SMRP Code of Ethics: All Persons Who Sit For Any SMRPCO Examination Shall

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Conduct their business and professional • Avoid any interest, activity or influence
activities with honesty and integrity, and which might be in conflict with the
respect the inherent worth of all persons. Certificant’s obligation to act in the best
interests of the client or the profession.
• Shall refuse to unjustly discriminate
All persons who sit for any SMRPCO have the right to appeal revocations of
against clients. • Refuse any gifts or benefits that are
examination shall: certification through due process as is
purely for personal gain and not for
described in the SMRPCO Policies and • Safeguard the confidentiality of all client
the good of the client and which are
• Agree to maintain the confidentiality of Procedures document. information, unless disclosure is required
intended to influence a referral or
the examination content and to never by law, court order, or is absolutely
• Represent their qualifications honestly, decision.
disclose examination content to others. necessary for the protection of the
including their educational achievements
Prohibited conduct includes disclosure of public. • Follow all policies, procedures, guidelines
and professional affiliations, and provide
exam content, removal of exam materials and requirements promulgated by the
only those services which they are • Refrain, under all circumstances, from
from the examination room, copying by SMRPCO.
qualified to perform. initiating or engaging in acts of moral
photography, use of audio recording
equipment, or any other means that • Consistently maintain and improve
could be used to transfer the content to professional knowledge and
others. competence, striving for professional
excellence through regular assessment
• Attest to their identity as the registered
of personal and professional strengths
examinee, and not represent anyone
and weaknesses and through continued
other than themselves in the taking of
education training.
the exam.

• Attest that the work and selections made

on the subject examination are theirs and
theirs alone.

Those examinees that pass a SMRPCO

examination (hereafter known as Certificants):

• Pledge to represent their profession

ethically and honorably. Conduct by
a Certificant that is detrimental to the
SMRPCO Certification program may
result in revocation of said Certification.
Examples of detrimental conduct
include but are not limited to dishonesty,
misrepresentation of professional
qualifications, and certain illegal acts
leading to felony conviction. Certificants

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The appeal will not include a hearing or any The Appeals & Complaints Team will review
POLICIES AND AGREEMENTS similar trial-type proceeding. the appeal, including but not limited to taking
into account the results of previous similar
The function of the Appeals & Complaints appeals, and make a determination on
The SMRPCO Policies and Procedures • Appeal delayed to provide time to Team in a given case is to review the decision appeal action.
document is the official record of all policies gather further information being appealed based on the record that was
presented at the time of the determination. The second level response will be one of:
and procedures related to the SMRPCO • Within 30 calendar days, the appellant
certification programs. Below are the policies will be sent either an appeal denied or • Appeal denied
described within this document. appeal forwarded notification.
• Appeal approved
Written notice of the Appeals & Complaints
Appeals Policy Panel determination (appeal denied or
• Appeal delayed to provide time to
gather further information
appeal approved) or a progress notice
An appeal must be submitted electronically (appeal forwarded or appeal delayed) Within 30 calendar days, the appellant will
on the SMRP website. The appeal must will be provided to the appellant within 10 be sent either an appeal denied or appeal
be submitted no later than 30 days business days of the determination. forwarded notification.
after notification by SMRPCO of the
adverse decision. All relevant supportive Second Level Review Written notice of the Appeals & Complaints
documentation must be included or Team determination (appeal denied or appeal
If applicable, appeals are sent to an
referenced in the appeal submission. approved) or a progress notice (of appeal
independent Appeals & Complaints Team (a
delayed) will be provided to the appellant
three-member team pulled from the Appeals
First Level Review & Complaints Panel for consideration. The
within 10 business days of the determination.

The initial review of the appeal will appeal will be considered no later than 90
Third Level Review
occur within 10 business days of appeal days after the appeal receipt.
submission. A response will be sent by If an appellant feels his or her appeal was
SMRPCO staff within 10 business days of the Members of the Appeals & Complaints Team handled improperly by the staff or Appeals &
initial determination. The initial response will will recuse themselves from the appeal Complaints Team, a procedural appeal may
be one of: consideration if there is any reason for which be filed with the Certification Commission.
impartiality might reasonably be questioned
or there is an actual or apparent conflict of The appeal will be considered no later than
• Appeal denied
interest. 90 days after the appeal receipt.
• The response will be accompanied by
an explanation for the denial and/or Members of the Certification Commission
information on an alternate course of will recuse themselves from the appeal
action where applicable. The denial will consideration if there is any reason for which
include information on the appellant’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned
further recourse if the appellant wishes or there is an actual or apparent conflict of
to pursue the appeal. interest.
• Appeal approved
• Appeal forwarded to the Appeals & The appeal will not include a hearing or any
Complaints Panel similar trial-type proceeding.

