Clause 17: Care of The Works and Indemnities: Written by George Rosenberg
Clause 17: Care of The Works and Indemnities: Written by George Rosenberg
Clause 17: Care of The Works and Indemnities: Written by George Rosenberg
This Clause has been substantially re- Responsibility and Liability for the Care of
worked. The content of the former Clause the Works
17.6 [Limitation of Liability] has been
removed to Clause 1.15. The first two Sub-Clauses of Clause 17 deal
respectively with Responsibility for and Liability for
The Clause 17 Care of the Works obligations under Care of the Works.
the 1999 edition were useful as a statement of
allocation of responsibility, but of limited The term “care of the Works” is nowhere defined,
significance in that many of the obligations but its meaning should be able to be understood
imposed on the Contractor in respect of its from the two sub-clauses. Under 17.1, the
responsibility for care of the Works and the liability responsibility entails rectifying any loss or damage
once responsibility had passed to the Employer which occurs during the period for which the
were also capable of being regulated under Sub- Contractor is responsible. Following this period,
Clause 7.6 [Remedial Work] (prior to completion) the Contractor is liable for any loss or damage
and under Clause 11 [Defects Liability] (after caused by it to the Works – either in this period or
completion). Despite considerable changes this as a result of something which occurred during the
position remains. period during which the Contractor was
Where, after completion, the Contractor is
reluctant to meet his responsibilities, the Thus “care of the Works” seems to entail repair
temptation for the Engineer to use his Clause 11 during the period of responsibility (which itself
powers is now increased because, while action by involves taking the necessary steps to avoid the
the Engineer under Clause 17 (formerly on the basis need for such repair) and liability for loss or
of a “request”) now has to be through a Variation, a damage during the period subsequent.
similar result can be achieved by an instruction
under Clause 11. As can be seen from the The period during which the Contractor has the
commentary on Clause 13, and also below, the use responsibility for the care of the works generally
of Variations is fraught with potential problems. expires at the Date of Completion or earlier
termination, although it is extended for the care of
The Contractor’s Care of the Works responsibility is any work which is outstanding on the date of
substantially reduced compared with that under the completion until it is completed. This would cover
1999 edition because it does not now include any rectification of defects and snagging lists.
loss or damage caused by the Employer or
Engineer. The concept of Date of Completion is clear in
respect of Sections or the Works as a whole thanks
The Contractor and Employer indemnities relating to the definition of Date of Completion in Sub-
to personal injury and property claims, which were Clause 1.1.24. It means that the date will either be
formerly applicable in respect of all relevant claims, that stated in the TOC, a deemed completion date
now only apply to third party claims. under Sub-Clause 10.1 or a deemed taking over date
under Sub-Clause 10.2 and 10.3. The last sentence
of the first paragraph of Sub-Clause 17.1 passes the
responsibility to the Employer if a TOC for a
George Rosenberg is a Consultant at Corbett & Co. International Construction Lawyers Ltd. He can be contacted at
Assuming that responsibility is different from One of the 1999 events has been removed from the
liability, the Contractor will not benefit from the list (pressure waves caused by aircraft or other
cap on liability set out in Sub-Clause 1.15, should aerial devices travelling at supersonic speeds) and
the cost of repairs during the period of the following have been added:
responsibility, exceed the limits on liability set out
(a) Interference with any right of way, light, air
water or other easement which is the
Consequences of Liability unavoidable result of the execution of the
Works in accordance with the Contract.
If the Contractor is liable, as opposed to
responsible, it is no longer required under Clause (b) Faults in the design which an experienced
17 to remedy the loss or damage. Sub-Clause 17.2 contractor exercising due care would not have
does not say what is to happen. However, since this discovered 3.
situation occurs after the Completion, Clause 11
[Defects after Taking Over] applies. The (c) Rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection
Contractor can be obliged to repair defects or military or usurped power, riot commotion or
damage. Sub-Clause 11.2 provides that the disorder and the encountering of munitions of
Contractor will bear the cost in a limited range of war are no longer limited to events within the
circumstances, all of which can be said to be country.
“caused by the Contractor” but which is certainly
not a comprehensive list of such causes. There may (d) Strike or lockout.
thus be situations where the Contractor has caused
a loss or damage and is thus liable under Sub- (e) Natural Catastrophes such as earthquake,
Clause 17.2, but would not be liable under Sub- tsunami, volcanic activity, hurricane or
Clause 11.2 for this cost. Presumably the remedy typhoon.
for the Employer lies in a claim for damages.
(f) any act or default of the Employer or Engineer
It is thus possible that, after TOC, but not before, and use or occupation by the Employer of any
the Contractor will be liable for damages resulting part of the Permanent Works unless otherwise
from loss or damage caused by it to the Works. specified in the Contract.
Such damages will be rather limited as, in
2 3
An act of negligence on the Contractor’s part would Such faults also give the Contractor the right under Clause 1.9 to a
probably create liability in this period, as does the Defects Variation, time and money. However the test in 1.9 takes account of cost
Notification Period (which begins on Completion) but it is a and time. It is not clear whether the omission of this qualification in
Clause 17.2 is intended to have any effect on the way the exemption
pity that there is such a lacuna. applies.
As discussed below, the majority of the indemnity The intention is presumably to prevent ether party
provisions have been significantly diminished in claiming against the other in respect of injury or
damage caused to their own staff or property. The
“The Contractor shall also indemnify and When it was included in the draft of the Yellow
hold harmless the Employer against Book circulated for comment the draft included an
all acts, errors or omissions by the indemnity similar to the one now included and with
Contractor in carrying out the Contractor’s no cap on damages. This drew considerable
design obligations that result in the Works adverse comment including from many contractor’s
(or Section or Part or major item of associations who, in a joint letter stated:
Plant, if any), when completed, not being
fit for the purpose(s) for which they “If the current wording is allowed to stand,
are intended under Sub-Clause 4.1 it will impose a major additional risk upon
[Contractor’s General Obligations]”. international contractors and, in the case
of major infrastructure works or plants,
This (which originated in a slightly narrower form the losses that may be recovered could
in the Gold Book) represents a significant change to easily run into billions of euro and lead to
the way in which the Contractor’s fitness for insolvency, as claims under the indemnity
purpose obligation has been treated. On a free- will be uninsurable”.
standing basis, a breach of the fitness for purpose
obligation under 4.1 would normally lead to a Although the language of the originally drafted
liability based on consequences, rather than cause indemnity has changed this does not seem in itself
and thus whether the Contractor has been negligent to have made a significant difference. However, the
or not in failing to achieve its obligations will be general limits of liability are now allowed to apply.
irrelevant. Its only excuse might be if the failure to Despite the Contractors’ warning the indemnity is
achieve fitness for purpose was caused by an required to be insured.
Employer act.
This is a warranty that the completed works will be in
accordance with the documents forming the Contract.
The contents of this article should not be treated as legal advice. Please
contact the lawyers at Corbett & Co before acting on or relying upon
anything stated in this article.