However, most studies included in the local co-ordinators and acted as controls.
these reviews assessed the short-term effect of interventions, and
few studies have evaluated the long-term effect of a single inter-
vention, and these have also shown controversial results.10–14 Measurements and data
The HAPPY AUDIT project was a study financed by the European The GPs were requested to register adults with RTIs by means of a specific
Commission aimed at strengthening the surveillance of RTIs template providing relevant information about the infectious disease. On
this sheet, the physician attending the patient noted different specific
through the development of intervention programmes targeting
parameters of medical care, including the age and gender of the patient,
GPs and changing people’s habits towards prudent use of anti-
the number of days with symptoms, presenting symptoms and signs, rapid
microbial agents.15 The results of this study demonstrated a 50% tests used along with their results, performance of chest radiography, main
reduction of antibiotic prescription 1–3 months after the interven- diagnosis, antibiotic treatment or not, whether the patient requested an
tion.16 This follow-up study aimed to examine if there continued to antibiotic, and referral to another healthcare setting. Three new variables
be a reduction in antibiotic prescribing in the intervention group of were added to the template used in 2015: infection severity on a five-item
the original study 6 years later. scale, pulse oximetry and significant comorbidities. Only first-time contacts
for the current disease were registered.

Statistical analyses
Ethics approval The data were analysed with the Stata v0.13 statistical program. Data ana-
Ethics approval was granted by the Institut d’Investigació en Atenció lysed in a hierarchical multilevel logistic regression model were estimated
Primària Jordi Gol i Gurina, Barcelona, reference number 14/106. at two levels: contacts with RTIs and GPs. Antibiotic prescription was consid-
ered as the dependent variable (yes/no). The random variation at level 2
(physicians) was accounted for with random intercepts (systematic differ-
Study design ences among physicians in the propensity to prescribe) and a random slope
GPs who had participated in a before-and-after audit-based study in 2008 for the dummy of the intervention group in 2015, which was assumed to
and 2009 in eight different autonomous regions in Spain were invited to have a non-zero correlation with the random intercept. The model was also
participate in a new registration study in 2015. Patient registration took adjusted for the covariables of age and gender, number of days with symp-
place during 3 week periods in the winter months—January to February— toms, symptoms and signs presented, diagnosis and patient demand for
in 2008 (first registration), 2009 (second registration) and from January to antibiotics. The goodness of fit was assessed using the Wald test of the
March in 2015 (third registration) covering a total of 15 working days in model, with the deviance test to compare alternative models. Statistical
each of these registrations. significance was considered with P , 0.05.
Shortly after the first registration, the GPs were invited to follow-up
meetings where they received individual prescriber feedback and identified
potential quality problems from the first registration. These results were
discussed at 2 h follow-up meetings in each of the different areas and were A total of 123 GPs of the 210 GPs who had participated in the first
run by the local co-ordinators of the study. One to three months before the and second registrations in 2008 and 2009 agreed to participate in
second registration (November and December 2008) the participating GPs the third registration; however, one did not send the templates
received the following: (i) a training course on the appropriate use of antibi- and another was rejected due to confirmed fraudulent data com-
otics for RTIs; (ii) clinical guidelines with recommendations for diagnosis pletion. No statistical differences were observed in terms of age,
and treatment of RTIs; (iii) brochures and handouts to patients about pru-
gender, years working and previous antibiotic prescribing rate be-
dent use of antibiotics; (iv) posters for waiting rooms, focusing on the appro-
tween those who completed the third registration and those who
priate use of antibiotics; (v) access to point-of-care tests (POCTs)—rapid
discontinued. Valid data were obtained from 121 GPs (57.6% of all
antigen detection tests (RADTs) and C-reactive protein rapid testing (CRP);
and (vi) training in the use and interpretation of POCTs. This intervention the GPs who underwent the intervention in 2008). The control
was done during two different 2 h meetings with all the GPs in each of these group consisted of 117 new GPs who never had been exposed to
areas, led by the local co-ordinators. GPs were then advised to use a POCT in interventions on antibiotic prescribing. Figure 1 shows the general
cases of doubt and not as a stand-alone test: RADT only in patients with scheme of the study.
suspected streptococcal pharyngitis (two or more Centor criteria) and GPs assigned to the intervention group were slightly older than
CRP in patients with lower RTI with uncertain aetiology. They were also those allocated to the control group were (mean age of 50.6 years

