Programming With Bluespec Systemverilog: Design Methodologies, Styles, Patterns and Examples
Programming With Bluespec Systemverilog: Design Methodologies, Styles, Patterns and Examples
Programming With Bluespec Systemverilog: Design Methodologies, Styles, Patterns and Examples
Preliminary Draft
Please do not circulate without permission from Bluespec, Inc.
c 2000 – 2008 Bluespec, Inc.
This document describes Bluespec SystemVerilog coding guidelines though a series of descriptions and
examples, where the objectives are to:
• bring experienced Verilog and VHDL designers up to speed with the abilities and features of Bluespec,
• produce expected RTL with respect to interfaces, and structures,
• take advantage of the extensive libraries provided by Bluespec.
This document is organized into several sections which need not be read in sequence. Rather, each section
gives hints, advice and examples on particular design or programming structures.
This document is not intended to replace the Reference Guide or the User’s guide. It is a intended only as
a supplement to aid designers in expressing their designs in the Bluespec environment.
This document is under development.
Table of Contents 2
1 Types 4
1.1 Bit Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Non Bit Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Conversion Between Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Types from the Bluespec Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Designing Interfaces 8
2.1 Interface Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Sharing Signals in an Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Combining Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4 Basic Interfaces from the Bluespec Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 Interface Paradigms from the Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 Logic Representation 12
3.1 Sequential Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 Combinational Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5 Testbenches 18
5.1 Controlling Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.2 Stored Test Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.3 Generating Random Test Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7 Helping the Scheduler 23
7.1 Rules versus Always Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.2 Alleviating Read/Write Conflicts with ConfigReg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7.3 Register Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
9 BlueSim 29
9.1 Improving Simulation Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10 Other Notes 30
10.1 Using Bluespec with other tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1 Types
Bluespec provides a strong, static type-checking environment. Everything has a type; that is, every variable
and every expression has a type. Variables must be assigned values which have compatible types. Type
checking, which occurs before program elaboration or execution, ensures that object types are compatible
and that needed conversion functions are valid for the context.
This section describes common types and structures as defined and used in the Bluespec environment.
At the lowest level, synthesizable objects can be considered as a wire or wires having some fixed width
and interpretation. These correspond to Verilog wire and reg, and additionally have tighter semantics
surrounding their use.
• Bool is a Boolean – a True or False value. The implementation is one bit, but bit-wise operations on
Booleans in Bluespec are illegal. Booleans should be used for True or False values; Bit#(1) should be
used for zero or one variables.)
• Bit#(n) defines a type containing n bits. Type Bit allows bit-wise operations, but Bit#(1) cannot be
used as a Bool; that is, operators &&, ||, and ! are not allowed. Use Bit#(n) types for variables which
are simple bit patterns. Note: bit[15:0] is a synonym for Bit#(16).
• UInt#(n) defines an unsigned integer of n bits in width. Use UInt#(n) for variables which should be
interpreted as unsigned quantities. Note: unsigned variables are always greater than or equal to zero.
• Int#(n) defines a signed (two’s-complement) integer of width n. Use Int#(n) for variables which should
be interpreted as signed quantities.
These bit type can be combined into other types through the use of user defined structures or by using the
many pre-defined types in the Bluespec library. (See Reference Manual for details of the documentation.)
In addition to the many bit types found in Bluespec, there are many other types which are only used during
compile-time evaluation, and cannot be turned into hardware bits. These types are most useful during
compile time elaboration, where Bluespec allows the manipulation of objects of these types for complicated
and highly parameterized designs.
• Integer – Integers are unbounded in size which are commonly used as loop indices for compile-time
• String – Strings must be resolved at compile time.
• Interfaces – Interfaces can be considered a type, and hence can be passed to or returned from functions.
• Action – See Reference Manual for functions which manipulate this type.
• ActionValue – See Reference Manual for functions which manipulate this type.
• Rules – See Reference Manual for functions which manipulate this type.
• Modules – See Reference Manual for functions which manipulate this type.
• functions – Functions are first class objects and can be passed to other functions or modules.
The Bluespec environment strictly checks both bit-width compatibility and type. This behavior differs from
typical Verilog tools in that conversion is automatic in Verilog tools, whereas Bluespec requires explicit
conversions. To convert across types in Bluespec, the following overloaded functions should suffice. During
type checking, the compiler resolves these functions to a particular type instance. Excessive type conversion
usually indicates a poor choice of the basic object types used in the design.
• pack() – converts (packs) from various types, including Bool, Int, and UInt to Bit#(n).
• unpack() – converts to various types, including Bool, Int, and UInt from Bit#(n).
• zeroExtend() – increases the bit width of an expression by padding the most significant end with zeros.
This function and the following two are overloaded in type Bit, UInt, and Int.
• signExtend() – increases the bit width of an expression by replicating the most significant bit.
• truncate() – shortens the bit width to a particular width.
• fromInteger – Converts from an Integer to any type where this function is provided in the Literal type-
class. Integers are most often used during static elaboration since they cannot be turned into bit, hence
there is no corresponding toInteger function.
• valueOf – Converts from a numeric type to an Integer. Numeric types are the “n’s” as used in Bit#(n)
or the number 17 as used in Bit#(17).
These conversion utilities do not incur logic overhead. The following example shows these type conversion
functions in use.
