2108 Measa
2108 Measa
2108 Measa
Introduction to Measurement
and Data Analysis
Introduction to Measurement
In physics lab the activity in which you will most frequently be engaged is measuring things. Using a wide
variety of measuring instruments you will measure times, temperatures, masses, forces, speeds, frequencies,
energies, and many more physical quantities. Your tools will span a range of technologies from the simple
(such as a ruler) to the complex (perhaps a digital computer). Certainly it would be worthwhile to devote a
little time and thought to some of the details of “measuring things” that may have not yet occurred to you.
Suppose you wished to measure how your lab partner’s height. One way might be to simply look at him or
her and estimate, “Oh, about five-nine,” meaning five feet, nine inches tall. Of course you couldn’t be sure
that five-eight or five-ten, or even five-eleven might be a better estimate. In other words, your measurement
(estimate) is uncertain by some amount, perhaps an inch or two either way. The “true value” lies somewhere
within a range of uncertainty and one way to express this notion is to say that your partner’s height is
It should begin to be clear that at least one of the goals of measurement is to reduce the uncertainty to as
small an amount as is feasible and useful. Feasible and useful are important adjectives here.
In some texts the uncertainty may be referred to as the error in the measurement, but our ordinary under-
standing of the word “error” implies some sort of a mistake or blunder. That is not the intended meaning in
science. Uncertainties occur regardless of the amount of care and attention paid to the measuring
process. We shall discuss ways to estimate and classify these unavoidable uncertainties later. Mistakes and
blunders can (and must) be ruthlessly hunted down and eliminated.
In your quest to determine your partner’s height you might get a tape measure marked off every eighth of an
inch. A new measurement may allow you to state that his or her height is “five feet nine and three-quarters
inches,” but since there are marks on the tape only every eighth of an inch you are really saying that the
height is closer to five nine and three-quarters than it is to five nine and five-eighths or five nine and seven-
eighths. It is reasonable to expect that your measurement is “good” to within half of the smallest division
on the tape—in this case half of an eighth, or a sixteenth. You now express the height as
five feet, nine and three-quarter inches plus or minus one-sixteenth inch
69.75 ± 0.06 inches.
Note that we have rounded off one-sixteenth (0.0625) to 0.06 (more about that later). Now this is clearly a
“better” measurement. The uncertainty is quite a bit smaller, but is it feasible to make it even smaller still?
If you were to continue this obsession with measuring your partner (and your partner consented) you might
purchase a precision stainless steel tape that is marked off every one hundredth of an inch, thus reducing
the uncertainty to 0.005 inches. Perhaps a research grant from MA (Measurers Anonymous) would fund
the purchase of a laser interferometer, capable of measuring to within a wavelength of light (about 0.00002
inches). Would you have at last found the “true height” of you partner? Well, you would be able to express
his or her height as
69.74843 ± 0.00001 inches.
You note, to your dismay, that the measurement is still uncertain. All the King’s horses and all the King’s
men (or, to use a more modern idiom, all the money in the National Science Foundation) cannot give you
the means to find the “true height” of your partner. In fact, some modern findings in quantum physics place
some fundamental limits on our ability to measure things. (Look up the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
in your physics text.)
Things get worse yet. As you carried out this exercise you probably discovered that your tape measure (the
cheap one, made of mylar plastic) would stretch somewhat, depending on how tightly you pulled it. When
you got the expensive stainless steel tape you hoped to eliminate that problem, but no, stainless steel can
stretch too. Because you can measure more carefully, you probably also notice that the steel tape expands
and contracts as the temperature changes.
As if the problem wasn’t ugly enough, your partner remembers reading in a physiology textbook that a
person’s height actually varies over the course of the day, being greater in the morning (after horizontal
sleep) and less after gravity has done its work of compressing the vertebrae for a few hours. A few quick
checks over a several hour period reveals the awful truth—there is no “one true height” for you partner.
