Enhanced Recovery After Surgery: It's Time To Change Practice!

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NCPXXX10.1177/0884533615622640Nutrition in Clinical PracticeSteenhagen

Invited Review
Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Volume XX Number X
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery: It’s Time to Change Month 201X 1­–12
© 2015 American Society
Practice! for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1177/0884533615622640
hosted at
Elles Steenhagen, RD1

Perioperative surgical care is undergoing a paradigm shift. Traditional practices such as prolonged preoperative fasting (nil by mouth
from midnight), bowel cleaning, and reintroduction of oral nutrition 3–5 days after surgery are being shunned. These and other similar
changes have been formulated into a protocol called Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) pathway. It is a multimodal perioperative
care pathway designed to achieve early recovery after surgical procedures by maintaining preoperative organ function and reducing the
profound stress response following surgery. The key elements of an ERAS protocol include preoperative counseling, optimization of
nutrition, standardized analgesic and anesthetic regimes, and early mobilization. The recent literature is heavily influenced by colorectal
surgery, but the principles are now being applied to a wide range of disciplines. As they challenge traditional surgical doctrine, the
implementation of ERAS guidelines has been slow, despite the significant body of evidence indicating that ERAS guidelines may lead to
improved outcomes.

nutritional support; enteral nutrition; surgery; clinical protocols; fasting; Enhanced Recovery After Surgery

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is a multimodal In this review article, the preoperative and postoperative
perioperative care pathway designed to reduce the patient’s ERAS elements, with a particular focus on nutrition, are dis-
stress response in reaction to surgical procedure, facilitates cussed. Surgical and anesthetic factors of the ERAS pathway
maintenance of preoperative body compositions and organ are beyond the scope of this review.
function, and, in doing so, achieves early recovery.1 An ERAS
program integrates a range of perioperative interventions that
aims to reduce the loss of and improve the restoration of func-
What Is ERAS?
tional capacity after surgery.2 A Cochrane meta-analysis com- The ERAS program is a multimodal approach that aims to opti-
prising randomized controlled trials of ERAS has shown a mize perioperative management.4,5 Kehlet and Mogensen6 first
reduction in overall complication rates and length of hospital described a specific protocol for fast recovery after surgery in
stay (LOS) in patients undergoing colorectal surgery.3 1999. The term ERAS originated when a group of academic sur-
Since the first consensus ERAS guidelines for colorectal geons started the ERAS study group in London in 2001. The
surgery was published in 2005,4 ERAS guidelines have been program is a package of evidence-based modifications in preop-
published for other major procedures because the principles of erative, intraoperative, and postoperative elements of care to
the ERAS pathway apply to many patients undergoing major reduce surgical stress and postoperative catabolism.7 The num-
surgery. ber of these modified elements in associated guidelines varies,
In 2010, a nonprofit academic international, multidisciplinary but mostly around 20 elements are included (Figure 1).4,8 A
society was formed: the ERAS Society (www.erassociety.org). The meta-analysis shows that ERAS guidelines in colorectal surgery
aim is to improve perioperative care through research and edu-
cation and to enhance the implementation of best practices
worldwide. In several countries, national ERAS groups have From 1Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Department of Dietetics,
been formed and linked to the ERAS Society. The Society University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands.
works in cooperation with Centers of Excellence in Europe Financial disclosure: None declared.
and Canada and recently started the first ERAS Society
Implementation program in collaboration with the Connecticut Corresponding Author:
Elles Steenhagen, RD, Department of Dietetics, University Medical
Surgical Quality Collaborative (CtSQC) in the United States. Center Utrecht, Internal address G01.111, PO Box 85500, 3508 GA
The Society provides a wide range of expertise in the develop- Utrecht, the Netherlands.
ment of guidelines for a variety of surgical procedures. Email: E.Steenhagen@umcutrecht.nl

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2 Nutrition in Clinical Practice XX(X)

