Kardex, Drug Study and Check
Kardex, Drug Study and Check
Kardex, Drug Study and Check
Name: Anjoe Hernandez CC: Headache, fever and body weakness Attending Physician: Dr.
John Rey Raqueno Date Admission: February 21, 2021
Address: Mindoro, Vigan City Ilocos Sur Female/ 37 years old Room: 69/ 09454089653
Category: ID
Medications: Treatment
Mefenamic Acid 500 mg 1 table P.O bid DAT
with aspiration precaution
Paracetamol 500 mg 1 tablet P.O Od For
Ceftriaxone 750 mg I.V. ANST tid
Encourage deep breathing exercises
Position high
fowler position
Name of Classificatio Mechanism of Indication Contraindicatio Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing
drugs n Action n Responsibilities
Generic Antibiotic Bactericidal: For treatment Contraindicate Mucus rush Severe diarrhea Assess any
Name: Cephalospo Inhibits of many d with allergy history of
rin synthesis of different cephalosporin Rash Bleeding allergy with this
Cefuroxim bacterial cell types of or penicillins. drug. Culture
e wall, causing bacterial Use cautiously Difficulty in Lethargy infection, and
cell dea infections with renal breathing arrange for
Brand such as failure, Anorexia sensitivity tests
Name: bronchitis, lactation, Unusual before and
sinusitis, pregnancy. tiredness Decreased during therapy
Ceftin tonsillitis, ear platelets Hct if expected
infection, Fatigue response is not
skin seen. Give oral
infections, Itching or drug with food
gonorrhea, irritation to decrease GI
and urinary upset and
tract enhance
infection.. absorption.
Have vit. K
available in
nemia occurs.
Instruct the pt
to report any
Name of Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Side Adverse Nursing
Drugs Action Effects Effects Responsibilities
Pharmacologic: Elevates the General: Contraindicated CNS: CNS Before:
Generic Iron serum iron with allergy to any toxicity,
name: > prevention > check the
preparation concentration, ingredient; acidosis, coma
Ferrous and doctor’s order
and is then sulphite allergy; and death with
sulfate Therapeutic: treatment of
converted to Hgb hemochromatosis overdose GI: > assess for
Iron irondeficiency
or trapped in the , hemosiderosis, GI upset, allergy to any
Brand preparation anemias
name/s: reticuloendothelia haemolytic anorexia, ingredient, sulfite;
Femiron, l cells for storage > dietary anemias nausea, hemochromatosis,
Hemocyte Category Risk: and eventual supplement vomiting, hemosiderosis,
, Ircon A conversion to a for iron constipation, haemolytic
usable form of Use cautiously diarrhea, dark anemias
iron > unlabeled stools,
with normal iron
use: temporary > assess for skin
balance; peptic
supplemental staining of lesions, color;
ulcer, regional
use during teeth (liquid gums, teeth
Onset: 4 days enteritis,
epoetin preparations) (color); bowel
ulcerative colitis
Peak: 7-10 days therapy to sounds
ensure Interactions:
Duration: 2-4 mo. > monitor blood
> drug-drug: studies
Metabolism: hematologic
decreased nti-
Recycled for use, response to > confirm that
infective response
not known epoetin client does have
to ciprofloxacin,
iron deficiency
Distribution: Patient’s norfloxacin,
crosses placenta, actual ofloxacin;
enters breast milk indication: decreased During:
Ferrous absorption with
Excretion: sulfate is antacids, > verify patient’s
unknown given to the cimetidine; identity
patient for decreased effects > administer the
the of levodopa if right drug in the
prevention taken with iron; right dose and
and increased serum route at the right
treatment of iron levels with
irondeficiency chloramphenicol time
> drug-food: > do not crush,
decreased chew or cut tablets
about by the
absorption with and capsules
antacids, eggs or
> give drug with
milk, coffee and
meals (avoiding
tea; avoid
milk, eggs, coffee,
and tea)
administration of
any of these > administer liquid
preparations in
water or juice to
mask the taste
and prevent
staining of teeth;
have patient drink
solution with a
> do not take this
drug with antacids
nor tetracyclines
unless prescribed
> warn patient that
stool may be dark
or green
> arrange for
monitoring of Hct
and Hgb levels
> keep this drug
out of reach of
children (may
cause fetal
> report severe Gi
upset, lethargy,
rapid respirations
and constipation
> document and
>Tell patient to
prescriber for
pain/ fever
lasting for more
than 3 days.
Name of Classificatio Mechanism of Indication Contraindi Side Effects Adverse Nursing
Drugs n Action cation Effects Responsibilities
Generic Oxytocics/ Causes potent Stimulation of >Hyperse hypertension, Hypertonicity Assess vital signs
Name: Exogenous and selective uterine nsitivity to dysrhythmias, may occur for baseline data.
hormones stimulation of contractions oxytocin. tachysystole,a with tearing
Oxytoci Monitor
uterine and during third nd uterine of uterus,
n >Cephalo frequency,
mammary stage of labor hyperstimulatio increased
pelvic duration, strength
Brand gland smooth and control of n. bleeding,
disproport of contractions.
Name: muscle. postpartum abruption
ion Tachysystole
bleeding or placentae Monitor for signs
Pitocin is 6 or more
haemorrhage >Fetal Fetal of uterine rupture,
Stimulation of intoleranc bradycardiaL which include
contractions in
uterine e of labor ow Apgar FHR
a 20-min
contractions score at 5 decelerations,
during third >Anticipat window. min, sudden increased
ed non (Hyperstimulati
stage of labor pain, loss of
vaginal on is defined
and control of uterine
delivery as uterine
postpartum Prolonged IV contractions,
bleeding or hemorrhage, and
lasting at least infusion of
haemorrhage rapidly developing
2╯min or 5 or oxytocin with
excessive hypovolemic
contractions in fluid volume
a 10-min has caused
Maintain careful
window.) severe water
I&O; Be alert to
potential water
Check for blood
coma, death
Report changes in
vital signs and
FHR, specifically
late decelerations
and any vaginal
Name: Jemina R. Racadio Section/Year: BSN-II Date:
Check why the How will you know if Exact time should the Client Teaching Tips Keys to be given safety
medication is given the medication is medication is gives
effective ?