Signed-Off EAPPG11 q1 Mod1 Reading-For-Acadtext v3

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English for Academic and

Professional Purposes
Module 1:
Reading Academic Texts
Development Team of the Module:

Evaluators: Ryan Dela Cruz

Jonafe Salvador Dalumangcad
Jeanne T. Walid
Writers: Angel Rose Marie L. Ybañez
Ma-an C. Actub
Maryjane C. Mccary
Kimberly C. Magaway
Carmy V. Macua
Lianne L. Mutia
Marylene C. Tizon
Diocesa V. Montecalvo
Cirila C. Natividad
Illustrator: Jay Michael A. Calipusan

Management Team:

Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III

Regional Director
Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Mala Epra B. Magnaong
Members: Dr. Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr.
Regional ADM Coordinator
Dr. Angelina B. Buaron
EPS, English

Printed in the Philippines by: Department of Education – Regional Office 10

Office Address: Zone 1, Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City 9000
Telefax: (088) 880-7071, (088) 880-7072
E-mail Address:
Table of Contents

Page No.

Overview 4

Content 4

Objectives 5

Pretest 6

Lesson 1 9

Lesson 2 19

Lesson 3 27

Lesson 4 32

Lesson 5 40

Post Test 43

What I Need to Know

For the learners

Welcome to this module especially made for you! This module is

made easy and interactive designed to meet your needs as a 21 st century
learner. What you need most is to focus and take time so that you will be
able to achieve what you need to do in this module. It also aims to enhance
your skills in reading academic texts. You will also be introduced to the genre
of academic text, and be trained to use efficient strategies in reading texts to
provide you with skills for you to be able to work independently.

Reading is a process that involves recognizing words, leading to the

development of comprehension. According to research, reading is a process that
negotiates the meaning between the text and its reader.

In this module, you will acquire knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for
a better understanding of academic texts to be able to produce a detailed abstract of
information gathered from the various academic texts read. Concepts like the
structure, language used from various disciplines, ideas contained in various
academic texts, knowledge of the text structure to glean information that is needed,
various techniques, thesis statements, paraphrasing and outlining reading text in
various disciplines are discussed in the following lessons:

• Lesson 1 – Structure of Academic Text

• Lesson 2 – Language used in Academic Texts from Various
• Lesson 3 – Reading Strategies
• Lesson 4 – Summarizing, Identifying Thesis Statement,
Paraphrasing and Outlining reading texts in various
• Lesson 5 – Precis Writing

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1 determine the structure of a specific academic text

2 differentiate language used in academic texts from various disciplines
3 explain the specific ideas contained in various academic texts
4 use knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she needs
5 use various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts
6 state the thesis statements of an academic text
7 paraphrase/explain a text using one’s own words
8 outline reading texts in various disciplines.

General Instructions
Now that you are holding this module, do the following:

1. Read and follow instructions carefully in each lesson.

2. Take note and record points for clarification.
3. Do the activities to fully understand each lesson.
4. Answer all the given tests and exercises.

For the facilitators:

1. Introduce the lesson on Reading Academic Texts. Engage learners to do

the activities religiously, and let the learners carry the tasks with ease and

2. Do the What I Know: Instruct the learners to answer the questions to test
how far they know about designing and conducting a survey.

3. Do the activity What’s New: Activate the learners' understanding of the

topics by letting them answer varied activities.

4. Allow students to read What is It. Let the learners fully discover and
comprehend all topics discussed in this module.

5. Let the learners answer the activities on What’s More. Check if they have
understood the topics. Deepen their understanding by completing the guided
questions on what I have learned section.

6. Assign the students to do What I can Do activities that shall transfer

knowledge /skills gained or learned into real life situation.

What I Know
I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. How long should an introduction be?

A. Every introduction should be at least five sentences.
B. The length of the introduction varies with the purpose of the essay.
C. A good introduction only needs to be one sentences.
D. All of the above
2. What should a good conclusion be?
A. reiterates the main points made in the paper.
B. states the significance of research findings.
C. calls to action.
D. All of the above
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE about introduction?
A. An introduction should set the tone and flow into the body of the
B. Start with an obvious, general statement that the reader can agree
C. State your position by saying “In this paper, I will show…”
D. All of the above
4. Which of the following is a GOOD strategy for engaging readers in the
introductory paragraph?
A. telling a brief story
B. starting with a dictionary definition
C. announcing the purpose in a formal way
D. none of the above
5. Which of the following best defines an executive summary
A. briefly covers all the main parts of the report.
B. provides a concise statement of the findings and recommendations
based on those findings
C. appears on a separate page and is able to stand on its own
D. all of the above
6. What is a thesis statement?
A. It is the central idea of a paper.
B. It is the answer to the central question raised in a paper.
C. It is the first sentence of the introductory paragraph.
D. both A and B
7. What is a topic sentence?
A. It is the first sentence in a paragraph.
B. It is the discussion of each paragraph.
C. It is the sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph.
D. It is the transitional sentence logically connecting two paragraphs
8. Which of the following should NOT be included in a concluding paragraph?
A. recommendation for further exploration of the subject
B. new idea not discussed in the main body of the paper
C. short summary of the main idea
D. question about the research findings
9. Which language feature of academic writing contains fewer words that refer to the
writer or the reader?
A. Complexity B. Formality
C. Precision D. Objectivity
10. What language features of academic writing show citations of ideas and
acknowledging sources of information?
A. Accuracy B. Explicitness
C. Hedging D. Responsibility
11. Which among the following is NOT a reading strategy?
A. Asking Questions B. Infer and Predict
C. Repetition D. Visualize
12. Making connections is one of reading strategies, thus this involves the following,
A. Text to life B. Text to nature
C. Text to self D. Text to text
13. Choose the best summary based from the paragraph given.
Some authorities say that the only true pyramids are the ones built in Egypt.
These solid structures have a square or a rectangular base, smooth sloping sides, and
a pointed top. The Egyptian pyramids were designed as burial places for the pharaohs.
However, elsewhere in the world, pyramid-like structures were built. These pyramids
were often used as temples or building for astronomical studies. Notable examples
were the Ziggurats of Mesopotamia and many others scattered around the world.
A. The most famous true pyramids are the ones in Egypt.
B. Pyramids were built in many parts of the ancient world.
C. Although some authorities say, the only true are Egyptian; pyramid-like
structures were built in other places.
D. All of the above
14. What is the greatest benefit of using an outline to draft an essay?
A. Outlines allow the writer to compile information and set a direction
for essay before jumping to a first draft.
B. An outline is the same thing as the first draft, so once the outline is
written the draft is done.
C. With an outline, writers do not have to worry so much about their
final product.
D. Writers who use outline always produce successful and engaging

15. Why is using full sentence outline beneficial for most standard essays?
A. Full sentence outlines allow for writing that is more creative.
B. With a full sentence outline, you can guarantee an essay’s success.
C. The numbers and decimal involved in the other outline types are
D. While the sentence outline may be more time-consuming up front, it
makes writing the first draft much easier.