Figure 1.  The elements of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) multimodel pathway. Adapted with permission from
the ERAS Society (http://www.erassociety.org/index.php/eras-care-system/eras-protocol, accessed September 15, 2015). NSAIDs,
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

reduce recovery time and LOS by 2–3 days and complications response to injury induces a catabolic state and insulin resis-
by 30%–50%,9 but this study was limited by the risk of bias in tance.17 The more complex the surgical procedure, the more
most included studies. A recent single-center study shows that insulin resistant the patient becomes. Also, the surgical tech-
successful implementation of an ERAS protocol for patients nique has a significant influence. Laparoscopic techniques ren-
undergoing both open and laparoscopic colorectal surgery led to der minimal resistance, whereas open techniques result in up to
substantial reduction in LOS, complication rates, and costs while a 50% fall in sensitivity.18 Insulin resistance not only affects
improving patients’ satisfaction, indicating that small invest- glucose metabolism, but protein19 and fat20 metabolism are
ments in the perioperative environment can lead to major also affected by insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is associ-
improvements in outcome.10 The strongest evidence for the ated with increased morbidity, mortality, and length of hospital
implementation of ERAS is in the care of patients undergoing stay21 and is therefore an undesired side effect of surgical pro-
open colonic resection. Several guidelines, in a range of surgi- cedures. While surgically induced insulin resistance can be
cal procedures, are now developed to improve clinical out- treated with insulin therapy, preventative measures help mini-
comes for patients in many countries. To date, 5 ERAS Society mize its occurrence when implemented prior to and during sur-
guidelines are available: colonic surgery,2 pancreaticoduode- gery and therefore increase successful outcome. For instance,
nectomy,11 elective rectal/pelvic surgery,12 radical cystec- avoiding long periods of starvation and preoperative adminis-
tomy,13 and gastrectomy.14 Modified ERAS guidelines have tration of oral carbohydrate fluid have been established as a
been developed for many other specialties, including gynecology, means of minimizing postoperative insulin resistance.22–25
thoracic, vascular, pediatric, urologic, bariatric, and orthopedic The ERAS protocol reduces surgical stress and accelerates
surgery, and recently for esophagectomy15 as well as colorectal postoperative recovery without compromising patient safety.26
liver metastases.16
Preoperative Elements
Surgical Stress Preoperative components of an ERAS protocol involve preop-
An optimal nutrition state is an important precondition to pro- erative evaluation and optimization of the physical and mental
vide successful postoperative outcomes. Unfortunately, many condition of the patients, patients’ education and information,
aspects of surgery (the underlying disease, surgical procedures, and instructions to minimize preoperative fasting (see Figure 1);
arising complications, or a combination of these) can impair a well-informed, well-prepared, physically and mentally opti-
nutrition status. In addition, the metabolic and immune mized, and fed-state patient is the goal.

