A Song of Ice and Fire JumpChain

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You are now going to the world of

a song of ice and fire

This world is not too dissimilar from the history of
your own. There are heroes, villains, wars, religion
and a great deal of politics.
Magic is rare but powerful. You will begin in westeros,
essos or perhaps even the wilder parts of the known

You will spend the next 10 years in this world.

You have 1000 cp to spend

You may choose any starting location for 50 CP (including options not explicitly stated)
or Roll 1d10 for free.
You may choose a specific location of your starting region as a starting point.

I: The North II: The Riverlands

A cold, vast and sparsely populated land and the The Riverlands are situated to the immediate
northernmost of the historical Seven Kingdoms. south of the North. The climate is generally fair
The southern section of the Neck is covered in and the lands are fertile, rich and prosperous. It
dense and dangerous bogs while the rest is has no natural boundaries and as such has been
made up of pine forests, hills and snow-capped contested throughout the centuries and has
mountains. The winters are terrible. To the frequently been a battleground. It is dominated
north is the Wall and the Night’s Watch. by large rivers. It is not considered one of the
traditional Seven Kingdoms.

III: The Vale IV: The Westerlands

The Vale is situated to the east of the The Westerlands are situated to the west of the
Riverlands. It is a land of extremely fertile Riverlands. The richest region of Westeros due
valleys and large mountain ranges. Its to the vast amount of gold and silver situated
surrounding mountains make it extremely beneath its many hills. Dotted with mines from
difficult to invade. The winters are harsh and which the region derives its vast wealth.
the uncivilised mountain clans are troublesome. Reasonably fertile and easily defensible.

V: The Iron Islands VI: The Reach

The Iron Islands lie to the west of the The Reach is a large province to the south of
Riverlands and the north of the Westerlands. the Riverlands and situated in the centre and
They are relatively small, rocky and barren. The south-west of Westeros. It is extremely fertile,
Ironman tradition is one of reaving and populous and rich. It is the home of chivalry in
plundering the west coast of Westeros proper. Westeros as well as a major source of production
There is little wealth to be had from honest for food and wine.

VII: The Stormlands VIIi: Dorne

The Stormlands lie to the east of the Reach. Dorne is a varied peninsula situated to the
They are so-named for the savage and frequent south of the Reach and the Stormlands. It is
storms that batter the coast. It is one of the the hottest region in Westeros consisting of an
smaller regions of Westeros and is covered by arid desert, a rocky mountain range and a vast
stony shores, harsh mountains and large verdant coastline. In-land water can be more precious
forests. Rains are common and the land is than gold and a large proportion of the
reasonably fertile. relatively small population live on the east coast
or in the cooler north.

IX: The Free cities X: Free choice

The free cities are a group of nine city-states on You may choose any area of the known world as
the large eastern continent of Essos. They share a starting region. Quality of life is likely to vary
common ancestry in Valyria, are known for considerably depending on where you choose.
trade and hire mercenaries frequently to do
battle with one another. You may choose one of
the following: Pentos, Braavos, Lys, Qohor,
Norvos, Myr, Tyrosh, Volantis or Lorath.

You may choose any point in time to arrive in this world. The default is 298 AC (the beginning of A Game of Thrones). Some dates of interest include:
2BC-1 AC (Aegon’s Conquest), 195-196 AC (The Blackfyre Rebellion), 282-283 AC (Roberts Rebellion), 298-300 AC (War of the Five Kings).
You must choose an Identity that dictates your history in this world.
You may choose to change gender for 50 CP.
You may choose your age for free.
You gain racial traits appropriate to your starting region unless you choose Drop In.

+You have no set of memories interfering with your actions or dispositions.

Drop in: - You have no friends or history in this land and no memories that would be otherwise helpful.

You wake up in your starting location. Any locals are likely to see you as a stranger in
their midst or as just another visitor depending on how common such an occurrence

+You have local allies and a history in the realm.
Smallfolk: - You have limited resources, no formal education and no martial training.

You are a member of the smallfolk in your starting area. You are well known and well
liked in the area and you are seen (amongst fellow commoners) as a pillar of the

+You have martial training, paying work and friends in the area.

Sworn Sword: - You have no land, formal education and limited wealth.

You are a tried and tested warrior currently in the service of some person of influence.
Your contract has expired however and while you may remain in your master’s service
there is no longer a reason you must. You are a mercenary or a not entirely convincing
50 CP

+Formal and martial education, some wealth and influence.
- Sheltered upbringing.

