Bachelor'S Degree Programme Term-End Examination June, 2010 Mathematics Mte-5: Analytical Geometry

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Term-End Examination
June, 2010


Time : 11/2 hours Maximum Marks : 25

Note : Question no. 5 is compulsory. Do any three questions

from Questions no. 1 to 4. No Calculators are allowed.

(a) Find the equations of the tangent and 2

normal, at the point (a sec 0, b tan 0), to the

x 2 y2
hyperbola a2 b2

(b) Prove that 3x + 5y = z touches the cone 3

ax2 + by2 + cz2 = 0, if and only if
9 25 1
–+ —+ –= 0, where a, b, c are non-zero
a b c
real numbers.

(a) Identify the conic represented by, 3

14x 2 – 4 x y + 11y 2 – 44x – 58y + 71 =0.
If it is central, find its centre and its equation
when the origin is shifted to the centre. If it
is not central, find its latus rectum.

MTE-5 9 P.T.O.

(b) Sketch the surface given by 2

2 1,2
- z2 = 1. Check whether the
4 9
coordinate planes intersect the surface. If
so, what are the objects represented by the
curves of intersection ?

(a) Find the distance of the point 2

(— 1, — 5, —10) from the point of
intersection of the line
x—2_y+ 1 _ z-2
and the plane
3 4 12
x — y + z = 5.

(b) Show that the equation, 3

represents a paraboloid. Is it elliptic or
hyperbolic ? Give reasons for your answer.

(a) Prove that the plane x +2y — z =4 cuts the 2

sphere x2 + y2 + z2 — x + z =2 in a circle of
radius 1. Also find the centre of the circle.

(b) Find the equations to the tangent planes to 3
7x2 -3y2 — z2 + 21 =0 which pass through
the line 7x — 6y +9=0, z = 3.

MTE-5 10
5. Are the following statements true or false ? Give 10
reasons in support of your answers.
The equation r = 2acos (0 — a) represents
The circle x 2 + y2 = 1 intersects the parabola
y2 = 4(x —1) in two distinct real points.

If a conicoid is such that it has some planar

sections which are ellipses, then it must be
an ellipsoid.
A right circular cylinder has infinitely many
(e) The projection of the line segment joining
the points (1, 3, —1) and (2, —1, 4) on the
line with direction ratios 3, 5, 4 is 3.

MTE-5 11 P.T.O.

t-itrich 37TraT chi ch11

19', 2010


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7)3. : 3T 5 chef/ %IMO t/ riFq Tf. 1 4 4 7:7 4py

*37( or,,N mq),, Th--4.e375-qftiet,
1. (a) (11- (a sec 0, b tan 0) 1 atTcR clog

x h2 y 2
= 1 tAiki 315,1
2 2

t1 1-1 cht u l TINR

(b) Nos TWA f-W 3x +5y = z 7iT 3
axe +bye +cz2 =0Vff etwil t zift at earl
9 25 1
zfrq +— +—= 0, *fcl'erd7
a, b, cut-ci act)
a b c

MTE-5 13 P.T.O.

(a) 14x 2 -4xy +11y 2 — 44x —58y + 71=0 giT 3

1 itcN F4c1 71tWq '''t Liiii-R I 7* zIT t17:1 t
.a.q.p:rwr d.) .. *To 1&4- d.) .- TR T-Quatem
c -ER WC *-1 3-11 cht u l TITT:i -WrA7 I elk Tff
%---17:f -fft t -ffq TF-*-T Tril--"Jfff WA-RI

y42 -
X 2
9--z = igm rqm.rupgw°4gir:colui 2

1-A-R 1 ,T111 0FAR f MR-rfw wicki IF 0

miii-carq d ctA f zrrffe I Tik t:rit, t* 41-
it aTett .5r1--d q a gli "A F-RcTi-ii .)cil t?

(a) tur x —3 2_ y + 1_ z 12
— 2 ath „ci(si
x—y+z=5 t 14 -r-d-d .q Fcci . s .w't f-4.-
(-1, —5, —10)141#I
Tff -4'171

(b) .k.ari. .R -r-- (-1111.mui, 3

4y 2 — 4z 2 — 2x —14y —22z +33=0 "CrW

titeltilA -). 1.:1(cNr4C1 ch01 tl ti6tEllt4 t ZIT

4W? aitrk drIt * chltul .A—diR1

4. (a) iiias . --1f-$7 -F- kpicki x+ 2y - z =4 fi-- IT 1 2

airs 78. 14 iilc.) x2 +y2 +z 2 —x+z = 2 VI cbie.cii
t 1 19-W1 .41-c ill Vfq WAR 1

(b) t757 7x - 6y + 9 = 0, z = 3 It IITT4 .Tc 3

7x2 - 3y2— z2 +21=0 * s ki ckl.i* i-I cbtur

5. WTR Pii-iirifigio ticzi t zli 3T1TM 1 3-Ttrk
3-04 10
1T4 chivir w-diN 1

wit cht u i r =2acos (0 - a) CrW 3ltr-11

-Rcn mcf cilm t 1

Td x2 + y2 =1 t aTUT-are iT aril act) czfrsa#

ii 4001 y2 =4(x -1) VI -51FT4q abol t1

zifq tiT q licb ciA t f-A-4 TE9 1 t-1 11(4 .513

t Eilff t' kli ci1 c01 t El-VT .0 4

) 11 I

\TW I:0917i c)cli t 3T-4-0: 3T-4W %-. t4 t I

FC ch -artcfre 3, 5, 4 a mi tut TR Ro-sail

(1, 3, -1) atT (2, -1, 4) n71.)§ airs igio's


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