Bit#(1) aB1;
Bool aBool = unpack( aB1 ) ; // unpack from Bit
Bit#(16) aB16 ;
Int#(16) aI16 = unpack( aB16 ); // size matters
Bit#(16) bB16 ;
bB16 = pack( aI16 ) ; // convert back to bits
// Truncates and Extends do not require any bit width information
UInt#(16) aU16;
UInt#(14) aU14 = truncate ( aU16 ) ;
Bit#(16) aB16;
Bit#(14) aB1 = truncate ( aB16 ) ;
// Extending requires same base type
Int#(14) aI14 ;
Int#(16) aI16 = signExtend( aI14 ) ;
UInt#(14) aU14 ;
UInt#(16) aU16 = signExtend( aU14 ) ;
Bit#(14) aB14 ;
Bit#(16) aB16 = zeroExtend( aB14 ) ;
// UInt to Int 16 conversion using pack and unpack
UInt#(16) aU16 ;
Int#(16) aI16 = unpack( pack ( aU16 ) ) ;
The Bluespec environment provides many abstractions and polymorphic data types in its library. A few
common ones are detailed here, since they have high correlation to common (hardware) design paradigms.
Maybe#(a) The Maybe type encapsulates any data type a with a valid bit and further provides some
functions to test the valid bit and extract the data. This is useful in places where you sometimes store data
and other times the data in invalid. Some Bluespec primitives also use Maybe types in their interfaces, for
example RWire.
Consider the example below which pulls data from a FIFO holding Maybe#(a type), and then sends only
valid data to the valid FIFO.
// If the result is invalid just dequeue the result
rule invalid_result (! isValid( result_fifo.first )) ;
result_fifo.deq ;
Maybe types are a specialization of tagged unions (see Reference Manual for more details of tagged unions).
Thus the tagged-union “matches” operator can be utilized to rewrite the rules in the above example.
// If the result is invalid just dequeue the result
rule invalid_result (result_fifo.first matches tagged Invalid) ;
result_fifo.deq ;
Values of type Maybe can be created using either of their constructors – Valid or Invalid.
Results_t aResult ;
// wrap aResult into a Maybe type and enqueue it.
result_fifo.enq( Valid( aResult ) ) ;
// Enqueue Invalid
result_fifo.enq( Invalid ) ;
The recommended means to extract data from the Maybe type is to use tagged unions, or if a value or
default is expected, to use the fromMaybe function. Tagged unions are shown in the example above, while
the fromMaybe is show in the code below.
Maybe#(int) mValue ;
// Extract the value from the Maybe or else 0 if invalid.
int extr = fromMaybe( 0, mValue ) ;
The above code fragment is equivalent to:
Maybe#(int) mValue ;
int extr = 0 ;
if ( isValid( mValue ) )
extr = validValue( mValue ) ;
Tuple2#(a,b) and Tuples A tuple provides an unnamed data structure typically used to hold a small
number of related fields. Like other SystemVerilog constructs, tuples are polymorphic, that is, they are
parameterized on the types of data they hold. Tuples are typically found as return values from functions
when more than one value must be returned.
In the Bluespec environment, tuples are defined for 2 to 7 element, i.e., Tuple2 through Tuple7. In most
specific cases, named data structures should be used instead of tuples, since structures provide for better
(self) documentation of the source code, since each field has a name in addition to its position.
typedef Tuple2#( Int#(32), Bit#(3) ) TestTuple ;
Int#(32) idata = 5;
Bit#(3) bdata = 3’b101 ;
// tuple constructor
TestTuple foo = tuple2( idata, bdata );
2 Designing Interfaces
This section presents an overview of interfaces as they are used with Bluespec SystemVerilog. This section
focuses on defining interfaces, and does not detail how methods can be defined. See Section 4.2 for details
and examples of defining methods, since many implementations can provide the same interface.
In Verilog interfaces for modules are port lists; conceptually a bundle of independent of wires which
connect the module to its parent. SystemVerilog extends the port list concept by providing interfaces
which encapsulate interconnect and communication thus separating communication from functionality and
enabling abstraction in the design.
SystemVerilog interfaces have many similarity to Verilog modules in that interfaces must be defined and
instantiated before use. Moreover, interfaces or modules can provide tasks and functions to further encap-
sulate communication between modules.
In the Bluespec environment, interfaces to modules are methods, that is, specific functions which may be
invoked by the caller. These functions may take zero or more arguments, can return values or cause actions
to occur. Bluespec interfaces provide a means to group wires into bundles with specified uses.
Bluespec classifies methods into types:
• Value Methods – These are methods which return a value to the caller. When these methods are called,
there is no change of state.
• Action Methods – These are methods which cause actions (state changes) to occur. One may consider
these as input methods, since they typically take data into the module.
• ActionValue Methods - These methods couple Action and Value methods, providing an action to the
module which provided the method, and returning a value to the caller.
Consider the following interface definition for a FIFO-like device:
interface Fifo_ifc#(type any_t);
method any_t first_element() ;
method Action clear() ;
method Action enqueue( any_t data_in ) ;
method ActionValue#(any_t) dequeue() ;
In this example, first element delivers (as an output) a value of type any t, without any change to the module
which provides this interface. clear is an Action method, which takes no argument, and returns nothing,
but it does impact the state of the module – that is it causes an Action (e.g., clearing the fifo). Likewise,
the enqueue method causes a state change without returning a value, but it does take an argument. The
dequeue method causes a state change and returns a value.
