Product Range For Quality Control: Steinfurth Core Competencies

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Product Range for Quality Control

New beverage types and ingredients, packaging materials and de-

signs, closure solutions, price and cost sensibility are the sources
of the actually dynamic changing keys to the consumer satisfaction.

The beverage and packaging quality can’t be seen or monitored

these days anymore separately – both areas of those are the inse-
parable parts of the QA influencing each other.

Steinfurth Core Competencies:

Strong focus on solutions for combined quality control on bevera-
ges and beverage packages.

Most optimal product performances by cooperation between our

customers and our engineering team.

Cost and time efficiency as result of innovation and leadership in

engineering services for beverages and packaging industry.

Steinfurth CPA

Compact Package Analyzer as custo-

mized extendable, modular Mini Lab
Concept for combined quality control
on beverages and beverage packages
(CO2 content, torque, fill height, brix,
pH, conductivity, …)

Steinfurth CO2MS/CDA

Carbon Dioxide Analyzer for automatic

CO2 measurement and CO2 shelf life
studies on packaged beverages
Product Range for Quality Control Product Range for Quality Control

Steinfurth CDA OST Steinfurth TMS 2000/TorqTraQ

Carbon Dioxide Analyzer for non-des- Torque Measurement System for ma-
tructive CO2 measurement in the area nual and mobile torque measurement
of CO2 Shelf Life Studies on packaged on bottle closures and capping heads  
beverages (PET & Glass bottles)

Steinfurth CCT/TCT Steinfurth DV

Cup/Tank Carbonation Tester for stan- Digi Vacu for handheld vacuum and
dardized, handheld CO2 measurement pressure measurement on closures,
on beverage dispensing systems, bottles & cans
tanks and KEGs

Steinfurth BPT/CPT Steinfurth TS92.5

Pressure Calibrator for mobile and

Bottle/Can Pressure Tester for hand-
flexible calibration of manometers and
held pressure measurement on
various pressure measuring instru-
PET-bottles, glass bottles with crown
cork closures and cans

Steinfurth TMS Steinfurth Silver Bottle TS

5010/4010/4000 CDA-Silverbottle

Torque Measurement System for user Silver Bottle for standardized checking
independent, automatic torque measu- of pressure and temperature
rement on bottle closures   calibration on CO2 testers based on
Henry-Dalton physical law
Product Range for Quality Control Product Range for Quality Control

Steinfurth Orange Bottle Steinfurth Rotech KEG

Orange Bottle for standardized Logger system for monitoring of the

checking of torque calibration on auto- KEG washing/sterilization and filling
matic and manual torque testers and process in KEG filling lines 
operator training on manual torque

Steinfurth SF-PastControl Steinfurth LCS 710P

Logger system for monitoring of the Laboratory Carbonation System for

pasteurization process in tunnel and single sample carbonation studies
chamber pasteurizers and preparation of tasting samples in
bottles and cans

Steinfurth SF-Control B System Steinfurth SFT

Pressure and Temperature Logger Foam Tester for automatic foam stabi-
system for monitoring of pressure and lity measurement on beer foam
temperature in containers

Steinfurth SF-CleanControl Steinfurth Sampler

Logger system for monitoring of the Sampling device for CO2 loss & safety
cleaning process on returnable bottles protected beverage sample extraction
in bottle washer machinery   out of glass bottles, PET-bottles and
Product Range for Quality Control Product Range for Quality Control

Steinfurth AS380C Steinfurth SWART

Automatic Sampler for multiple CO2 Side Wall Abuse Resistance Tester for
loss & safety beverage sample extrac- automated & standardized side wall
tion out of glass bottles and cans impact test on beverage cans and
metal bottles

Steinfurth AS380CP Steinfurth 2 CDA-MK6

Automatic Sampler for multiple CO2 Carbon Dioxide Analyzer for

loss & safety beverage sample extrac- automatic CO2 measurement and
tion out of PET-bottles CO2 shelf life studies on packaged
beverages - twin container version

Steinfurth LabShaker

Laboratory Shaker/Tumbler for bever-

age sample preparation and homoge-

Steinfurth OPT 180

Opening Performance Tester for

standardized, automatic opening per-
formance test on bottle closures and Visit Us Online:

Your Steinfurth Team

Steinfurth - Headquarters

Steinfurth Mess-Systeme GmbH

Elektromechanische Mess-Systeme
Bonifaciusring 15
45309 Essen
Phone +49-201-85517-0
Telefax +49-201-85517-20

Steinfurth, Inc.
Electromechanical Measuring Systems 11390
Old Roswell Rd.
Ste. 126
Alpharetta, GA 30009
Phone +1-678-500-9014 & +1-404-918-5061
Telefax +1-678-840-7744



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