Lesson Plan Quarter:: Detailed

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School: Dau Elementary Level: Grade 1

LESSON Teacher: ---- Subject Mathematics
Date: March 15, 2021 Quarter:
A. Content Standard The Learners identify the correct procedure in performing series
of operations; Understand and explain the relationship between
the four fundamental operations.

B. Performance Standard  The Learners able to solve series of operations applying

Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction correctly.
C. Learning Competencies  The Learners realize the importance of following rules.

Values: Saving money, Prioritize things, and Following Rules

Integration: ESP, English
II. CONTENT  Performing Series of Operations (MDAS)
1. Learning Resources  
A. Teacher's Guide Pages  K to 12 Curriculum Guide Mathematics p. 212
B. Learner's Material Pages  Mathematics Textbook for Grade 4 p. 82-84
*Materials  Flashcards, cut-outs number, visual aids.
2. Values  Cooperation, Patience/ Risktaker, Saving money, Prioritize
things and Following Rules.
3. Integration ESP, English, EPP

Ill. PROCEDURES Teachers’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Pray, Greetings and Checking of
Activities Attendance

B. Review Drill on: The 4 fundamental Operations

previous lesson using flashcards
or presenting
the new lesson Review: Recall the different parts and
symbols use in each operation.

What are the parts of

- Addition? Addends and Sum
-Subtraction? Minuend, Subtrahend and Difference
-Multiplication Multiplicand, Multiplier, and Product
-Division Diviso, Dividend, and Quotient

What symbol or sign use for

-Addition? Plus ( + )
-Subtraction? Minus ( - )
-Multiplication? Times ( x )
-Division? Division ( ÷ )

C. Presenting Mr. Roy loves mathematics. He has three

examples/ daughters: Anna, Bea, and Cathy. Mr. Roy
instances of the always motivates his daughters to be a good
new lesson and wise person. And this week, he wants
to teach them the value of saving money
and of course with little touch of
Mathematics. One evening, when the
family are having dinner together, he
introduced the challenge of the week:
A Week of Saving.
He then pulled out a paper with a
mathematical equation on it:
6 + 54 ÷ 2 x 3 - 10 = N
"The answer would be the amount that you
need to save for this week. Whoever saved
the right amount will receive twice as much
the right amount to be saved." Said the
D. Analysis/ 3 Steps in solving the problem
Discussing new
concepts and Understand
practicing new What is the name of the A Week of Saving
skill # 1 challenge?
What is the mathematical 6 + 54 ÷ 2 x 3 - 10 = N
How will you solve the Using the MDAS Rule
8 + 48 ÷ 2 x 3 - 10 = N
Rule # 1 multiply or divide
first in order as come to the
left to right.
8 + 24 x 3 – 10 = N

Rule # 1 multiply or divide

first in order as come to the
left to right.
8 + 72 – 10 = N
Rule # 2 Add or subtract in
order as come to the left to
80 – 10 = N
Rule # 2 Add or subtract
in order as come to the left
to right. 70

E. Discussing new Answer the mathematical equation using

concepts and the MDAS Rule.
practicing new In solving expression using the MDAS rule.
skills # 2 The rules say that: multiply or divide first in
the order as they come from left to the right,
then, add or subtract in the order as they
come from left to right.

12 – 3 + 18 ÷ 6x 7 =
12 – 3 + 18 ÷ 6 x 7=
Rule # 1

12 – 3 + 3 x 7 =
Rule # 1

12 – 3 + 21 =
Rule # 2

9 + 21 =
Rule # 2


As we can see in the solution, the first thing

that happened is, we divided 18 by 6 and
the quotient which is 3 was multiplied by 7.
After that, we subtracted 3 from 12 which
equal to 9 and finally we added 9 to 21 and
the result is 30.

So the answer is 30.