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Steenhagen 3

Screening for and Treatment of Malnutrition reduce postoperative morbidity in patients who drank 5 or
more drinks (60 g ethanol) a day without a history of alcohol-
Nutrition screening is an important part of the preoperative related illness.46
evaluation of surgical patients. The goal of this screening for
malnutrition is not to correct years of nutrition deficits but to
identify and optimize patients at nutrition risk for the stress of Bowel Preparation
surgery27 since malnutrition is associated with increased mor- Mechanical bowel preparations (MBPs) are preparations that
bidity after surgery.28–33 are taken by mouth to achieve clearance of the colonic contents
Recently, a randomized prospective trial assessed 1085 preoperatively for elective colorectal surgery. MBP has long
patients using a nutrition screening tool before abdominal sur- been considered necessary to prevent infectious complications,
gery. Patients at high nutrition risk before surgery were ran- mainly based on the belief that postoperative morbidity is
domly assigned to nutrition intervention vs no nutrition related to spillage of septic bowel content during surgery and
intervention. Preoperative nutrition support decreased major anastomotic leakage immediately after surgery, resulting in
morbidity by 50% in those identified at high nutrition risk.34 infections.47 However, MBP may cause dehydration, espe-
The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism cially in the elderly,48 and is an unpleasant and invasive experi-
(ESPEN) guidelines advocate preoperative nutrition support, ence for the patient. Meta-analyses focusing on colorectal
preferably enteral, for patients at severe nutrition risk for 7–14 surgery show no clinical benefit from routinely used MBP.49,50
days prior to major surgery even if it would mean that surgery However, when a diverting ileostomy is planned, MBP may be
has to be delayed.17 In patients with severe malnutrition and who necessary.12
cannot be fed adequately orally or enterally, 7–10 days of preop-
erative parenteral nutrition (PN) is recommended.35 However
there is no role for routine nutrition support in patients undergo- Fasting and Carbohydrate Treatment
ing major surgery.34,35 The American Society for Parenteral and The traditional dogma of “nil by mouth from midnight” is
Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) Nutrition Support Guideline aimed to reduce the risk of aspiration at the induction of
mandates in general screening for nutrition risk for hospitalized anesthesia. It is interesting to find that this rule has never had
patients, full nutrition assessment for at-risk patients, and nutri- any scientific backing but is the result of traditions and one
tion support intervention for patients identified by screening and statement in an anesthesia textbook that subsequently
assessment as at risk for malnutrition or malnourishment.36 It became the worldwide norm.51 A 2003 Cochrane review
seems sensible to identify malnourished patients as soon as pos- found fasting for 6 hours (solids) and 2 hours (clear fluids) to
sible in the perioperative period and to optimize them with oral be adequate to reduce that risk.52 Today, there is ample evi-
supplements or enteral tube feeding before surgery. dence that clear fluids are perfectly safe to take up to 2 hours
before elective surgery, and several guidelines have stated
Preadmission Counseling this since the mid-1990s.53–55 In addition, the overnight and
morning fasting is very discomforting for patients,56 and this
As part of the ERAS pathway, structured preoperative verbal degree of fasting has been associated with greater catabolism
and written education is provided to the patient by medical and and prolonged recovery time. A fasted state places the body
nursing staff and reinforced at all subsequent contacts to make under great metabolic stress and reduces its ability to cope
the patient aware of expectations. Personalized counseling, with complications.17,56
which may reduce patients’ anxiety and fear and improve post- Furthermore, it is now increasingly recognized that fasting
operative recovery,37–41 is an independent predictor of ERAS for this length of time depletes glycogen storage before the
success.7,42 A clear explanation of what will happen during start of surgery. This depletion creates a situation whereby
patients’ hospital stay, explaining the patients’ own role in their lean body mass is sacrificed during the actual operation to
recovery, and giving them specific tasks to perform postopera- meet energy demands. To attenuate the loss of skeletal muscle,
tively facilitate adherence to the care pathway and allow timely carbohydrate supplements are given before surgery.24 In a
recovery.7,41–45 For example, patients destined for a diverting or double-blind, randomized controlled trial (RCT) that investi-
permanent stoma are likely to benefit from a preadmission visit gated insulin sensitivity and β-cell function before and after
with an enterostomal therapy nurse who can explain the proce- elective hip replacement surgery,57 patients randomized to
dure and elaborate on what to expect postoperatively. This can carbohydrate oral fluid or water prior to surgery showed the
reduce postoperative LOS.42 same decrease in insulin sensitivity after surgery. The carbo-
hydrates increased the β-cell function, resulting in a smaller
reduction in surgery-induced insulin resistance compared with
Alcohol Consumption
water.57 The precise mechanism by which preoperative carbo-
Overall postoperative morbidity is increased in alcohol abus- hydrates attenuates postoperative insulin resistance is not yet
ers, while 1 month of preoperative abstinence has shown to fully understood.58

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4 Nutrition in Clinical Practice XX(X)

