Notes From RCC Pillai Menon
Notes From RCC Pillai Menon
Notes From RCC Pillai Menon
, 21
Ch. 1 Reinforced Concrete Structures
Tensile strength of concrete is approx. 1/10th of its compressive strength.
The steel bars, embedded in the tension zone of the concrete, compensate for the concrete’s
inability to resist tension, effectively carrying all the tension, without separating from the
The bond between steel and concrete ensures strain compatibility i.e. the strain at any
point in the steel is equal to that in the
adjoining concrete.
Tensile stresses occur either directly, as in
direct tension or flexural tension, or
indirectly, as in shear, which causes
tension along diagonal planes (‘diagonal
Temperature and shrinkage effects and
restraint to deformations may also induce
tensile stresses.
Reinforcing steel is thus located in a direction that cuts across the principal tensile planes,
i.e. across potential tensile cracks.
Reinforcement steel can also supplement concrete in bearing compressive forces, as in
columns provided with longitudinal bars (vertical).
These longitudinal bars (vertical) need to be confined by transverse steel ties (horizontal),
in order to maintain their positions and to prevent their lateral buckling.
The lateral ties also serve to confine the concrete, thereby enhancing its compression load
bearing capacity.
It is possible to predict the elastic and inelastic behaviour of this concrete with some
confidence, but there exists some uncertainty in the prediction, attributable to the
variability in the strength of in-situ concrete (which, unlike steel, is not manufactured under
closely controlled conditions).
Factors leading this variability are material properties (of aggregates), making of concrete
at site (mixing, placing, compacting and curing).
This uncertainty can be taken care of, by providing an appropriate factor of safety in the
design process.
Prestressed Concrete: is high strength concrete with high tensile steel wires embedded and
tensioned, prior to the application of external loads. By this, the concrete can be pre-
compressed to such a degree that, after the structure is loaded, there is practically no
resultant tension developed in the beam.
Prestressed concrete applications: where long spans are encountered (as in bridges), or
where cracks (even hairline) in concrete are not permitted (as in pressure vessels, pipes and
water tanks), or where fatigue loading is encountered (as in railtrack sleepers), etc.
Any structure is made up of structural elements (load-carrying, as beams and columns) and
non- structural elements (as partitions: false ceilings, doors).
Structural elements constitute the 'structural system' – function – to resist effectively the
action of gravitational and environmental loads, and to transmit the resulting forces to the
supporting ground, without significantly -disturbing the geometry, integrity and
serviceability of the structure.
Most of the structural elements may be considered, for simplified analysis, as one-
dimensional (skeletal) elements (such as beams, columns, arches, truss) or
o two-dimensional elements (such as slabs, plates and shells).
structural elements as shell-edge beam junctions, perforated shear walls require more
rigorous analysis.
These are vertical elements, made of masonry or reinforced concrete.
They are called bearing walls if their main structural function is to support gravity loads,
and are referred to as shear walls if they are mainly required to resist lateral loads due to
wind and earthquake.
The walls around the lift corners of a building often serve as shear walls.
Transfer Girders
In some buildings large column-free spaces are required in the lower floors – for halls,
parking areas, etc.
In such cases, the vertical load-bearing elements (columns, bearing walls) of the upper
floors are not allowed to continue downwards, through the lower floors, to the foundations
This problem can be resolved by providing a very heavy beam, called transfer girder,
whose depth may extend over one full storey [Fig. 1.141.
The upper-storey columns terminate above the transfer girder, and transmit their loads,
through the beam action of the girder, to the main columns that support the girder from
1.6.3 Lateral Load Resisting Systems
The horizontal and vertical sub-systems of a structural system interact and jointly resist
both gravity loads and lateral loads.
Lateral load effects (due to wind and earthquake) predominate in tall buildings, and govern
the selection of the structural system.
Lateral load resisting systems of RCC buildings consist of:
These are generally composed of columns and beams.