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Long-term impact of an intervention on antibiotic use JAC
Intervention group Control group
235 GPs were invited to participate in 135 new GPs were invited to participate in
the first registration, in 2008 this registration, 2015

11 GPs did not wish 6 GPs did not wish to

to participate participate

224 GPs participated in the first

registration, in 2008
129 GPs accepted to participate
14 GPs refused to in the study, 2015
continue the study
10 GPs were trainees
210 GPs undertook the intervention in 2 GPs sent uncompleted
2008 registration sheets

117 GPs completed all the registration

sheets, 2015
210 GPs participated in the second
registration, 2009

123 GPs participated in the third

registration, 2015

1 GP sent uncompleted registration sheets

1 GP excluded due to unethical completion

121 GPs completed all the registration

sheets in the third registration, 2015

Figure 1. General scheme of the study.

versus 48.9 years, P " 0.04) and there were slightly more men in level 2. The Wald test of the model was 912.1 (P , 0.001). Tonsillar
the former group (57.8% versus 42.7%, P " 0.21). No statistically exudate (OR 9.17) and sputum purulence (OR 6.23) were signifi-
significant differences were observed in the number of years of cantly associated with antibiotic prescribing. Conversely, cough
professional activity between the two GP groups (21.4 versus (OR 0.73) was associated with low antibiotic prescribing (Table 3).
18.9 years, respectively, P " 0.06). The 238 GPs included a total of On adjustment for covariables, compared with the antibiotic pre-
22247 patients with RTIs, with a mean age of 47.5 years (SD 20.3), scription observed just after the intervention, GPs assigned to the
and 59.8% were female. The infection most frequently registered intervention group prescribed slightly more antibiotics in 2015, al-
was the common cold (9136 cases; 41.1%), followed by acute beit without statistical significance (OR 1.08, 95% CI 0.89–1.31),
pharyngitis (4347 cases; 19.5%) and acute bronchitis (3172 cases; while GPs allocated to the control group prescribed significantly
14.3%). As shown in Table 1, the utilization of POCTs was signifi- more antibiotics (OR 2.74, 95% CI 2.09–3.59).
cantly higher among physicians assigned to intervention in 2009
and 2015, while GPs in the control group used the pulse oximetry Discussion
significantly more frequently than their counterparts (25.5% ver-
sus 17.3%, respectively). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report the lon-
Antibiotics were given to 5325 patients (23.9%), but this per- gest effect of an intervention carried out in the community with
centage was significantly lower among the GPs assigned to inter- the use of a control group. A single multifaceted intervention
vention just after the intervention took place and was highest including feedback results of a previous registration, interactive
among the new GPs allocated to the control group (16.8% versus seminars on RTIs, guideline discussion and workshop on rapid tests
30.6%), whereas the percentage of antibiotics prescribed by the was associated with a slight increase in antibiotic prescribing
GPs 6 years after the intervention was 22.3%. The highest antibiot- 6 years later compared with antibiotic prescription observed just
ic prescription was observed in pneumonia, acute otitis media and after the intervention, although no statistically significant differen-
acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and COPD (Table 2). ces were observed. Notwithstanding, GPs who had never partici-
Data were analysed in a two-level logistic regression model pated in an intervention on the appropriate use of antibiotics and
with patients (n " 22247) allocated to level 1 and GPs (n " 238) to acted as the control group prescribed significantly more antibiotics.