You are a member of the nobility in your area, perhaps a landed knight or member of
some lesser house. You have a reasonable amount of coin and influence on a local
level. You may choose specific parents (if appropriately aged) as your own and, along
with them, a specific house to belong to. No Great Houses.
100 CP
Discounted cost 50% of full price

Great House Weapon Proficiency Prince In Exile

(Noble Only) (Free Sworn Sword and Noble) (Discount Drop In)
You may choose any house or family to You are capable with most common People will welcome you as a prince
belong to from your starting region and any weaponry found in this world and truly from a foreign land and be amused
appropriately aged parents. If purchased exceptional with one specific type.
at your alien ways and customs. You
any Noble companions imported or Alternatively you may be extremely good at
created will also receive this for free. needlework and other womanly pursuits. will be welcomed at most courts as a
50 CP 100 CP 200 CP
Worker Dirty Fighter A Quiet People
(Discount Smallfolk) (Free Sworn Sword) (Discount Noble)
You are willing to push yourself far You have picked up a lot of tricks in You find that the people under your
beyond the normal limits with tavern brawls and are very capable at authority are remarkably unlikely to
physical or tedious work. You will fighting cleverly (dirty). This will give cause you trouble. While200 not CP
continue to do such tasks to the best you a significant edge against more necessarily truly loyal they are
of your ability without soon tiring. honourable opponents. exceptionally unlikely to rebel.
200 CP 200 CP 200 CP
Mine By Right Bold Large 400 CP
(Free Noble) (Discount Sworn Sword) (Discount Sworn Sword)
You are generally given more You are brave without recklessness. You are unusually tall and
consideration than others. People You can keep your cool in even the proportionally well built. This makes
consider your rights and desires as most heated situations and you will you physically very intimidating and
generally more important than those not balk at a dangerous challenge. your added strength and reach gives
of other people. you a real edge in a fight.
200 CP 200 CP 200 CP
Leads from the Rear Green Dreams The Builder
(Discount Noble) (Discount Drop-In) (Discount Drop-In)
Men under your command will happily You will occasionally dream entirely You are an exemplary architect and have
throw themselves at an enemy regardless of preternatural skill when it comes to the
in green. These dreams are construction of buildings and fortifications.
your position as though you were leading
prophetic and of important events Immensely large structures take far less time to
them yourself heroically in the charge
(although they still retain the ability to fight
but difficult to decipher. You can make than they should. This is particularly
effect the prophesised future. noticeable when a structure is built to keep a
smart if they ever had it). specific foe at bay.
300 CP 300 CP 300 CP
Schemer Pyromancer Glamour
(Discount Drop-In) (Discount Drop In) (Discount Smallfolk)
You are a talented schemer and You have the recipe for wildfire and the You can change your face to resemble
plotter. You easily understand how means to make more. You can make it very other people and copy their
people are moved and ways to subtly cheaply and in vast quantities. It’s 200 CP
mannerisms. This is extremely
extremely dangerous but powerful. It also convincing if you have an object of the
move them. You have a keen insight has a tendency of vaguely spreading in the
into the ambitions of others. person you are impersonating.
direction you want it to.

400 CP 400 CP 400 CP

Too Lowborn Oblivious Quick as a Snake
(Discount Smallfolk) (Discount Small Folk) (Discount Sworn Sword)
People will very rarely consider you a Trouble just seems to avoid you. If a war Your reflexes are inhumanly quick
threat. As long as you do nothing is going on that spans most of the and you have exceptional speed in
overtly threatening people will country, you will likely be in one of the small bursts. When under attack it
expect no harm from your direction. very few peaceful villages. This effect seems as though everything around
wears off when you look for trouble. you has slowed down very slightly.
400 CP 400 CP 400 CP
Flaming Weapon Shadowbinder Rabblerouser 400 CP
(Discount Sworn Sword) (Discount Drop In) (Discount Smallfolk)
You can use your blood to set alight your Once a week you may produce a shadow. You have an uncommon ability to
weapon. Such fire blazes incredibly hot Such a shadow will obey your command mobilise the masses. Whether for
and is unnaturally intimidating to your to assassinate someone. Highly effective religion, gold or bread you find it
enemies and heartening to your allies but but must have surfaces to walk on. reasonably easy to instigate a full massive
will ruin ordinary steel. Ineffective against magical targets. revolt against all but the most beloved of
400 CP 600 CP 600 CP
Mystery Knight SKINCHANGEr Gregarious
(Discount Sworn Sword) (Discount Noble) (Discount Noble)
When your opponent does not know your You can slip into the skin of animals. You are significantly more charming.
identity and your face is fully concealed This allows you to effectively possess You make friends easily and, most
your combat prowess improves drastically, them. Animals will serve you loyally remarkably, you have the uncanny
their morale is greatly reduced and fortune
once you have bonded with them. ability of turning defeated enemies
is more likely to swing your way in battle.
into very loyal allies and supporters.
600 CP 600 CP 600 CP
Discounted gear cost 50% of full price
You can purchase Gear multiple times

