Fashion Design Course Outline

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Course Number: 846700

Credit: ½
Course Length: One Semester
Karen C. Curtis, Ph.D., NBCT
Purpose and Description:

This class is designed to introduce students to the world of fashion. In Introduction to

Fashion Design students will explore the importance of clothing, all elements of the
fashion industry, fashion evolution, elements and principles of design, figure analysis,
wardrobe planning and principles of clothing construction.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Understand the many functions of clothing.

2. Define and properly sequence the stages of the fashion cycle.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of fashion terminology through assignments, projects
and presentations.
4. Describe various fashion designers and the style for which they are best known.
5. Compare and contrast styles from previous centuries to today’s fashions.
6. Understand the elements and principles of design and apply them to various
7. Describe the different figure types and create basic wardrobes that are suitable to
each type.
8. Demonstrate basic hand and machine sewing techniques.
9. Demonstrate knowledge of textiles, garment styles, technical writing and clothing
construction through projects.
Materials Needed:
3-ring notebook (recommended) and paper
Writing utensil (pen or pencil)
A set of 12 colored pencils
Glue sticks
One Fashion Magazine of your choice
Projects/Tests (Mastery)………..80%
Classroom/Homework/Class Participation …..20%
Each student is asked to have a 3-ring binder for this course. There will be
several handouts therefore spiral notebooks are discouraged. Bringing your notebook to
class is a must!
Makeup work:
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to get your assignment (s)
from me. Each day an assignment is not turned in will result in a 10-point deduction.

Projects and Assignments:

All projects and classroom/homework assignments are to be completed and turned
in according to the directions given in class.
Classroom Behavior:
Every student is expected to come prepared and participate in class activities and
discussions. Anything other than adult behavior will not be tolerated. Students are
expected to respect their peers and give the instructor their undivided attention.

Tardy Policy:
Don’t be late.

An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one. 

~Charles Horton Cooley

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