Interfaces only specify the methods which a module provides, they do not say anything about any imple-
mentation. The above fifo-like interface can be used for fifo of any size. It can also be provided by a module
which dequeues the square of the number enqueued, or one which dequeues the sum of a n consecutive
Note that in this example the interface takes a type parameter; thus this interface can be used (reused) in
situations which differ by data types:
// declaring a module with an interface of Fifo_ifc
module mkFifo1( Fifo_ifc#(any_t) ) ;
// instantiate a interface with a specific type Bit#(32)
Fifo_ifc#(Bit#(32)) fifo32_inst1 <- mkFifo1 ;
Implicit Signals Note that Bluespec automatically provides appropriate handshaking signals and logic
for each method of the interface. Specifically for fifo ifc interface, the following handshaking signals are
• RDY first element – An output which indicates that the value is valid.
• RDY clear – An output which indicates that the clear method can (safely) be called.
• EN clear – An input which triggers the clear method.
• RDY enqueue – An output which indicates that the enqueue method can be called.
• EN enqueue – An input which triggers the call to the enqueue method. Data is assumed value at data in,
and it is assumed (responsibility of the caller) that RDY enqueue – is asserted before this signal was
• RDY dequeue – An output which indicates that action value method dequeue can be called.
• EN dequeue – An input signal which triggers the action in dequeue.
Bluespec provides attributes which allow designer to assert that methods are always ready (* always ready
*) or that the actions are always enabled (* always enabled *).
In this definition, there would be four buses (read addr, read(return value from read method), write addr,
and write datain) plus three handshaking signals (RDY read, RDY write, and EN write). It may be desirable
to have the address bus shared between the two methods. This section shows some styles on how this can
be done.
Using a Common Method In this style, the read and write methods are combined into one method.
interface Memory_ifc ;
method Action read_write( Bool mode, Addr_t addr, Data_t datain ) ;
method Data_t data_out() ;
In this example, there are three buses ( data out, read write addr, and read write datain ) plus three hand-
shaking signals (RDY read write, RDY data out, and EN read write).
Using a Separate Method for the Shared Signals In this style a separate action method is added
which takes in the address for both read and write methods. The implementation of the addr method may
require some special techniques, such as described in Section 4.4 on RWire.
interface Memory_ifc ;
method Action addr( Addr_t addr ) ;
method Data_t read ( ) ;
method Action write ( Data_t datain ) ;
In this example, there are three buses ( addr addr, read, and write datain ) plus five handshaking signals
(RDY addr, RDY read, RDY write, EN addr and EN write).
Consider that interfaces are treated like structures (collections) of methods, then it is possible to combine
separate interfaces into one, (i.e., an interface composed of other interfaces.)
interface Part1_ifc ;
interface Combined_ifc ;
interface Part1_ifc part1 ;
interface Part1_ifc part2 ;
interface Part2_ifc part3 ;
The Bluespec library provides interfaces for many common hardware elements, such as Registers, FIFOs,
and Register Files. These interfaces are polymorphic; that is, the interfaces are parameterized on the type
of data used in the elements. Moreover, several variations of modules can provide the same interface types,
thus allowing easy reuse when modules change.
Reg Interface Probably the most common interface is type Reg#(type a), which is an interface to a
register. The definition is polymorphic on the type of data (type a), and provides two methods: read and
write. Bluespec provides a shorthand notation for reading and writing registers, because of their frequency
of use. The following two action blocks are functionally equivalent in the code fragment below.
// instantiate 2 registers
Reg#(Data_t) debug_datain <- mkRegU ;
Reg#(Data_t) datain <- mkRegU ;
// Using explicit function calls of the Reg interface
datain._write( datain._read + 500 );
debug_datain._write( datain._read ) ;
datain <= datain + 500 ;
debug_datain <= datain ;
The Reg interface type is provided by several modules from the Bluespec Library; these include mkReg,
mkRegA, mkRegU, mkConfigReg, mkConfigRegA, and mkConfigRegU.
FIFO Interface Like the Reg interface, the FIFO interface is polymorphic on its type – FIFO#(type a).
It provides four methods, and its prototype is given below.
interface FIFO #(type a);
method Action enq(a x1);
method Action deq();
method a first();
method Action clear();
The FIFO interface type is provided by the module constructors: mkFIFO, mkFIFO1, mkSizedFIFO, and
mkLFIFO. Other modules which are not FIFOs may provide this interfaces; see Section 4.3 on extracting
pieces from an interface. Moreover, the FIFO type interface provides a basis for the GetPut interface, and
is a common building block for many modules and interfaces.
RWires and PulseWires Although RWire is not a common hardware element, it provides a useful tool
in the Bluespec environment for transporting data between methods and rules without the cycle latency
of a register. The RWire interface is defined below.
interface RWire #(type a);
method Action wset(a x1);
method Maybe#(a) wget() ;
The interface can be considered as a wire plus a valid signal. The wset method writes a value to the “wire”
and sets the valid signal. The wget method return the value and the valid signal in a Maybe type. See
Section 1.4 for a description of the Maybe and Section 4.4 for an example of using RWire.
There are two alternative interfaces for RWires, one in the common Reg interface, and the second is the
PulseWire interface, which wraps a RWire without any data.
interface PulseWire #(type a);
method Action send ();
method Bool _read() ;
The use of these interfaces, and the corresponding modules constructors mkWire and mkPulseWire, are
strongly encouraged over the primitive RWire.