A recent Cochrane review of 27 trials involving 1976 par- stimulation of bowel movement and chewing gum, early postop-
ticipants shows that preoperative carbohydrate treatment was erative diet, and early mobilization (see Figure 1).
associated with a small reduction in LOS compared with pla-
cebo or fasting in adult patients undergoing elective surgery.
Aspiration pneumonitis was not reported in any patients,
Postoperative Control of Glucose
regardless of treatment group allocation. It was found that pre- Morbidity and mortality after major gastrointestinal (GI) sur-
operative carbohydrate treatment, despite the reduction in gery are associated with insulin resistance62 and hyperglyce-
postoperative insulin resistance, did not increase or decrease mia.63 The association between hyperglycemia and adverse
postoperative complication rates compared with placebo or outcomes follows a J-shaped curve, with the lowest risk associ-
fasting. However, the included studies were of low to moderate ated with blood glucoses within the reference intervals for fast-
quality.59 Multiple RCTs demonstrate improved postoperative ing (80–110 mg/dL).64 Glycemic control among critically ill
metabolic response after preoperative carbohydrate treatment, patients has been an area of active research and considerable
including reduced insulin resistance, protein sparing, improved controversy in the past 15 years. Close monitoring of blood
muscle function, and preserved immune response.58 Cohort glucose (BG) levels and treatment of hyperglycemia in the
studies in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery have critically ill patient became a standard of care after the 2001
shown that the use of preoperative carbohydrate drinks as part publication of the first Leuven study.65 This single-center RCT
of an ERAS protocol is a significant predictor for improved involving 1548 mechanically ventilated surgical intensive care
clinical outcomes.58 unit (ICU) patients demonstrated significant improvement in
Both laparoscopic and minor surgeries are associated with mortality and morbidity of patients treated with intensive insu-
minimal development of insulin resistance and low complica- lin therapy (IIT) to achieve euglycemia, BG 80–110 mg/dL.65
tion rates, and an intervention such as preoperative carbohy- Subsequent interventional trials of IIT failed to reproduce
drate treatment would not be expected to improve clinical these findings.66–69 Since publication of the Normoglycemia in
outcomes in this group of patients. Any beneficial effects of Intensive Care Evaluation–Survival Using Glucose Algorithm
preoperative carbohydrate treatment in these patient groups Regulation (NICE-SUGAR) trial in 2009,70 demonstrating
would primarily be related to improved preoperative well- increased 90-day mortality in a large cohort of 6104 critically
being.21 There are presently limited data on the effects of pre- ill patients treated with the intensive (81–108 mg/dL) rather
operative carbohydrate treatment in patients who are obese, are than the moderate (140–180 mg/dL) BG target, enthusiasm has
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) grade ≥III, have further dampened for “tight glucose control” in ICUs. A large
diabetes, or are undergoing emergency surgery.21 part of the controversy between studies had been attributed to
The amount of carbohydrate required to induce a positive methodological differences used in these studies.71
effect should be sufficient to shift the body from a fasted to a Although it is clear that in critically ill patients, hyperglyce-
metabolically fed state. This was first achieved using preopera- mia and insulin resistance have a negative impact on outcome
tive infusion of a 20% glucose solution at a rate of about 5 mg/ in surgery, euglycemia also has a negative impact on these
kg/min to achieve sufficient insulin release.60 Lower concen- patients, and a BG level between 150–180 mg/dL seems a rea-
trations, such as the commonly used 5% solutions, will not sonable compromise.72–74 But many basic questions on the gly-
cause any significant insulin response. A more physiological cemic management of critically ill patients still remain, and
and simple mode of administering preoperative carbohydrates this subject needs further research.
is using a carbohydrate beverage. Oral ingestion of 50 g carbo- Several interventions of the ERAS pathway affect insulin
hydrate has been shown to produce a release of insulin similar action and resistance, thereby improving glycemic control with
to that seen after ingestion of a mixed meal,22 and therefore no risk of causing hypoglycemia,58,75 such as avoiding fasting,
current recommendations have been based around this value. using an epidural, controlling pain, and mobilizing after
ERAS guidelines recommend 400 mL of a 12.5% carbohy- surgery.
drate-containing clear drink with a proven safety profile up
until 2 hours before anesthesia.61 Guidelines from ESPEN
include a carbohydrate-containing drink as an accepted form of
Fluid Balance/Restricted Fluid Regimen
metabolic preparation.17 Surgical stress results in water and salt overload,76 while vol-
ume imbalance worsens the surgical outcome. Preoperative
oral carbohydrate and fluid loading and restrictive intraopera-
Postoperative Elements
tive and postoperative intravenous fluids are associated with a
Successful implementation of the preoperative and intraopera- reduced postoperative risk and are important predictors for
tive elements of an ERAS pathway enables patients to mobilize outcome.21,77,78 Consequently, fluid therapy should aim to
and to eat on the day of major abdominal surgery. Postoperative maintain euvolemia and homeostasis,79,80 and fluid overload
elements address postoperative control of glucose, fluid balance, should be avoided in patients who have undergone major
postoperative nausea and vomiting, gastric decompression, surgery.81,82

