Oilfield Microbiology

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Protecting your assets from microbiologically influenced corrosion

Applying oilfield microbiology

is crucial to the success of
oil and gas projects. The
intricacies of microbiological
life and its myriad
permutations mean that an
ongoing challenge exists
to understand, monitor and
mitigate its negative effects.

Oilfield Microbiology Reservoir souring also has the potential

Intertek’s oilfield microbiology services are to jeopardise oil and gas projects and
designed to safeguard your assets. From understanding its mechanics is key to
microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), mitigating risks such as diminished oil quality
analysis of pigging returns, reservoir souring and the toxic effects of hydrogen sulfide.
prediction and mitigation, microbial growth Biological sulfide production in sweet
media, biocide and chemical testing and oil and gas reservoirs causes a host of
offshore water and legionella management problems including permeability impairment
to microbiological surveys, research and in production and injection wells, fouling of
development and training, Intertek experts production and injection facilities and wells,
present clear, concise explanations of souring of produced fluids and increased
microbiological activity in the oilfield. corrosion.
Microorganisms are ubiquitous on the earth’s The impact of reservoir souring is significant
surface and in the earth’s crust. The impact and includes decreased revenue and
of microbial activity on the global oil and gas increased processing costs as well as raised
industry is significant and wide-reaching, and health, safety and environmental risks.
presents the industry with both challenges Maintenance and equipment upgrading costs
and opportunities. can also occur as increasingly sour fluids are
Challenges and Opportunities produced from facilities designed for sweet
The introduction of sulphate-reducing oil or gas.
bacteria or nutrients into oil or gas reservoirs Further microbiological challenges are
during field operations such as drilling, presented by the maintenance of offshore
fracturing or water injection can cause health and hygiene. Potable water testing
MIC, reservoir souring and plugging of and the undertaking of legionella risk
the formation or production facilities by assessments, which is required by law, are
biological material. Microbial Enhanced Oil measures necessary to safeguard employee
Recovery (MEOR) holds the promise of well-being.
increased production from mature fields, and
Biogenic gas reservoirs augment the
methanogenesis offers the possibility of gas
production of natural gas and are
production from immobile hydrocarbons.
opportunities for increased production using
MIC is a potentially catastrophic result of petroleum microbiology.
unchecked bacterial activity and can seriously
compromise the integrity of materials and
important infrastructure.

Intertek Services and Solutions Our services include:

Through decades of innovation To investigate, discuss and address your • Field sampling
oilfield microbiology needs, you need • Water Injection systems evaluations
and the development of new • Reservoir souring studies
an experienced, reliable partner to offer
technologies, Intertek has world-class knowledge and support in both • Corrosion monitoring programmes
established a global reputation onshore and offshore environments. - Biocide evaluation and efficacy
for delivering trusted and reliable Through decades of experience and • Biofilm studies
• MIC studies
oilfield microbiology services. independent research and development,
• Hydrotesting, wet lay-up and mothballing
Intertek provides a complete range of oilfield
With centres of excellence and microbiology solutions designed to comply • Analysis of pipeline pigging returns
• Molecular microbiology
cutting-edge laboratories around with legislation and best practice.
• Treatment regimes
the world, our specialists and Intertek’s microbiologists, chemists, • Specialised training in oilfield microbiology
facilities are strategically placed geologists and engineers are experts in • Products
their fields, possessing capabilities in areas - Growth Media for Quantification of
to meet the needs of the oil and such as modelling, risk assessments and Corrosion-Associated Microbes
gas industry. the development of efficient management - Sidestream® Biofilm Monitors


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