Their ability to resist lateral loads is entirely due to the rigidities of the beam-column
connections and the moment-resisting capacities of the individual members.
They are often called 'rigid frames', because the ends of the various members framing into
a joint are 'rigidly' connected in such a way as to ensure that they all undergo the same
rotation under the action of loads.
Frames are used as the sole lateral load resisting system in buildings with up to 15 to 20
Shear Walls
These are solid walls, which usually extend over the full height of the building located at
the lift / staircase core regions.
Shear walls placed along the transverse direction of a building, either as exterior (facade)
walls or as interior walls.
The walls are very stiff, having considerable depth in the direction of lateral loads [Fig.
1.16(b)]; they resist loads by bending like vertical cantilevers, fixed at the base.
The various walls and co-existing frames in a building are linked at the different floor
levels by means of the floor system, which distributes the lateral loads to these different
systems appropriately.
The interaction between the shear walls and the frames is structurally advantageous in
that the walls restrain the frame deformations in the lower stories, while frame restrain the
wall deformations in the upper storeys [Fig.].
Ch.2 Basic Material Properties
Good concrete is one that has the desired qualities of strength, impermeability, durability,
etc., in the hardened state.
To achieve this, the concrete has to be 'satisfactory' in the fresh state (which includes
mixing, handling, placing, compacting and curing).
Broadly, this means that the mix must be of the right proportions, and must be cohesive
enough to be transported and placed without segregation by the means available, and its
consistency must be such that it is workable and can be compacted by the means that are
actually available for the job.
Cement may be described as a material with adhesive and cohesive properties that make it
capable of bonding mineral fragments, ('aggregates') into a compact whole.
In this process, it imparts strength and durability to the hardened mass called concrete.
The cements used in the making of concrete are called hydraulic cements because they
have the property of reacting chemically with water in an exothermic process called
hydration that results in water-resistant products.
The products of hydration form a viscous cement paste, which coats the aggregate surfaces
and fills some of the void spaces between the aggregate pieces.
The cement paste loses consistency ('stiffens') on account of gradual loss of 'free water',
adsorption and evaporation, and subsequently 'sets', transforming the mixture into a solid
mass. If the consistency of the cement paste is either excessively 'harsh' or excessively
'wet', there is a danger of segregation, i.e., the aggregate tends to separate out of the mix;
this will adversely affect the quality of the hardened concrete and result in a 'honeycomb'
The freshly set cement paste gains strength with time ('hardens'), on account of progressive
filling of the void spaces in the paste with the reaction products, also resulting in a decrease
in porosity and permeability.
Aggregate occupies about 3/4th of the volume of concrete.
It contributes significantly to the structural performance i.e. strength, durability and volume
stability of concrete.
Aggregate is generally categorised into fine aggregate (particle size between 0.075 mm and
4.75 mm) and coarse aggregate (particle size larger than 4.75 mm), as described in IS 383.
Gravel and crushed rock are normally used as coarse aggregate.
Maximum nominal size of 20 mm is found to be satisfactory in RC structural elements.
If the member happens to be very thin, the size may be restricted to 1/4 th of the minimum
thickness of the member.
In the case of heavily reinforced members, it should be restricted to 5 mm less than the
minimum clear spacing between bars or minimum cover lo reinforcement, whichever is
smaller. In such situations, the maximum nominal size is taken as 10 mm.
2.3.1 Aggregate Properties and Tests
Tests described in IS 2386 (Parts 1 - 8) to assess the quality of aggregate:
particle size, shape and surface texture : 'size' and 'shape' influence strength; 'shape' and
'texture' influence bond between the aggregate and the cement paste.
geological classification: based on the mineral type of the parent rock;
specific gravity and bulk density: of aggregate particle and aggregate whole respectively.
