Universal Remote Instruction Manual

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Universal Remote
Instruction Manual
Table of Contents Setup

Introduction ........................................................... 3 Battery Installation

Setup .................................................................... 3
Battery Installation ........................................... 3 1. On the back of the remote, push down on the
Battery Saver ................................................... 3 tab and lift the cover off.
Code Saver ...................................................... 3 2. Match the batteries to the + and - marks inside
Code Setup ...................................................... 3 the battery case, then insert 2 AAA Alkaline
Button Functions ............................................. 4 batteries.
Code Entry using the Code List ....................... 5 3. Press the battery cover back into place.
Code Search .................................................... 6
Using Your Remote ............................................... 7
Code Retrieval .................................................. 7
Battery Saver
Controlling Devices with Power On and Off ...... 8
Controlling Combo Devices .............................. 8 Your remote automatically turns off if the buttons
VCR/DVD/DVR Punch-Through ....................... 8 are depressed more than 30 seconds. This will save
Volume/Mute Control and Punch-Through ........ 8 your batteries should your remote get stuck in a
All Volume/Mute Control to any one Mode ....... 9 place where the buttons remain depressed (e.g.,
Returning Volume/Mute Control to Initial Default ... 9 between the sofa cushions).
Troubleshooting .................................................. 10
Code Saver

You will have up to 10 minutes to change the

batteries in your remote without losing codes you
Congratulations on your purchase of the RM24948 have programmed. However, do not press any
Universal Remote Control. The RM24948 is one of buttons until batteries are installed in the remote. If
the most easy to use remote controls available buttons are pressed without batteries in the remote,
today. With the RM24948, juggling multiple remote all codes will be lost.
controls is a thing of the past! Your RM24948
controls up to three devices, including the most Code Setup
popular brands of TV, VCR, DVD, CBL, and SAT.
The RM24948 is easy to use, easy to program, and The SETUP button is used to setup the remote. You
it gives you total control—at the touch of your can either setup the remote using the code tables
fingertips! (on separate sheet), or you can search through the
library of codes until you find a code that works for
Note: Some functions from your original remote may your product. Please refer to “ Code Search” on
not be controlled by this remote. Use the original page 6 for more information on using the code
remote, if available, to control such functions. search feature to learn how to search through the
Sometimes buttons other than described in these library of codes for your products.
instructions may actually perform the function. We NOTE: You can store any kind of code under any
recommend you experiment with the remote to mode (except TV). I.E. you can store a VCR code
identify if such situations pertain to your equipment. under the CBL/AUX button, or a Cable code under
the VCR/DVD button, etc. However, you can only
store TV codes under the TV button.
2 3
Button Functions Code Entry using the Code List

Red Indicator 1. Press and hold the SETUP button until

Lights when any the red indicator stays on, then release
POWER Turns button is pressed. the SETUP button.
product On or Off.
SETUP Used to setup 2. Press and release the desired device
the remote, and for button (TV, VCR, etc.). The red indicator
code search function.
blinks, then stays lit.
Selects product to be 3. Enter the 4 digit code for
operated. your brand of TV, VCR,
etc., from the Library Code
CHANNEL Up/Down Table by using the Rewind,
Changes the channels.
Play, and Fast Forward
Also controls DVD SKIP
functions. buttons.

MUTE Turns off the

TV sound, while the Use the REW button to enter the first digit.
picture remains.

Changes the volume
level of the product,
Use the Play button to enter second digit.
normally the TV.


REW, FF, PAUSE VCR/DVD Use the FF button to enter the third digit.
control buttons operate
your VCR or DVD even
when the remote is set to For Example: To enter code 013, don’t press REW,
operate the TV. press Play once, and FF three times. The red LED
blinks off with each keypress.

Note: The REC button must be pressed TWICE to 4. Press the Stop button to save the code.
record from your VCR. For some brands of VCRs, you
might need to press the REC button once, then press it
again for three seconds. Note: for a valid code, the red LED turns off. For an
invalid code, the red LED blinks rapidly for three
seconds before going off.

5. With your device on, press POWER. If the

device turns off, no further programming is
required. Note: If some buttons do not operate
your equipment, try one of the other codes for
your brand.