The Bluespec environment provides several packages, each containing interface types and associated func-
tions which allow easy generation and connection of interfaces. See Reference Guide for more details.
3 Logic Representation
In Verilog, a declaration of “reg” is for a variable which can be assigned in a sequential (always) block. A
“reg” declaration does not imply that a hardware “Register” or a Flip-Flop will be created for this variable.
It may be the case that a register is created by a synthesis tool for a variable declared as a reg, but the
structure of the Verilog program determines how a variable is synthesized.
In Verilog for RTL synthesis, registers (flip-flops) are modelled and inferred by a sequential always block
which has a basic structure such as:
reg [5:0] state, next_state ;
always @(posedge clk)
state <= next_state ;
Even though both state and next state are declared as reg, an RTL synthesis tool creates a register for
state, and not next state.
With Bluespec, declarations of registers or flip-flops as well as other state elements (such as FIFOs) are
explicit by using the mkReg (or mkFIFO for FIFOs) function declarations.
// Create 6 bit wide register with a 0 reset value
Reg #(Bit#(6)) state <- mkReg (0) ; // Create a register with interface state
Note that in the Bluespec example, the Register and its interface are declared, but the specifics of the
inputs, outputs, clock and reset port connections are not described; this task is handled by the compiler.
The reading and writing of Bluespec registers, FIFOs, and other modules is accomplished through their
interface methods in rules or interface methods.
In Verilog, combinational logic can be described by either continuous assignments, or with always blocks.
RTL synthesis tools transform these structures into a logic function, which are then mapped to gates.
In Bluespec, combinational logic is best described by functions. Moreover, Bluespec compilation has
the power to automatically generate control logic for Finite State Machines (FSMs) and handshake logic
between FSMs or interface methods.
Verilog continuous assignments can be thought of as functions, and combinational logic cones as a com-
position of functions. This conceptual model maps directly onto Bluespec, which encourages the use of
functions. The significant difference between continuous assigns with and without functions is that func-
tions can be defined once and instantiated many times, whereas continuous assigns explicitly have one
instantiation in hardware.
During Verilog synthesis both combinational and sequential always blocks are transformed from its se-
quential execution (imperative) semantic to a functional semantic for easy synthesis into logic gates. That
is, sequential if-then-else statements are transformed to muxes, with both branches evaluated in parallel.
With Bluespec, the model is to divide the program into functions, using the many paradigms available in
Bluespec. See Section 4 for detailed design examples.
4 System Design Examples
With Bluespec, a state machine can be written by a series of independent rules, which the compiler will
properly order and synthesize control logic. Alternately, the transitions can be combined into a function
and that function instantiated in one rule, which highlights the independent and synchronous nature of
the rules.
(* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
rule state_S0 (curr_state == S0);
curr_state <= S1;
(* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
rule state_S1 (curr_state == S1);
curr_state <= S2;
(* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
rule state_S2 (curr_state == S2);
curr_state <= S3;
(* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
rule state_S3 (curr_state == S3);
curr_state <= S0;
Each rule corresponds to one or more state transitions, where the rule condition is the current state and
input condition for transition to occur.
Each rule is also annotated with a fire when enabled attribute. This attribute enables compile time checks
to insure that other conditions (rules or method will not block the rule execution – basically a check for
independence between rules.) The no implicit conditions attribute, is a compile-time assertion which insures
that there are no implicit conditions (such as full or empty FIFOs) which would prevent this rule from
firing. Together, these attribute check the designer’s intentions and understanding of the Bluespec model.
FSM with One Rule Alternately, the FSM may be described in one rule, which gives the full FSM
behavior in a case statement.
Reg#(StateType) curr_state <- mkReg (S0) ;
(* fire_when_enabled *)
rule rule1_StateChange (True);
StateType next_state;
case (curr_state)
S0 : next_state = S1;
S1 : next_state = S2;
S2 : next_state = S3;
S3 : next_state = S0;
default : next_state = S0;
curr_state <= next_state;
endrule: rule1_StateChange
Another One Rule FSM Example This FSM example is a minor variation of the above, where a
function describes the state transitions and the rule instantiates the function. This style has the advantage
that the rule bodies, which update state, and call actions are separate from the function, thus allowing
easier maintenance and reuse.
typedef enum {S0, S1, S2, S3} StateType
deriving (Eq, Bits);
function StateType next_state (StateType curr_state);
let myLocalVar;
case (curr_state)
S0 : myLocalVar = S1;
S1 : myLocalVar = S2;
S2 : myLocalVar = S3;
S3 : myLocalVar = S0;
default : myLocalVar = S0;
return myLocalVar;
Discussion The implementation style for an FSM strongly depends on scope of the FSM within the
design, where the following guidelines should be used.
• If the FSM implements only the control structure, that is, it provides the next state logic, but does
not detail the actions which occur within a given state, then the FSM should be implemented in one
rule. This is similar to common Verilog styles, and does not take advantage of Bluespec features.
• If the FSM design includes the actions within each state, then the recommended style is one rule per
transition or state arc. That is, given two transition, state A to B and state A to C, there should be
a two rules, one per transition.