Moisture content, water absorption and bulking of sand : moisture present/ absorbed in
aggregate must be accounted for in water content of the concrete mix; also presence of
water films in between sand particles results in an increase in volume (bulking of sand).
strength: resistance to compression, measured in terms of the aggregate crushing value;
toughness: resistance to impact, measured in terms of the aggregate impact value:
hardness: resistance to wear, measured in terms of the aggregate abrasion value;
soundness: whether or not the aggregate undergoes appreciable volume changes due to
alternate thermal changes, wetting and drying, freezing and thawing; and
deleterious constituents: such as iron pyrites, coal, mica, clay, sill, salt and organic
impurities, adversely affect the hydration of cement, the bond with cement paste, the
strength and durability of hardened concrete.
2.3.2 Grading Requirements of Aggregate
'Grading' is the particle size distribution of aggregate;
measured by sieve analysis [IS 2386 (Part 1)]
Described by means of a grading curve, which depicts the 'cumulative percentage passing'
against the standard IS sieve sizes.
The grading (as well as type and size) of aggregate is a major factor which influences the
workability of fresh concrete, and its degree of compaction.
This is of extreme importance with regard to the quality of hardened concrete, because
incomplete compaction results in voids, thereby lowering the density of the concrete and
preventing it from attaining its full compressive strength capability and also its
impermeability and durability characteristics get adversely affected.
If we aim for maximum density by a grading of aggregate alone -with the smaller particles
fitting into the voids of the larger particles in the dry state, thereby limiting the use of the
(more expensive) cement paste to filling in the voids in the fine aggregate.
But such a concrete mix is prone to be 'harsh' and unworkable. Moreover, it is very likely
to segregate, with the coarser particles separating out or settling more than the finer
Evidently, the cement paste must be in sufficient quantity to be able to coat properly all the
aggregate surfaces, to achieve the required workability, and to ensure that the particle
sizes are distributed as homogeneously as possible without segregation.
The presence of more 'fines' (sand and cement) in a mix is found to improve both
workability and resistance to segregation, because the fines tend to 'lubricate' the larger
particles, and also fill into their voids as mortar.
However, too much of fine aggregate may adversely affect the durability and
impermeability of the hardened concrete.
Used in mixing of fresh concrete and in curing of hardened concrete.
For proper strength development and durability of concrete, water used for mixing and
curing should be free from impurities such as oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar and organic
Potable water is considered to be suitable for concreting.
The pH value of the water should not be less than 6.
Content of sulphates (as SO3) ≤ 400 mg/l,
chlorides ≤ 500 mg/l in reinforced concrete (and 2000 mg/l in plain concrete).
Sea water is unsuitable for mixing or curing of concrete.
The figure also shows the drastic loss in strength if moist curing is avoided altogether.
Increase in temperature is found to enhance the rate of hydration and the consequent rate of
gain of strength. However, the early application of high temperature is found to reduce the
long-term strength of concrete.
Methods of accelerated curing - steam curing or autoclave curing, steam at atmospheric
pressure takes the place of water for curing.
Membrane curing - applying special compounds or impermeable membranes (polyethylene
sheeting) to all exposed concrete surfaces after the setting of concrete, to prevent the
evaporation of water.
Additives that are introduced in a concrete mix to modify the properties of concrete in its
fresh and hardened states [IS 9103].
Code recommends, "the workability, compressive strength and the slump loss of concrete
with and without the use of admixtures shall be established during the trial mixes before
the use of admixtures".
Use of admixtures should not impair durability and increase the risk of corrosion to
reinforcement. Admixtures are either ‘chemical’ (liquid) or 'mineral' (fine granular) in
Give 'high strength' or 'high performance' (durability).
