Lipo Papada Paper
Lipo Papada Paper
Lipo Papada Paper
BACKGROUND Excess submental fat (SMF), also called as a double chin, is an area of concern for men that
can be addressed clinically. ATX-101 (deoxycholic acid injection; Kybella in the United States and Belkyra in
Canada, Australia, and various European countries) is the first injectable approved for reduction of SMF.
OBJECTIVE To share the authors’ clinical experience using ATX-101 in men with submental fullness and offer
insights regarding how this treatment may be presented to men as an option to improve their submental
METHODS Retrospective review of the authors’ medical records for male patients treated with ATX-101.
RESULTS To allow for fewer ATX-101 treatments, it is recommended that a large surface area be treated at
the first session. The positive changes and outcomes achieved with ATX-101 build confidence between the
physician and patient, which often leads to male patients seeking other aesthetic treatments to improve their
overall appearance.
CONCLUSION ATX-101 treatment is often an effective introduction to aesthetic medicine for men.
S.M. Shridharani receives writing assistance, medicines, equipment, or administrative support from Allergan.
K.L. Behr receives writing assistance funded by Allergan; is an advisory board member for Allergan; receives
payment for lectures including service on speaker’s bureaus from Allergan; and owns stock in Allergan; and
has received payment for development of educational presentations from Allergan.
*Private Practice (LUXURGERY), New York, New York; †Private Practice (Behr Laser and Skin Care Center), Fresno,
© 2017 by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
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ISSN: 1076-0512 Dermatol Surg 2017;0:1–6 DOI: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000001306
© 2017 by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
contour. However, ATX-101 (deoxycholic acid would talk to their physician within the next 2 years
injection; Kybella in the United States and Belkyra in about their SMF.2 Regardless of diet and exercise,
Canada, Australia, and various European countries; SMF can be persistent and men who are concerned
Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, Inc., Parsippany, NJ, about submental fullness often note a lack of chin and/
an affiliate of Allergan) is the first injectable or jawline definition, discomfort with collared shirts,
approved for improvement of moderate-to-severe and displeasure with their appearance in photographs.
convexity or fullness associated with SMF in These reasons are often cited as the driving force for
adults.12,13 ATX-101 is a clear, colorless, sterile men seeking treatment to improve their submental
liquid supplied in 2-mL single-use vials.12,13 When contour.
injected subcutaneously into fat, the active ingredi-
ent of ATX-101 (deoxycholic acid) disrupts the cell
ATX-101 Treatment in Men
membrane of adipocytes inducing cell lysis and
stimulating recruitment of inflammatory cells to Before initiation of ATX-101 treatment, photographs
clear cellular debris and liberated lipids from the should be obtained to document baseline SMF (Figure
injection site.14–19 In randomized, placebo- 1). The preplatysmal SMF should then be palpated to
controlled phase 3 trials conducted in the United determine the optimal treatment area. The treatment
States, Canada, and Europe, ATX-101 treatment area is often midline but can extend laterally as far as
was shown to safely and effectively reduce SMF, the sternocleidomastoid muscle.22 It is essential to treat
increase satisfaction with the appearance of the laterally in the on-label region to ensure patients do
face/chin, and reduce the psychological impact of not have central neck improvement only. As ATX-101
SMF.5–8 A subanalysis of data from 2 phase 3 trials is a surface area-based treatment, the surface area
conducted in the United States and Canada dem- dictates the volume of medication while the amount of
onstrated that 77% of ATX-101–treated men (n = SMF determines the number of treatments. To allow
80)20 achieved a clinically meaningful reduction in for fewer treatments, it is recommended that a large
SMF.21 In addition, 79% of men treated with ATX- surface area be treated at the first session. The treat-
101 were satisfied with the appearance of their face/ ment area is outlined and a 1-cm injection grid is
chin after treatment.20 The objective of this article is placed within the outline to guide the injections
to share the authors’ clinical experience using ATX- allowing for equal distribution of the medication.
101 in men with submental fullness and offer ATX-101 is drawn into a 1-mL syringe with a 30-
insights regarding how this treatment may be pre- gauge (or smaller) 0.5-inch needle. The needle is
sented to men as an option to improve their sub- inserted perpendicular to the skin at a depth of 0.25 to
mental profile. 0.50 inches next to each marking on the grid and 0.2
mL of medication is injected. Three to 4 vials (6–8 mL)
of ATX-101 are recommended at the first treatment, as
The Male Patient
this tends to provide early results, encouraging men to
Men may be unaware of procedures available to complete the full treatment course. Using a small
address their aesthetic concerns. Furthermore, men starting dose (1 vial [2 mL]) is discouraged, as this is
may be uncomfortable proactively seeking a consul- likely to be subtherapeutic. Subsequent treatments
tation from a physician. Despite these barriers, the typically require less volume of ATX-101, provided
male market for aesthetic procedures is growing, likely the physician uses requisite amount of drug at the first
owing to several factors: greater understanding of treatment. As the SMF pad mass is reduced in size over
male facial anatomy, an increase in media awareness time, less medication would be needed at each sub-
of male aesthetics, social acceptability, and referrals by sequent treatment.
satisfied patients.