Before you throw up your hands and run screaming from the lab, recall the words above: feasible and
useful. While it is certainly feasible to measure a person’s height with a laser interferometer, it is hardly
useful. One reason to measure height might be to get the right size for an article of clothing. For this purpose
your original, cheap, mylar tape measure is perfectly adequate. Were you measuring rocket engine parts for
the space shuttle, the interferometer might be an absolute essential.
All measurements are uncertain to some degree. That is an inescapable fact. Some of the uncertainty
is due to the limitations of the measuring instrument (such as stretchy tapes, fuzzy markings, etc) and some
is due to natural variations in the thing being measured (people who shrink after they awaken or steel balls
that expand when heated).
RULE 2. Measurements shall be rounded off to the digit in which they are
For example, if you had measured a time interval as 2.2475 seconds with an uncertainty of 0.0166 seconds
then you should record the measurement as
First you rounded off the uncertainty to 1 significant digit (0.0166 → 0.02), thus the uncertainty lies in the
“hundredths” digit. You then rounded off the measured value to the nearest hundredth (2.2475 → 2.25). By
this you are stating that the “true value” lies somewhere between 2.23 and 2.27 seconds. At first glance this
seems pessimistic in that it “throws away” useful information, but in fact any other expression is just false
security, leading others to believe that the measurement was better than it really was. As a practical matter
in teaching labs such as this course, the tendency is to underestimate rather than overestimate uncertainties,
so the above rules are realistic ones.
Precision in measurement implies the ability to distinguish between closely spaced values. An electronic
digital stopwatch that “reads out” to 0.01 seconds is much more precise than a wristwatch with a sweep
second hand, which can at best be “read” to a half second. The number of significant digits thus tells
us something about the precision of the measurement.
Special Note: Following the 1973 gas crisis, Detroit automakers were faced with the marketing
problem of getting carbuyers to accept smaller cars. Advertisers decided that rather
than call them “small,” “compact,” “economy,” or “personal sized,” they coined the
term “precision sized.” The English language is a wonderful thing, is it not?
All instruments have a smallest increment that can be detected. This smallest increment is called the least-
count of the instrument. A meter stick has markings every millimeter (0.001 meter) so its least-count is
0.001 meter. A medical “fever thermometer” is usually marked off in tenths of a degree, so its least-count is
0.1 degree. The more precise an instrument is, the smaller will be the least count.
Accuracy refers to the ability of an instrument to give a reading that compares favorably with generally
accepted values. It really has little or nothing to do with the precision of the instrument.
We know that water freezes at zero degrees Celsius. A thermometer placed in a mixture of ice and water
should, if it is accurate, read very nearly zero degrees. In fact, you would expect it to read within one
“division” of zero. That is, zero, within its least-count. If it does not read zero within its least-count, then
the precision of the markings is not useful because the thermometer gives inaccurate readings.
Accuracy of instruments can only be checked by comparing the instrument against a comparison stan-
dard. You can purchase a “standard kilogram mass” from a science supply company and use it to check the
accuracy of scales. The “ice-water” bath is a common check for thermometers, as is a “boiling water” bath.
A “standard battery cell” is used to check voltmeters.
In labs doing very careful and intricate measurements the instruments will be routinely calibrated and
checked against comparison standards. The instrument will usually have a tag or sticker telling when it was
calibrated last, by whom, and how closely it agreed with the comparison standard.
(a) Target Shooting. Neither precise nor (b) Target Shooting. Accurate, but not
accurate. very precise.
(c) Target Shooting. Precise, but not very (d) Target Shooting. Both precise and ac-
accurate. curate.
In a teaching lab such as this course you have no recourse but to presume that the instruments are accurate
to within their least-count. Should you suspect that an instrument is inaccurate due to a malfunction you
should ask your Instructor to check it for you. Because you can judge the precision of an instrument by its
marked divisions, but must presume its accuracy, the following rule applies in this class:
Digital Instruments
We must slightly modify the rule above when the measuring instrument indicates the measured value with
a digital (numerical) display. In this case you are not given the opportunity to estimate whether the indi-
cated value is closer to one reading or another. The instrument may be “rounding off” or it may simply be
truncating (discarding extra digits) to fit the size of its display.