Key to answers on page 193

What’s New

What You Know

1. What is the easiest writing assignment you have done so far?

2. How about the most difficult writing assignment you have done?

3. Based on your answer, what do you think is academic writing and its differences
from other kinds of writing?

What is it



Essay Paper Report Project

Article Thesis Dissertations

What is an Academic Text?

An academic text is a written language that provides information, which

contain ideas and concepts that are related to the particular discipline. Below are the

Sample Structure and Example line
Academic Description
1. Essay - Introduction Example: taken from the text titled
argumentative - gives the reader with a “Getting Married to Writing”
text, usually clear idea of the
short (1,500 emphasis and purpose of Surviving a marriage may
to 6,000 the writing perhaps be one of the most laudable
words). - It also provides the feats in the world. Before a person
background of the
marries, he or she experiences mostly
argument, presents the jubilation and excitement whenever he
theoretical viewpoints,
or she imagines himself or herself
language, etc. that will be
basking in the promise of a life with a
used, and describes how significant other. But at the moment a
the writing will be
person recites the marital vows, he or
structured. she becomes forever bound with his or
her spouse in a relationship
accompanied by enumerable ordeals.
Body Example: taken from the text titled
- Where the essay's “Getting Married to Writing”
argument, concepts and
outcomes are For this reason, I guess that
established and married life, in all its ups and downs, is
discussed. the best metaphor to describe my
experience with writing. In my innocent
mind, I had always romanticized the
idea of being a writer. I used to think
that writers are inexhaustible fountains
of knowledge who thrive in the
comforts of their air-conditioned
offices, wielding knowledge at

Conclusion Example: taken from the text titled

- Should not have any “Getting Married to Writing”
new facts or ideas, but
rather function as a brief At this point, I know that my
repetition of the key relationship with writing will grow even
arguments and facts that more as I embark on new professional
have been treated in the challenges. The key to a successful life
essay in writing, however, does not lie in
talent alone, but more so in

Sample Structure Description
2. Research Title - Gives information and description of
Paper the subject matter of the research.
- It must contain keywords to predict
- longer
the content and tone of the research
essay paper.
involving - It must be SHORT, INFORMATIVE,
library made up of only 15 to 20 WORDS.
research - It must NOT be in a sentence, not all
(3,000 to capitalized, and not negative in tone.
6,000 words).
- Jargons and acronyms are a big NO-
NO to research title writing.
Abstract - Concisely discusses the essential
aspects of your paper such as the
Background of the Study, Objectives,
Significance, Research Design, data
collection techniques, data analysis
method, discussions of the findings,
scope, conclusions.
- Giving 100- to 150- word discussions
of the salient parts of the research
Introduction - Explains the background of the
Research Problem.
- States a set of specific Research
Questions, and of Optional
hypotheses or assumptions.
- The purpose of this section is to let
the readers see the connection of the
purposes of your research questions
not only with the current world
condition, but also with theoretical
principles that underlie your topic and
other aspects of your research.
Method - Explains the types and sources of
data as well as the method you used in
collecting and analyzing the data you
have gathered.
- Enables the readers to determine
how objective and ethical you were in
conducting the research and how

possible it could be for them to
replicate your research study for
validation purposes.
Findings, Discussion - Present as finding of your study those
and Conclusion that you have analyzed and
commented on. This can be done by
means of graphical presentation,
statistical method, or written
- Findings resulting from thematically
or theoretically gathered and analyzed
data with the capacity of leading you to
a valid conclusion are explained in this
- Any conclusions stated in this part of
the paper derive their validity or
truthfulness from factual or logically
determined data.
Recommendations - To broaden the readers’ knowledge
and understanding of the area covered
by the research, recommend or let the
readers positively consider some
activities they can possibly do to
extend, modify, replicate, or validate
the findings of your research work.
References - Follow a standard documentary style.
Alphabetize, identify, and list down in
this section all sources of knowledge
you used in carrying out your study.
Appendix - This contains copies of table,
questionnaires, interview rates,
observation checklist, and other
materials that are indispensable or
necessary in completing your research

Sample Structure/Parts Description

3. Research Title, Author, Abstract, - Descriptive information that lets
Article Keywords readers search for an article.
Introduction - What is the context for this project?

- an essay - How does it fit in with other research
written to be on the topic?
published in - What is the research questions?
scientific Methods - What did the author(s) do to answer
journals. the research question?
Results - What was the answer to the question?
- This is often shown in tables and
Discussion/Conclusion - What is the significance of this
- How does it fit in with what else is
known about the topic?
References - Materials the author(s) cited when
writing this paper.

Sample Structure/Parts Description

4.Dissertation Cover page This is a first page that reveals most
- long essay crucial data to audience, such as your
involving study name, where you study and for which
and research department you are writing, name of your
(6,000 to supervisor, and of course title.
2,000 words). Acknowledgments This is structure section where you can
express your gratitude to all who
supported, helped, encouraged you during
Abstract Briefly describe your topic, what you did,
what for, which methods were used and
what was achieved here.
Table of contents Dissertation structure involves chapters
instead of more usual sections. Mention
each chapter, its title and its subtopics
along with page numbers. Appendix
should be present as well. Make sure that
page numbers in the table correspond to
those in the text, as it is common problem
that requires constant re-printing.
Tables It is a complex work, so it is likely to involve
figures and tables.
Glossary It is optional. It depends on complexity of
research, so clarify whether it should be a

part of structure with your supervisor.
Make an alphabetical list of complex terms
that common audience will not be able to
understand and provide concise
explanations about their meaning.
Introduction Dissertation introduction is where you
explain your topic and its relevance. It
should feature research objectives, the
ways to achieve them, as well as their
overall and individual significance — for
example, their meaning for target
Literature review It is a backbone of structure. First, pick
only credible sources, those that will be
truly useful in research, but do not make a
mistake by just summarizing them.
Evaluate them critically by pointing out
their strengths, weaknesses, as well as
Methodology Dissertation methodology structure is not
difficult but it has to be detailed. Write how
you conducted your research in particular
so everyone could see for themselves
whether it is valid and trustworthy. Include
type of research (for example, qualitative
or quantitative, which are most common
kinds), how data were collected
(questionnaires, physical interviews, etc.),
what methods and tools were used.
Results What did the obtained data indicate? How
did it support/refute your hypotheses?
Include some graphs here so audience
could see what you achieved.
Conclusion and Were your hypotheses confirmed? What
discussion does it mean in terms of this topic now?
Provide recommendations and admit
limitations of your work that future
research could address. Conclude by
emphasizing your study relevance.
Reference list Depending on style (APA, Oxford, MLA,
etc.), list all sources you have mentioned
in text at least once.

