Snapfulfil - WMS
Snapfulfil - WMS
Snapfulfil - WMS
Management System
What is Snapfulfil?
Snapfulfil is our latest award winning WMS, once again delivering ‘Class Leading’ warehouse management
software systems to our clients, it will typically improve picking and despatch efficiency by up to 30%, whilst
dramatically reducing order fulfilment time and significantly enhance accuracy and customer service.
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Key Features of Snapfulfil
Not only does Snapfulfil utilise the latest technologies to deliver a solution to
your desktop via the internet, it also has all the functionality you would expect
from a ‘Tier 1’ WMS. Just some of the key functionality is listed below:
Comprehensive sell-by date, expiration date, production date, and batch code control.
Web ‘Portals’ for Order entry and Inventory data access (3PLs).
Rest assured, Snapfulfil has been developed using the vast experience we’ve gained helping
companies, just like yours, meet the needs of modern business with an affordable solution.
What benefits can I expect?
Of course every operation is unique but all logistics operations share many common
attributes. Companies that deploy Snapfulfil as an enabling tool will realise the following:
Once you’ve decided to use Snapfulfil, we’ll put Based on the Solution Specification, our team
a User Agreement in place, set an on-site project will set-up & configure your version of Snapfulfil.
kick-off date, and assign project resources.
A unique version of Snapfulfil with an
Our Project Manager will work with your individual URL and database will be set-
team to explain our proven implementation up for your exclusive use (includes test
methodology, ensuring everyone is clear and production environments).
on roles & responsibilities. In addition the
integration plan will be set, milestones We’ll also work with your IT team to ensure
mapped and timing determined, and all required integration is in place and ensure
the items typical of any software project. proper testing & training is conducted.
Snapfulfil projects usually require 45 man
Our Project manager will be on-site
days, but we can adjust accordingly.
to assist with Snapfulfil “go-live”.
Our RF hardware partner will work with your
Your team will be transitioned to Support,
team to perform the RF site survey (access
point placement) as well as test the RF staffed by Synergy employees (no call
infrastructure once in place. We’ll also order centres) that are experts on Snapfulfil
the required RF equipment to ensure it is and how your business is using it.
on-site and ready to use when needed. You can rely on us, we have 30 years
Through a series of interactive sessions, of experience building and deploying
a Snapfulfil Solution Specification will be a robust WMS, we’ve learned what
developed for your team’s review and sign off. works - Snapfulfil works!
Synergy Logistics
Synergy House, Lisle Street
Leicestershire LE11 1AW, UK
+44 (0)1509 232706
See how Snapfulfil will perform for you. Call us on: 0845 463 7627
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Secure, Resilient Data Centres
• Security Accredited to SAS 70, Level 2
• Comprehensive Data Encryption and Password Security
• Multiple Data Centres To Ensure Data Is Mirrored to Multiple Locations
• Unique Instance of the Application and Database for Each Client
See how Snapfulfil will perform for you. Call us on: 0845 463 7627
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Snapful f i l AND t o p VOX
Voice Picking Upgrade
Do you want to ensure optimum processes
in your warehouse?
Would you like to improve picking quality,
work more efficiently, and provide a
‘hands free’ working environment for your
warehouse pickers?
Snapfulfil users can now easily upgrade to full Voice
Picking, without investing any of the substantial
time and money usually required to implement
this useful technology.
With Snapfulfil and topVOX, all information such
as the bin location and quantity to be picked
is announced by the system and immediately
confirmed by the operator’s speech input.
The employees continuously have their eyes and
hands free to perform vital tasks, so they can move
around the warehouse more quickly and productively,
thereby increasing work efficiency and picking quality.
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