Book Review Approaches To Human Geography Philosop
Book Review Approaches To Human Geography Philosop
Book Review Approaches To Human Geography Philosop
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Breffni Lennon
University College Cork
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Approaches to human geography: Philoso- 2009), Key methods in geography (Clifford et al.
phies, theories, people and practices (Second 2010), and Key thinkers on space and place (Hubbard
Edition) and Kitchin 2011), which are all in their second
editions. The fifth in the series, Key texts in human
edited by Stuart C. Aitken and Gill Valentine, SAGE geography (Hubbard et al. 2008) is now the last title
Publications, Los Angeles, London, 2015, 456 pp., not to receive a substantial overhaul.
cloth $156.95 (ISBN 978-1446276013) The book maintains its original format with
contributing essays coming from many key thinkers
DOI: 10.1111/cag.12242 in the discipline, as well as a number of early career
researchers. The collection of essays is divided into
A conundrum facing many new students of human three sections: Philosophies, People, and Practices.
geography is how best to reconcile themselves to a Eight new chapters have been included through a
subject that can be as complex as it is wide-ranging combination of replacing four essays from the
in both its scope and application. So much so that original collection and expanding out the overall
Alastair Bonnett titled his excellent 2008 book with number of contributions from 29 to 33. In the first
a fundamental question: “What is geography?” Such section, which also sees the most significant
philosophical questions can generate unprece- revisions, each contributor shows how various
dented levels of unease amongst undergraduate philosophies haven been integral to her or his
students who seem to increasingly favour more academic work and the research questions that
easily digestible, and rather limited, ways of have arisen from those enquiries. By way of short
knowing and of doing that do little to reflect the examples the authors also illustrate how those same
real-world messiness of the subjects with which ways of knowing are vital to informing the choices
they are supposed to be engaging. It can be argued that need to be made when starting a new research
that this approach is largely informed by the notion project. The second section, People, takes on a more
held by many undergraduates that philosophy and autobiographical approach from the contributors.
theory are often too abstract or impenetrable and In each chapter they demonstrate how their own
are best avoided as much as possible in favour of the understandings of ontology and epistemology were
more practice-oriented aspects of the discipline. in many ways shaped by the people they knew and
Such attitudes have led this reviewer to despair at the experiences that were intimately linked to
times at the paucity of critical thinking in much of specific times and places in their lives. These
the writing submitted at undergraduate level. This is writings highlight to the reader how the often
especially true of, but by no means confined to, messy, contradictory processes involved in aca-
those in the first and second years of their degree. demic enquiry can have profound impacts on an
Indeed, it is this failure by many undergraduates to individual’s understanding of how the world works.
realize the “important and strategic links between The final section of this book, Practices, demon-
philosophies, theories, methodologies and practi- strates how theory and practice are intrinsically
ces” (p. 1) that contribute most to the poor writing linked. One cannot possibly hope to use a method-
standards of some university students. As a conse- ology effectively, and justify one’s research, without
quence, over the past 20 years or so there have been first understanding the philosophical and theoreti-
a slew of academic publications designed to meet cal discourses that ultimately contextualize the
this challenge. Approaches to human geography is field of research one is engaged in. As Aitken and
one such reader. First published in 2006, it is the Valentine quote Elspeth Graham (1997) in their
latest in the SAGE Publications series of “guides” to introductory chapter “philosophy is to research as
the discipline of Geography to be fully revised and grammar is to language” (p. 4).
updated as a 2nd edition. Others in the series While considerable changes have been made to
include Key concepts in geography (Clifford et al. this new edition the overall tone of the book remains
similar to its original. This is to be welcomed. What is geography? before moving on to this
However, I am not sure why some of the more useful challenging, though equally rewarding collection
study aides to new students are absent here, of essays. Having said that, Approaches to human
especially the Editors’ Passnotes at the end of the geography deserves to remain one of the key texts
first section in the first edition. This short, pithy for human geographers at undergraduate level and
overview of the key theoretical traditions found in beyond.
human geography was of great help to tutors when
trying to convey to new students some of the more
complex ideas discussed in the book. Also missing References
from the first edition is the Exercises section, which
Bonnett, A. 2008. What is geography? London: SAGE Publications.
also had merit. I am unsure as to why both these Clifford, N., S. French, and G. Valentine. 2010. Key Methods in
sections were not retained. In terms of the new Geography. 2nd ed. London: SAGE Publications.
essays included in this edition, they were all Clifford, N., S. Holloway, S. P. Rice, and G. Valentine. 2009. Key
challenging and thought-provoking and I particu- concepts in geography. 2nd ed. London: SAGE Publications.
Hubbard, P., R. Kitchin, and G. Valentine. 2008. Key texts in
larly enjoyed David Lulka’s essay “Human Animal.”
human geography. London: SAGE Publications.
Whether a new student would gain the same Hubbard, P., and R. Kitchin. 2011. Key thinkers on space and place.
enjoyment or benefits remains to be seen. For 2nd ed. London: SAGE Publications.
beginning students who come to the discipline
with rather limited geographical knowledge or
training in ontology and epistemology, I would Breffnı Lennon
suggest they first read Alastair Bonnett’s (2008) University College Cork