Appendix This normally includes survey questions or
interviews’ transcripts. Mention parts that
helped in composing research but which
are not enough to include them into main
text. Detailed figures could also be present

Sample Structure/Parts Description

5.Thesis Abstract Write this last. It is an overview of your
- completed whole thesis, and is between 200-300
over a words.
number of Introduction Usually longer than an abstract, and
years. Offers provides the following:
an original ✓ background to the topic;
contribution ✓ brief review of current knowledge
to the (Can include literature review in
research some schools);
area. (20,000 ✓ indicates gap in knowledge, states
words). aim of your research and how it fits
into the gap;
✓ can include hypotheses; can include
an outline of the following chapters.
Literature review Often part of the Introduction, but can be
a separate section. It is an evaluation of
previous research on your topic, where
you show that there is a gap in the
knowledge that your research will
attempt to fill. The key word here is
Methods Often the easiest part of the thesis to
write. Outlines which method you chose
and why (your methodology); what,
when, where, how and why you did what
you did to get your results.
Results Results contain the facts of your
research. Often you will include a brief
comment on the significance of key
results, with the expectation that more
generalized comments about results will
be made in the Discussion section.

Discussion The Discussion should also relate your
specific results to previous research or
theory. You should point out what the
limitations were of your study, and note
any questions that remain unanswered.
Conclusions This is where you emphasize that your
research aims/objectives have been

Sample Structure/Parts Description

6. Technical Letter of Transmittal
Report: Title Page - report title
- describes - your name
process, - submission date
progress and Executive Summary - overview of subject matter
results of the - methods of analysis
scientific - findings
research - recommendations
Table of Contents - list of numbered sections in report and
their page numbers
Introduction - terms of reference outline of report’s
Body - headings and sub-headings which
reflect the contents of each section
Conclusion - states the major inferences that can
be drawn from the discussion
Recommendations - indicates any further work that needs
to be done or identifies the alternative
you think best solves or improves the
Reference lists - list of reference material consulted
during research for report
Appendix - information that supports your
analysis but is not essential to its
Accessed from:

Purposes in Reading an Academic Text

1. To locate a main idea;

2. To scan for information;
3. To identify gaps in existing studies;
4. To connect new ideas to existing ones;
5. To gain more pieces of information;
6. To support a particular writing assignment; and,
7. To deeply understand an existing idea.

Factors to Consider in Writing Academic Text

1. State critical questions and issues;
2. Provide facts and evidence from credible sources;
3. Use precise and accurate words while avoiding jargon;
4. Take an objective point of view;
5. List references; and,
6. Use cautious language.

Let us see now how well do you know about the structure of an academic text. Below
is the activity that you are going to do.

What’s More

Activity 1.1
Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if is not.

1. One of the purposes of reading an academic text is to look for a specific

2. An academic text makes use of complex jargons to promote a higher
level of comprehension.
3. Academic text uses words which tones up claims expressing certainty.
4. Academic text helps fill existing gaps between information.
5. An academic text observes a format.
6. In reading an academic text, it helps acquire new information.
7. An academic text needs less concentration and focus because the terms
are simple.
8. It is in academic text that issues are stated to provoke information
9. A magazine is an academic text.
10. Critique paper is classified as an academic text.
(Accessed from:
Key to answers on page 193

What I Have Learned

Authors organize their information intentionally in an organized

pattern called text structures. Common text structures include introduction,
body, and conclusion. It is important to understand text structure to
empower you as a reader.


What I want to say about the lesson:

What I found out:

What I Can Do

Activity 1.2
Instruction: The different parts of a common type of research paper are listed below.
Arrange the following phrases according to their order of development. Number items
a to l from 1 to 12. (1 point each)

a. A presentation of the research problem

b. A review of past research relevant to this paper
c. Recommendations
d. An overview of the writer’s position, arguments and/or scope of research
e. A summary that ties together the research and the thesis
f. The reference list
g. The title of the research paper
h. The purpose of this particular research paper
i. A description of the methods used to carry out the research
j. An interpretation and discussion of the results
k. The abstract
l. A presentation of the research result
Key to answers on page193

What is it



Academic writing in English is linear; it has one central point or theme with
every part contributing to the main line of argument, without digressions or repetitions.
Its objective is to inform rather than to entertain. Most of the writing you do outside of
university and the texts you read are likely to be very informal and conversational.
Think about the emails you write, the posts you share onto the Internet, the messages
you send on your phone are the magazines you read. Academic subjects are generally
more complex than everyday communication and the readers of academic texts are
often experts in their field who have certain expectations about the communicative
style and language used in their specialist subject. One way of looking at the
characteristics of academic writing is summarized in the figure below.


Formal Characteristics Objective

of Academic

Concise Specific

Eight Main Language Features of Academic Writing

1. Complexity
Written language is relatively more complex than spoken language. Written texts
are lexically dense compared to spoken language - they have proportionately more
lexical words than grammatical words. Written texts are shorter and have longer,
more complex words and phrases. They have more noun-based phrases, more
nominalizations, and more lexical variation.

Spoken Written
Whenever I had visited there before, I had Every previous visit had left me with a
ended up feeling that it would be futile if I sense of the futility of further action on
tried to do anything more. my part.
Because the technology has improved it Improvements in technology have
is less risky than it used to be when you reduced the risks and high costs
install them at the same time, and it does associated with simultaneous
not cost so much either. installation.

2. Formality
Academic writing is relatively formal. In general, this means that you should AVOID:
a. colloquial words and expressions: stuff, a lot, thing
b. abbreviated forms: can’t, doesn’t, shouldn’t
c. two-word verbs: put off, bring up
d. subheadings, numbering, and bullet points
e. asking questions

3. Precision
In academic writing, you need to be precise when you use information, dates, or
figures. Do not use “a lot of people” when you can say “50 million people.”

