Over There!: The Modern Skirmish Wargame
Over There!: The Modern Skirmish Wargame
Over There!: The Modern Skirmish Wargame
Playtesters: Abraham J. Edelheit, Adrian Anhorn, Alex “Big Hagar”, Gloria McKinney, Ian Clinton, Mike
Clinton, Owen Marston, Patrick Manhatton, Rick Clapp, Sevya Edmiston, Steve “SeattleRedGamer”
Section 2: Action! 7
Movement 7
Reload 8
Melee 8
Ranged Attack 8
Point Blank 8
The Kill Zone 8
Concealment and Cover 9
Gone to Ground 9
Hit the Deck! 9
Weaponry Statistics 9
Over There! Basic Rules
Welcome to Over There!, the modern skirmish between 1 and 12 soldiers, depending on the role of
wargame. This is a tabletop strategy game that that element. If you are playing a specific historical
attempts to recreate the physics, psychology and period, it might be useful to do a little research and
friction of the modern and future battlefield, all while find out how many soldiers a certain nation had in
remaining quick to play, simple to learn and virtually a squad, what their equipment was and any other
chart free! particularities.
As suggested already, elements are formed
What do I need to play? before the game when both players are determining
For a quick game, all you will need is a what forces should be present for the battle. Once
handful of dice (a dozen should do), a measuring tape, an element has been collected, you must assign the
and a tabletop with scenery and models. You should soldiers in the element their characteristics; their
also cut out the counters at the back of this document Skill, Morale, and Initiative, as explained below. All
for use as tokens. soldiers in the same element automatically share the
Since the scenario at the end of this document same characteristics, so you only need to assign a
happens to portray a theoretical battle in Afghanistan, single set of characteristics per element. Note that
having American and Afghani soldiers as your models each soldier must be assigned to one and only one
would be ideal. If you do not have these models, element before the game begins.
simply proxy any other models you have into the After you have given the soldiers of an element
game. The standard scale of Over There! is 20-28mm, their characteristics, you must assign each soldier
where models are about an inch tall. For this scale, all a weapon. If you are using appropriate miniatures,
distance is measured in inches. If you would rather simply go by whatever weapon the miniature is
play with 10-15mm models, simply convert 1 inch to 1 modelled with. Otherwise, make it clear to your
centimeter and use centimeters for your distances. opponent who has what. If any element has any
special traits (like Recce or Irregular), you should
Setting up the Game assign those now as well.
To set up a game, first each player must agree Lastly, one soldier in each element is (usually)
on the forces that will be used in the battle. Over nominated as the Leader of that element, although
There! is meant to portray the tides of battle, where two or even three Leaders in a single element is
commanders rarely get all the resources they want, possible. The Leader is a special soldier that affects
and firefights are hardly ever between evenly matched how coordinated and effective the element is during
opponents. We find that a point system is inimical to combat. It is quite possible for militia forces or
this playstyle. Thus most battles should be scenarios, undrilled troops to have no element Leader.
with things like mission objectives and terrain
bringing balance to uneven sides. If you are new to
this type of game, please read the section on setting up
scenarios after you get a firm grip on the rules.
After the forces have been determined, the M4 Assault Rifle
table is then set up in any agreeable fashion. The
Photo Courtesy U.S. Navy
defender deploys his army first, followed by the
attacker. The players are now ready to begin the first
round of the game! A Note on Scale
The ground scale for Over There! is 1 inch = 2 meters. If you
are using the smaller centimeter scale, then 1 cm = 2 meters.
Elements The time scale is 6 seconds per round, or roughly 1 to 2
In Over There!, an element represents the seconds per action die spent. All measures of time, distance
smallest military organization on the battlefield, be and speed in Over There! are very close to their real world
it a squad of infantry, an artillery crew or a special equivalents, so do not be surprised if your model’s rifle can
shoot right across the table!
weapons team. Usually, an element should contain
“Over There!” The Modern Skirmish Wargame, Copyright © 2008 by Evan Anhorn
Characteristics Testing Characteristics
Each soldier in the game has two basic You will often be required to “test” against a
characteristics and one combined characteristic. As soldier or element’s characteristics (to reload weapons,
mentioned before, all soldiers in the same element to rally and so on). To do this, simply roll 1d6; if the
always share the same characteristics. result is equal or less than the characteristic, then you
The first statistic is Skill, which is always have passed. If the result is higher, then you have
a number between 2 and 5. Skill represents a failed. Note that since a soldier’s Initiative can change
soldier’s experience and training. A Skill statistic of over the course of the game, you must be sure to use
4 is reserved for hardened veterans, while Skill 3 is the soldier’s current Initiative when testing Initiative.
appropriate for regular troops and 2 is appropriate Thus, if the US Marine rifleman from earlier were
for untrained militia. Skill is used when taking Skill panicked (using his third Initiative), he would have to
tests, such as when a soldier must reload a weapon. A roll a 2 or less on 1d6 to pass an Initiative test.
Skill of 3 is used by default, although a scenario could
assign soldiers a different Skill rating.