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Steenhagen 5

Postoperative records of fluid intake are often inadequate or patients (87%) never required a postoperative NGT and only
inaccurate83,84 because of staff shortages, a lack of training, or 8% required therapeutic decompression, routine nasogastric
lack of time.84 Therefore, a fluid chart alone is not sufficiently decompression should be eliminated in elective colorectal sur-
accurate in the estimation of the fluid balance. Clinical judg- gery.96 Selective use of the NGT is the current recommenda-
ment as well as body weight must be taken into account to tion. More research for the need of routine nasogastric
ensure the best possible fluid therapy for the patient.83,85–87 The decompression in cases of upper GI surgery, emergent surgery,
aim should always be to give the right amount of the right fluid combined surgery, and for patients with a history of intestinal
at the right moment to correct an intravascular deficit, replace resection, intestinal failure, perforation, or occurrence of
ongoing losses, or for maintenance need.88,89 abscesses is necessary.

Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Stimulation of Bowel Movement and

Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is not only com-
Chewing Gum
mon (25%–35% of all surgical patients) but is one of the most Postoperative ileus (POI) poses a major problem following
distracting side effects after surgery and anesthesia.90 PONV is elective abdominal surgery.101 There is a general consensus
a major cause of delay in recommencement of oral food intake among surgeons that some degree of POI is a normal, inevita-
and can be more stressful than pain.12 The exact pathophysiol- ble, and physiological response to abdominal surgery.84,102,103
ogy for PONV is not well understood.90 Risk factors include POI is defined as a transient cessation of coordinated bowel
age (<50 years of age), being female and a nonsmoker, history motility after surgical intervention, which prevents effective
of motion sickness or PONV, and postoperative administration transit of intestinal contents or tolerance of oral intake.104 A
of opioids.91 Without any clear evidence from RCTs, it seems primary POI occurs in the absence of any precipitating cause,
reasonable to include in any ERAS protocol an effective per- and a secondary POI occurs in the presence of a complication
sonalized multimodal antiemetic regime to eliminate or reduce (eg, sepsis, anastomic leak).104 A POI is considered prolonged
the incidence of PONV.92 There are recent revised guidelines if it lasts >5 days for open surgery and >3 days for laparoscopic
for risk assessment, risk-based multimodal PONV prophy- surgery.104 It occurs in up to 25% of patients and is associated
laxis, and the handling of patients experiencing PONV after with higher risk of developing postoperative complications,
discharge both for those having received and for those who hospital costs, and 30-day readmission rates.84,101
have not received preventive therapy.91,93 Accumulated secretions in the GI tract can manifest as vom-
iting, which can lead to pulmonary aspiration. Ineffective peri-
stalsis causes impaired fluid, electrolyte, and nutrient absorption
Nasogastric Decompression and therefore fluid and electrolyte imbalance and nutrition defi-
A Cochrane meta-analysis of 33 trials with >5000 patients ciencies. Compared with those with POI, patients who develop
evaluated nasogastric decompression after abdominal sur- a prolonged POI are at higher risk of deep vein thrombosis,
gery.94 Routine nasogastric decompression should be avoided have more pain and discomfort, have decreased mobility, and
after abdominal surgery, because patients without a nasogastric are dissatisfied with the surgical outcome.105–107 The etiology
tube (NGT) vs those with an NGT have significantly fewer and pathogenesis of POI remain unclear, although a subset of
pulmonary complications, earlier time to passage of flatus, ear- etiological risk factors has been described (see Table 1).84,108
lier times to oral diet, and shorter LOS.94 It is recommended No high-level evidence supports a precise prokinetic drug.
that an NGT placed during surgery should be removed before Oral administration of laxatives such as magnesium sulfate or
the reversal of anesthesia. On the other hand, patients who do bisacodyl may promote early bowel function after colonic
not undergo nasogastric decompression after colorectal resec- resections.109,110 Use of epidurals and avoiding postoperative
tion have an increased incidence of abdominal discomfort.95–100 fluid overload are associated with an enhanced return of peri-
Nausea and abdominal distension are reported in 27%–35% of stalsis after abdominal surgery.111,112
the patients treated without an NGT following colorectal sur- Early feeding after surgery has been associated with early
gery, while 19%–27% report vomiting.95,97 Therapeutic intuba- recovery of bowel function.113–115 The literature, however,
tion rates to relieve abdominal discomfort are reported to be as reports the reluctance of many practitioners to institute this
high as 13%96,97,99 but are not significantly different from rein- method due to fears of safety and complications.116 Furthermore,
tubation rates in patients treated with a prophylactic NGT in up to 20% of the patients do not tolerate early feeding.117 Because
most RCTs.95–97,100 Only 1 RCT evaluating outcome in colorec- of these concerns, methods of sham feeding have been investi-
tal surgery reports a significant difference of a 13% intubation gated to see whether they confer the same advantages of early
rate in patients without an NGT compared with a 5% reintuba- recovery of bowel function while minimizing harm. Chewing
tion rate for those with an NGT.96 The authors where unable to gum has recently been used as a form of sham feeding that rep-
determine predictive factors contributing to the need for thera- licates the process of eating without ingestion of food after
peutic nasogastric intubation and conclude that because most abdominal surgery.118,119 Thus, it may stimulate GI function

