AutoCAD Assignment One

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AutoCAD assignment one


1.a) Clearly explain the procedure taken in installation of AutoCAD and how it can be

Configured (10)

b) Tabulate the difference between a printer and a plotter (10)

c) Briefly describe the history of AutoCAD (5)

2.a) Explain the following as they relate to AutoCAD

i) Mouse

ii) Light pen

iii) Touch screen

iv) Electronic file transfer

v) Scanner (10)

2.b) Give any five ways of erasing a drawing (5)

c) List any five AutoCAD pull down menu (5)

d) Explain the difference between world coordinate system and angular coordinate system as
they relate to AutoCAD (5)

1.a)The procedure taken in installation of autocad and how it can be configured

 Download the file to installation you can download it on autocad website.

 Select the type of the operating sytem that you are using for example mac or windows
 Open the file to start the installation process.
 The installation wizard will show up on the screen
 Then clik on the install button and it starts installation process
 Enter all details so as to continue and also agree on autocad terms to use the programme t
 After agreeing to the terms then open the programme.
 Then start configurations by typing the word units so that you can change all the units so
as to use the right units in Zimbabwe which is millimtres
 Then change pen settings to personal prefferences.

b) the difference between printer and plotter

printer plotter
 Printer is a device that creates a solid  It is a computer printer used for
copy of digital data that is presented on printing vector graphics
a computer screen  They are used for printing computer
 Printers can be connected to the aided designs
computer using a USB cable or  Plotters are only used in architecture
wireless and engineering field
 It fast in text printing but slow in  Plotter is a type of print which is big
pictures and graphs  Plotters have a pen like instrument that
 Printers are smaller than plotters is used to draw images on the paper
 They are cheaper than plotters  They print A3 sizes or bigger
 They print A4 sises or less  Plotters draw in lines rather than in
pixels or dot pen plotters can draw
complex lines art along with drawing
 Plotters are not capable of drawing
broad region of colour but can draw a
number of close lines

c) the history of autoCAD

autoCAD was first released in 1982 as a desktop app running on micro computers with internal
graphics controllers.Before it was introduced most commercial CAD programs ran on mainframe
and minicomputers with each CAD operater working at a separate graphics terminals. Autocad
is a commercial computer aided design and drafting software application developed and
marketed by Autodesk and it support a number of programs and is used for
computer aided designs for both two and three dimensional models Since 2010 autocad was
released as mobile and web app as well as marketed as autocad 360.autocad is used across a
wide range of industries by architects project manags engineers,graphic was
supported by 750 training centres wold wide I 1994. It was derived from a program which began
in 1977 and was released in 1979 and the first virsion by autodesk was demonstrated at the
comdex in 1982 and released the same year in December as the autodesk product in march1986.

2.a.i) mouse is used to point and click an icon and it is powerful device in today’s graphical user
interface type of program.

The mouse translate the movement of hand to the movement of an arrow called the mouse
pointer on the screen.

ii)Light pen- This device has a size of a normal pen with a light at the end.It is connected to a
computer by a cord. The user touches the point of the light pen on the screen of a special pad
then makes writing or drawing motion this is mostly used by artist or by designers.

iii) Touch screen-sgnals are sent whenever the user touches any position on the screen to
execute a particular instruction.they are user friendly.

v) Scanner-this is used to capture graphical or image data. There are two types of scanners, the
hand and the table or flat bed scanner. When you want to copy a printed picture into the
computer, you need a scanner to capture it .The hand scanner is pulled over the image manually
where table scanner is like a photocopier it automatically pulls the sensor over the images.

2.b) Five ways of erasing a drawing.

 Press errors button on screen

 Press delete button on keyboard
 Shredding the file
 Deleting the file

c) Five Autocad pull down menu

 File
 Edit
 View
 Format
 Tools


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