4. Objectivity
Written language is, in general, objective rather than personal. It, therefore, has fewer
words that refer to the writer or the reader. This means that the main emphasis should
be on the information that you want to give and the arguments you want to make. For
that reason, academic writing tends to use nouns (and adjectives), rather than verbs
(and adverbs).

A. Compare these two paragraphs:

A. The question of what constitutes “language proficiency” and the nature of

its cross-lingual dimensions is also at the core of many hotly debated issues
in the areas of bilingual education and second language pedagogy and testing.
Research has suggested ways of making second language teaching and
testing more “communicative” (e.g., Canale and Swain, 1980; Oller, 1979b) on
the grounds that a communicative approach better reflects the nature of
language proficiency than one which emphasizes the acquisition of discrete
language skills.

B. We do not really know what language proficiency is, but many people have
talked about it for a long time. Some researchers have tried to find ways for us
to make teaching and testing more communicative because that is how
language works. I think that language is something we use for communicating,
not an object for us to study and we remember that when we teach and test it.

Which is more objective?

B. In general, avoid words like I, me, myself

A reader will normally assume that any idea not referenced is your own. It is,
therefore, unnecessary to make this explicit.
Don’t write: In my opinion, this is a very interesting study.
Write: This is a very interesting study.

Avoid “you” to refer to the reader or people in general.

Don’t write: “You can easily forget how different life was 50
years ago.”
Write: “It is easy to forget how difficult life was 50 years ago.”

C. Examples
▪ Clearly, this was far less true of France than…
▪ This is where the disagreements and controversies begin…
▪ The data indicates that…
▪ This is not a view shared by everyone; Jones, for example, claims
▪ …very few people would claim
▪ It is worthwhile at this stage to consider…
▪ Of course, more concrete evidence is needed before…
▪ Several possibilities emerge…
5. Explicitness

Academic writing is explicit about the relationships in the text. Furthermore, it is the
responsibility of the writer in English to make clear to the reader how the various parts
of the text are related. These connections can be made explicit by the use of different
signaling words.
Academic writing is explicit in several ways. It is explicit in its signposting of the
organization of the ideas in the text. As a writer of academic English, it is your
responsibility to make it clear to your reader how various parts of the text is related.
These connections can be made by the use of different signaling words.

a. For example, if you want to tell your reader that your line of argument is going
to change, make it clear.
The Bristol 167 was to be Britain’s great new advance on American types such as
the Lockheed Constellation and Douglas DC-6, which did not have the range to fly the
Atlantic non-stop. It was also to be the largest aircraft ever built in Britain. However,
even by the end of the war, the design had run into serious difficulties.

b. If you think that one sentence gives reasons for something in

another sentence, make it explicit.
While an earlier generation of writers had noted this feature of the period, it was not
until the recent work of Cairn cross that the significance of this outflow was realized.
Partly this was because the current account deficit appears much smaller in current
(1980s) data than it was thought to be by contemporaries.

c. If you think two ideas are almost the same, say so.
Marx referred throughout his work to other systems than the capitalist system,
especially those which he knew from the history of Europe to have preceded
capitalism; systems such as feudalism, where the relation of production was
characterized by the personal relation of the feudal lord and his serf and a relation of
subordination which came from the lord’s control of the land. Similarly, Marx was
interested in slavery and in the classical Indian and Chinese social systems, or in those
systems where the ties of local community are all important.

d. If you intend your sentence to give extra information, make it clear.

He is born into a family, he marries into a family, and he becomes the husband and
father of his own family. In addition, he has a definite place of origin and more relatives
than he knows what to do with, and he receives a rudimentary education at the
Canadian Mission School.

e. If you are giving examples, do it explicitly.


This has sometimes led to disputes between religious and secular clergy, between
orders and bishops. For example, in the Northern context, the previous bishop of Down
and Connor, Dr. Philibin, refused for most of his period of leadership in Belfast to have
Jesuits visiting or residing in his diocese.

6. Accuracy
Academic writing uses vocabulary accurately. Most subjects have words with
narrow specific meanings. In academic writing, you need to be accurate in your use
of vocabulary.
• Do not confuse, for example, “phonetics” and “phonology” or
“grammar” with “syntax.”
• Choose the correct word, for example, “meeting,” “assembly,”
“gathering,” or “conference.”
• or from: “money,” “cash,” “currency,” “capital,” or “funds”

7. Hedging
In any kind of academic writing you do, it is necessary to make decisions about
your stance on a particular subject or the strength of the claims you are making.
Different subjects prefer to do this in different ways. Linguists know a technique
common in certain kinds of academic writing as a “hedge”. It is often believed that
academic writing, particularly scientific writing, is factual, simply to convey facts
and information. ▪ However, it is now recognized that an important feature of
academic writing is the concept of cautious language, often called “hedging” or
“vague language.”

Language used in hedging:

Introductory Verbs
▪ seem ▪ tend ▪ look like ▪ appear to be ▪ indicate
▪ think ▪ believe ▪ doubt ▪ be sure ▪ suggest

Certain Lexical Verbs

▪ believe ▪assume ▪suggest

Language used in hedging:

Certain Modal Verbs
▪ will ▪ must ▪ would
▪ might ▪ could ▪ may

Adverbs of Frequency
▪ often ▪sometimes ▪usually

Language used in hedging:

Modal Adverbs

▪ certainly ▪ definitely ▪ clearly ▪ probably
▪ possibly ▪ perhaps ▪ conceivably
Modal Adjectives
▪ certain ▪ definite ▪ clear
▪ probable ▪ possible

Language used in hedging:

Modal Nouns
▪ assumption ▪possibility ▪probability
That clauses
▪ It could be the case that… ▪It might be suggested that…
▪ There is every hope that…

EXAMPLES: Compare the following.

1. A. It may be said that the commitment to some of the social and
economic concepts was less strong than it is now.
B. The commitment to some of the social and economic concepts
was less strong than it is now.
2. A. The lives they chose may seem overly ascetic and self-denying
to most women today.
B. The lives they chose seem overly ascetic and self- denying to
most women today.
3. A. Nowadays, the urinary symptoms seem to be of a lesser order.
B. Nowadays, the urinary symptoms are of a lesser order.
4. A. There are certainly cases where this would seem to have been
the only possible method of transmission.
B. There are cases where this would have been the only possible
method of transmission.

What Is It
What are your observations about the examples given? Write your
observation on the space provided.