F. Developing Group Activity 1

mastery (leads
to formative Use the number cards to fill in the blanks to
assessment 3) make the equation correct. Stick the number Group 1
cards using glued or a stick tape.
1. ____ + ____ -____ ÷ _____ = 4 1.__2__+ __5_ -__9_ ÷ __3__ = 4
Number Cards: 3, 2, 9, 5 Number Cards: 3, 2, 9, 5

2. ____ x ____- ____ + _____ = 10 2.__2_ x __4__- __3__ + __5___ = 10

Number Cards: 5, 4, 2, 3 Number Cards: 5, 4, 2, 3

3. ____ - ____ x ____ ÷ _____ = 5 3.__9__ - __3__ x __8__ ÷ ___6__ = 5

Number Cards: 8, 3, 6, 9 Number Cards: 8, 3, 6, 9

4. ____ x _____+ _____ - _____ = 7 4.___1_ x ___6__+ ___5__ - ___4__ = 7

Number Cards: 4, 5, 6, 1 Number Cards: 4, 5, 6, 1

5. ____ + _____ - _____ x _____ = 1 5.___6_ + ___3__ - ___2__ x __4___ = 1

Number Cards: 4, 3, 2, 6
Number Cards: 4, 3, 2, 6

Group 2 Activity
Answer the simple questions inside the
circle to get the correct number in order to
solve the expression.

How How How

How many many many
+ vowel
- weeks
x eye a = nN
days in a in an in 1 human
week? english month? has?

__ _____
___ ______ ______

Group 3 Activity

Solve the following expressions with series

of operations. Cut out the numbers that will
correspond to the correct answer from the
printed jumbled random number. Use the
scissors that has been provided to you. Group 3

1. 15 ÷ 3 x 5=¿ _____ 1. 15 ÷ 3 x 5=¿ 25

2. 9 x 6 ÷ 3=¿ _____ 2. 9 x 6 ÷ 3=¿ 18
3. 76 – 8 x 9 = _____ 3. 76 – 8 x 9 = 4
4. 3 + 83 – 73 = _____ 4. 3 + 83 – 73 = 13
5. 7 x 9 – 3 + 8 = ____ 5. 7 x 9 – 3 + 8 = 68

G. Find practical Mrs. Sonia is selling baked cookies since

applications of she has no work because of Pandemic. She
concepts and has 4 tupperware contains 20 cookies each.
skills in daily In the morning, she sold 55 cookies.During
living lunch, she added 45 cookies and before
evening she sold another 27 cookies. How
many cookies remain at the end of the day?

a. What is asked for in the problem? How many cookies remain at the end of the

b. What facts is given? 4 Tupperware

20 cookies each Tupperware
55 sold in the morning
45 cookies added during lunch
27 cookies sold before evening

c. What will be the mathematical 4 x 20 – 55 + 45 - 27 = N

equation of the problem?

d. How will you solve the problem? Using the MDAS

4 x 20 – 55 + 45 – 27 = N

80 – 55 + 45 – 27 = N

25 + 45 – 27 = N

70 – 27 = N


e. What is the answer of the problem? 43 Cookies remain

H. Abstraction/ We use the 3 Steps in solving problem

Making involving series of operations:
generalizations Understand, Plan, Solve.
and abstractions
about the lesson How we solve for the answer for having Using MDAS Rule.
series of operations in an equation?
What the MDAS Rule states? MDAS Rule states that the multiplication or
division operations must be solved first
whichever comes first on the left to the right
of the equation then the addition or
subtraction should proceed again whichever
comes first on the left to the right of the

Let me ask you, why do you think that we Teacher, we need to follow the MDAS rule in
need the follow the MDAS rule in solving solving series of mathematical expression so
series of mathematical expression? we can avoid confusion and get the correct

That’s correct!
Just like in life, we need to follow rules in
order to avoid confusion and problem.Rules
are made for us to follow to keep us safe.

What are the rules that you know aside *Teacher, we should come on time in school
from the MDAS rule? or in the office.

*Teacher, we should know our priority in

I. Assessment / Solve the following expression that shows
Evaluating learning series of operations. Follow the MDAS
rule, to get the correct answer.
Correct Answers:
1. 16 ÷ 4 x 5−7+ ¿ 8 = ____
2. 18 – 12 ÷ 6 + 7 = ____ 1. 16 ÷ 4 x 5−7+ ¿ 8 = 21
3. 7 x 8 + 36 = ____ 2. 18 – 12 ÷ 6 + 7 = 23
4. 3 x 7 – 24 ÷ 6=¿____ 3. 7 x 8 + 36 = 92
5. 35 ÷ 5+10−7 x 2=¿ ¿ 4. 3 x 7 – 24 ÷ 6=¿ 17
5. 35 ÷ 5+10−7 x 2=¿ 3

J. Assignment Please have an advance study about factors and how to get the factors of a number.

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