Prinsip Keamanan Pengobatan

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Ristina Mirwanti

 Pengobatan saat ini semakin kompleks

 Jumlah dan variasi obat semakin meningkat
 Pengobatan memiliki efek kuratif & efek samping
 Efek samping dari pengobatan dapat menyebabkan
kematian  interaksi obat (?); KTD (?); kesalahan
administrasi (?)
 Medikasi : melibatkan berbagai profesi  komunikasi
yang baik.

 Side-effect
A side-effect is a known effect, other than that primarily
intended, relating to the pharmacological properties of a
 Adverse reaction
An adverse reaction occurs when unexpected harm
results from a justified action, when the correct process
was followed for the context in which the medication was
 Error
An error is a failure to carry out a planned action as intended
or the application of an incorrect plan .
 Adverse event
An incident in which a patient is harmed.
 Adverse drug event
An adverse event involving medication (an adverse drug
event) may be preventable (e.g. the result of an error) or may
not be preventable(e.g. an unexpected allergic reaction in a
patient taking a medication for the first time, as described
 Adverse drug reaction
Any response to a medication that is noxious and
unintended. This WHO definition includes injuries that are
judged to be caused by the drug and excludes injuries due
to drugs that are caused by error.
 Medication error
Any preventable event that may cause or lead to
inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the
medication is in the control of the health-care
professional, patient or consumer
 Prescribing
A prescription is an order to take certain medications.

 Medication error
A medication error may result in:
 an adverse event, in which a patient is harmed;
 a near miss, in which a patient is nearly harmed;
 neither harm nor potential for harm.

Medication error is a common cause of preventable patient harm.

Angka Kejadian

 The IOM estimates that in the USA there is one

medication error per hospitalized patient per day,
 1.5 million preventable adverse drug events per year,
 and 7000 deaths per year from medication errors in
hospitals in that country.
 Only 15% of the prescribing errors that are made reach
patients; the others are caught in time by pharmacists and
other health-care workers
Steps in using medication

– prescribing,
– dispensing,
– administering,
– monitoring.
The use of medication
carries risks
– Errors may involve prescribing for the wrong patient, prescribing the
wrong dose, prescribing the wrong drug, prescribing the wrong
route or the wrong time for drug administration.
Cause of Prescribing Errors :
 Inadequate knowledge about drug indications,
contraindications and drug interactions
 Failure to consider physical, cognitive, emotional and
social factors that might alter prescribing, such as
allergies, pregnancy, co-morbidities, health literacy and
other medications the patient may be taking
 Inadequate communication (writing / verbal)
 Mathematical errors made in calculating doses
– Dispensing
Higher pharmacy workload, defined as the number of
prescriptions dispensed per pharmacist work hour, led to
increased risk of dispensing a potentially unsafe
– Administering
Error : the wrong dose of a drug being given to the wrong
patient, by the wrong route, at the wrong time, or the
wrong drug being used.
Administration errors can result from
 inadequate communication,
 slips or lapses,
 lack of checking procedures,
 lack of vigilance and calculation errors, as well as suboptimal
 medication packaging design
 inadequate documentation
 calculation mistakes for IV drugs (e.g. drops/h or drops/min, ml/h
or ml/min)
Monitoring Errors, include :
 inadequate monitoring for side-effects,
 not ceasing medication once the prescribed course has been
completed or is clearly not helping the patient
 not completing a prescribed course of medication.

Monitoring errors occur when drug levels not measured or

measured but not checked or acted upon.

These errors often involve communication failures.

Contributory factors for
medication errors

Adverse medication events are frequently multifactorial in

nature, combination of events that together result in
patient harm.
 Patient factors
 Staff factors
 Workplace design factors
 Medication design factors
 Other technical factors
Some ways to make
medication use safer

– Use generic name

– Tailor your prescribing for individual patients
– Learn and practise collecting complete medication histories
– Know which medications used in your area are associated
with high risks of adverse events
– Be very familiar with the medications you prescribe
– Use memory aids
– Remember the 5 Rs when prescribing and administering
medication (5 Benar)
– Communicate clearly
– Develop checking habits
– Encourage patients to be actively involved in their own care
and the medication process.
– Educate your patients about their medication(s) and any
associated hazards.
– Communicate plans clearly with patients.
– Remember that patients and their families are highly
motivated to avoid problems
Obat yang Perlu
Diwaspadai (High-Alert
adalah sejumlah obat-obatan yang
memiliki risiko tinggi menyebabkan bahaya
yang besar pada pasien jika tidak
digunakan secara tepat (drugs that bear a
heightened risk of causing significant
patient harm when they are used in error
(ISMP - Institute for Safe Medication
Obat yang Perlu Diwaspadai (High-Alert
Medications) merupakan obat yang
persentasinya tinggi dalam menyebabkan
terjadinya kesalahan / error dan / atau
kejadian sentinel (sentinel event), obat yang
berisiko tinggi menyebabkan dampak yang
tidak diinginkan (adverse outcome)
termasuk obat-obat yang tampak mirip
(Nama Obat, Rupa dan Ucapan Mirip /
NORUM, atau Look-Alike Sound-Alike /
LASA), termasuk pula elektrolit konsentrasi
– Jadi, obat yang perlu diwaspadai merupakan obat yang
memerlukan kewaspadaan tinggi, terdaftar dalam kategori
obat berisiko tinggi, dapat menyebabkan cedera serius
pada pasien jika terjadi kesalahan dalam penggunaan.
Intent of IPSG.3