8. Responsibility
In academic writing, you must be responsible for and must be able to
provide evidence and justification for any claims you make. You are also
responsible for demonstrating an understanding of any source texts you use. This

is done by paraphrasing, summarizing what you have read, and acknowledging
the source of these information or ideas by a system of citations.
(accessed: featfram.htm)

What’s More

Activity 2.1
Why does academic writing need to be formal, objective, complex, concise and
specific? To find the answer to this question read the text below and underline the
word that best completes each sentence.

An academic is responsible for expanding the boundaries of knowledge. This

is serious business and a/an 1) (informal, formal, complex) writing style reflects the
importance and sincerity of this work. If an academic text contains informal casual
language, the credibility of the writer is weakened. Therefore, in an academic text you
see 2) (formal, concise, sophisticated) academic vocabulary and words written in their
3) (shorter, complex, full) form.

Academic writing appears 4) (complex, concise, specialized) because it often

refers to abstract ideas, whereas everyday language is more concrete and familiar.
Academic subjects have their own 5) (specialized, formal, unnecessary) vocabulary
too which students of other subjects may not be familiar with. Oddly, if English is not
your first language, the importance of being 6) (complex, concise, objective) in
academic writing adds to this complexity. Sentences that are structured around 7)
(noun, verb, adverb) phrases are generally 8) (unnecessary, complex, concise) and
clearer than sentences constructed around 9) (noun, verb, adverb), but they may be
more difficult for students to write. The same is true when writers use sentences that
contain subordinate clauses or lists. Sophisticated adverbs and connecting words, and
10) (use, definitions, highlighting) of important words also add to the clarity and
precision of academic writing.

An academic paper should be written in an 11) (academic, objective, informal)

style. Academics focus on information and argumentation. In other words, they
establish the facts by writing about what they have learned from others and from their
own research, and how this has led to new conclusions. This style of writing therefore
avoids personal 12) (pronouns, words, stories) and the passive voice is a common
linguistic feature. Emotional language is also avoided. Being assertive, and therefore
appearing superior and arrogant, is regarded negatively. Writers are expected to be
cautious, or tentative, about the conclusions they come to and so 13) (hesitating,
complexity, hedging) is another typical characteristic of academic writing.

A major part of an academic’s job is to build on the work of others and so it is
expected that an author refers to that previous work, hence the need for 14) (hedging,
reporting, specialized) verbs. It sets the scene for the current research; shows that the
author knows his/her subject well, pays respect to previous research and situates the
current paper in time and place. This is why the names of other academics occur so
frequently in published research papers. Any idea that is not referenced is assumed
to be the author’s idea and so it is 15) (shorter, necessary, unnecessary) to write, ‘I
think’ or ‘In my view’.

Key to answers on page 193

What I Have Learned

Academic language refers to the oral, written, auditory, and visual

language proficiency required to learn effectively in schools and academic
programs—i.e., it's the language used in classroom lessons, books, tests,
and assignments, and it's the language that students are expected to learn
and achieve fluency in.


What I want to say about the lesson:

What I found out:

What’s New

Thinking About How You Read

What are your reading strategies? Enumerate some of these and state how these help
you. Are these reading strategies effective?
Strategy How this strategy helps you?
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Are these reading strategies effective? Why?

Below are some of the strategies that may help you.

What is it


Metacognition: Thinking About How You Think

Before you can truly develop your reading skills, you need to know what
happens in good readers; minds while they read. You may even do these things

Good readers have developed good habits when they read. We call these
habits strategies. Strategies help readers understand, connect to, and determine the
importance of what they are reading. They also visualize, ask questions about, and
read between the lines of what they read.

The Reading Strategies:

1. Make Connections. In making connection, try to consider the following:

❖ Text to Self (similar events in your life)
❖ Text to Text (books, movies, T.V., etc.)
❖ Text to Life (real world events)
Ask yourself:
a. What do I already know about this?
b. Has anything similar ever happened to me?
c. How would I feel if this happened to me?
d. Can I relate to the characters?
e. Does this story remind me of something?

2. Ask Questions. In asking questions, try to consider the following:

a. What is it that you do not get?
b. What is it that you get?
c. What are the words that you do not understand?
d. What other questions do I have?
e. What do you wonder about as you read?

Why Ask Questions?

a. Asking questions helps keep you focused on the text.
b. If your mind wanders, you will not understand; then, you will be bored.
c. If you run into problems, things you just do not understand, then you can
check yourself with a question.

3. Determine the Importance of Inferring and Predicting. The following are two of the
important things to remember:
✓ Think about what a teacher might ask on a test.
✓ Think about what the author hints might be important later on.

Why Determine the Importance of inferring and predicting?

Anything you read contains a lot of information. You cannot remember
everything. By deciding what is important, you do not have to remember
everything. You can prioritize the information you need in order to understand.

4. Infer and Predict

✓ Good readers are like detectives.
✓ They use clues to determine what happening in a story.
✓ This is called INFERENCE!
✓ Good readers also make educated guesses about what may happen later in
the story.
✓ They use the author’s hints to PREDICT what will most likely occur.

Ask Yourself:
a. What isn’t stated that I have figured out?
b. What do I predict will happen?
c. Why do I think so?


5. Visualize
▪ Picture in your mind the images the author creates with his/her words.
▪ Pay close attention to sensory details.
For example, if you were there, what would you SEE, HEAR, SMELL,
Why Visualize?
✓ If you do not picture the events of the story, you will get bored.
✓ The author’s job is to paint pictures in the reader’s mind. The reader’s job is
to visualize what the author describes.

6. Synthesize
Synthesize is a fancy way of saying that you must bring everything together in
the end. In other words, what is the meaning of what you are reading?
Ask Yourself:
a. What does it all mean?
b. What is the big idea?
c. Are there questions still left unanswered?
d. What are the lessons I should learn?
e. What do I think about this book?

7. Use Fix Up Strategies

Make sure you understand what you are reading. When you run into trouble,
(you just do not get it), use little correction strategies to help you figure out what
went wrong. We call these methods FIX UP STRATEGIES.
Here are some examples of Fix Up Strategies:
1. Re-read
2. Underline
3. Use a Dictionary
4. Read Aloud
5. Ask for Help

Why Use Strategies?

✓ Strategies create a plan of attack. Then you can solve any reading problems
✓ Strategies help you learn HOW to understand. If you know HOW to understand,
then you are more likely TO understand.

✓ Strategies help you realize HOW you are thinking so that you can think more
deeply and more consciously.

What’s More

Activity 3.1 Application Test Using Reading Strategies

Direction: Read the passage below on “Competition and Cooperation”. After reading,
answer the following questions in a complete sentence.