This style has the advantage that Bluespec can automatically handle implicit conditions of the actions,
thus shortening design, implementation and verification time. For example, if some actions in the
transition from A to B are not ready, then the rule does not fire, and the state transition will not
occur. Bluespec collects and analyzes these action implicit condition and then builds logic for correct
The use of multiple rules per FSM is also recommend for multiple interacting FSMs, since each rule
describes correct behavior allowing Bluespec to analyze and build the correct concurrent operations of the
When defining interfaces, the prototypes for the methods are declared. However, it is up to the module
which provides the interface to define the methods. This allow different modules to provide the same
interfaces, yet produce very different implementations for these interfaces. This section describes some
guidelines for defining methods for interfaces.
Within a module, communication between separate methods, separate rules or between rules and methods
occur through module level Bluespec SystemVerilog elements, such as registers, FIFOs, or other modules.
To ascertain that redundant flops are not added and latency is retained to a minimum the following
guidelines should be kept in mind:
1. Combine all combinational logic from the ports to the first stage of state elements into the interface
methods. e.g. x1 and y1 are input ports and sum is the first stage of state elements
Reg#(a) sum <- mkReg (0) ; // instantiate an register interface
2. Define rules for transitions in the state elements. i.e. for designs with multiple stages of flip-flops, all
the intermediate logic can be defined in terms of rules e.g. stage1 and stage2 are registers. Depending
upon an “opcode” which is registered, stage2 gets the value of stage1 either as it is or inverted
rule calc (True)
3’b001: begin
stage2 <= stage1;
3’b010: begin
stage2 <= 1 - stage1;
3. Good design requires that output ports are directly registered or derived only from state elements.
The output or Mealy logic should be placed in the methods as well. e.g. z1 is an output port which
is high if all bits of register product are high
Reg#(Int#(16)) product <- mkRegU ;
The example below creates a module which provides a FIFO interface. The module has an input-side fifo
and an output-side fifo, where the output fifo is enqueued with the square of values taken from the input
fifo. The module provides a FIFO interface where the enqueue methods is provided by the input-side FIFO,
while the dequeue and first methods are provided by the output-side FIFO. The clear action method calls
the clear methods on both fifo.
import FIFO::*;
// methods are first-class objects and can be assigned from other methods.
method enq = inputside.enq ;
method deq = outputside.deq ;
method first = outputside.first ;
// The clear method call both fifo clear method
method clear ;
inputside.clear ;
outputside.clear ;
Communication between methods and rules occur through module level constructs such as registers, fifos,
or other modules. When a rule needs to access data from an interface, the input (action) method can write
the data to a register, and the rule can read the value in the next clock cycle. (See Section 7.2 on using a
“configuration” register to avoid schedule blocking when writing registers in methods and reading them in
To avoid this extra register and the associated cycle latency, Bluespec provides the RWire package. Con-
ceptually, RWire is a 0-delay “wire” with an appropriate interface. The interface allows one write per cycle,
and the write must occur before the read.
Shared Address Bus This example shows the use of an RWire, via the mkWire module to share
information between separate interface methods. This example continues the share address bus example
from Section 2.2.
interface Memory_ifc ;
method Action addr( Addr_t addrin ) ;
method Action read ( ) ;
method Data_t read_value() ;
method Action write ( Data_t datain ) ;
(* synthesize *)
module mkTest3 ( Memory_ifc );
5 Testbenches
One means to control a simulation is to instantiate a counter at the top level, and key actions and possibly
values from the counter values. In the example below, we setup a 16 bit counter, which is then used to start
the VCD dumping, rule init, end the simulation rule stop, and control some action, rule action1. There is
one additional rule, which constantly increments the count – rule count.
// parameterized module - a common module for testing all dut
// provided they provide the same interface - type Pusher
module push_tester#(Pusher dut_ifc) ( Empty );
// Start dumping
rule init (count == 0);
$dumpvars() ;
// keep counting
rule counting ;
count <= count + 1;
// finish simulation
rule stop (count > 300 );
$finish(1) ;
endmodule // push_tester
Notice that this example also uses a module parameter of type interface Pusher. That is this module uses
another interface as its parameter.1
This can be invoked as shown below.
(* synthesize *)
module tst_fifo( Empty );
The top-level interface is “Empty”, that is, it contains only a clock and reset line in the synthesized version.
For modules with “Empty” interfaces, Bluespec provides a test driver module, one which applies a reset,
Future version of bsc will provide a different syntax to provide interfaces to modules for the module’s use.
and then drives the clock indefinitely. The module is located in $BLUESPECDIR/Verilog/main.v and can
be invoked by vcs using the following command-line.
Often while writing testbenches it is necessary to store vectors or read in vectors in the testbench. This
can be accomplished by declaring a RegFile which initializes its contents at start of simulation.
import RegFile::*;
module mkDesign();
RegFile#( Bit#(5), Bit#(11) ) stimulus_io <- mkRegFileLoad ( "input_file",0,7) ;
// Create a register file which is indexed by 5 bits, and holds 11
// bit data.
//Initialize the Register File from "input_file", but and only
// create a 8 (0 to 7) by 11 bit size.
The data file input file is the file to read in during simulation initialization, it should be in Verilog hex
Using Lists for Test Patterns It is not recommended to iterate over lists, to initialize objects at
runtime, since computation becomes very expensive. Each assignment generates a rule and the synthesis
of rules has complexity n-squared in the worst case.