Heraldry and Words Castle Forged Steel

The heraldry and words of your design. They are inextricably associated (Free Sworn Sword and Noble)
with you and give the impression and feeling you’d like to get across with A well made set of steel plate and chain as well as a single,
them (within reason). Nobles begin with a cape and standard of the
finely made, steel weapon of choice.
finest quality displaying their arms and motto, everyone else starts with
their emblem and words crudely painted on a bedsheet. (Sworn Sword’s free armour is slightly rusted and dinted)
Pouch of Gold Fine Clothes
(Free Noble) (Free Noble)
A pouch of golden coins. A very fine and ornate set of clothing. The equivalent of the
Around 100 Golden Dragons worth. finest you could expect to get in your starting region.
May be taken multiple times.
25 CP 25 CP
Dragonglass Cache Horse
(Free Think of the Children) (Free Dothraki)
A black cloak with a few obsidian daggers, arrowheads and A fast, intelligent and loyal horse (or an equivalent found in
spearheads. your region). Another turns up if this one dies. 25% more likely
to die if you name it.

25 CP 50 CP
Ship Land deed
(Discount Ironborn and Braavosi) (Free Noble)
A ship of roughly your design. Tough and seaworthy. Perhaps a A deed to an area of land close by in your chosen region. It will be
longship, a small galley or a swanship. You may import a vehicle accepted by all authorities as rightfully yours. This updates each
to grant it the appearance of a ship. jump but is generally not a particularly large plot of land elsewhere.

100 CP 100 CP
PET Poisons
(Discount Skinchanger) (Discount Schemer)
An unshakably loyal animal. Whether this is a dire wolf, shadowcat, A woman’s weapon to be sure but it can’t be beaten for efficacy or in
lizardlion, hrakkar, mammoth, snow bear or perhaps even a small kraken matters of subterfuge. You have a replenishing chest of poisons from
it is a peculiarly strong example of it’s kind and it will follow you to the around the known world. From vials of the Tears of Lys to Sweetsleep to
seven hells and back. Nothing magical. You may import an existing pet. crystals of the Strangler there’s bound to be one to suit your purpose.
100 CP 100 CP
Throne Brave Companions
A throne of your design. Anything from a jumbled mess of melted You may import (or create) a single companion for 25 CP, up to four for 50 CP and
up to 8 for 100 CP granting them an Identity, appearance, history and the place of
swords to a simple ebony bench. Regardless of what it looks like it
origin of your choice. Each companion receives 600 CP to spend on Skills and Gear
gives a commanding aura of authority to you and anyone you have but cannot purchase further Brave Companions. Created companions have a past,
permitted to sit on it. Not uncomfortable unless you want it to be. appearance and identity of your description and are intensely loyal to you.

100 CP 25/50/100 CP
Hands of Gold Dragonbone Bow
A golden piece of jewellery with a noticeable hand motif. (Discount Sworn Sword & Noble)
Anyone other than you who wears it will become An exceptionally strong bow made of Dragonbone. Exceptional power and
preternaturally competent in affairs of state and in the range. Projectiles fired tend to hit where they’d do the most damage by
managing of a country. chance very regularly. May choose type of bow. You may also import any
ranged weapon you own to take on the appearance and strengths of the bow.
150 CP 200 CP
Valyrian steel weapon Starforged Sword
(Discount Sworn Sword & Noble) (Discount Noble)
An excellent weapon of your choice made of Valyrian steel. Light and A sword made out of the remnants of a fallen star. Milky white and intensely
exceptionally sharp. Serves as symbol of status. Gives an impression of great shiny. Around as sharp and light as Valyrian Steel. Gives a strong impression
strength and brings dread to your enemies. You may also import any melee of chivalry and honour. You may also import any melee weapon you own to
weapon you own to take on the appearance and strengths of the sword. take on the appearance and strengths of the sword.
200 CP 200 CP
Horn of Joruman Dragon egg
(Discount North of the Wall) (Discount Targaryen, Old Valyrian)
A dragon egg. It will hatch naturally in around a week. Your dragon will be loyal and
A large, ornate and legendary hunting horn capable of massive destruction
take basic instructions but ferocious. Young dragons are vulnerable but can grow to be
to even the largest of structures. Can only be used on a weekly basis but can
incredibly large, durable and breath a fire far hotter than even wildfire fully capable of
bring practically any building (or Wall) tumbling down when blown. melting stout stone towers into twisted wrecks. You may import an existing pet/dragon.