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6 Nutrition in Clinical Practice XX(X)

Table 1.  Risk Factors for Postoperative Ileus.

Risk Factors Possible Mechanism

Increasing age Reduced overall capacity for the body to recover from surgical
Male sex Increased inflammatory response to surgery
Increased pain threshold in males, resulting in higher catecholamine
Low preoperative serum albumin Increased edema and stretch of gut
Acute and chronic opioid use µ-Opioid receptor stimulation ameliorates peristalsis
Previous abdominal surgery Increased need for adhesiolysis, increased bowel handling
Preexisting airways/peripheral vascular disease Reduced physiological reserve
Long duration of surgery Increased bowel handling and opiate use
Emergency surgery Increased inflammatory and catecholamine response; secondary
causes of postoperative ileus
Blood loss and need for transfusion Increased crystalloid administration resulting in edema
Procedures requiring stomas Edema in abdominal wall muscle and cut bowel

Adapted with permission from Bragg D, El-Sharkawy AM, Psaltis E, Maxwell-Armstrong CA, Lobo DN. Postoperative ileus: recent developments in
pathophysiology and management. Clin Nutr. 2015;34(3):367-376.

without producing the complications associated with early feed- increased bowel dysfunction, infection, and sepsis126,127 and
ing (eg, nausea, vomiting).102 Chewing gum has been shown decreased tolerance of enteral nutrition (EN).128
effective in restoring gut activity after colorectal surgery.118,120 Early oral feeding within 24 hours after colorectal resection
This was, however, not confirmed in recent RCTs121,122 and a is safely tolerated by 80%–90% of patients.129–132 When the
recent meta-analysis.103 Chewing gum is safe and well tolerated ERAS protocols are followed in colorectal surgery, oral intake
but offers a small benefit in reducing time to flatus and time to as soon as 4 hours after surgery is safe and improves out-
passage of bowel motion following surgery. This benefit is of come.123,133–135 RCTs of early enteral or oral feeding vs nil by
limited clinical significance, especially because early feeding in mouth show that early feeding reduces the risk of infection and
the postoperative period is now common in ERAS guidelines.103 LOS and is not associated with an increased risk of anasto-
These early feeding regimes have made the role of sham feeding motic dehiscence.133,136,137 In an updated Cochrane review of
less clear in the postoperative phase. 14 RCTs (1224 patients) evaluating early EN within 24 hours
Patients who develop an ileus or have postoperative nausea after colorectal surgery, early feeding is associated with
and cannot tolerate early feeding after abdominal surgery seem decreased LOS and decreased several postoperative complica-
most likely to be those who would benefit.103 It should be tions, but results do not reach statistical significance due to
strongly considered in these patients, because chewing gum is study heterogeneity.138
a simple, easy, and cheap intervention. But further research Patients receiving early EN have a significantly increased
investigating the use of chewing gum to reduce POI in adults risk of vomiting (P = .04), with an absolute risk ranging from
following abdominal surgery is necessary since only one study 21%–50% compared with 14%–57% in the control
was performed in an ERAS environment and studies have used groups,137,138 but rate of therapeutic intubation and time to
varying definitions of POI. In general, the research to date recovery of bowel functions remain the same in both
largely consists of small, poor-quality trials.102,103,121 groups.132,139,140 The increased risk of vomiting does not con-
fer a significant risk of postoperative pneumonia to early-fed
Early Postoperative Diet and Artificial patients, with absolute risk ranging from none to 6.3% in
the treatment group and none to 7.1% in the control group
Nutrition (P = .81).138 Without the use of multimodal interventions,
Ingestion of normal food and nutrition supplements from the such as pharmacotherapy to prevent nausea, vomiting,141 and
day of surgery until oral intake is achieved is considered essen- postoperative ileus,142 abdominal bloating in early feeding
tial in an ERAS guideline to maintain body homeostasis.123 results in impaired respiratory function and decreased mobil-
After surgery, nutrition goals include providing sufficient sup- ity.143 It may be assumed that total nutrient intake is low for
port for wound healing and to avoid excessive loss of lean the first few days after surgery and that some patients will
body mass.124 Prolonged periods of fasting are associated with need additional oral supplements, preferably high-protein
breakdown of the GI tract barrier function, atrophy of the and/or energy oral liquid supplements. Enteral tube feeding is
endothelial microvilli, and decrease on the mass of gut-associ- indicated when oral nutrient intake is not possible or adequate,
ated lymphoid tissue.125 These changes are associated with but there is no consensus about the timing. The ESPEN