Even the NBA (and now the NCAA) recognized this physics problem in basketball when they required game
clocks to be able to display fractions of a second during the last minute of play. Previously, if the game
clock showed 4 seconds remaining, there was no way to tell if there were 4.9 seconds or 4.0 seconds because
the clock simply truncated (cut off) the tenths of seconds. Nine-tenths of a second can be an eternity for
a defensive player facing former LSU Tiger Shaquille O’Neal “in the paint.” Today’s game clock will show
tenths of a second during the last minute, so for example the clock might now display 4.3 seconds. This
display is still uncertain and could be as much as 4.39 s or as little as 4.30 s due to the hundredths digit being
truncated, but the uncertainty is of a magnitude that is negligible as far as designing basketball strategy is
concerned. All of this discussion leads us to the following corollary to Rule 3:
As you can see, just because the instrument is modern, electronic, and digital doesn’t always mean it’s
Multiple Measurements
One way to improve your confidence in a measurement is to repeat the measurement several times. This is
especially valuable when measuring things that are themselves somewhat variable. You would expect that
repeating the measurement would allow you do determine a value that is somehow “better” than that given
by a single reading.
A baseball is not a perfect sphere. It has raised seams, the leather is not of uniform thickness, and so on.
If you set out to determine the “true diameter” of a baseball you would probably measure its diameter at
several different places. Suppose that the following were measurements of the diameter of a baseball, taken
with a ruler whose least-count is one millimeter.
(each ± 0.5 mm) 72 mm, 74 mm, 75 mm, 72 mm, 73 mm, 73 mm, 75 mm, 73 mm
After inspecting these data you could reasonably conclude that the diameter lies somewhere between the
lowest value (72 mm) and the highest (75 mm). If forced to settle on one single number to report you might
calculate the mean value (simply the average) as 73.375 mm, but you are now aware that such a statement
would be claiming an awful lot of precision that’s probably not justifiable given the least-count of the ruler
and the variability of the baseball.
What you really want to do is to make a claim of the most likely diameter of the baseball as well as an
estimate of the uncertainty of that claim. Intuitively, the most likely value is just the mean value, but the
uncertainty deserves some deeper thought. Let us make a table of data, showing each of the measured values
and the amount by which each measurement differs from the mean of all the measurements (the deviation
from the mean).
Perhaps the average of the deviations from the mean would provide a good estimate of the uncertainty.
Upon close inspection however, you will find that the sum of the deviations—and hence their average—is
exactly zero. That should come as no surprise, for by definition, some of the values are a bit larger than
the mean and some are a bit smaller, so the sum of the deviations will always be zero for any collection of data.
The equation for the mean, where the bar over the symbol indicates the mean value and N is the number of
individual measurements, is
1 X
x= xi Mean Average (1)
N i=1
What is of interest is the amount of deviation, not whether it is above or below the mean. If all of the
deviations were converted to positive numbers before averaging, a more useful estimate of the uncertainty
might be made. One way to convert the deviations to positive numbers is to take the absolute value of each.
Another ultimately more useful way is to square them. The data table now looks like this:
xi di (di )2
72 mm -1.375 mm 1.891 mm2
74 mm 0.625 mm 0.391 mm2
75 mm 1.625 mm 2.641 mm2
72 mm -1.375 mm 1.891 mm2
73 mm -0.375 mm 0.141 mm2
73 mm -0.375 mm 0.141 mm2
75 mm 1.625 mm 2.641 mm2
73 mm -0.375 mm 0.141 mm2
The mean of the squares of the deviations from the mean is 1.23 mm2 . If you take the square root of
this result (in effect undoing the squaring done earlier), you obtain the square root of the mean of the
squares of the deviations from the mean, which turns out to be 1.11 mm. That mouthful of a name
is usually shortened to just root-mean-square (or even shorter to R.M.S.) and the result is called the
standard deviation of the set of values xi , usually represented by the greek letter sigma (σ). In equation
v v
u1 X N u
u1 X N
σx = t 2
(xi − x) = t d2 Population Standard Deviation
N i=1 N i=1 i
Using the standard deviation as an estimate of the uncertainty and applying rules 1 and 2, then
Unfortunately, statisticians cannot leave well enough alone and insist that there are very good arguments
for computing the standard deviation by dividing by one fewer than the number of measurements. In effect
the N in the equation for the standard deviation above is simply replaced by (N − 1).
