Simple 5V Power Supply Circuit Using LM7805 Regulator IC
Simple 5V Power Supply Circuit Using LM7805 Regulator IC
Simple 5V Power Supply Circuit Using LM7805 Regulator IC
Nowadays, almost all electronic devices include a circuit that converts AC supply into DC supply.
The section of equipment that converts AC to DC is a DC power supply. In general, at the input of
a DC power supply, there is a power transformer. After this, a bridge recti�er (a diode circuit)
converts DC to AC and passes it through a smoothing �lter which then goes through
a voltage regulator circuit along with some capacitors in order to remove any residual noise or
ripples. In this project, we are going to design a basic DC 5V power supply circuit using an
LM7805 voltage regulator IC.
LM7805 regulator IC is a common but an important part of much 5V power supply circuit
available in the market today. It is a 5V three-terminal positive voltage regulator IC. The LM7805
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Simple 5V Power Supply Circuit Using LM7805 Regulator IC
Hardware Required
You will need the following parts to build this project.
LM7805 Pinout
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