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Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the contacts with RTIs according to the group of physicians

Intervention group Intervention group Intervention group

in 2008, before the in 2009, just after the in 2015, 6 years after
intervention intervention the intervention Control group, 2015
Variable (121 GPs; 6089 RTIs) (121 GPs; 5199 RTIs) (121 GPs; 5381 RTIs) (117 GPs; 5578 RTIs)

Demographics and characteristics of the RTI

age (years), mean (SD) 46.5 (19.7) 46.0 (20.4) 48.9 (20.4) 48.6 (20.5)
female, n (%) 3601 (59.1) 3081 (59.3) 3228 (60.0) 3383 (60.6)
prior duration of symptoms (days), mean (SD) 4.3 (4.5) 4.5 (4.6) 4.7 (5.2) 4.7 (5.1)
severity of the infection (score), mean (SD) NC NC 1.4 (0.7) 1.4 (0.6)
significant comorbidities, n (%) NC NC 739 (13.7) 970 (17.4)
Symptoms and signs, n (%)
fever 1914 (31.4) 1610 (31.0) 1462 (27.2) 1554 (27.9)
cough 4779 (78.5) 3958 (76.1) 4290 (79.7) 4429 (79.4)
purulent ear discharge 91 (1.5) 78 (1.5) 93 (1.7) 114 (2.0)
odynophagia 2623 (43.1) 2376 (45.7) 2317 (43.1) 2326 (41.7)
tonsillar exudate 265 (4.4) 314 (6.0) 246 (4.6) 185 (3.3)
tender cervical nodes 321 (5.3) 420 (8.1) 328 (6.1) 188 (3.4)
dyspnoea 508 (8.3) 455 (8.8) 542 (10.1) 655 (11.7)
increase in sputum 1135 (18.6) 1011 (19.4) 1076 (20.0) 1037 (18.6)
purulence of sputum 618 (10.1) 431 (8.3) 519 (9.6) 565 (10.1)
Tests performed/ordered, n (%)
RADTs 52 (0.9) 865 (16.6) 663 (12.3) 90 (1.6)
CRP 2 (0.0) 597 (11.5) 565 (10.5) 15 (0.3)
pulse oximetry NC NC 930 (17.3) 1421 (25.5)
chest X-ray 140 (2.3) 147 (2.8) 118 (2.2) 142 (2.5)
Diagnosis, n (%)
common cold 2417 (39.7) 2031 (39.1) 2356 (43.8) 2332 (41.8)
acute otitis media 124 (2.0) 91 (1.8) 127 (2.4) 167 (3.0)
acute sinusitis 160 (2.6) 172 (3.3) 183 (3.4) 185 (3.3)
acute pharyngitis 1231 (20.2) 1210 (23.3) 953 (17.7) 953 (17.1)
acute bronchitis 721 (11.8) 593 (11.4) 859 (16.0) 999 (17.9)
pneumonia 75 (1.2) 71 (1.4) 54 (1.0) 58 (1.0)
acute exacerbations of CB/COPD 271 (4.5) 195 (3.8) 204 (3.8) 233 (4.2)
influenza 658 (10.8) 420 (8.1) 511 (9.5) 517 (9.3)
other RTIs 321 (5.3) 332 (6.4) 134 (2.5) 134 (2.4)
Management of the infection
antibiotic prescribed 1545 (25.4) 872 (16.8) 1201 (22.3) 1707 (30.6)
patient demands antibiotics 110 (1.8) 78 (1.5) 115 (2.1) 93 (1.7)
referral of the patient to hospital 33 (0.5) 30 (0.3) 38 (0.7) 57 (1.0)

CB, chronic bronchitis; NC, not collected.