– Obat-obatan yang perlu diwaspadai: obat yang sering

menyebabkan kejadian sentinel atau KTD
– Obat yg Perlu diwaspadai :
– NORUM (Nama Obat Rupa dan Ucapan Mirip) , Look Alike
Sound Alike / LASA).
– Elektrolit konsentrat : (kalium klorida 2meq/ml atau yang
lebih pekat, kalium fosfat, natrium klorida lebih pekat dari
0.9%, dan magnesium sulfat =50% atau lebih pekat-).
– Kesalahan ini bisa terjadi secara tidak sengaja atau bila
perawat tidak mendapatkan orientasi dengan sebelum
ditugaskan, atau pada keadaan gawat darurat.
Cara untuk mengurangi atau mengeliminasi KTD:
– meningkatkan proses pengelolaan obat-obat yang perlu diwaspadai
termasuk memindahkan elektrolit konsentrat dari unit pelayanan
pasien ke farmasi.
– RS punya Kebijakan dan/atau prosedur
– Daftar obat-obat yang perlu diwaspadai berdasarkan data yang
ada di rumah sakit
– identifikasi area mana saja yang membutuhkan elektrolit
konsentrat, seperti di IGD atau kamar operasi
– pemberian label secara benar pada elektrolit
– penyimpanannya di area tersebut, sehingga membatasi akses
untuk mencegah pemberian yang tidak disengaja / kurang hati-
KCl Concentrated
– Concentrated potassium chloride has been identified as a
highrisk medication by organizations in Australia, Canada,
and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland (UK) (1).
– In the US, 10 patient deaths from misadministration of K
Cl concentrated solution were reported to the Joint
Commission in just the first two years of its sentinel event
reporting programme: 1996–1997 (1).
– In Canada, 23 incidents involving KCl mis-administration
occurred between 1993 and 1996 (2).
– There are also reports of accidental death from the
inadvertent administration of concentrated saline solution
 hidraALAzine  hidrOXYzine
 ceREBYx  ceLEBRex

 vinBLASTine  vinCRIStine
 chlorproMAZINE
 chlorproPAMIDE
 glYBURIde
 glipiZIde
 dOXOrubicine
 DAUNOrubicine

Tulis yang berbeda dengan huruf KAPITAL

Look Alike Sound Alike
Look alike
Measurable Elements of IPSG.3
(Elemen Penilaian IPSG.3)
1. Kebijakan dan/atau prosedur dikembangkan agar memuat proses
identifikasi, menetapkan lokasi, pemberian label, dan penyimpanan
elektrolit konsentrat.
2. Implementasi kebijakan dan prosedur
3. Elektrolit konsentrat tidak boleh disimpan di unit pelayanan pasien
kecuali jika dibutuhkan secara klinis dan tindakan diambil untuk
mencegah pemberian yang kurang hati-hati di area tersebut sesuai
4. Elektrolit konsentrat yang disimpan di pada unit pelayanan pasien
harus diberi label yang jelas, dan disimpan pada area yang dibatasi
ketat (restricted).
Information for patient and family can be both verbal and written and
should cover the following aspects:
 name of the generic drug;
 purpose and activity of the medication;
 dose, route and administration schedule;
 special instructions, directions and precautions;
 common side-effects and interactions;
 how the effects of the medication (e.g. efficacy, side-effects, etc.)
will be monitored.
Report and learn from medication errors
– Discovering more about how and why medication errors
occur is fundamental to improving medication safety.
– Whenever an adverse drug event or near miss occurs, there
is an opportunity for learning and improving care.

 Medications can greatly improve health when used wisely

and correctly.
 Nevertheless, medication errors are common and cause
preventable human suffering and financial cost.
 Remember that using medications to help patients is not
a risk-free activity.
 Know your responsibilities and work hard to make
medication use safe for your patients.
Terima kasih

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