Daihatsu DK 20 Injection Timing Measurement
Daihatsu DK 20 Injection Timing Measurement
Daihatsu DK 20 Injection Timing Measurement
Locate your copy of the Shop Trial Data Record and read the original setting during
factory adjustment.
Depending on the engine model and speed, beginning of injection may vary from 10-15
degrees BTCD.
Remove the camshaft inspection doors and open cylinder vent valves.
Select any cylinder number but it is best to follow the firing order mentioned in the
Shop Trial Data above.
You need 2 people to do this.
Rotate the engine by hand and observe the tappet slit as it moves. When cylinder is NOT
firing tappet slit should be aligned with the base circle line (lower line).
Note that on some manuals there is a typing error about the base line.
Keep rotating engine at a slow steady rate and once tappet slit reaches the upper line
(start of injection) stop and go to the flywheel.
Read off the angle off the flywheel.
In this example the reading is 10 degrees BTDC.
Note: Beware of errors due to backlash. Always rotate the engine in the operating
direction. If you go past the start of injection, turn the engine in reverse for more than
5-10 degrees and confirm once again the start of injection.
Repeat the same for the next cylinder in the firing order.
Locate all the tools (hydraulic hand pump, high pressure hose and quick coupling).
Turn the engine until you see the threaded hole on the cam.
This is where you will fit the quick coupling. It may be necessary to apply some nylon
tape around the threads for sealing leaks.
Install the high pressure hose and connect to the hand pump.
In order to adjust the FO cam, roller must be running on the base circle, otherwise you
will not be able to rotate the cam.
Determine mow much you need to adjust the rotation of the cam and in which direction.
It is recommended to paint tally marks on the cam and shaft to make adjustment easier.
Turn the engine to place the tappet roller on the base circle.
You need 2 people for the adjustment, one operates the hand pump and one reads the
cam and makes the adjustment.
Start pumping and well before reaching the specified pressure the cam will start to leak
oil from everywhere. Keep pumping and even increase the rate. The more you pump the
more it will leak.
Keep the special tool ready in position and test if you can rotate the cam by hand. If not
increase the rate of pumping. You may use a small rubber hammer to tap the adjusting
handle but never apply too much force. Light tapping should be enough.
Turn cam to adjust.
Release the pressure and remove the high pressure hose.
Check the injection timing as mentioned earlier in 1. above.
If necessary you may have to readjust if deviation from set value is too much. For
beginner 1 degree deviation is OK. For experienced 0.5 degree deviation is OK.
Normally shims should not be added NOR removed when adjusting the injection timing.
The purpose of the shim is to align the base circle line with the tappet slit. If the roller
is running on the base circle and the lower line “assembling position line” does not
match with the tappet slit, you will need to add or remove the shims under the pump
body until these lines match.