1998-05-11 DR1 Amended
1998-05-11 DR1 Amended
1998-05-11 DR1 Amended
An initial Statement of Organization should be filled within 10 days of the committee's accepting contributions, Comm . #
making expenditures or incurring indebtedness exceeding $750. Amendments should be filed within 30 days of a Indexed
change. Penalties may be imposed for late-filed Statements of Organization . Audited
Computer nQ
COMMITTEE TREASURER This address used for all reminders and COMMITTEE CHAIR (List additional officers on separate page)
(Required by law) correspondence)
Name Name
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Mailing Address Mailing Address
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Phone (Ila) L.~A __2LI Phone( )
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Mailing Address City .I- ~- State .I- ~- Zip 1 .I-
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City I 1 State 1 ~. Zip .I- ~. Phone 1 ) CJ
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Date Sighed
didate, OR, if PAC, Central Committee or Local Ballot Issue, Chairperson J Date Signed