Strengths and limitations also reflect the slight albeit steady increase in antibiotic consump-
Our study has several limitations. As in other studies, in the present tion observed over recent years in Spain.5,6
study, GPs participated voluntarily and probably their prescribing It is a limitation that we did not register clinical outcomes or
habits were not representative of all GPs and this may have limited complications. However, some important variables not included in
the extrapolation of the results obtained. It is possible that the par- the first two registrations that might have influenced whether an
ticipating GPs were more prone to interventions aimed at behav- antibiotic was prescribed or not such as significant comorbidities,
iour change than their colleagues who did not participate.17 One of severity of the infection according to GP judgement or the use of
the striking results of this paper is the considerable difference in pulse oximetry were added to the 2015 template. For all patients
antibiotic prescribing observed in the GPs assigned to intervention included, GPs registered the first reason for encounter when a pa-
before this took place and the control group recruited in 2015, tient with suspected RTI was seen in their practice and the pattern
which was 5.2% higher among the latter physicians. Although the of RTI infections was most probably equal for the different groups
GPs allocated to the intervention group could have been more of patients. Other potential confounders not taken into account in
motivated than their control counterparts, this phenomenon could our analysis, such as physician motivation and local campaigns to

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Long-term impact of an intervention on antibiotic use JAC
Table 2. Antibiotic prescription for the different RTIs according to the group of physicians

Intervention group Intervention group Intervention group

in 2008, before the in 2009, just after the in 2015, 6 years after the Control group,
Variable intervention (N " 6089) intervention (N " 5199) intervention (N " 5381) 2015 (N " 5578)

Common cold, n (%) 46 (1.9) 22 (1.1) 51 (2.2) 58 (2.5)

Acute otitis media, n (%) 107 (86.3) 74 (81.3) 90 (70.9) 133 (79.6)
Acute rhinosinusitis, n (%) 135 (84.4) 99 (57.6) 113 (61.7) 147 (79.5)
Acute pharyngitis, n (%) 476 (38.7) 258 (21.3) 344 (36.1) 457 (48.0)
Acute bronchitis, n (%) 396 (54.9) 174 (29.3) 358 (41.7) 628 (62.9)
Pneumonia, n (%) 68 (90.7) 62 (87.3) 46 (85.2) 44 (75.9)
Acute exacerbations of CB/COPD, n (%) 212 (78.2) 133 (68.2) 160 (78.4) 181 (77.7)
Influenza, n (%) 20 (3.0) 1 (0.2) 18 (33.5) 24 (4.6)
Other RTIs, n (%) 60 (18.7) 42 (12.7) 21 (15.7) 35 (26.1)
Total, n (%) 1545 (25.4) 872 (16.8) 1201 (22.3) 1707 (30.6)

CB, chronic bronchitis.