500 CP 500 CP
You may choose a single optional Quests. This removes the 10
years limit and replaces it with a victory condition that must be
completed in order for you to be presented with the choice found
in Flaws & Future. Quests have requirements that must be filled
in order to be chosen.

Usurped The Black Dragon

Requirements: House Targaryen+Prince in Exile+298 AC Requirements: House Targaryen + Bastard + Valyrian Steel Weapon + 182 AC
Boon: You become incredibly lucky when trying to take anything that rightfully Boon: You become almost inhumanly beautiful and a truly brilliant warrior.
belongs to you.
It is your 12th birthday and after defeating everyone else in a squires
You are a child of the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen and fled into exile tourney King Aegon the Unworthy reveals himself to be your father
from the usurper Robert Baratheon’s hired knives as a child. You are and gives you the sword of Aegon the Conqueror - Blackfyre. You
currently in the care of Illyrio Mopatis in Pentos with your siblings take the name Blackfyre for your house and desire to make it great.
Daenerys and Viserys.
Victory Condition: Take the Iron Throne for House Blackfyre
Victory Condition: Take the Iron Throne for House Targaryen
and rule for 20 years.
and rule for 20 years.

Valar Morghulis Think of the children

Requirements: None Requirements: Beyond the Wall OR ca. –5000. No Large.

Boon: You know how to cut the faces from dead bodies and replace your own with Boon: Enhanced lifespan, night-vision, preternatural skill at hiding and quicker reflexes.
them. You also know how to store them hygienically and without them decaying. You are one of the last Singers of the Song of Earth. You are small, the size
You are an acolyte of the Many-Faced God - Death. You were taken of a human child, slight, have cat-like slits for pupils, have dappled skin
as a child and raised by the Faceless Men and you are the god’s reminiscent of a deer and have 3 fingers with pointed black nails on each
instrument. You will be given missions to kill those whose deaths hand. It is up to you to reverse the fortunes of your people and make sure
have been earnestly prayed and sacrificed for and you must make it they thrive again.
look like you have done nothing at all. Victory Condition: Population of Children of the Forest
Victory Condition: 100 lives legitimately taken for the God. reaches 5000.

Last of the Giants Best Dynasty Ever

Requirements: Beyond the Wall + Large + 298 AC Requirements: None
Boon: You are 14 feet tall and inhumanly strong and durable and can withstand Boon: The gods smile on your family. Anyone directly related to you tends to be
extremely cold temperatures and hostile environments. blessed with peace, plenty and a happy life.
There are only a few hundred giants left, you are one of them.You are Whether noble or not you certainly intend to be, you cannot stand
14 feet of muscle, sinew and hair and part of an extremely primitive the idea of anyone being above you and covet the throne of this land
culture, humans are ever encroaching on your lands and the Others for you and yours.
are rising. Only you can stop your people from dying out. Victory Condition: Take the Iron Throne for your house and
Victory Condition: Giant population reaches 5000. hold it within your family for 300 years.

First Among Nine R’hllorgious Fanaticism

Requirements: None Requirements: Flaming Weapon OR Shadowbinder
Boon: You attain an uncanny ability for accumulating wealth and trading and Boon: You are immune to all poisons and can slightly control the direction of fire.
mercenaries under your command tend to be unusually loyal.
You are a red priest (one of the clergy of R’hllor - the god of fire and
You are a resident (or possibly just a visitor) of a free city and you are life) and it is for you to make sure his fiery message is heard. You
extremely ambitious. Your goal is to gain sovereignty in your native must make sure that R’hllor’s message spreads across the world and it
city and turn the free cities and disputed land into what they always becomes more powerful than any other. The night is dark and full of
threatened to be - an empire and a true successor to Valyria. terrors.
Victory Condition: You must gain control over each of the 9 Victory Condition: 50% of people in the world worship R’hllor
Free Cities. and there are still over 10 million people in the world.

