An agreement whereby one undertakes for consideration to indemnify another against loss, damage or
liability arising from an unknown or contingent event
Aan agreement whereby a party called the surety guarantees the performance by another called the
principal or obligor of an obligation or undertaking in favor of a third party called the oblige. It shall be
deemed to be an insurance contract if made by a surety who or which as such is doing an insurance
An entity owned by the policyholders that caters only to the insurance needs of the same
policyholders/members is still engaged in insurance business.
The presentation and sale to bank customers by an insurance company of its insurance products within
the premises of the head office of such bank duly licensed by the BSP or any of its branches.
Elements of Insurance
Principal object and Purpose Test - assumption of risk and indemnification of loss
An HMO who’s paid for by the client a certain some of money in exchange for the hospital, medical and
professional services rendered by the HMO’s physician or affiliated physician to the HMO is not an
insurance contract because there is no loss, damage or liability on the part of the insured that will be
indemnified by the HMO what the member merely availed of is the medical services paid in advance to
its partner physicians. Indemnity of the member was not the focal point of the agreement but the
extension of medical services to the member at an affordable cost.
Insurance risk (actuarial risk) is the risk that the cost of insurance claims might be higher than the
premiums paid.
Insurance contracts- consensual contract and is perfected upon meeting of minds; follows the cognition
theory; delivery of contract is not necessary