Table 3. Effect of an intervention 6 years later; multivariable predictors regarding antibiotic use were launched in 2007 and 2008, but the
of antibiotic prescription in RTIs results of these campaigns have never been studied. However,
public campaigns on antibiotic awareness in other European coun-
Variable OR SE 95% CI P tries have not been associated with significant reductions in anti-
biotic prescribing in primary care.19 GPs allocated to the control
Age 1.01 0.00 1.01–1.01 ,0.001
group had never participated in courses on the rational use of anti-
Female 0.92 0.46 0.83–1.01 0.08
Prior duration of symptoms 1.03 0.01 1.02–1.04 ,0.001
biotics, but we cannot rule out the possibility that some may have
Fever 3.83 0.23 3.41–4.30 ,0.001
been particularly concerned about the problem of antimicrobial re-
Cough 0.73 0.05 0.65–0.84 ,0.001
sistance. Despite the fact that POCTs are seldom used in primary
Purulent ear discharge 1.76 0.36 1.18–2.62 0.01
care in Spain, we found that 1.6% of all the contacts with RTIs by
Odynophagia 1.08 0.07 0.94–1.23 0.28
GPs assigned to the control group used rapid tests, particularly
Tonsillar exudate 9.17 0.93 7.52–11.18 ,0.001
RADTs. Another potential limitation is the Hawthorne effect, which
Tender cervical nodes 2.83 0.28 2.34–3.42 ,0.001
may have introduced bias because GPs in both the intervention
Dyspnoea 1.52 0.12 1.30–1.78 ,0.001
and the control group, but more importantly in the latter as they
Increase in sputum 2.02 0.14 1.77–2.31 ,0.001
were not familiar with this audit-based registration, may have
Purulence of sputum 6.23 0.49 5.35–7.27 ,0.001
altered their prescription habits. To reduce this risk, GPs in the con-
Common cold 0.09 0.02 0.05–0.15 ,0.001
trol group were specifically instructed to follow their usual care.
Acute otitis media 34.36 9.70 19.76–59.76 ,0.001
Theoretically, the decision to treat should be taken after a diag-
Acute sinusitis 17.77 4.54 10.77–29.32 ,0.001 nosis has been established. In general practice, however, the diag-
Acute pharyngitis 1.72 0.41 1.07–2.75 0.03 nostic procedures and the decision to treat are intricately
Acute bronchitis 3.69 0.88 2.31–5.89 ,0.001 intertwined. The GP may decide whether or not to prescribe an
Pneumonia 19.82 6.23 10.71–36.69 ,0.001 antibiotic at the same time, or even before. After making the deci-
Acute exacerbations of CB/COPD 8.49 2.18 5.12–14.05 ,0.001 sion to prescribe, the GP may thus then adjust the diagnosis to fit
Influenza 0.06 0.02 0.03–0.11 ,0.001 the decision about treatment. This may lead to a diagnostic mis-
Other RTIs 1.06 0.27 0.64–1.75 0.82 classification bias. However, this potential bias might have affected
Patient demands antibiotics 4.36 0.71 3.17–6.00 ,0.001 the validity of the diagnosis both before and after the intervention
Intervention group in 2015 1.08 0.11 0.89–1.31 0.46 and in both groups of GPs (intervention and control groups) and it
Control group in 2015 2.74 0.38 2.09–3.59 ,0.001 is very unlikely to have influenced the effect of the intervention.15
The data corresponding to all the registrations completed in
CB, chronic bronchitis; SE, standard error.
2015 were entered by only one of the authors of this paper (A. M.),
who is both a GP and a researcher. She raised concern of alleged
fraudulent completion of some data by three GPs allocated to the
intervention group on noticing a digit preference in some numeric-
promote appropriate use of antibiotics, were probably evenly dis- al variables.20 Owing to budget constraints we were unable to
tributed between the groups. In all the groups of patients GPs used double-check the information contained in all the templates with
the same type of registration sheet and a potential influence of GP the electronic records, but after checking the information provided
behaviour caused by the registration was most likely similar in by these three suspected cases one of these GPs was excluded
the two groups of GPs.18 Two different nationwide campaigns from the final analysis due to confirmed fraud and all the data

