Game Theory and Its Applications
Game Theory and Its Applications
Game Theory and Its Applications
Levente Buttyán
Laboratory of Cryptography
and System Security (CrySyS)
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics
The Prisoner’s Dilemma
game formulation: G = (P, S, U)
– P: set of players
– S: set of strategies
– U: set of utility (payoff) functions
players are rational Æ they try to maximize their payoff
strategic-form representation:
Blue Confess Don’t confess
Confess (-7, -7) (0, -10)
Don’t confess (-10, 0) (-1, -1)
Hawks and Doves
Blue Fight Surrender
Fight (-100, -100) (1, -1)
Surrender (-1, 1) (0, 0)
Blue Fight Surrender
Fight (-100, -100) (1, -1)
Surrender (-1, 1) (0, 0)
Pareto optimality and stability
Pareto optimality
– an outcome of the game is Pareto optimal, if no player can increase
its payoff without hurting some other player
– an equilibrium is stable if a change in any player’s strategy leads to a
situation where:
• the player who did not change has no better strategy in the new
• the player who did change is now playing with a strictly worse strategy
(if these cases are both met, then the player who changed his
strategy will return immediately to the previous equilibrium)
Blue C1 C2
C1 (-1, 1) (1, -1)
C2 (1, -1) (-1, 1)
Solving the Jamming game
there’s no pure strategy Nash equilibrium
mixed strategies:
– a mixed strategy is defined by a probability distribution p(si) that
assigns a probability to each strategy of player i
– when player i plays a mixed strategy it chooses strategy si with
probability p(si)
– in this case, we are interested in the expected payoff of the players
Extensive games
Definition: G = < P, Q, p, ( Ii )i∈P , ( ≤i )i∈P >
P : set of players
Q : set of action sequences (set of terminal action sequences is Z )
p : player function ( p : Q\Z Æ P )
Ii : information partition of player i
≤i : preference relation of player i on Z (often represented by payoffs)
P = {1, 2}
Q = {ε, A, B, A.L, A.R,…}
p(ε) = 1, p(A) = p(B) = 2, …
I1 = {{ε}, {A.L}, {B.R}}
I2 = {{A, B}}
B.L ≤1 A.L.D ≤1 A.L.C …
B.L ≤2 B.R.F ≤2 B.R.E …
Strategy of player i
Definition: A strategy of player i is a function that assigns an action to every non-
terminal action sequence q such that
– it is i’s turn to move after q (i.e., p(q) = i )
– q is consistent with earlier moves defined by the strategy
with the restriction that the same action must be assigned to q and q’ whenever
q and q’ belong to the same information set of i
Example applications
there are two firms, A and B
they produce two software packages for price pA and pB
consumers gain extra utility σ from the support provided by the software
firms to those customers who pay for the software
illegal software users cannot obtain support from an independent
consumers are of two types:
– type 1 – support-oriented consumers
– type 2 – support-independent consumers
the populations of support-oriented and support-independent consumers
have the same size, and the total population size is 2 units
in addition, consumers rank the two software packages differently
– ranking is represented by a value x between 0 and 1, where a value closer to
0 means preference for software A, and a value closer to 1 means preference
for software B
the distribution of consumers is uniform over the set of all possible ranks
Further notation
for a given price pair (pA, pB) let
– xA^ be the support-oriented consumer who is indifferent between
buying software A and not buying any software
The game
two stages:
– stage 1: the two firms set their software price
– stage 2: consumers make their moves
note: if µ > 1/2, then there’s no pure strategy Nash equilibrium in software
prices in which both firms sell strictly positive amounts and earn strictly positive
Æ hence, we will assume that µ < 1/2
Solving the subgame
Nash equilibrium in software prices
firm A chooses pA to maximize
firm B chooses pB to maximize
Nash equilibrium in software prices
firm A chooses pA to maximize
firm B chooses pB to maximize
when µ < ½ (as this was assumed), the firms make less
profit if they use software protection ( (3-4µ) < (5-8µ)2 )
Rational exchange – informal definition
A misbehaving party cannot gain any advantages
Æ Misbehavior is uninteresting and should happen only
An example: a rational payment protocol
if V received only m1 :
B : charges U with val
V Æ B : m’4 = m1, SigV( m1 )
C = { V, certU , w0 , exp, data }PrKU
User ( U ) Vendor ( V )
1, w1
first part of service
2, w2
second part of service
Broker ( B ) :
x, wx If ( C, x, wx ) then
- charge U with x units;
last part of service
- pay V x units;
An application: micropayment schemes
Our improvement to PayWord
hash chain size is doubled
( wn’ wn ) ( wn-1’ wn-1 ) … ( w1’ w1 ) w0’
C = { V, certU , w0’ , exp, data }PrKU
User ( U ) Vendor ( V )
1, w1
first part of service
2, w1’ Broker ( B ) :
3, w2
If ( C, 2x, wx’ ) then
second part of service - charge U with x units;
4, w2’ - pay V x units;
Game Theory was invented to analyze situations where
parties with potentially conflicting interests are interacting
Æ this is the case in many e-commerce applications