AMA130C1 - Pilatus PC-9 Archived 07 2010
AMA130C1 - Pilatus PC-9 Archived 07 2010
AMA130C1 - Pilatus PC-9 Archived 07 2010
For data and forecasts on current programs please visit or call +1 203.426.0800
The PC-9 is not currently in production, but it is available for order from Pilatus. The company reported no
new orders for PC-9s in either 2007 or 2008
The new PC-21 is the newest trainer developed by the Pilatus and makes the PC-9 largely superfluous in
Pilatus lineup
No new production of PC-9 currently forecast
Description. Tandem-seat, single-engine, high- Status. Production as required.
performance, turboprop-powered military flight training
Total Produced. Through 2007, Pilatus and Hawker
de Havilland delivered approximately 276 PC-9 aircraft.
Sponsor. Pilatus Aircraft Ltd, Stans, Switzerland.
Application. Military primary, intermediate,
Licensee. Hawker de Havilland Ltd, Bankstown, transition, aerobatic, and armament training.
NSW, Australia. Hawker de Havilland was responsible
Price Range. PC-9M estimated at $6.0 million, fully
for final assembly, flight testing, and delivery checks,
equipped, in 2009 dollars.
and also produced the aircraft's wings. Aerospace
Technologies of Australia (ASTA) was responsible for
the aircraft's fuselage.
Pilatus Aircraft Ltd, PO Box 992, Stans, 6371 Switzerland,
Tel: + 41 41 619 61 11, Fax: + 41 41 610 92 30, Prime
Hartzell Propeller Inc One Propeller Pl, Piqua, OH 45356-2656 United States, Tel: + 1 (937) 778-4200,
Fax: + 1 (937) 778-4321 (Four-Blade Propeller)
Honeywell Aerospace, Defense &, 2600 Ridgway Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN 55413 United
Space Electronic Systems - States, Tel: + 1 (612) 951-6444, Fax: + 1 (612) 951-6516 (Display)
Pilatus PC-9
Martin-Baker Aircraft Co Ltd, Higher Denham, Near Uxbridge, UB9 5AJ Middlesex,
United Kingdom, Tel: + 44 0 1895 832214, Fax: + 44 0 1895 832587,
Email: (Ejection Seats)
Pratt & Whitney Canada, 1000 Marie-Victorin Blvd, Longueuil, J4G 1A1 Quebec, Canada,
Tel: + 1 (450) 677-9411, Fax: + 1 (450) 647-3620 (PT6A-62 Turboprop)
Comprehensive information on Contractors can be found in Forecast International’s “International Contractors” series. For a detailed description,
go to (see Products & Samples/Governments & Industries) or call + 1 (203) 426-0800.
Contractors are invited to submit updated information to Editor, International Contractors, Forecast International, 22 Commerce Road, Newtown,
CT 06470, USA;
Technical Data
Metric U.S.
Length overall 10.14 m 33.25 ft
Height overall 3.26 m 10.696 ft
Wingspan 10.19 m 33.5 ft
Basic weight, empty (typical) 1,725 kg 3,803 lb
Max takeoff weight (utility) 3,200 kg 7,055 lb
Max operating speed 593 kmph 320 kt
Max cruise speed 502 kmph 271 kt
Ceiling (with underwing stores) 12,191 m 40,000 ft
Range(a) 1,593 km 860 nm
Takeoff distance over 50 ft (15 m) obstacle (S/L) 397 m 1,300 ft
Landing distance over 50 ft (15 m) obstacle (S/L) 687 m 2,255 ft
PC-9M (1) UTC Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-62 axial-centrifugal-flow turboprop engine, flat-
rated to 708.4 kW (950 shp), driving a four-bladed, constant-speed, fully feathering
Hartzell propeller.
PC-9 Mk II (1) PT6A-68 engine flat-rated to approximately 1,250 shp.
Three hardpoints under each wing, capable of carrying 250 kg (551 lb) inboard, 110 kg (242.5 lb) center, and 110 kg
(242.5 lb) on outboard pair; maximum capacity of 1,040 kg (2,993 lb).
(a) Max range at cruise power at 5,000 m (16,400 ft), 5 percent plus 20-minutes' reserve.
PC-9/A. Pilatus designation for aircraft built under PC-9M. Improved variant with modified single-engine/
license in Australia for the Royal Australian Air Force. propeller control system to improve handling;
increased-scale tailplane with larger dorsal strake for
PC-9B. Specially configured PC-9 for the target-
better longitudinal stability; reduced stick forces; new
towing role. In service with Swiss and German air
wing-root fairing to improve low-speed characteristics;
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Pilatus PC-9
new T-tab at tailplane rear to facilitate trimming; and T-6A. Modified Mk II variant selected in June 1995 for
exciter strips on wing leading edge for better stall the USAF/USN JPATS requirement (see "Hawker
characteristics. Optional Flight Vision 2000 HUD and Beechcraft T-6A Texan" report in this tab for details).
an onboard oxygen-generating system are also offered.