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The function of the Certification Commission Persons Authorized to Use the Marks be reproduced unless such reproduction is mark or logo that the public might construe
in a given case is to review the handling identical to the mark provided by SMRPCO. as an endorsement, approval or sponsorship
of the appeal to determine if the SMRPCO Use of any SMRPCO certification marks by SMRPCO of a certificate holder’s business
policies and procedures were followed. and logos is limited to those persons who or any product or service thereof.
The initials “CMRP” and “CMRT” may be
have been granted the certification by
used on materials, such as business cards,
The procedural appeal response will be one SMRPCO and who satisfy all maintenance
stationery, letterhead and similar documents Suspension or Revocation of
and recertification requirements established
on which the name of the individual certified Permission to Use Mark or Logo
by SMRPCO. Use of the mark and logo by
is prominently displayed to promote
• Appeal denied individuals who have not been granted and
themselves personally as an individual
SMRP and SMRPCO retain the right, at its
maintained the certification is expressly sole discretion, to suspend or revoke any
• Appeal approved certified in the maintenance and reliability
prohibited. person’s permission to use its certification
• In such cases, a new Appeals & profession.
mark or logo. In most circumstances, when
Complaints Team will be assigned to
Non-Assignability and Non- SMRP or SMRPCO is informed that a person
consider the full appeal again. Certificants may not use the CMRP or CMRT
Transferability is misusing the certification mark or logo,
logo, the SMRP Certifying Organization logo
• Appeal delayed to provide time to SMRPCO will provide the person notice of
Permission to use the certification marks or the words “Certified in the Maintenance
gather further information the misuse and a reasonable opportunity to
and logos is limited to the certified person and Reliability (or M&R) Professional” initials
• Within 30 calendar days, the appellant comply with SMRPCO’s rules and guidelines.
and shall not be transferred to, assigned to, or wording with any other descriptive
will be sent either a denial or approval However, SMRPCO retains the right to
or otherwise used by any other individual, qualifier, such as endorsed, recommended,
notification. suspend or revoke privileges without notice
organization, or entity. etc. SMRPCO logos may not be used on
and an opportunity to correct, particularly
Written notice of the Certification promotional materials promoting services
when the violation is of a gross nature and
Commission determination (appeal denied Marks and Logos Use as an instructor for preparation or training to
more immediate action is necessary to stop
or appeal approved) or a progress notice prepare for any certification exam sponsored
Those persons who have been granted misuse.
(of appeal delayed) will be provided to the by SMRPCO.
appellant within 10 business days of the permission to use the certification mark
and logo shall do so pursuant to the rules Actions by SMRPCO to suspend or revoke
determination. The CMRP or CMRT logo, the SMRP
and guidelines established by SMRP and use of the certification mark shall be
Certifying Organization logo or the words
SMRPCO. Persons granted permission to communicated in writing to the person
Ownership and Use use the certification mark and logo must
“Certified in Maintenance and Reliability (or
M&R) Professional” initials or wording that
whose privileges are being suspended or
revoked and to all other persons affected by
of the Mark and Logo familiarize themselves with the established
rules and guidelines for use and must
infers the same meaning may not be used in
the decision. SMRP and SMRPCO may also
conjunction with any other product such as
Policy execute approved agreements setting forth clothes, books or videos marketed or sold by
publicize its actions on its website and/or any
other of its publications. Should any person
such rules and guidelines for use. other than SMRP or SMRPCO.
continue use of SMRPCO’s certification
SMRPCO Marks and Logos
The SMRPCO marks and logos may not be marks or logos after notice of suspension or
The CMRP, CMRT and SMRPCO mark and The mark or logo may not be used in any revocation, SMRP and SMRPCO shall seek
revised or altered in any way. They must manner that could bring SMRP or SMRPCO
logo are the property of SMRP and SMRPCO. full equitable and/or legal remedies through a
be displayed in the same form as produced into disrepute or in any way considered
Permission to use the certification mark or court of competent jurisdiction.
by SMRP and SMRPCO, and they cannot misleading or unauthorized. The mark or logo
logo is granted to certified persons at the
discretion of SMRPCO for permissible uses may not be used in any manner that would
only. The words “Certified Maintenance and tend to imply a connection between any
Reliability (or M&R) Professional” initials or business and the certification which, in fact,
wording that infers the same meaning are may not exist. This includes any use of the
also the property of SMRP and SMRPCO.

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