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entered by this researcher in the three registration periods were might explain the continued reduction in antibiotic prescribing
rejected. Conversely, the suspicion of scientific misconduct observed 6 years after the intervention.
observed in the other two cases was finally dismissed, as the infor-
mation provided on the templates was veracious. Therefore, on Conclusions
concluding the investigation of possible data fraud and imple-
To the best of our knowledge, no study has evaluated the effect of
menting the necessary actions to ensure data validity, we can con-
a single complex intervention more than 5 years later. However, in
fidently state that all the data entered in the study are valid and
this observational prospective study, a single multifaceted inter-
vention carried out 6 years earlier consisting of the discussion of
This was not a clinical trial, because GPs were not randomly
the first registration results, a training course on appropriate use of
assigned to the different groups. This might explain why the new
antibiotics and clinical guidelines for RTIs, patients’ brochures,
GPs assigned to the control group were slightly younger than their
posters for waiting rooms, workshop on rapid tests and provision
counterparts, with more female doctors. However, the differences
of these POCTs in the consultation, continued to reduce antibiotic
observed were not clinically relevant and we do not consider that
prescription for RTIs.
this difference could have any effect on the results obtained.
A total of 10 trainees who were included in the control group in
one of the areas were finally excluded to make both groups of GPs
more comparable. The greatest strength of this study was the Acknowledgements
large number of physicians included. In addition, .50% of the GPs We wish to acknowledge the GPs who voluntarily participated in the
who had participated in the first and second registrations and had study.
participated in the intervention accepted to participate in this new
registration 6 years later. Other members of the HAPPY AUDIT 3 Study Team
Andalucı́a: Idoioa Arrillaga Ocampo, Francisco Atienza Martı́n, Eduardo
Comparison with other studies Ávila Amat, Marta Bernal Raya, Pablo Cabezas Saura, Pilar Carretero
Castan ~ o, Carmen Dastı́s Bendala, Irene V. de Tena Roger, Pedro
Several randomized controlled trials conducted in primary care
Fernández-Nieto Fernández, Amalia Filella Sierpes, M. Isabel González
demonstrated a significant effect of various educational interven-
Rodrı́guez, Antonio Hernández Alonso, Guillermo Largaespada
tions on antibiotic prescriptions for RTIs over the subsequent Pallaviccini, Beatriz López Fernández, Inés M. López Huerta, Beatriz
year,21,22 but few studies aimed at assessing the long-term effect Luque López, Yanina Maldonado, M. Luisa Manzanares Torné, Leonor
of interventions have been published. Indeed, studies assessing Marı́n Pérez, M. Mercedes Martı́nez Granero, Rocı́o Martı́nez Pérez, M.
effects on antibiotic prescription in primary care after 3 years Antonia Máximo Torres, Ainhoa Mestraitua Vázquez, Mercedes Moreno
wrought conflicting results.10–14 In general, a reduction of the anti- Labrado, M. Luisa Moya Rodrı́guez, José Oropesa de Cáceres, Irene
biotic prescribing rate is still observed in the long term as four of Padial Reyes, Antonio Paniagua Galisteo, Vanessa Parra Garcı́a, M.
these studies found a decrease in the proportion of patients with Encarnación Peláez Gálvez, Juan J. Quero Perabá, M. Jesús Remesal
RTIs who were prescribed antibiotics, but this mainly depends on Barrachina, Miguel Sagristá González, Consuelo Sampedro Abascal,
Jesús C. Sánchez Vázquez, Auxiliadora Sanchı́s Osuna, J. Cristóbal Sendı́n
the number and type of strategies used in the intervention.10–13 In
González, Rosario Serrano Ortega, Miguel Silva Cueto, Guillermo
a 3.5 year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial carried out in Velázquez de Cisneros. Baleares: Ester Adelantado Pozuelo, Daniel
the Netherlands, an intervention that consisted of the provision of Bestard Marı́n, Aberlado Corrales Nadal, M. Teresa Corredor Ibán ~ ez,
CRP in the consultations was associated with a 5% reduction of Esther Domı́nguez Padilla, Alberto Eek Comas, Margarita Fornés Homar,
antibiotic prescribing for patients with acute cough, but the inter- Maria E. Garau Miquel, Prado Garcı́a Servera, Salvador J. Gestoso Gaya,
vention was continuously delivered along the study period.12 In a Marı́a J. González-Bals González, Mercedes Gutiérrez Garcı́a, Antoni J.
French randomized clinical trial, a 2 day interactive educational Jover Palmer, Magdalena Llinàs Suau, Marian Llorente Sanmartı́n,
intervention was associated with a significant reduction of antimi- Blanca Martı́nez Andión, Adriano Mayrata Vicens, David Medina i
crobials prescribed 30 months after this intervention,23 and contin- Bombardó, Gabriel Moragues Sbert, Joana M. Oliver Gornals, Etel Oliver
Roset, J. Francisco Palmer Simó, Juana Pérez Galmés, Susana Pons Vives,
ued showing a lower antibiotic prescribing rate compared with the
Lourdes Quintana Torres, José Alfonso Ramón Bauzá, F. Javier Rezola
control group after 4.5 years of follow-up.13 In contrast, a 5 year Gambón, Jaime Ripoll Sánchez, Miguel Román Rodrı́guez, Natalia
Finnish study showed that guideline dissemination through local Serrano Gomila, Magdalena Servera Trias, Isabel M. Socias Buades, M.
interactive discussion groups failed to decrease significantly the Mar Sureda Barbosa, Joana Tortella Morro, Lucia Ugarriza Hierro, Silvia
antibiotic prescriptions, but these results were not compared with Vega Garcı́a. Canarias: Pilar Aguilar Utrilla, M. Carmen Artiles Ruano, M.
a control group.14 Isabel Cardenes Romero, Jonás de la Cruz Cabrera, Margarita Garcı́a
Changing clinicians’ prescribing behaviour is a complex matter. Garcı́a, M. Carmen Guerra, Ricardo Koch, M. Huertas Llamas Martı́nez, M.
Several strategies such as the provision of guidelines, poster dis- Elena Martı́n Santana, Alicia Monzón Guerra, Marta Moreno Ramos,
play in the waiting rooms and even leaflets have limited effect. Caridad Sánchez Artiles, Lucı́a Tejera Pulido, José M. Toscano, Carlos
Prieto, Aurelia Perdomo. Galicia: Francisco Castrillo Villar, Pilar Cobas
When active strategies are added to these passive educational ~ o,
Pacı́n, M. Jesús Colas Martı́nez, Coral Dı́ez Pérez, Peregrina Eiroa Patin
sessions, such as the feedback and discussion of previous results, Ana Fernández Álvarez, Luis Fucin ~ os Cebreiro, J. Antonio Gómez
training in enhancing communication skills in the consultation and Villalobos, M. Esther González Garcı́a-Mayor, Ricardo M. Héctor Sanz,
the provision of POCTs, the effect is much greater. The different ac- Susana Hernáiz Valero, Esther López Carbajales, J. Luis López Vilar, Elena
tive strategies used in the present study, which required the at- Lorenzo Llauger, Elisa Mosquera Gayoso, Concepción Nogueiras Santas,
tendance to 2 h courses and workshops on three different days, M. Pilar Pintos Martı́nez, M. Teresa Rı́os Rey, Lucı́a Rodrı́guez Nieto,