This section describes a means of generating random patterns by the use of a linear feedback shift register
(LFSR). LFSR can generate pseudo-random bit patterns, and are often used in self-test circuits. In this
example, we use an LFSR to trigger a rule condition in a probabilistic manner.
// a LFSR for random patterns
LFSR#( Bit#(8) ) lfsr <- mkLFSR_8 i_rand ;
// keep counting
rule counting ;
count <= count + 1; ; // update the lfsr value
$display( "%t - action2 %h", $time, count[3:0] ) ;
6 Common Hints and Style Suggestions
This section describes some common issues and restrictions when using Bluespec. Moreover, some often
overlooked convenience of Bluespec are also described.
A current restriction in Bluespec SystemVerilog requires that type names begin with an uppercase, and
that variable names begin with lower case letters. Type names include typedefs, interfaces, and structures.
Variable names include module names, module instance names, interface instantiations, methods names,
formal and actual argument names.
If the first character of an instance name is an underscore, (_), the compiler will not generate the name.
This is used extensively in the Bluespec libraries as it allows layers of modules inside libraries to be hidden
from users of the libraries.
If a user doesn’t want a module instantiation to appear in the hierarchical naming, he can start the instance
name with _. This tells the compiler not to generate the name. For example, a module hierarchy of foo
calling bar which instantiates readme will generate foo_bar_readme. If instead, the instantiation is named
_readme, the final generated name will be foo_bar.
The unintended consequence may be that there are unamed objects generated. For example, if in the
BSV code the register names start with an underscore, then they will be converted into unnamed registers.
To avoid this, instance names should not start with an underscore, unless the desired behavior is to not
generate the instance name.
let definitions are a short hand step which directs the compiler to resolve and type check variable types.
let variable are useful to give meaningful names to intermediate values and also to share intermediate
let norm1 = normalize( bas_res ) ;
let rounded = round ( norm1 ) ;
One caveat, if too many let declarations are used, BSC may not be able to determine some interme-
diate types. This is especially true when there are truncate and extension operations surrounding these
The following code fragment show how typedef and variables can be used in lieu of Verilog Pre-processor
typedef Bit#(32) DataT;
typedef Bit#(30) Cntr;
typedef enum { CmdAdd, CmdSub, CmdMul, CmdDiv } DOp deriving(Bits,Eq);
typedef struct {
Cntr counter ;
DataT data1;
DataT data2;
DOp opcode} Cmd
deriving(Bits) ;
typedef Tuple5#(Cntr,DataT,DataT,DOp,Cntr) CmdCnt;
Integer numAdd = 5;
Integer numMul = 3;
Integer numDiv = 1;
Integer numTotal = numAdd + numMul + numDiv;
These definitions can be specified in a file and accessed via the import syntax.
To aid in design debug, there are several bsc techniques which can be used, either alone or in combination.
BSC options Use the -keep-fires option on the bsc command line. Verilog code generated with this option
will keep all the CAN FIRE <rule> and the WILL FIRE <rule> signals, even if they can be optimized
Synthesis Directives By adding (* synthesize *) directive on modules, the Bluespec generated Verilog
will have more levels of hierarchy, which may allow easier debug. Note that the scheduling phase
of Bluespec may produce a different, typically less optimized, scheduler than one where the entire
design is scheduled. Hence these synthesis directives should be removed before gate-level synthesis.
Note that the synthesis directive can only be used on non-polymorphic modules.
Functions can also be synthesized as a Verilog module, by preceding the function with a (* noinline
*) attribute. Like the (* synthesize *) directive the generated Verilog may be less efficient when
using this attribute, since optimizations cannot take place across these boundaries. Parameterized
functions cannot be synthesized directly into Verilog.
Adding Hardware Monitors Yet another technique is to add a “monitor signal” or Probe. Probes are
not optimized nor removed in Bluespec, so the signal will remain for debug. For example,
Probe#(Data_t) debug_datain1 <- mkProbe ;
rule someRule ( ... ) ;
debug_datain1 <= ...
Note that these types of monitors can only be added in a module context, that is not in functions,
and can only be assigned in action contexts, such as rules, or action methods.
7 Helping the Scheduler
Consider the following Verilog code fragment, and a corresponding (incorrect) Bluespec model.
reg [31:0] burst_count, dest_burst_size ;
reg burst_in_progress ;
always @(posedge clk) // burst_in_progress_stop
if (burst_in_progress && (burst_count==dest_burst_size))
burst_in_progress <= False;
rule burst_counting ;
burst_count <= burst_in_progress ? burst_count + 1 : 0;
At first inspection the Bluespec code may look equivalent, but the scheduler sees the cross correlation
between the rules. That is, Rule burst counting reads burst in progress and updates register burst count
Rule burst in progress reads burst count and sets burst in progress.
For the scheduler to allow the rules to happen in parallel, they must be able to occur in any order and still
give the same result. If Rule burst counting happens first, then register burst count can be updated such
that rule burst counting become disabled; a similar argument happens in the other directions.
A corrected model is below, which combines the two rules into one rule which only occurs when burst in progress
is True. Note that the two actions in the rule can be listed in either order, since all actions in one rule
occur concurrently.
