Yeah, It's True. Music Is Employed With Success in Hospitals With Certain Kind of

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The artist is one of the truest benefactors of humank kind

 Strongly agree
Explanation: Quoting from an article,”aArt is one of the most powerful forces in the
rise of  human kind, and he who renders it accessible to as many people as
possible is a benefactor of humanity”, that’s why. Artist are one of the benefactor of
mankind,they're the inspiration of young artist and had a huge impact on our
society. Art reflects our history and documents the crucial component of our lives

A man who has no musicin himself must lead a drab and colorless existence.
 Stronly agree
Explanation: This is a quote from Shakespear. And as a member of the new
generation, even me is a music lover inside.Music can raise someone's mood, get
them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. Music also - and this is important -
allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives.

Use of Useless Things

1. Let's start with the utilitarian approach, an attitude that emphasizes things and
activities that are useful.The useffulness of thing are much more important that the
aesthetics that they provide. For me also, practicality is a priority.Since we are all
now in the new normal and living in the practical age where people make use of
thing in their practical purpose, there is a need for us to think critically what would
make us happy instead of wasting time and effort for useless things.Make ourselves
comfortable in using things that are simple but useful, things that satisfy us even
bought cheaply.

2. The poet in his every work is always being admired.Not so many people have the
talent to be a poet. Beside,poetry is so important to our lives even at this period of
advancement because it helps us understand and appreciate the world around
us. Poetry's strength lies in its ability to shed a “sideways” light on the world, so the
truth sneaks up on usu. No question about it. Poetry teaches us how to live only if
we appreciate it.

3. Yeah, it’s true. Music is employed with success in hospitals with certain kind of
ailments and they proved its efficacy in terms of giving patiesnts a sort of peace of
mind and calmness. I’ve heard this in atv show perhaps, and I strongly agree that it
so happens. Even at home when I hear lovely music, I would stare at nothing, feel
calm and relax myself.

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