Competition and Cooperation

(1) Explanations of the interrelation between competition and cooperation have

evolved over the time. Early research into competition and cooperation defined each
of them in terms of the distribution of rewards related to each. Competition was defined
as a situation in which rewards are distributed unequally based on performance,
cooperation on the other hand, was defined as a situation in which rewards are
distributed equally based on mutual interactive behavior among individuals. By this
definition, a competitive situation requires at least on competitor to fail for each
competitor that wins, while a cooperative situation offers a reward only if all members
of the group receive it.

(2) Researchers have found definitions of competition and cooperation based

upon rewards inadequate primarily because definitions of these two concepts based
upon rewards depict them as opposite. In current understanding, competition is not
viewed as opposite of cooperation, instead, cooperation is viewed as integral
component of competition. Cooperation is necessary among team members, perhaps
in a sporting event or in a political race, in order to win the competition, it is equally
important to understand that cooperation is of great importance between teams in that
same sporting event or ground rules of the game or election in order to compete.

(3) Interestingly, the word competition is derived from a Latin verb, which
means, “to seek together.” An understanding of the derivation of the word competition
supports the understanding that cooperation, rather than evoking a characteristic at
the opposite extreme of human nature from competition, is in reality a necessary factor
in competition.

Answer the following questions below with a KISS (Keep it Short and Simple).

1. What do you think is the passage all about?

2. Where does the word competition derive from?

3. Identify the differences of cooperation and competition. Supply the table below.
Cooperation Competition

4. In 3-5 sentences write an example where you experience competition and


Key to answers on page 193

What I Have Learned

Reading strategies are explicit, planned actions that help translate

the printed word into sounds and meaning.


What I want to say about the lesson:

What I found out:

What’s New

Pre-Writing Activity

Try to recall one of the novels or short stories you discussed in one of your
previous classes in English; choose one selection out of the several you tackled
throughout your school life. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, try to rewrite the story
using your own words.

Did you find the retelling of the story difficult? Why or why not?

What strategies did you employ in order to retell the story? Did you find these
strategies helpful? Why or why not?

What is it



What is Summarizing?

Summarizing refers to providing an abridged version of the narrative.

What is Summary?

Summary is a synopsis or digest of the essence of an entire text.

Helpful Techniques in Summarizing:

1. Read the text you are about to summarize over and over again.
2. Identify the main idea of the text you are planning to summarize
3. Put your feet into your readers’ shoes.
4. Ensure a smooth flow of ideas.
5. Limit your summary to a few sentences.
6. Do not forget to proofread your work.

Main Idea

Supporting Supporting Supporting

Detail Detail Detail

Here’s how you will do it on your own:

Example 1: Taken from the excerpt Understanding Calories

A calorie, also known as kilocalorie, is a unit of energy. This unit represents the
energy required to heat a kilogram of water on degree Celsius. While people generally
link the term calorie with food, it is a unit of measurement that can be applied to any
substance possessing energy. For instance, there are 8200 calories in a liter (about
one quart) of gasoline.
Calorie is a unit of

Represents the A unit of 1 liter of gasoline is

energy required measurement composed of 8200 calories

Sentence summary…

A calorie is a unit of energy that represents the energy required to heat a

kilogram of water on degree Celsius. This is also a unit of measurement where 1 liter
of gasoline is composed of 8200 calories.

You are now equipped on how to summarize. Here is what you should do next.

What’s More

Activity 4.1 Self-Test: Summarize the following text below. Do the same as the
given example.

1. Taken from the excerpt “Wrigley’s Chewing Gum “

Wrigley’s chewing gum was actually developed as a premium to be given away

with other product rather than as a primary product for sale. As a teenager, William
Wrigley Jr. was working for his father in Chicago selling soap that has been
manufactured in his father’s factory. The soap was not very popular with merchants

because it was priced at 5 cents, and this selling price did not leave a good profit
margin for the merchants. Wrigley convinced his father to raise the price to ten cents
and to give away cheap umbrellas as a premium for the merchants. This worked
successfully, confirming to Wrigley that the use of premium was an effective sales tool.


2. 3. 4.

Sentence summary…

2. “The movement toward education by computer is developing fast. Massive Open

Online Courses, called MOOCs, are changing how people could receive study
materials from colleges or universities and take part in online classes. But such
classes were not designed for many thousands of students at one time, as MOOCs
are.” (5 points)

Key to answers on page 193

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is restating text giving the meaning in another form.

What are the steps to paraphrase?

1. Repeatedly read the passage to be paraphrased until you have completely

understood what it says.
2. Do not look at the passage while you are writing your paraphrase.

3. After writing your paraphrase, read the original passage once again to check if you
were able to accurately capture its meaning. By doing this, you will avoid misquoting
your source.
4. Check whether your paraphrase has errors in grammar or mechanics.
5. Always cite your source.

Example 1
Original: Giraffes like Acacia leaves and hay and they can consume 75
pounds of food a day.
Paraphrase: A giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds of Acacia leaves and hay

Example 2
Original: A group of US researchers has carried out trials on a new
Paraphrase 1: A team of American scientists has conducted tests on a
new vaccine.
Paraphrase 2: Trials on a new vaccine were carried out by a group of US
Paraphrase 3: Tests on a new vaccine were conducted by a team of
American scientists.

Example 3
Original: An unhealthy lifestyle can be the cause of many diseases.
Paraphrase 1: An unhealthy way of living can result in a multitude of
Paraphrase 2: Many diseases can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.
Paraphrase 3: A multitude of illnesses can be caused by an unhealthy
way of living.

Example 4
Original: Usually, female kangaroos give birth to one joey at a time. Newborns
weigh as little as 0.03 ounces at birth. After birth, the joey crawls into its mother’s
pouch, where it will nurse and continue to grow and develop. Red Kangaroo joeys
do not leave the pouch for good until they are more than eight months old.
Paraphrase: After a female kangaroo gives birth to a joey, the newborn
crawls into its mother’s pouch where it feeds and grows until
its eight months old.

✓ A paraphrase must also be attributed to the original source.
✓ A paraphrase includes both the main idea and minor details from the text.
✓ If rewording is too similar to the original, it is plagiarism.