u N
u 1 X
σx = t (xi − x)2 Sample Standard Deviation (2)
N − 1 i=1
We shall use this latter expression. The earlier expression (using N ) is usually called the population stan-
dard deviation, while the latter (using N − 1) is called the sample standard deviation. For the data
in the table above the population standard deviation is 1.11 mm, and the sample standard deviation is 1.19
mm. After applying Rules 1 and 2, you can see that the correct expression for the diameter of the baseball
is the same in either case.
If you inspect the two equations for standard deviations it should be obvious that as the number of measure-
ments, N , becomes quite large, the two types of standard deviation become very nearly equal. Statistically
speaking, unless there are at least five or six measurements, standard deviation analysis of any kind is not
a very good predictor of uncertainty. Within this laboratory guide, when the symbol σ or the term stan-
dard deviation is used, you should presume that the meaning is that of sample standard deviation.
Furthermore the following rules will apply:
RULE 4. The most likely value of a quantity that has been measured several
times is the mean value of the series of measurements.
RULE 5. The uncertainty in the value of a quantity that has been measured
several times is the sample standard deviation of the series of mea-
Absolute and Fractional Uncertainty
The uncertainties which you have been calculating thus far are more precisely called the absolute uncer-
tainty . The absolute uncertainty is expressed using the same units as the measurement. In the data above,
the absolute uncertainty in the baseball diameter is 1 mm.
If you divide the absolute uncertainty by the most likely value of the measurement you obtain the fractional
uncertainty . Using the baseball data
fractional uncertainty =
σD 1 mm
In this case = = 0.014
D 73 mm
The fractional uncertainty is a ratio of two numbers of the same units, and since the units (mm) cancel
out, it is a dimensionless quantity. Multiplying by 100 turns the fractional uncertainty into the percent
uncertainty. In this case, the percent uncertainty in the baseball diameter is 1.4%.
Both fractional and absolute uncertainties play very important roles as we investigate the effect of measure-
ment uncertainty on calculations which use those measurements.
The propagation of uncertainty (also known as the propagation of error) will be the focus of an upcoming
lab activity.
Sources of Uncertainty
You should now have a fairly good idea of why measurements are uncertain. Part of the uncertainty is due to
the limitations in the precision and accuracy of the measuring instrument and part is due to actual variations
in the thing being measured. It is important that you realize and understand that, in many cases, you can-
not know the individual contributions. You can only analyze your data and determine the overall uncertainty.
There are a few exceptions to that statement. For instance, if you used a ruler marked every one mm to
measure the diameters of all of the apples in a crate and found the uncertainty (sample standard deviation)
to be over 10 mm, you should rightfully attribute the variation to the apples, not to changes in the ruler. A
useful “rule of thumb” is that if the uncertainty is significantly larger than the least-count of the instrument
(and the instrument is not malfunctioning) then the uncertainty is mostly attributable to the thing being
Random Uncertainties
Random uncertainties are as completely unpredictable as the roll of a pair of dice. They may be due to
instrument fluctuations or to variations in the measured quantity, and you cannot know which. It is
possible to estimate the magnitude of random uncertainty. Such methods as the standard deviation and the
techniques used when adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing measurements will allow you to make
good estimates of random uncertainties. Better instruments, more care in measurement, and consistent
procedures will all help to minimize random uncertainty, but it can never be eliminated.
Consistent Bias
Bias refers to a discrepancy in a measured quantity due to a flaw in the measuring instrument. Consistent
means the flaw is always present and is present in a uniform (though not necessarily known) fashion. If you
can find out what the consistent bias is you can compensate for it as you analyze your data. There are a
number of types of consistent bias, here are just a few.