Should you die of old age in any of these Quests you will take the place of your eldest legitimate heir should you have one.
You may take up to 600 CP
Worth of Flaws

Maegi (Drop-In Only): Common Tongue Mad Dog (Sworn Sword Only):
Whenever you do or say something people don’t (Smallfolk Only):
You have a reputation and history of brutality
understand they will suspect you are doing You speak in a folksy, common manner that marks and one or two extremely dangerous and
magic. The superstitious who see this will you as one of the smallfolk and makes it difficult for politically influential foes due to your past acts.
naturally hate and fear you as a result. nobility to take you seriously.
+100 CP +100 CP +100 CP
Bastard (Noble Only): Stalwart Shield: Honourable:
You are the baseborn child of your father and You are entirely loyal to somebody in this world You are honourable, sometimes to the point of
everyone knows it. You are unlikely to be treated (although you may choose who that is). You will stupidity and often flying in the face of
as well but you were raised alongside any spend a lot of time working with and for them as pragmatism. You will live by a code of honour and
trueborn siblings. their loyal supporter and ally. moral code similar to Ned Stark’s.
+100 CP +100 CP +100 CP
Scarred: Cruel: (May not be taken with Honourable) Paranoid:
You are horribly scarred. Perhaps you are missing You are naturally cruel and known as such. You You are rather paranoid, particularly politically.
a nose or covered in horrible burns. No matter will not be able to suppress the urge to torture You will naturally suspect people are plotting
what it is you look unpleasant. Alternate forms people from time to time. against you and will not rest easily. This will likely
will not help. cause mistakes on your part.
+100 CP +200 CP +200 CP
The Unworthy: Craven: Eunuch: (May not be taken with The Unworthy)
Your sexual appetites are astounding and you will You are naturally afraid and no amount of You have had your genitals removed and have
sire many a bastard (and you probably already have). willpower will help. Whether it’s fighting or painful memories of the event. You can use the
This will take up a reasonable amount of your time meeting new people you will be consistently remnants to urinate but little else. Root and
and your bastards are or will be terrified and show it. stem.
an extremely troublesome lot. +200 CP +200 CP +300 CP
Greyscale: Imp: A Long Night:
In five years the signs of Greyscale will begin to You are a very ugly dwarf. Your legs are stunted A permanent night and winter has fallen and will
show. It is incurable and will spread. 4 years later and sore and you cannot move quickly on them. remain for 10 years. Others and the undead have
you will be entirely stonelike, violent and quite You may not change form for the duration of flood from the northern parts of the world in vast
insane. your time here. numbers to wipe out all life.
+300 CP +300 CP They will just keep coming. +300 CP
Once your ten years are up you will have a choice.

Regardless of your decision you will retain the skills and gear you attained here
and your drawbacks will leave you.

go home stay Move on

You will wake up in your own bed. OR You will stay in this realm for the rest OR You will move on to another land
of your life. for another adventure.

 Identities vary considerably depending on your starting region and time. E.g. Choosing Noble in the Free Cities will result in you being in
the family of wealthy merchant princes, choosing it North of the Wall (if you pay or get a free pick) will make you a descendant of a former
king-beyond-the-wall/ member of an especially prominent clan etc.
 Some Noble Houses will require a purchase of a starting region. E.g. being a member of House Targaryen requires you to take Great House,
Noble and a purchase of the region the Crownlands (for the period of history that House Targaryen are in the Crownlands).
 Great Houses for the purposes of this jump are roughly defined as any family that is currently a royal house, any house in which one of the
members is currently Lord Paramount of a region and any house which will become either royal or Lord Paramount within the next 50
years from your starting point in the timeline.
 Shadowbinder does not drain your life force.
 Imported companions can take Flaws but gain no additional CP for them. They do however benefit from Free options and Discounts.
 Imported weapons, pets and ships can revert to their original form when you will them to.
 You may only take one Quest.
 Boons from Quests are awarded immediately on selecting the Quest.
 For Drop-Ins you do not have the history suggested in Quests but instead wake up with your Victory Condition in mind.
 If you take the Last of the Giants Quest you get a discount on Pet if you choose a mammoth.
 The reward for the Last of the Giants Quest grants both a giant form, increased strength and durability in other forms and an optional
increase in size across the board. Giants that take Large double this bonus and are the largest of their kind.
 Default character for Stalwart Shield is Robert Baratheon.
 Should you choose to start in the era in which the TV show takes place you can use TV show continuity rather than the books. A lot of it
doesn’t make as much sense though and you should feel bad.
 Cool cats don’t trip.

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