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Steenhagen 7

guidelines recommend the application of tube feeding in an established guideline is proven to be in linear relationship
patients in whom early oral nutrition cannot be initiated, with with improved outcome.31 Multidisciplinary involvement
special regard to those undergoing major head and neck or GI makes several aspects of the program vulnerable to failure and
surgery for cancer, with severe trauma, with obvious malnutri- may explain the reported differences in the rates of adherence
tion at the time of surgery, and in whom oral intake will be to the various components of ERAS.155–157 A prospective
inadequate (<60%) for >10 days.17 Combination with PN observational study of more than 2000 colorectal cancer resec-
should be considered in patients in whom there is an indica- tions shows that the use of laparoscopic surgery and improved
tion for nutrition support and in whom energy needs cannot be compliance with the ERAS program both independently
met (<60% of caloric requirement) via the enteral route.17 reduce complications and LOS.77
The current A.S.P.E.N. guidelines recommend the use of ERAS programs are often considered fixed entities with a
nutrition support in patients who cannot meet their nutrient defined protocol. In reality, these programs are fluid, develop-
requirements by oral intake. When nutrition support is indi- ing to meet the local and national needs, and maturing as
cated, parenteral should be used when the GI tract is not func- healthcare professional and patient awareness increases.16 The
tional or cannot be accessed and in patients who cannot be successful implementation of a local ERAS guideline requires
adequately nourished by oral diet or EN. Nutrition support support and collaboration from all team members involved in
should be initiated in patients with inadequate oral intake for patient care, including surgeons, anesthetists, intensive care
7–14 days or in those patients in whom inadequate oral intake specialists, nurses, dietitians, and physical therapists.56,158
is expected over a 7- to 14-day period.144 Before implementation of an ERAS guideline, it is essential to
Nutrition support in the acutely ill is a complex subject. understand current practices and identify perceived barriers
For decades, the optimal dose and timing of nutrition support and enablers.27,38,158 A Canadian survey found that general sur-
for critically ill patient have been heavily debated, and pre- gery residents cited setting expectations, encouragement of
senting all the data is beyond the scope of this review. Large, early ambulation and feeding, and good pain control as enablers
high-quality RCTs supporting an outcome benefit with early to early discharge. However, patient and family expectations,
EN vs delayed nutrition during the acute phase of critical ill- surgeon preferences, and beliefs of the healthcare team were
ness have not been performed.145 Although postpyloric feed- mentioned as barriers to early discharge.158
ing may allow increased amounts of EN to be given early, Staff education programs prior to implementation of ERAS
findings from RCTs are inconclusive regarding the effect on programs should be initiated. This facilitates the initiation of
clinical outcome.146,147 European guidelines suggest the early change and should aid in the transition of practice.38 The ERAS
initiation (within 48 hours after admission to the ICU) of PN team forms the cornerstone of the ERAS implementation pro-
so that the accumulating nutrition deficit is prevented as soon cess but also for the maintenance, sustainability, and further
as possible, whereas American and Canadian guidelines sug- development over time.56 Regular reeducation of staff is
gest withholding PN for 7 days in patients without preexisting important to maintain and improve clinical expertise.
malnutrition.148,149 The findings of 2 large RCTs150,151 raise Because of the relatively high number of interventions that
concern that full replacement feeding early in critical illness must be adopted simultaneously by all members of the periop-
does not provide benefit in acute or long-term functional out- erative team and across hospital services, ERAS guidelines
come. In light of the new evidence, it seems reasonable to require a tailored implementation strategy to increase adher-
allow hypocaloric intake for up to 7 days of critical illness. ence.159,160 In the Netherlands, we had the opportunity to work
Whether patients with preexisting malnutrition should be with an expert team and the Dutch Institute for Healthcare
treated differently is not yet clear.150 Improvement, a national organization specialized in change
management in healthcare, on an implementation program.
The practice of surgery and anesthesia is continuously
Early Mobilization evolving. This creates the need for regular updates of knowl-
Postoperative exercise should be initiated as soon as possible edge and for continuous training of those involved in the treat-
after surgery according to fast-track or ERAS surgery princi- ment of surgical patients.
ples.152 Bed rest is associated not only with an increased risk of Improvement of the compliance with ERAS guidelines in
thromboembolism but also with several unwanted effects such surgical clinics and updating of ERAS items, taking into
as insulin resistance, muscle loss, loss of muscle strength, pul- account recent findings in translational research, may improve
monary depression, and reduced tissue oxygenation.153,154 the outcomes of ERAS but remain a long-term challenge in
surgery for the next years.38,161
Remaining Challenges
The success of ERAS depends highly on multidisciplinary
teamwork and patient compliance. Just having a guideline is Regular audit is important to determine clinical outcome and
not enough to implement an ERAS program.38,155 Adherence to achieving the implementation and maintained use of a care