Zero bias. If an instrument does not read zero when there is no input, then it exhibits a zero bias. For
example, suppose the first 3 mm of your meter stick had broken off. Any measurement made with that stick
would always be 3 mm too long. But if you noticed it you could just subtract 3 mm from each measurement
and there would be no problem. Another example might be a light intensity meter. It should read zero in
the dark. If it doesn’t, there is a zero bias to contend with.
Proportional bias. If an instrument reads high or low by a constant percentage of its reading, then it
exhibits proportional bias. Consider a clock that runs 1 minute fast per day. If you set it at midnight, by the
following midnight it would be 1 minute fast, or about 0.07% fast. After one more day it would be 2 minutes
fast, but that would still be 0.07% of the total time. At the end of a full year it would be 356 minutes fast,
or about 6 hours. Compared to a year, 6 hours is still just 0.07%. As before, if you notice the problem you
can compensate for it. As you will see when we discuss graphs of data, proportional bias shows up in the
slope of a graph, while zero bias shifts the whole graph a fixed amount (up, down, left, or right).
Nonlinear bias. A discrepancy which is repeatable but non-uniform on either an absolute of a percentage
basis exhibits a nonlinear bias. An example might be a spring-wound clock that gradually slows down as
the spring tension decreases. On a graph such a discrepancy will show up as a distortion of the shape of the
graph. For instance, a straight line is distorted into a curve.
Measurement of Mass, Length, and Time
The magnitudes of physical quantities are expressed in various systems of units. The English System is
one example, with feet for distance and pounds for force. The metric system is another, with meters for
distance and newtons for force. All systems of units have one thing in common. They must all refer to a
standard set of fundamental units for the quantities mass, length (i.e. distance), and time. Your ability to
make careful, accurate measurements of these quantities is crucial to your success in this laboratory course.
You will use the metric or MKS (for meter, kilogram, second) system of units in this laboratory. In the
metric system the standard units are as follows:
LENGTH The meter (abbreviated m) − The standard meter is the distance that light
will travel in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second.
MASS The kilogram (abbreviated kg) − The standard kilogram is the mass of a
certain cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy, stored in a double-walled vacuum
jar in a vault at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in
Sevres, France.
Implicit in these definitions of standards is that the speed of light is exactly 299,792,458 meters per
When you report measurements you should use units appropriate to the thing being measured. For example,
if you take a trip on an airplane you will probably cover many kilometers (103 meters) over a time interval of
a fraction of an hour to several hours. You would be more comfortable expressing the speed of the plane in
kilometers per hour (km/hr) than in meters per second (m/s). You should learn the principal set of metric
prefixes (such as centi , milli, kilo, micro, etc.) which allow the fundamental units to be modified to account
for very large or very small measurements.
Because you have probably grown up using the English system of pounds, feet, and seconds, it is worthwhile
to spend a little time considering the relative sizes of things measured in English and metric quantities. For
example, a yard is just slightly shorter than a meter.
Measurement of Length
You will use two basic instruments for measuring length. In order of increasing precision, they are the meter
ruler and the vernier caliper. You will learn to use each of these in the activities that follow.
The Meter Ruler. Your meter ruler may take the form of the familiar meter-stick or perhaps a retractable
metric tape measure. In either case the meter ruler is used as a comparison device. That is, the thing
being measured is compared to the ruler and its markings. The length of an object is found by placing
it adjacent to the ruler, noting the scale markings closest to each end of the object, and subtracting to
determine the distance from one marking to the other.
Meter rulers usually have a mark for each millimeter (10−3 m) along their length. Thus the least-count for
a meter ruler is usually expressed as 1 mm, and the uncertainty of a single measurement as 0.5 mm.
When making multiple measurements with a meter ruler you should not simply lay the object along the
ruler in the same place over and over again. Rather, move the object to various places along the length of
the ruler, noting the difference in readings from one end to the other each time.
The Vernier Caliper. The vernier caliper is another comparison device. It improves on the meter ruler by
incorporating an additional set of scale markings (called a vernier) which have the effect of mechanically
magnifying the space between adjacent 1 mm markings. A diagram is below.