Technique Original Sentence Paraphrased Sentence

1. Change word form or American news When American

part of speech. coverage is frequently journalists cover events,
biased in favor of they often display a
Western views. Western bias.
2. Use synonyms of Budget shortfalls at the Higher university tuition
“relationship words” such state level have resulted costs are due to lack of
as contrast, cause, or in higher tuition costs at money in the state
effect, and substitute a universities. budget,
word or phrase that
conveys a similar
3. Use synonyms of There was a resurgence At the beginning of the
phrases and words. of tuberculosis at the 1980s, the incidence of
start of the decade. tuberculosis increased.
4. Change passive voice The entrance exam was Over one-third of the
to active and move failed by over one-third of applicants failed the
phrases and modifiers the applicants. entrance exam.
5. Do not change concept Gamma rays consist of High-energy photons
words, special terms, or high energy photons that do not have mass or
proper names. that have neither mass charge form Gamma
nor charge. rays.

What’s More

Activity 4.2 Practice paraphrasing the following sentences:

1. We need more proof that active learning really works.

2. They will build a huge medical center on the old site in the near future.
3. The organizers cancelled the talk because the main speaker was ill.

Write your answer on the blank space provided:


Key to answers on page 193

What is Outlining?

An outline is a design to follow when writing a structure, a discourse, or a article.

It arranges a material in a logical way into main ideas, supporting ideas, and supporting
The main idea or topic is the main topic of the outline. All main topics are
indicated by Roman Numeral. Subtopics are noted by letters and supporting details
are indicated by Arabic Numerals.
An outline can be a sentence outline or topic outline. A sentence outline is
written in full sentence while a topic outline is in words or phrases.

Guidelines in Writing an Outline:

1. Place the title at the center above the outline.

2. Every level of the outline must have at least two items (I and II, A and B, 1 and 2).
3. Put a period after each numeral and letter.
4. Indent each new level of the outline.
5. All items of one kind (roman numerals, capital letters, Arabic numerals) should line
up with each other.
6. Capitalize the first letter of each item.
7. The terms Introduction, Body, and Conclusion do not have to be included in the
outline. They are not topics; they are merely organizational units in the writer’s

Benjamin Franklin – Scientist and Inventor
I. Experiments with Electricity
A. Studied nature of Electricity
B. Discovered Lightning Equals Electricity
C. Invented Lightning Rod
II. Other Scientific Work
A. Inventions
1. Bifocal Glasses
2. Franklin Stove
3. Daylight Saving Time content/uploads//2013/06/ben-Franklin.jpg
B. Scientific Studies
1. Charted Gulf Stream
2. Worked on Soil Improvement
III. Importance as a Scientist
A. Scientific Honors
B. Writings Translated into Other Languages
C. Experts’ Comments

What’s More

Activity 4.3 Practice with Outlining

Direction: Read each paragraph. Then fill in the blanks in the outlines that follow.

1. What makes an effective leader? To be sure, no one characteristic or trait defines

an effective leader. It is true, however, that effective leaders get the most out of
employees or group members by holding them to very high standards or expectations.
Setting high standards increases productivity because people tend to live up to the
expectations set for them by superiors. This is an example of the Pygmalion effect,
which works in a subtle, often unconscious way. When a managerial leader believes
that a group member will succeed, the manager communicates this belief without
realizing that he or she is doing so. Conversely, when a leader expects a group
member to fail, that person will not usually disappoint the manager. The manager’s
expectation of success or failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Thus it pays for a
manager to expect the best from employees. (Adapted from Andrew J. DuBrin,
Leadership 4/e © Cengage Learning)

Main Idea: Effective leaders encourage a high level of performance by

expecting the best from their employees.

Support 1. People are likely to live up to a manager or superior expectations.

2. Called the “Pygmalion effect” i.e. expect the best and you will get it.


a. leader who expects the best gets high achievement

b. leader who doesn’t expect much gets low achievement


d. pays for leaders to expect the best

2. We do not think enough about thinking, and much of our confusion is the result of
current illusions about it. Let us forget for the moment any impression we may have
derived from the philosophers, and see what seems to happen in ourselves. The first
thing that we notice is that our thought moves with such incredible rapidity that is
almost impossible to arrest any specimen of it long enough to have a look at it. When
we are offered a penny for our thoughts, we also find out that we have recently had so
many things in our mind that we can easily make a selection, which will not
compromise us too nakedly. On inspection, we shall find that even if we are not
downright ashamed of a great part of our spontaneous thinking it is far too intimate,
personal, ignoble or trivial to permit us to reveal more than small part of it. I believe
this must be true to everyone. We do know what goes on in other people’s heads.
They tell us very little, and we tell them very little. The spigot of speech, rarely fully

opened, could never emit more than driblets of the ever-renewed hogshead of thought-
noch grösser wie’s Heidelberger Fass. We find it hard to believe that other people’s
thoughts are as silly as our own, but they probably are.

Key to answers on page 193

What I Have Learned

Paraphrasing, summarizing and outlining are the cornerstones of

good academic writing. Paraphrasing involves writing from an original
material using your own words. Any written texts from a source material
must be attributed to the original source. Summarizing involves putting all
the main ideas into your own words, getting only the main points. It is also
necessary to attribute summarized ideas to the original source. Outlining
is done at the start of constructing or structuring any written texts to give
you the direction on how your written article will look like. All these three
skills are needed for any research task.


What I want to say about the lesson:

What I found out:


What is it


A Précis is a brief, original summary of the important ideas given in a long

selection. Its aim is to give the general effect created by the original selection. It is a
concise and lucid summary that forsake all unnecessary details (including illustrations,
amplifications, and embellishments) in favor of reproducing the logic, development,
organization and emphasis of the original. Retaining the substance of a fuller
statement, it seeks to articulate another authors thought by extracting the maximum
amount of information and carefully conveying it in a minimum number of words.

The purpose:

Précis writing aims at intelligent reading and clear, accurate writing. It is a skill of both
analysis and generalizing that critically questions every thought included and
excluded, each word used to express those thoughts, and the proportions and
arrangements of those thoughts – bot in the original and original and in the precis. In
its exaction, it mercilessly reveals an author’s wordiness and looseness or thinness of
thought and construction. It should strengthen our style, our sense of proportion and
emphasis, and our sensitivity to word meanings and an author’s viewpoint.

Guide to a Successful Précis:

1. Understand the essential facts or dominating idea of the passage.

2. In your opening sentence express what the passage tends to show.
3. With as few sentences as possible enlarge on the essential shown in the opening
4. Summarize only what the author says; do not add your own opinions.
5. As far as possible, use your own words.
6. Ask whether the precis is clear to one who has not seen the original.