4 5
Setting up using Code Search Using Your Remote

If you cannot find a 4 digit code in the Code Table Code Retrieval
that operates your TV, try searching for the code as
follows: Code Retrieval lets you identify the four digit library
code stored under your device button. For example,
1. Manually turn on the device (TV, VCR, etc.) to if you want to find out what four digit code is stored
be controlled. under your TV device button, follow the six steps
2. Press and hold the SETUP button until
1. Press and hold the SETUP button until
the red indicator stays on, then release
the red indicator stays on, then release
the SETUP button.
the SETUP button.
3. Press and quickly release the desired
device button (TV, VCR, etc.). The red 2. Press and release the desired device
indicator blinks off once. button (TV, VCR, etc.). The red
indicator blinks, then stays lit.
4. Press the POWER button
repeatedly (up to 300 times) until 3. Press and release the SETUP button.
the device to be controlled turns off. The red indicator blinks once and
The red indicator blinks off with each remains lit.
button press.
4. To find the first digit for the code stored
5. Press and release STOP to install the under the device button pressed in step
code. 2, press REW and count the number of

5. To find the second digit, press Play

Write your codes down here for easy reference and count the number of blinks.
6. To find the third digit, press FF and
Device Device stored Code count the number of blinks.


6 7
Using Your Remote, cont. Using Your Remote, cont.

Controlling Devices with Separate Power Setting ALL Volume/Mute Control to any
On and Off Buttons one Mode
Some GE, RCA and ProScan models require you to This routine can set all Modes to “punch-through” to
press the device button for more than one second any one chosen Mode for Volume/Mute button
to turn the device on and the POWER button to turn control without the needing to change to that Mode.
the device off.
1. Press and hold SETUP until the red
Controlling Combo Devices indicator turns on, then release SETUP.

Some Combo devices (e.g. TV/VCR, TV/DVD, 2. Press and hold MUTE until the red
DVD/VCR, etc.) will require you to set up two indicator blinks off, then release MUTE.
different Mode buttons to control both parts of the
Combo device. For example, if you have a TV/DVD 3. Press and release the desired Mode
Combo, you might need to set up one code under button (TV, VCR) for Volume/Mute control,
the TV button to control the TV part AND a the red indicator blinks then stays on.
separate code (under any other Mode button) to
control the DVD part. 4. Press and release MUTE and the red
indicator turns off. The red indicator will
VCR/DVD Punch-Through blink rapidly for three seconds if the Mode
you have selected has no Volume/Mute
This remote allows the 6 VCR transport buttons control.
to Punch-Through control from any Mode All other Modes will now punch-through to your
programmed with TV, SAT or Cable codes to the chosen Mode for Volume/Mute control.
last VCR, or DVD programmed Mode you used.
This feature will not operate if the programmed TV, Returning Volume/Mute Control to Initial
SAT or Cable code has its own VCR transport Default Settings
button control e.g. a TV Combo, SAT/PVR, etc.
This routine returns Volume/Mute control to its
Volume/Mute Control and Punch-Through default (factory) settings i.e. all device Modes
use their own Volume/Mute control if present or
This remote lets you select which device Mode else they will punch-through control to the TV
controls your Volume/Mute buttons. The remote is Mode device.
initially set for all device Modes to use their own 1. Press and hold SETUP until the red
Volume/Mute control if present. If the programmed indicator turns on, then release SETUP.
code has no Volume/Mute operation of its own then
those buttons will punch-through control to the TV
2. Press and hold MUTE until the red
Mode device without needing to change to TV
indicator blinks off, then release MUTE.

Any Mode chosen for Volume/Mute control 3. Press and release MUTE and the red
MUST have its own Volume/Mute function or indicator turns off. Volume/Mute control
the Volume/Mute buttons will do nothing. is returned to its default (factory)
8 9
Troubleshooting 90 Day Limited Warranty

Remote does not operate your product. Jasco Products Company warrants this product to
be free from manufacturing defects for a period of
• Press the device button of the product you want ninety days from the original date of consumer
to control. purchase. This warranty is limited to the repair or
• Program the remote with a new code. replacement of this product only and does not
• Install new batteries. (You might have to extend to consequential or incidental damage to
reprogram your remote after installing new other products that may be used with this unit. This
batteries.) warranty is in lieu of all other warranties express or
• Remote may not be compatible with your implied. Some states do not allow limitations on
product. how long an implied warranty lasts or permit the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
Remote does not operate some features of damages, so the above limitations may not apply to
your product. you. This warranty gives you specific rights, and
you may also have other rights which vary from
• Sometimes a particular code might operate state to state. If unit should prove defective within
some features but not all. Try programing the warranty period, return prepaid with dated proof
remote with a new code. of purchase to:
• Remote may not be able to operate all features
of your product or button names might be Jasco Products Company
different than your product. 311 N.W. 122nd
Oklahoma City, OK 73114
Red Indicator blinks after you program a
product code.

• Remote did not accept the code.

• Try to program the code again or try a different

Lost Your Codes?

Enclosed with this remote is a sticker on which you

should write the codes for each device you
programmed. Apply the sticker to the back of the
remote or somewhere convenient for future

Also on the sticker is our website address which,

should you lose your codes or programming
instructions, you can find available on our website:

10 11

Universal Remote
Instruction Manual

Jasco Products Company

311 N.W. 122nd
Oklahoma City, OK 73114

Made in China RM24948-03/05

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