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Long-term impact of an intervention on antibiotic use JAC
Santiago Santidrián Arias, Jesús Sueiro Justel. Madrid: Raquel Ban ~ os Author contributions
Morras, José M. Casanova Colominas, Santiago Castellanos Redondo, M.
The initial idea for this study was proposed by C. L. and L. B.; all authors
Teresa Cobos Hinojal, José Corral Brihuega, M. Canto de Hoyos Alonso,
contributed to the development of the protocol and to the management
Belén de la Fuente Martı́n, Silvia de las Heras Loa, Angélica Fajardo
of the study. A. M. entered all the data. C. L., L. B., A. M. and J. M. C. led
Alcántara, M. Jesús Ferrer Signes, Antonia Garcı́a del Val, M. Mar Garcı́a
the funding application and provided overall co-ordination of the
Rabanal, Gema Garcı́a Sacristán, Álvaro Garcı́a Vega, M. Elena Gerez
TRANCE consortium. B. G. L.-V. analysed the data; all authors contributed
Sánchez-Escribano, Paloma González Escobar, Rosa M. González San
to the interpretation of the data and the write-up. C. L., L. B., B. G. L.-V., A. M.
Segundo, M. Elena Hermida López, Paloma Hernández Almarza, Ana
Ibarra Sánchez, Ángeles Lagos Aguilar, Ascensión Lázaro Damas, M. and J. M. C. had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsi-
Eugenia López Delgado, Guillermina López Fernández, Rosario López bility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
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