Reg#(Data_t) dest_burst_size <- mkReg (32’h0) ;
Reg#(Data_t) burst_count <- mkReg (0) ;
Reg#(Bool) burst_in_progress <- mkReg (False) ;
According to term-rewriting semantics, rules are thought of as firing one-at-a-time sequentially. From
this point of view, the scheduling logic’s job is not only to generate this sequence, but also to divide it
into ”chunks”, so all the rules in a chunk fire during the same clock. However, if the rules involve several
registers, all the reads from these registers will be performed near the beginning of the clock cycle, and
all the writes at the end. It follows that any rule (or method) which reads a register must occur earlier in
the TRS sequence as one which writes to it. Sometimes, however, there are conflicting constraints between
two rules; if so, those two rules cannot be scheduled in the same chunk (that is, fired on the same clock).
An example of this occurs when a method writes to a register which is read by an internal rule. For
technical reasons a module’s methods are always scheduled first in a chunk, earlier than all the internal
rules, and with greater urgency. So this combination of circumstances would mean that the method and
the rule can never fire together, and the rule will be inhibited whenever the method fires.
This situation often occurs with configuration registers, which are written by an external method (connected
to some local bus mechanism) which writes the register on every clock (though the value written changes
very rarely). In this case a rule reading the register would be starved out completely, and never fire.
The ConfigReg package was designed to address this issue. A ConfigReg has the same interface as a Reg,
and the Verilog implementation for mkReg and mkConfigReg are also identical. The only difference is the
scheduling information specified in the ”import “BVI” wrapper – for ordinary registers, reads must occur
before writes (as described above); for ConfigReg’s, the two methods are conflict-free, so reads may occur
before or afterwards.
Thus the conflict described above no longer occurs. The downside is that the value read, whether the read
occurs before or after a write within the same chunk, will always be the contents of the register at the
beginning of the chunk – that is, the value might be slightly stale. In the case of configuration registers
this does not normally matter – the parameters are set very rarely, and a one-clock difference is neither
here nor there.
In Bluespec registers are considered atomic units with regard to their updates. That is, if any bit of a
register is updated, then the entire register is considered updated. As an example, consider the follow code
fragment. There are two rules which each update a separate byte of a 32 bit register. Bluespec semantics
say that these two rules conflict, since both are updating the same register.
Reg#(Bit#(32)) reg1 <- mkReg(0) ;
rule updateByte1 ( r1 ) ;
reg1[7:0] <= 8’d4 ;
rule updateByte3 ( r2 ) ;
reg1[23:16] <= 8’d5 ;
A better methodology is to define four 8-bit registers, and update the bytes a needed, if this is the intended
behavior. This style of coding has been observed to have better synthesis results.
Reg#(Bit#(8)) regA1 <- mkReg(0) ;
Reg#(Bit#(8)) regA2 <- mkReg(0) ;
Reg#(Bit#(8)) regA3 <- mkReg(0) ;
Reg#(Bit#(8)) regA4 <- mkReg(0) ;
rule updateByte1A ( r1 ) ;
regA1 <= 8’d4 ;
rule updateByte3A ( r2 ) ;
regA3 <= 8’d5 ;
Convenience functions can also be written to make the reading and writing of these registers easier.
function Action updateRegA( Bit#(32) din ) ;
regA1 <= din[7:0] ;
regA2 <= din[15:8] ;
regA3 <= din[23:16] ;
regA4 <= din[31:24] ;
8 Debugging Hints and Tips
Advanced data structures, such as vectors, lists, and structures, are difficult to view during simulation and
debugging since they are converted into bits during compilation. You can use the Probe primitive which is
provided in the Bluespec library, to ensure that signals of interest are not optimized away by the compiler
and are given a known name. The Probe primitive is used just like a register, except that only a write
method exists. Since reads are not available, a Probe does not impact scheduling. associated signal will
be named just like the port of any Verilog module, in this case <instance_name>$PROBE, but no actual
Probe instance will be created.
The first step is to define a specialized probe module based on the module mkProbe provided in the BSV
library. In this example we’ll call our module mkS_Probe. This module instantiates a mkProbe module for
each field of the structure and defines the write method to include each field of the structure.
The specialized module, mkS_Probe, has to be kept in sync with the structure definition. For each field
added to the structure, two lines must be added to the mkS_Probe module definition; one for the instan-
tiation and one for the write. A unique module must be written for each unique data structure, but they
all use the same basic techniques.
// Probe library is needed for this technique
import Probe :: * ;
Once we’ve defined the mkS_Probe module, we can use it to view the signals in the structure. The remainder
of this code shows an example of using mkProbe and mkS_Probe.
// Define an interface and module for the example.
interface Foo ;
method Bit#(4) mx;
method Bit#(7) mt ;
method MyS#(4,7) ms ;
(* synthesize *)
module mkTest( Foo ) ;
method mx = r.xx ;
method mt = ;
method ms = r ;
After compiling, the generated Verilog will contain signals named <instance_name>$PROBE, however no
actual Probe instance will be created. The only side effects of a BSV Probe instantiation relate to the
naming and retention of the associated signal in the generated Verilog.
In the generated Verilog code, the following code segment will be found.
// probes
assign rprobe$PROBE = r ;
assign rprobe_new_zz$PROBE = r[0] ;
The first line corresponds to the rprobe, and the is assigned the current value of r[11:0]. The structure
information is not present. The next 3 lines show the rprobe_current instance of mkS_Probe module,
while the last 3 lines show the rprobe_new instance. Note that within each of these instances the specific
structure fields are presented, which will aid in the observation of the design. For net-list synthesis, these
signals will be removed, since they are not connected to further down-stream logic.