2.5.1 Types of Chemical Admixtures
Accelerators: (CaCl2) to accelerate the hardening or the development of early strength of
concrete; used for urgent repairs or while concreting in cold weather;
Retarders: (sugar) retard the setting of concrete, and also to reduce the generation of heat;
used in hot weather concreting and in ready-mixed concrete;
Water-reducers (or plasticizers): improve plasticity in the fresh concrete; used for
achieving higher strength by reducing the w/c ratio; or for improving workability to
facilitate placement of concrete in locations that are not easily accessible;
Superplasticizers (or high-range water-reducers): have higher dosage levels and are
superior to conventional water-reducers; used to produce high-strength concrete or to
produce 'flowing' concrete;
Air-entraining agents: organic compounds (such as animal/ vegetable fats and oils, wood
resins) which introduce discrete and microscopic air bubble cavities that occupy up to 5%
of the volume of concrete; used for protecting concrete from damage due to alternate
freezing and thawing;
Bonding admixtures: polymer emulsions (latex) to improve the adherence of fresh
concrete to (old) hardened concrete; suited for repair work.
1.5.2 Types of Mineral Admixtures
Used either as partial replacement of cement or in combination with cement, at the time of
mixing, in order to modify the properties of concrete or achieve economy.
Pozzolanas materials containing amorphous silica, which in finely divided form and in the
presence of water, chemically react with Ca(OH) 2 at ordinary temperatures to form
compounds possessing cementitious properties.
fly ash: ash precipitated electrostatically or mechanically from exhaust gases in coal-fired
power plants, conforming to Grade 1 of IS 3812;
GGBFS: IS 12089, has good pozzolanic properties, and produces concrete with improved
resistance to chemical attack;
silica fume (or micro silica), obtained as a by-product of the silicon industry, found to be
pozzolanic in character and capable of producing very dense concrete, use in production of
high strength and high-performance concrete;
rice husk ash: produced by burning rice husk at controlled temperatures;
metakaoline: obtained by calcination of kaolinitic clay followed by grinding;
Gas-forming admixtures: powdered zinc, powdered aluminium and hydrogen peroxide,
generate gas bubbles in a sand-cement matrix; used in the manufacture of lightweight
aerated concrete, not suitable for heavy load-bearing purposes, used for high thermal
insulation properties.
Date: 17th Feb 2021
The desired properties of concrete are its compressive strength, tensile strength, shear
strength, bond strength, density, impermeability, durability, etc.
The property of compressive strength can be measured by standard tests on concrete cube
(or cylinder) specimens.
The quality or grade of concrete is designated in terms of a number, which denotes its
characteristic compressive strength (of 150mm cubes at 28-days) in MPa (N/mm 2).
The number is usually preceded by the letter 'M', which refers to 'mix'.
M 20 grade concrete denotes a concrete whose mix is so designed as to generate a
characteristic strength of 20 MPa.
An exposure condition is considered 'mild' when the concrete surface is protected against
weather or aggressive conditions and is not situated in a coastal area.
The higher grades of concrete are dictated, not by the need for higher compressive
strength, but by the need for improved durability.
Use of high strength concrete: (1) columns of very tall buildings in order to reduce their
cross-sectional dimensions; (2) in prestressed concrete construction.
2.6.1 Characteristic Strength
Concrete is a material whose strength is subject to considerable variability as cube
specimens that are taken from the same mix give different values of compressive strength
in lab tests.
This may be attributed largely to the non-homogeneous nature of concrete.
The variability in the strength evidently depends on the degree of quality control.
Modulus of Elasticity
The Young's Modulus of elasticity is a constant, defined as the ratio, within the
linear elastic range, of axial stress to axial strain, under uniaxial loading.
In the case of concrete under uniaxial compression, it has some validity in the very
initial portion of the stress-strain curve, which is practically linear; that is, when
the loading is of low intensity, and of very short duration.
If the loading is sustained for a relatively long duration, inelastic creep and
shrinkage effects come into play, even at relatively low stress levels.
The initial tangent modulus is sometimes considered to be a measure of the
dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrete; it finds application in some cases of
cyclic loading (wind- or earthquake-induced), where long-term effects are
However, even in such cases, the non-elastic behaviour of concrete manifests,
particularly if high intensity cyclic loads are involved; in such cases, a pronounced
hysteresis effect is observed, with each cycle of loading producing incremental
permanent deformation [Ref. 2.18].