There are three modes of measurement possible. The outside jaws can be used to measure the outer
dimensions of an object, such as the thickness of a sheet of plastic or the outside diameter of a pipe. The
inside jaws are used to measure such things as the inside diameter of a pipe or the diameter of a hole. The
depth gauge can be inserted into a recessed space to measure such things as the depth of a hole or a groove.
To make a measurement with a vernier caliper two observation must be made. For the first, you note the
position of the main index mark along the main scale. The main scale is marked every 1 mm, thus the main
index mark gives the reading to the nearest mm. When reading the main scale always note the lesser of the
two marks when the index is between marks.
Next you must read the vernier scale. The vernier itself is a special scale that has ten division spanning the
same distance as nine divisions of the main scale. Each division on the vernier thus represents nine/tenths of
a main division. Look for the main scale mark and the vernier scale mark which are most nearly in perfect
alignment. The value of that mark on the vernier scale represents the number of tenths of a mm which
should be added to the main scale reading to obtain the composite measurement.
This process of mechanical magnification allows the vernier caliper to measure lengths to the nearest 0.1
mm, so the uncertainty of a single measurement is half of that least-count, or 0.05 mm. Your instructor will
probably use a large model of the vernier scale to show you how to make vernier readings.
The Digital Caliper. Just like the vernier caliper, a digital caliper allows you to make very precise mea-
surements over small distances. The greatest advantage to using the digital caliper however is that the
instrument takes care of the process of “reading” the vernier scale. In this lab you will use a 6” digital
caliper to make numerous small length measurements throughout the course. The particular digital caliper
you will use in lab can measure distances from 0 to 150 mm (15.0 cm). As a digital readout instrument, we
need to consult with the manufacturer to determine the uncertainty in any measurement you make with the
caliper. The caliper’s documentation says that the measurement uncertainty for the caliper is 0.03 mm.
To use the digital calipers, push the ON/OFF button and check the display to see what units the scale is
set for. If the scale is set for inches, press the blue “inch/mm” button to switch to measuring in millimeters.
Now close the jaws of the calipers completely and press the yellow ZERO button if the scale does not read
“0.00 mm”. You can now separate the jaws of the caliper (or lengthen the depth blade) enough to fit the
object you wish to measure. Once you are close to the distance you need, you can adjust the jaws or depth
blade with the thumb wheel until there is gentle contact with your object and read off the measurement on
the LCD screen.
Measurement of Mass
You will measure mass by using a balance scale usually referred to simply as a balance. Both mechanical
balances and electronic balances will be available.
You will be using a balance to measure the mass of objects, not the weight. An
object’s mass is an intrinsic physical property of the object (the amount of “stuff” in
it) and does not depend on location in space or the action of any gravitational or other forces.
The weight of an object is the measure of the force exerted on the object by gravity, and
thus can depend on the location of the object in space. For example, though your mass
would remain constant, you would weigh less on the Moon.
Mass and weight are linearly related by a constant which is the acceleration due to gravity.
Near the surface of the Earth at sea level, this acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s2 , thus
The confusion between mass and weight is a common one amongst students. Be sure you
devote enough thought to the distinction. You might start by forcing yourself to think, as
you use the balances, “I am massing this object, not weighing it.”
A balance is a comparison device also. The unknown object is placed on the balance and a set of known
masses are adjusted until the forces of gravity are equal on the unknown and the known. The mass of the
unknown is then determined by comparison with the known.
In contrast, a spring scale (such as a roadside shrimp vendor might use) directly measures the pull of grav-
ity by measuring the elongation of a spring. It really does weigh objects since it reads the force (weight)
directly. Which is better? You might recall seeing a sticker on the butcher’s scale in the supermarket that
reads, “No Springs, Honest Weight.” Of course, the butcher really means mass, but never argue with anyone
carrying a cleaver...
Triple Beam Balance. The triple beam balance, shown in the picture, is the instrument you will most
frequently use for mass measurements. It is designed such that instead of varying the amount of the com-
parison mass used, a fixed amount of mass has its position varied in order to make measurements.