A précis is usually reduced to at least one-fourth of its original length and frequently
much more. How long it is will be determined by its purpose and by the nature of the


A drop of water fell out of the cloud into the sea, and finding itself lost in such
an immensity of fluid matter, broke out into the following reflection: ‘Alas! What an
inconsiderable creature am I in this prodigious ocean of waters: My existence is of
no concern in the universe; ‘I am reduced to a kind of nothing, and am the least of
the works of God’. It so happened that an oyster which lay in the drop say the
fables, lay a great while hardening in the shell, until by degrees it was ripened into
a pearl, falling into the hands of a diver, after a long series of adventures, is at
present that famous pearl which is fixed on the top of the Persian diadem.


Once, a drop of water, while falling into the sea, ruminated on its inconsequential
existence in the vast ocean. Just then, an oyster swallowed it. The water drop,
embedded in the shell, became a pearl in due course. A diver got it. After changing
many hands, it now decorates the Persian crown.

What’s More

Activity 5.1 Precis Writing

Direction: Read the passage and make a precis below.

1. Home is the young, who known “nothing of the world and who would be forlorn
and sad, if thrown upon it. It is providential, shelter of the weak and inexperienced,
who have to learn yet to cope with the temptations, which lies outside of it. It is the
place of training of those who are not only ignorant, but have not yet learnt how to
learn, and who have to be taught by careful individual trail, how to set about
profiting by the lessons of the teacher. In addition, it is the school of elementary
studies-not of advances, for such studies alone can make masterminds.
Moreover, it is the shrine of our best affections, the bosom or our fondest
recollections, at spell upon our after life, a stay for world-weary mind and soul;
wherever we are, until the end comes. Such are attributes or offices of home, and
like to these, in one or other sense or measure, are the attributes and offices of a
college in a university.

2. Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine
providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, and the
connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves
childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the trustworthy
was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their
being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same
transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not
cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors,
obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark.

An excerpt from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Self-Reliance”

What I Have Learned

Precis writing is one of the most useful skills you can acquire as a
student and as a professional in the future. Precis writing involves
summarizing a document to extract the maximum amount of information,
then conveying this information to a reader in minimum words.


What I want to say about the lesson:

What I found out:



1. What is a thesis statement?

A. It is the central idea of a paper.
B. It is the answer to the central question raised in a paper.
C. It is the first sentence of the introductory paragraph.
D. both A and B.
2. What should a good conclusion be?
A. reiterates the main points made in the paper.
B. states the significance of research findings.
C. calls to action.
D. All of the above
3. What is a GOOD strategy for engaging readers in the introductory paragraph?
A. telling a brief story
B. starting with a dictionary definition
C. announcing the purpose in a formal way
D. none of the above
4. Choose the best summary based from the paragraph given.
Some authorities say that the only true pyramids are the ones built in Egypt.
These solid structures have a square or a rectangular base, smooth sloping sides, and
a pointed top. The Egyptian pyramids were designed as burial places for the pharaohs.
However, elsewhere in the world, pyramid-like structures were built. These pyramids
were often used as temples or building for astronomical studies. Notable examples
were the Ziggurats of Mesopotamia and many others scattered around the world.
A. The most famous true pyramids are the ones in Egypt.
B. Pyramids were built in many parts of the ancient world.
C. Although some authorities say, the only true are Egyptian; pyramid-like
structures were built in other places.
D. All of the above
5. How long should an introduction be?
A. Every introduction should be at least five sentences.
B. The length of the introduction varies with the purpose of the essay.
C. A good introduction only needs to be one sentences.
D. All of the above
6. Which of the following best defines an executive summary
A. briefly covers all the main parts of the report.
B. provides a concise statement of the findings and recommendations
based on those findings
C. appears on a separate page and is able to stand on its own
D. all of the above

7. What is the topic sentence?
A. It is the first sentence in a paragraph.
B. It is the discussion of each paragraph.
C. It is the sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph.
D. It is the transitional sentence logically connecting two paragraphs
8. Which of the following statements is TRUE about introduction?
A. An introduction should set the tone and flow into the body of the
B. Start with an obvious, general statement that the reader can agree
C. State your position by saying “In this paper, I will show…”
D. All of the above
9. Which language feature of academic writing contains fewer words that refer to the
writer or the reader?
A. Complexity B. Formality
C. Precision D. Objectivity
10. Why is using full sentence outline beneficial for most standard essays?
A. Full sentence outlines allow for writing that is more creative.
B. With a full sentence outline, you can guarantee an essay’s success.
C. The numbers and decimal involved in the other outline types are
D. While the sentence outline may be more time-consuming up front, it
makes writing the first draft much easier.
11. What language features of academic writing show citations of ideas and
acknowledging sources of information?
A. Accuracy B. Explicitness
C. Hedging D. Responsibility
12. What is the greatest benefit of using an outline to draft an essay?
A. Outlines allow the writer to compile information and set a direction
for an essay before jumping to a first draft.
B. An outline is the same thing as the first draft, so once the outline is
written, the draft is done.
C. With an outline, writers do not have to worry so much about their
final product.
D. Writers who use outline always produce successful and engaging
13. Which among the following is NOT a reading strategy?
A. Asking Questions B. Infer and Predict
C. Repetition D. Visualize
14. Making connections is one of reading strategies, thus this involves the following,
A. Text to life B. Text to nature
C. Text to self D. Text to text

15. Which of the following should NOT be included in a concluding paragraph?
A. recommendation for further exploration of the subject
B. A new idea not discussed in the main body of the paper
C. A short summary of the main idea
D. A question about the research findings

Module 1

Online References

Lesson 1

Accessed on January 13, 2020:


Accessed on January 13, 2020:

Accessed on January 13, 2020 from:

Accessed on November 23, 2018 from:

What Does Dissertation Structure Entail?, April 4, 2019. Accessed on January 13,

Lesson 2

Features of Academic Writing. Accessed November 29, 2018:

Gillet, A. Using English for Academic Purposes For Students in Higher

Education. October 24, 2019. Accessed on November 29, 2018: featfram.htm

The Language Features of Academic Writing. Hong Kong: UGC ICOSA Project. 2015.
Accessed on November 29, 2018:

Lesson 3

Richardson, C. “Reading Strategies”. Accessed November 29, 2018.
Lesson 4

Accessed on December 6, 2018 from:


Accessed on December 14, 2018 from: https://essaywriting-

Lachica, Tine. “Paraphrasing and Summarizing”. Published on August 18, 2017.

Accessed on December 6, 2018 from:

Book References

Lesson 5

Oracion, G. M. & Dalona, I. F. English for Academic and Professional Purposes.

City. Diocesan Printing Press and Publishing, Inc. 2018
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