Tel Introductory Lesson Plan To The Cba1
Tel Introductory Lesson Plan To The Cba1
Tel Introductory Lesson Plan To The Cba1
This lesson fits into the topic being discussed i.e Plate tectonics as students are completing the
chapter. Introduction to the CBA 1 ‘Geography in the News’ acts as a way of reinforcing
students’ knowledge of the geographical instances which take place as a result of the processes
involved in Plate Tectonics.
Students’ prior knowledge/interests What prior knowledge do student have about this topic
(from class or their everyday lives)?
Students may have a prior knowledge of what a CBA entails from their other subjects if
they have been introduced to Classroom Based Assessment in other subjects.
Students have a prior knowledge of Plate Tectonics.
Students have a prior knowledge of events such as Earthquakes, Volcanoes and
Tsunamis from their studies.
Literacy and Numeracy Note key words/terminology and/or numerical concepts
Numeracy is being engaged as students follow the step-by-step process for successful
completion of the CBA1. It is also being engaged with as the date will be presented on the
PowerPoint slide.
Literacy is being engaged as students encounter content area literacy that is related to the
discipline of geography e.g Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Processes etc.
3. Assessment How will students’ learning progress be assessed? What are success criteria?
Quizlet Quiz: Students will partake in a matching activity in groups of 5 within breakout
rooms. The groups will be of mixed ability pairings. Higher and lower ability students are being
catered for as a result of these mixed ability pairings. The task will reinforce the knowledge of
higher ability students while higher ability students present complex geographical terms in a
simpler manner than the teacher, aiding the understanding and progression of lower ability
Question and Answering: This will be carried out throughout the lecture as students are asked
questions based on the CBA1 assignment and on the chapter which the CBA1 is based on.
Modelling of answers will occur as higher ability students are asked to answer questions first
followed by lower ability learners e.g asking a higher ability learner for an example of a
geographical event related to Plate Tectonics. Their answer assists lower ability students to
think of other natural phenomenon’s such as earthquakes. Differentiation will occur here to
further assist students. Higher ability students will be asked questions with less prompting e.g
“Name a geographical phenomenon related to Plate Tectonics”. Lower ability students will be
asked to answer the same question but with greater scaffolding e.g “Name another geographical
phenomenon related to Plate Tectonics which causes the earth to vibrate”.
4. Opening How will lesson be introduced? What’s the ‘hook’? / Link to prior
5. Body of lesson (include teaching approaches, when materials are used etc…)
Teacher Activities Student Activities (link to Learning Intentions) Timing:
· I will stop the breakout rooms and · Students will listen attentively to the 2 mins
address the LOs of the lesson LOs.
(Slide 3).
· I will ask students what the CBA is · Students will reflect on their 5 mins
and present its meaning on my knowledge of CBA and provide their
PowerPoint slide. I will assist answers. Students will listen
students understanding of the CBA attentively to the components of the
while I introduce the geography Geography CBA and make educated
CBA1. I will ask students for their guesses on what CBA1 ‘Geography
assumptions on what this CBA1 in the News’ might entail (LO2,
entails before I discuss its context LO4)
(Slides 4-6). · Students will reflect on their prior
· I will discuss the subject area for knowledge of the topic and state
4 mins
the CBA1 (Plate Tectonics) and example such as tsunamis,
ask students for examples of earthquakes and volcanoes via the
general events related to this topic mic or chat function (LO1, LO3).
(Slide 7).
· I will explain the layout of the · Students will listen attentively and
assignment from headings A-E follow the PowerPoint slides,
asking students to reflect on prior reflecting on their prior knowledge 7 mins
knowledge of the topic as I discuss of the topic when each component is
each aspect (Slides 8-11). addressed (LO4).
· I will discuss the CBA1 timeline, · Students will take note of where to
template resources and rubrics, find the resources on the website.
assisting students on where to find 5 mins
them on the website (Slides 12-
· I will present the options in which
students can present their work. I · Students will mention other
materials in the chat function or via 3 mins
will assist students in presenting
the materials they need to complete the mic (LO5).
the CBA (Slides 16-18).