9 BlueSim
The user has a great deal of control over how well the simulation execution performs. A poorly written
model or testbench can slow down the simulation by orders of magnitude.
Use the RegFile primitive to create and initialize data arrays with very low overhead.
Avoid any initialization which requires runtime actions or rules. These rules must be checked at every
clock in the simulation.
Avoid creating data at initialization time for the same reason.
Rule Writing
Any source code which causes many (hundreds or thousands) of rules to be created will execute slowly.
Avoid using rules whose predicate is True. These will be scheduled on every tick. If possible, have all rules
depend on computed conditions.
One large factor in simulation overhead is scheduling the rule firings. Using simple predicates and a
judicious economy of rules will greatly speed simulation.
Long case statements generate complex code. If possible, use a RegFile or a computation to derive a code,
then use the code to control the simulation behavior.
The compiler is very good at finding common subexpressions and other normal optimizations, so the user
need not worry about these.
10 Other Notes
When using a simulator and other Design automation tools, Verilog modules from the Bluespec library
will need to be included during elaboration. The examples below show how this can be accomplished via
command line or command script
Simulators and other tool Simulators typically require that the Verilog library directory is specified.
Bluespec provides Verilog definitions for these “primitive” modules in $BLUESPECDIR/Verilog/, which
be accessed in most simulators as:
vcs,ncverilog +libext+.v -y $BLUESPECDIR/Verilog/ *.v
Design Compiler can access Bluespec’s Verilog library by adding the following to command scripts or
in the /.synopsys dc.setup file.
bluespecdir = get_unix_variable("BLUESPECDIR")
search_path = search_path + {bluespecdir + "/Verilog"}
Be sure to ungroup the library elements, especially registers, since DC can simplify the register
instantiate if constant inputs are known compile -ungroup all
May want to set DC variable’s compile sequential area recovery to true, since this instructs dc to
reconsider its choice of sequential cells.
11 Using Existing Verilog Components in a BSV Design
The importBVI statement is used to include existing Verilog components in a BSV module allowing the
designer to reuse existing components and design components for reuse. The wrapper, or code around the
Verilog program, can be polymorphic to allow reuse in a variety of designs. Since a polymorphic module
cannot be synthesized, for synthesis, a non-polymorphic instance of the module is instantiated in which
values for the parameters are specified.
Presented here is a simple example importing a Verilog program, in this case a Verilog SRAM, into BSV.
A polymorphic SRAM wrapper, mkVerilog_SRAM_model is defined, providing the polymorphic interface
SRAM_Ifc. For synthesis, a non-polymorphic instance of this module, mkSRAM_5_32 is instantiated.
First the interface which defines the Verilog SRAM as seen by the BSV clients is defined.
package SRAM_wrapper;
The above interface is polymorphic, allowing the instantiation to define the address and data width vari-
ables. By defining the wrapper as polymorphic, the design can be reused with different size SRAMS.
Next, using the importBVI syntax (for detailed syntax see the Reference Manual), import the Verilog
module. It provides the SRAM_Ifc interface defined above.
// but read_response must logically precede request
schedule (read_response) SB (request);
The name mkVerilog_SRAM is the optional name of the Verilog module to be imported; the .v file name.
If it is not provided it is assumed to be the same as the BSV name of the module (in this example
mkPolymorphic_SRAM). Because the two names are not the same, the name of the Verilog module is
The parameter FILENAME refers to the file specifying the initial contents of the memory.
The above SRAM module is polymorphic, so it is not synthesizable. We can make it synthesizable by
providing specific values to the address and data width parameters. You can make similar SRAM instances
for other widths, following this pattern.
The module mkSRAM_5_32 below defines a non-polymorphic instance of the previous module, by specifying
particular values for the parameters. This also specifies a particular file name,, for the
initial contents of memory.
return sram;
endmodule: mkSRAM_5_32
endpackage: SRAM_wrapper
// Generated by Bluespec Compiler, version 3.8.69 (build 8868, 2006-08-07)
// On Thu Oct 5 08:34:34 EDT 2006
// Method conflict info:
// Method: request
// Sequenced after: read_response
// Conflicts: request
// Method: read_response
// Conflict-free: read_response
// Sequenced before: request
// Ports:
// Name I/O size props
// RDY_request O 1 const
// read_response O 32
// RDY_read_response O 1 const
// CLK I 1
// RST_N I 1 unused
// request_address I 5
// request_data I 32
// request_write_not_read I 1
// EN_request I 1
// No combinational paths from inputs to outputs
module mkSRAM_5_32(CLK,
input CLK;
input RST_N;
// submodule sram
wire [31 : 0] sram$v_in_data, sram$v_out_data;
wire [4 : 0] sram$v_in_address;
wire sram$v_in_enable, sram$v_in_write_not_read;
mkVerilog_SRAM_model #(.FILENAME(""),
.DATA_WIDTH(32)) sram(.clk(CLK),
// submodule sram
assign sram$v_in_address = request_address ;
assign sram$v_in_data = request_data ;
assign sram$v_in_enable = EN_request ;
assign sram$v_in_write_not_read = request_write_not_read ;
endmodule // mkSRAM_5_32