Program Review
Background. The piston-powered Pilatus PC-3 led trainer replacement for the AST 412 competition. In
directly to development of the PC-7 Turbo Trainer in that competition, however, the Shorts/Embraer team
the mid-1970s, and the latter became one of the three won the award with a modified variant of the EMB 312
top turboprop-trainer aircraft in the world. Tucano.
While Pilatus' success became noteworthy during the Despite the RAF's selection of the Tucano, the BAE/
late 1970s and early 1980s, the market for trainers was Pilatus team remained intact, and BAE played a major
changing rapidly. New high-performance fighter and role in organizing a 30-unit sale to Saudi Arabia in 1985
light attack aircraft were entering the world's inventory as part of the Al Yamamah deal, which also involved
at a frenzied pace. Consequently, training programs Tornados and Hawks. Pilatus began production of an
were restructured, sometimes eliminating one or more initial 10-unit batch of PC-9s in 1985, and subsequently
types. Traditionally, training began in a general logged a four-unit sale to Burma. First deliveries were
aviation piston single (ab initio), and then transitioned made in 1986.
to the primary trainer, usually a dedicated piston or
turboprop aircraft. An intermediate stage, typically in a RAAF Order
first-generation turbojet, then led to the final, advanced In December 1985, Australia chose the PC-9 as its new
stage in another turbojet/turbofan aircraft. The market basic trainer and ordered 67 units. The first two were
began to recognize the need to reduce the number of delivered from the Pilatus line, and the Swiss
stages and aircraft to reduce both cost and time to manufacturer then shipped six units in kit form to
qualification. Thus, Pilatus initiated design studies of Australia for local assembly. Nine more followed with
the PC-9 trainer during the early 1980s, and the program an increased Australian content. Hawker de Havilland
was officially announced in January 1984. was prime contractor, with Aerospace Technologies of
The PC-9 is powered by the PT6A-62 engine, and its Australia (fuselage fabrication) and HdH Victoria
max takeoff weight is 299.37 kilograms (660 lb) greater (airfoil manufacture) the major subcontractors. HdH
than that of the PC-7. Other important differences from completed deliveries of Australian-built aircraft in 1992.
the PC-9's predecessor include a lengthened nose and a 711 JPATS Required
longer cockpit and canopy. While visible differences
between the PC-9 and PC-7 do not appear to be great, The Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS)
the former is, in fact, an all-new design rather than a requirement is for 711 trainers to replace the U.S.
reworked variant of its predecessor. The PC-9 provides Navy's T-34Cs and the Air Force's T-37s. Pilatus and
the ability to go from an ab initio trainer to an advanced Beech teamed in 1990 to propose a variant of the PC-9,
trainer, skipping an intermediate stage. For example, with the new variant eventually designated T-6A, and
Saudi Arabia uses the PC-9 and then transitions to the this was selected as the finalist in June 1995. The T-6A
Hawk for advanced training, eliminating a traditional is covered in a separate report under its current maker,
step. Hawker Beechcraft.
BAE and Pilatus Link for AST 412 Pilatus has since announced a much upgraded PC-21
model, incorporating some of the features of the
British Aerospace and Pilatus teamed in 1984 to PC-9M.
promote the PC-9 as the RAF's 150-unit Jet Provost
There is no information available on Pilatus development funding. Forecast International estimates PC-9
engineering and development costs at $50 million.
Pilatus PC-9
Month Year Major Development
Early 1980s Initial design studies
Jan 1984 PC-9 announced
Mar 1984 BAE/Pilatus team for AST 412 competition
May 1984 Prototype first flight
Sep 1985 30-unit Saudi order announced
Dec 1985 RAAF contract for 67 units announced
Early 1986 Initial production deliveries
Dec 1987 Deliveries of HdH-built PC-9 begin
Dec 1992 PC-9 Mk II production prototype first flight
Jun 1995 PC-9 Mk II/T-6A selected as JPATS finalist
2000 PC-9 line believed closed down
2002 Ireland orders eight PC-9Ms
Dec 2003 Bulgaria orders six PC-9Ms
Worldwide Distribution/Inventories
(July 2009)
Forecast Rationale
Pilatus did not announce any new orders for the PC-9 in Pilatus announced in February 2006 that it had received
either 2007 or 2008. The aircraft is still available for an order for 10 PC-7 Mk II trainers from Malaysia. The
order, but production appears to have ended. Bulgaria Mk II shares the fuselage of the PC-9, and the primary
said at one time that it intended to acquire about six difference between the two aircraft is the Mk II's
additional PC-9s, but no order has been reported to date. derated PT6A-25C turboprop, which gives it slightly
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Pilatus PC-9
reduced performance in exchange for lower operating customers seeking attrition replacements or to expand
costs. Pilatus delivered four of the 10 Mk IIs ordered by existing fleets, but the newer, more flexible PC-21 is
Malaysia in 2006 and completed the order during 2007. likely to be the choice of future customers.
Pilatus appears ready to restart production of the PC-9
should orders arrive. It may sell additional units to
Ten-Year Outlook
No production forecast.
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