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8 Nutrition in Clinical Practice XX(X)

guideline.78 There are indications that systematic audit and Acknowledgments

feedback are essential to improve clinical results,162 and sev- The author thanks Sytske Runia, Wineke Remijnse, Linda van
eral graphical methods are now available to monitor surgical Gaalen, Saskia Kateman, Arjen Salemink, and Caroline Swain for
treatment outcomes. All improvements in the ERAS program critically reading this manuscript.
and ERAS Society guidelines have arisen from database
review and compliance auditing (ERAS Society). Statement of Authorship
E. Steenhagen contributed to the conception and design of the
Future Research work; contributed to the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation
of the data; drafted the manuscript; critically revised the manu-
Nutrition is an important component of ERAS, and nutrition script; agrees to be fully accountable for ensuring the integrity
status is an independent predictor of clinical outcome.163 In and accuracy of the work; and read and approved the final
new patient groups entering the ERAS program, nutrition rec- manuscript.
ommendations should be properly integrated into the guideline
to achieve optimal perioperative care and to reduce operative References
risk, especially in malnourished patients. If an oral diet is not
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mal function)164 has received little attention in research and 8. Gustafsson UO, Scott MJ, Schwenk W, et al. Guidelines for periopera-
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13. Cerantola Y, Valerio M, Persson B, et al. Guidelines for perioperative care after
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gency setting,167,168 and RCTs on ERAS pathways in the setting (ERAS®) Society recommendations. Clin Nutr. 2013;32(6):879-887.
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RCTs are required. enhanced recovery after gastrectomy: Enhanced Recovery After
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The challenge will be to design and conduct (multicenter)
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intervention.169 Compliance to and experience with ERAS ele- Enhanced recovery for esophagectomy: a systematic review and evi-
ments by staff and patients also require further investigation. dence-based guidelines. Ann Surg. 2014;259(3):413-431.

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