Aca-F24 V3K Guía 2 Séptimo Inglés
Aca-F24 V3K Guía 2 Séptimo Inglés
Aca-F24 V3K Guía 2 Séptimo Inglés
PÁGINA 1 de 2
DOCENTE Zuly Caballero Reyes 7B
2. Recuerda:
Las preguntas de información que contienen las palabras interrogativas WHAT, WHERE, WHEN,
WHY, HOW, WHO requieren una respuesta precisa según lo demandado. NO se pueden responder
con Yes / No.
Las preguntas que inician con DO/DOES son conocidas como YES/NO questions porque su
respuesta se limita a confirmar información. Simplemente se responden con Yes o No.
1. Read the text and answer the questions.
Hello! My name’s Johnny. I’m thirteen years old and I live in England.
I just want to talk about how my friends and I spend our free time. My best friends are Tom and David. They
are in the same class as me.
Teenagers often complain they’re bored and have nothing to do. I can’t understand them. I’m never bored.
If the weather is nice we go for a walk or we ride our bikes. All of us love rollerblading. We often play football,
basketball or frisbee in the park and when it is rainy we go to the sports centre. Here we usually play table
tennis or go swimming.
If you play a musical instrument it’s a good fun! I play the guitar and practise a lot.
At home I usually listen to music or read magazines and books. Of course as other teenagers I often go on the
Internet or play computer games – but not always! It’s a pity that a lot of teenagers live their lives on several
public sites like Facebook or Twitter! They had better make real friends!
In the evenings I sometimes watch TV. I often invite my friends over for dinner or a cup of tea and we play
chess or cards.
At the weekend we go hiking, fishing or sometimes we go to the cinema. We like comedies.
Institución Educativa José María Bernal CÓDIGO DAF-F24
PÁGINA 2 de 2
2. Read the text again and write in front of each sentence: TRUE / FALSE / NO INFORMATION.
Match the pictures to the words.
____ surf the Internet
1 2 3 4 5 ____ hiking
____ play table tennis
____ play Frisbee
____ meet friends
6 7 8 9 10 ____ go swimming
____ ride a bike
____ listen to music
_1__ play a musical instrument
____ play videogames