To maximize patient retention, address patient con-
According to the survey conducted in 2015, among cerns, and monitor for adverse events (AEs), it is rec-
injectable-naive, aesthetically oriented men, 28% ommended that patients return to the office 1 week
© 2017 by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 1. Representative photographs of men treated with ATX-101 for reduction of submental fat (SMF). (A) 36-year-old
male who received 3 ATX-101 treatments (total ATX-101 volume: 24.0 mL; interval between treatment 1 and 3: 294 days).
Patient achieved a 2-grade improvement in SMF based on physician assessment via the validated 5-point Clinician-
Reported SMF Rating Scale (CR-SMFRS). (B) 65-year-old man who received 4 ATX-101 treatments (total ATX-101 volume:
12.6 mL; interval between treatment 1 and 4: 299 days). Patient achieved a 1-grade improvement in SMF based on the CR-
SMFRS. BMI, body mass index.
after ATX-101 treatment. Monthly follow-up is then ATX-101 has a favorable safety profile. Adverse
recommended to monitor progress and continue events associated with ATX-101 treatment include
treatment. It is also critical to take photographs during injection-site tenderness, swelling, bruising, and
and after ATX-101 treatment to document progress numbness (Table 1). Swelling is anticipated and
(Figure 1). Most men are satisfied after an average of 2 patients should adjust their schedules accordingly. The
to 3 treatments (Table 1). The positive changes and most significant swelling occurs in the first 3 to 8 days
outcomes achieved with ATX-101 build confidence after ATX-101 treatment and is often reduced after
between the physician and patient, which often leads subsequent treatments. To help manage swelling, it is
to male patients seeking other aesthetic treatments to recommended to have patients aggressively ice the
improve their overall appearance (Table 2). treated area, keep their head elevated, avoid exercise,
and minimize salt and alcohol intake. In addition,
patients should be encouraged to embrace swelling5–8
Adverse Events and Comfort Measures
as the body’s natural response to the adipocyte lysis
Several basic measures can be used to help decrease the caused by ATX-101.18
usually short-lived discomfort associated with ATX-
101 treatment. Generally, patients take acetamino- Temporary injection-site alopecia was observed in up
phen 1 hour before the procedure. Ice, alone or in to 7% of the male patients. It is hypothesized that the
combination with injectable lidocaine (with epineph- reason for temporary localized injection-site alopecia
rine), is administered 5 to 10 minutes before treatment. may be shock alopecia secondary to superficial injec-
Lidocaine or steroids should not be combined with tion or direct damage to the hair bulb.24 Alopecia
ATX-101 as there are no studies evaluating the effect resolves spontaneously and relatively quickly after
of such additives on the safety and efficacy of ATX- completion of ATX-101 treatment (Figure 2). Patients
101. Furthermore, there is concern that local or sys- should be informed before ATX-101 treatment that
temic steroids may inhibit skin retraction as steroids they may observe this phenomenon. To date, tempo-
are known to impede collagen formation.23 Immedi- rary alopecia has not deterred patients from com-
ately after treatment, patients ice the submental area at pleting their ATX-101 treatment course. Marginal
the office for 5 to 7 minutes. mandibular nerve paresis was observed in 4 patients
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© 2017 by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1. Treatment Characteristics Among Men Who Have Undergone ATX-101 Treatment
Practice Type
*Clinically meaningful improvement is defined as a $1-grade improvement in SMF from baseline based on assessment via the validated
5-point Clinician-Reported SMF Rating Scale (absent, mild, moderate, severe, or extreme SMF).21
BMI, body mass index; SMF, submental fat.
out of approximately 500 ATX-101 treatments; all ment despite significant reduction of SMF.5–8 In the
events resolved within 15 to 30 days. A potential authors’ patients, no increase in skin laxity has been
mechanism of nerve paresis is damage to the myelin noted after ATX-101 treatment; rather, improved
sheath surrounding the nerve leading to temporary submental contour is usually apparent after treatment
demyelination and a period of nerve inflammation. It completion. Data suggest that neocollagenesis occurs
is not believed that damage is secondary to a direct subsequent to ATX-101 treatment,18 which may
intra-neural injury. In clinical trials, skin laxity was contribute to these skin laxity effects. No patients
often unchanged or improved after ATX-101 treat- discontinued ATX-101 treatment because of AEs.
Practice Type
© 2017 by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 2. Representative example of injection-site alopecia observed after ATX-101 treatment. (A) 36-year-old man expe-
riencing injection-site alopecia (black arrows) at 18 weeks after his second ATX-101 treatment. (B) Patient at 25 weeks after
his third (and last) ATX-101 treatment, at which time the alopecia had resolved.
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analysis from the REFINE trials. Presented at American Society for NY 10021, or e-mail:
© 2017 by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.