There are three beams, each carrying a movable mass called a poise. The unknown is placed on the pan
and the poise are adjusted until the balance indicator is centered. The mass of the unknown is then read
from the marks along the beams.
It is important that the balance be used on a level surface. Your lab table should be sufficiently level. It is
also important to check the zero condition of the balance. With nothing on the pan and all the poises at the
zero position, the balance indicator should be centered. If not, the zero adjustment screw can be turned to
bring the indicator to the balance point. Always check the zero at the beginning of any lab procedure that
involves use of the balance.
You will note that the beam carrying the smallest poise is marked off every 0.1 gram. Thus the least-count of
the triple beam balance is 0.1 gram. The uncertainty in mass determinations using the triple beam balance
is ±0.05 gram. The maximum capacity of the balance is 610 grams. Auxiliary masses may be added to the
balance to extend its range to 1110 or 1610 grams.
Single pan electronic analytical balance. Much more accurate mass measurements may be made using
the electronic analytical balance. An example is the Ohaus E-120 in your laboratory. The E-120 balance
has a range of from 0 to 120 grams and the digital display reads to the nearest 0.001 gram (1 milligram).
According to the manufacturer, the uncertainty in the measurement is ±0.001 gram. Note that in this case
the uncertainty and the least-count are the same, which is a characteristic of most digital-readout instruments.
Using the balance is very simple. It zeroes itself and
displays the mass directly in grams, but the balance
is very sensitive. Even breathing on it can cause
inaccuracy. To make a measurement be sure that the
balance is turned ON by pressing the ON/TARE
button. After a few seconds the display will stabilize.
With the sample pan empty press the ON/TARE
button once again to zero the balance. Within a couple
of seconds the display should read zero or very nearly
so. Now place the object to be measured on the pan
and read the display once it has stabilized.
Measurement of Time
You will use your computer to measure time. During some timing operations you will start and stop the
timing manually by pressing a key, much like using a stopwatch. At other times electronic means will be used
to start and stop the timing operation. Photogates (infrared light beam sensors) will be used in several of
your experiments.
After you have turned on your computer and started it up your Instructor will explain how to “boot up”
the system) select the Photogate timer and keyboard stopwatch option from the program menu by
pressing PT and then the ENTER key. Follow the program menu to use the Keyboard Timing Modes.
The program displays times to the nearest 0.0001 second (0.1 millisecond). Because of variations in the
electronics from one computer to another, the uncertainty in the measurement is about 0.0005 seconds.
Liquid displacement - the object is completely immersed in a liquid and the amount of liquid
displaced is measured. This is the only practical method (for small objects) when the object is
irregular in all dimensions.
Graphical summation - for objects with one dimension of uniform measure (such as thickness)
the object may be traced onto graph paper then the number of “covered” squares can be counted
to find the area of one of the flat surfaces. This might be called “eyeball integration.”
Paper doll method - also for objects with one uniform dimension. The object is traced onto a
sheet of paper, then the shape of the object is carefully cut out and weighed. A full sheet of paper
is weighed also, and the ratio of the weights will be the same as the ratio of the areas.
Introduction to Measurement
APPARATUS cm ruler, meter-stick, digital caliper, triple beam balance, set of slotted masses, metal
cylinder, plastic cylinder, plastic shape, computer
PROCEDURE The following procedures are designed to familiarize you with several of the measuring
instruments you will use in this class. The order in which you do these is not really
important, so you and your partner can work independently if you wish, using different
measuring tools.
to use them and how to interpret their readings. Do not rely on your partner’s “expertise.”
Read each of the following numbered instructions fully and carefully before beginning
the measurements called for. This way you will know what is to be measured, which
instrument should be used, and what data should be recorded.
Though you probably recorded some of your data in grams, centimeters, millimeters, etc. because
it was convenient to do so, you should express your results in MKS units. That means masses in
kilograms, distances in meters, areas in square meters, volumes in cubic meters, times in seconds,
and forces (weights) in Newtons, densities in Newtons per cubic meter of kilograms per cubic meter.