The second statistic is Morale, which is also 1.0 The Game Round
always a number between 2 and 5. Like Skill, a higher Over There! is played out in rounds. Each
Morale characteristic is always better than a lesser round consists in the players taking turns activating
one. Morale 4 could represent the most enthusiastic groups of soldiers in their armies. Once one side has
and fearless troops, while 3 could represent confident no more groups to activate, the round ends.
troops and 2 could be demoralized troops. A Morale The game starts with one player as the “active
of 3 is used by default, although a scenario could player”, designated by the scenario. If playing without
assign soldiers a different Morale rating. a scenario, the attacker starts as active player, or the
The third and final statistic is Initiative, two players simply dice for it. During a game round,
representing general battlefield cohesiveness and the active player activates and acts with his groups,
efficiency. Initiative is a three part statistic that is one by one, resolving each activation before moving
determined using the soldier’s assigned Skill and on to the next. Once a group has been successfully
Morale ratings. To find the first Initiative score, activated, it may not be nominated for activation again
simply take the soldier’s Skill or Morale (whichever this round (a handy token can help keep track of this).
is higher) and add 1. The second part of Initiative is If the active player runs out of groups to
the soldier’s Skill or Morale (whichever is lower). activate, or fails an activation roll, he hands over
Finally, the third part of Initiative is the soldier’s Skill initiative to his opponent. The opponent is now
or Morale (whichever is lower) minus 1. Initiative is considered the active player and can now do the same,
used for activation, actions and more. activating his groups one by one. If the opponent runs
As an example, here is the complete profile of out of groups to activate, or fails an activation roll,
a modern day US Marine rifleman: then the initiative is handed back to the first player
and so on. If initiative is handed back to a player who
US Marine Rifleman has already activated all of his groups, then the round
is over. Remove all activation tokens and resolve any
Skill: 4 Morale: 3 “End of Round” effects. A new round begins with that
Initiative: 5/3/2 player as active player.
At the beginning of a round, you are active player.
You nominate one of your groups to activate and successfully
activate it. You continue to activate your groups, one by one,
Good Order, Shaken and Panicked until you get to your last group. Unfortunately, they fail their
At the start of the game, the first and highest activation roll due to battlefield stress and you must hand over
Initiative value is used, as the element is considered to initiative to your opponent (as you have failed an activation
attempt). He successfully activates his only three groups,
be in “Good Order”. Later, panic and stress can force
one by one, and then hands initiative back to you (as he has
a squad to use the second or even third lesser Initiative no more groups to activate). You only have one group left to
values, as the squad becomes Shaken or Panicked, activate. If they fail, the round will end and a new round will
respectively. Only by fully rallying will a shaken or begin (with your opponent as active player). If they activate
panicked squad be able to return to good order. successfully, the round will end after they act.
1.2 Groups
The Activation Sequence A group is a subdivision of an element, and
When a group of soldiers is nominated for is formed by all soldiers of the same element who
activation, a strict sequence is followed to see if are connected by an unbroken chain, from soldier
they activate or not. Nominating a group also to soldier. The maximum distance between any
provides secondary benefits, as it gives them a soldier in this chain is equal to the soldier’s Skill
chance to rally and recover from stress. Only characteristic. This is called “cohesion distance”.
groups that have not yet successfully activated this
Below is an example of soldiers of the same element
round can be nominated for activation.
forming groups.
1) The active player nominates one of his groups that
has not yet been activated this round.
2.3 Melee 1d6 for every range band the target falls distance from
the attacker or source of the attack.
When a soldier moves into physical contact
with an enemy soldier, both soldiers immediately +1d6 for every level of Take Cover the target has
become “locked” in melee until one side is routed, (maximum +1d6 if the target has no Concealment from
the attack or +0d6 if the attack is point blank).
wounded or KIA. The fight between the two soldiers
is known as a melee combat. If a soldier moves into +1d6 if the target’s Concealment is Hard Cover.
an existing melee combat with multiple enemies,
he breaks off a single enemy to form a new melee 2.4.1 Point Blank
combat. If a soldier moves into a melee combat with a If an attacker is within 6” of a target, the
single enemy, he fights alongside any friendly soldiers target is not considered to have concealment from
against the lone opponent. the attacker and doesn’t add his Take Cover dice to
While locked in Melee, a soldier cannot defense rolls against ranged attacks by the attacker.
attempt any actions, doesn’t activate with his group
and is considered to have a Take Cover level of zero. 2.4.2 The Kill Zone
Any ranged attack directed against a melee combat If an attacker is within 12” of his infantry
affects all combatants (each makes a separate defense target, every 6 rolled in his attack roll “explodes”,
roll against the initial attack roll). allowing him to throw another 1d6 into the attack roll.
2.4.2 Concealment and Cover The second value is Damage (or Dmg), which
A target has concealment against an attack appears as a modifier (such as x3). This is a measure
if a line drawn from the attacker to the target passes of armour penetration, and only applies when the
through terrain or obstacles that obscures at least weapon is firing at hard targets like vehicles.
one third of the targeted model. To check if there is The final statistic is Malfunction (or Malf).
concealment, it may be necessary to go down to eye After every single attack with a ranged weapon, the
level and look from one point to the other. attacker must roll one die. If the result is equal to or
Concealment gives the defender full benefit higher than the Malf rating, then the weapon has run
from multiple levels of Take Cover and comes in out of ammo, jammed or generally failed and cannot
two types. The first type of concealment is called be used again until it is reloaded with Reload actions.
Soft Cover, which is concealment that could not Malf can be modified when taking automatic attacks,
stop a bullet. This includes tall grasses, shrubs and meaning even weapons with Malf higher than 6+ can
hedgerows, and gives no further benefit than being fail this roll.
concealment. The second type is Hard Cover, which is Additionally, most weapons have one or more
concealment that could stop a bullet (including stone special rules. An example of a complete weapon is
walls, vehicles, sandbags and rubble). In addition to given below:
the normal benefits of concealment, Hard Cover gives Weapon Rng Dmg Malf Special
the defender an additional +1d6 to all defense rolls. M4 Assault Rifle 40” x3 7+ Auto 3
Point of Origin
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