In the usual problems of structural analysis, based on linear static analysis, it is the
static modulus of elasticity that needs to be considered.
It may be noted that when the loads on a structure (such as dead loads) are of long
duration, the long-term effects of creep reduce the effective modulus of elasticity
significantly. Although it is difficult to separate the long-term strains induced by
creep (and shrinkage) from the short-term 'elastic' strains, this is usually done at a
conceptual level, for convenience.
Accordingly, while estimating the deflection of a reinforced concrete beam, the
total deflection is assumed to be a sum of an 'instantaneous' elastic deflection
(caused by the loads) and the 'long-term' deflections induced by creep and
The short-term static modulus of elasticity (Ec) is used in computing the
'instantaneous' elastic deflection.
The Code (Cl. gives the following empirical expression for the static
modulus E (in MPa units) in terms of the characteristic cube strength f ck (in MPa
units): Ec = 5000√ f ck (MPa)
The ACI code gives an alternative formula for E c in terms of the specified cylinder
strength f ' c and the mass density of concrete ρc (in kg/m3): Ec = 0.0427√ ( ρ c ) ( f ' c )
It is seen that the compressive strength (as well as the tensile strength) of concrete
is reduced by the presence of shear stress.
Also, the shear strength of concrete is enhanced by the application of direct
compression (except in the extreme case of very high compression), whereas it is
(expectedly) reduced by the application of direct tension.
2.10.3 Behaviour Under Triaxial Compression
When concrete is subject to compression in three orthogonal directions, its strength
and ductility are greatly enhanced [Ref. 2.26, 2.35].
This effect is attributed to the all-round confinement of concrete, which reduces
significantly the tendency for internal cracking and volume increase just prior to
Effect of confinement
The benefit derived from confinement of concrete is advantageously made use of
in reinforced concrete columns, by providing transverse reinforcement in the form
of steel hoops and spirals.
It is found that continuous circular spirals are more effective in substantially
increasing the ductility and the compressive strength of concrete; square or
rectangular ties are less effective [Ref. 2.28].
The yielding of the confining steel contributes to increased ductility (ability to
undergo large deformations prior to failure).
Provision of ductility is of particular importance in the design and derailing of
reinforced concrete structures subject to seismic loads (especially at the beam-
column junctions), since it enables the material to enter into a plastic phase,
imparting additional strength to the structure by means of redistribution of stresses.
2.11.1 Time-Dependent Behaviour under Sustained Loading
When concrete is subject to sustained compressive loading, its deformation keeps
increasing with time, even though the stress level is not altered.
The time-dependent component of the total strain is termed creep.
The time dependent behaviour of the total
strain in concrete (both 'instantaneous'
strain and creep strain) shown in Fig.
The instantaneous strain is that which is
assumed to occur 'instantaneously' on
application of the loading.
This may have both 'elastic' and 'inelastic'
components, depending on the stress
In practice, as the stress level under
service loads is relatively low, the
inelastic component is negligible.
If the stress is maintained at a constant level, the strain will continue to increase
with time (as indicated by the solid line in the curve in Fig. 2.14), although at a
progressively decreasing - rate.
The increase in strain at any time is termed the creep strain. Sometimes expressed
in terms of the creep coefficient (Ct), defined as the ratio of the creep strain at time
‘t’ to the instantaneous strain ('initial elastic strain').
The maximum value of Ct is called the ultimate creep coefficient (designated as θ
by the Code); its value is found to vary widely in the range 1.3 to 4.2.
If the sustained load is removed at any time, the strain follows the curve shown by
the dashed line in Fig. 2.14. There is an instantaneous recovery of strain by an
amount equal to the elastic strain due to the load removed at this age.
This is followed by a gradual decrease in strain, which is termed as creep
general no more than one stress reversal, the Bauschinger effect can safely be