You may perform unit conversion either before or after calculations, though conversions before
calculations are probably the method you will find most comfortable.
1. Use the meter-stick and/or ruler to measure the length and width of the laboratory table. Record
several (5) measurements for each dimension and the unit for each measurement in the first column of
the table. The position of these measurements should be spaced to give representative values covering
the entire table top. Note that the meter-stick is not long enough for the length of the table. Use your
creativity. Record the uncertainty in each individual measurement for both the length and width of
the table.
2. Use the digital caliper to measure the diameter and length of the metal cylinder. You only need to
make one measurement of the length of the cylinder, but make several (5) measurements of the diam-
eter at various positions along the cylinder’s length. Record the unit for each measurement in the first
column of the table. Also, record the uncertainty in your length measurement and in each individual
measurement of the diameter.
3. Measure the mass of the metal cylinder using the triple beam balance. Record both the mass and the
uncertainty associated with this measurement. (Make sure you include the units of your measurement.)
4. Use the digital caliper to measure the diameter and length of the red cylinder. You only need to make
one measurement of the length of the cylinder, but make several (5) measurements of the diameter at
various positions along the cylinder’s length. Record the uncertainty in your length measurement and
in each individual measurement of the diameter.
5. Measure the mass of the red cylinder using the triple beam balance. Record both the mass and the
uncertainty associated with this measurement. (Make sure you include the units of your measurement.)
6. We would also like to measure the reaction times for you and your partner. To take the time mea-
surements, you will use a digital timer on the computer. Your TA will tell you which program on
the computer to use to make several (5) measurements of your reaction time. Record reaction time
measurements for both you and your partner, along with the units and uncertainty for each individual
7. Carefully measure and record the length, width, and thickness of the plastic shape. Measure at several
places so that you can determine the mean value of each measurement. Measure and record the mass
of the object.
1. Is the uncertainty of a single length measurement for the table the same as the uncertainty of a single
width measurement? If not, which one is larger and why? What could you do to decrease this uncer-
2. Compute the mean (average) and standard deviation (uncertainty) of both the length and width of
the table. Refer to boxed equations (1) and (2) in the Multiple Measurements section of the
Introduction to Measurement chapter of this week’s lab for these calculations. Upon completion
of these calculations you will have obtained a result to be entered into both the mean length and mean
width blanks of your data table. Be sure to enter the uncertainties as well. An example of such an
entry is (note that the uncertainty is rounded off to the digit of the measurement which is uncertain:
3. Using the same procedure that you used in step 1, calculate the mean and standard deviation of the
diameter of both cylinders, your reaction time, your partner’s reaction time, and the length, width,
and thickness of the plastic object.
4. If you know the absolute uncertainty of a quantity (whether for a single measurement or a series of
measurements), you can calculate the fractional uncertainty of the quantity. For a quantity that is
being reported as value ± uncertainty, the fractional uncertainty can be calculated by:
fractional uncertainty =
Calculate the fractional uncertainty of the following quantities: length of table, width of table, your
reaction time, your partner’s reaction time, mass of metal cylinder, mass of red cylinder, mass of plastic
5. You recorded the length of a single measurement of the table with its uncertainty and the mean length
of the table with its statistical uncertainty. Which uncertainty should you keep when you report your
measurement? Why?
6. Why is the statistical uncertainty in your reaction time measurement so much larger than what you
might quote as the measurement uncertainty?
7. Compare your reaction time to your lab partner’s reaction time. Are your reaction times the same?
Justify your answer.
8. As a general rule, what do you lose in taking multiple measurements? So why do you want to take
multiple measurements of a quantity when you can?
Name Date
Length of Table
Width of Table
Metal Cylinder:
Diameter ( )
Mass of Cylinder: ±
Length: ±
Mean Diameter: ±
Red Cylinder:
Diameter ( )
Mass of Cylinder: ±
Length: ±
Mean Diameter: ±
Reaction Times:
Your’s ( ) Your Partner’s ( )
Uncertainty of Your Times: ±
Plastic Object:
Length ( ) Width ( ) Thickness ( )
Mean Thickness: ±