Splice Training EN CR 19
Splice Training EN CR 19
Splice Training EN CR 19
OCT 2019
Duncover uncured cover rubber is for use on the top and bottom of
the splice to rebuild the belt’s cover area. Duncover is engineered
to provide both maximum adhesion to the carcass as well as Dunlop supply full splicing kits containing
excellent bonding strength with the belt covers. As with all Dunlop everything necessary to create strong and durable
rubber compounds, Duncover also provides the outstanding wear splice joints for a wide range of cover qualities
resistance and durability. including abrasion, heat, fire and oil resistant
Uncured rubberised fabrics can be provided for use as versions and different belt types such as UsFlex
reinforcements in heavy duty / high tensile splices, for making ‘spot and Ferroflex. Dunlop splice materials. The various
repairs’ and for speciality splices such as UsFlex finger splices. splicing materials can also be ordered in bulk quantities.
All data and recommendations in this document have been supplied to the best of our knowledge, as accurately as possible and updated to reflect the
most recent technological developments. We cannot accept responsibility for recommendations based solely on document.
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